Wooden house 2 floors. We carry out the construction of wooden two-story houses according to standard designs and can design a cottage according to your individual requirements

If you decide to build a two-story residential building made of wood, then at each stage you may have questions, the answers to which you can find in our article. In order for the future home to please its owners with comfort, coziness and reliability, it is necessary to take into account many nuances, starting with the design of the house and ending with the choice of materials. In our article we will describe the advantages of wooden two-story houses so that you have no doubt about the correctness of your choice, and we will also give recommendations on planning, selection of materials and construction.

Advantages of building a two-story house

If we compare one-story houses and two-story buildings, the advantage of the latter is obvious - you get more living space, while the building itself occupies less area of ​​the site. As a rule, two-story houses are the best housing option for the average family of 4-5 people.

Two-story residential buildings have the following advantages:

  • Due to the absence of the need to make an extended foundation, such houses are built much faster. In addition, the costs of arranging a long foundation are reduced. If you consider that these expenses amount to about 30% of the cost of the house, then the savings are impressive.
  • Such a house is ideal for a small plot, because it does not take up as much space as a one-story building with the same living area. Despite the compactness of the building, you will get a full-fledged living space.
  • In a two-story house, it is much easier to separate the recreation area (bedrooms and children's rooms) from the guest area by placing recreation rooms on the second floor. If desired, you can zone the space by making a separate entrance to the house for each zone. Thanks to a well-thought-out layout, two families can live in such a house without interfering with each other at all.
  • In case of design two-story house The field for the imagination of the architect and designer is significantly expanding. It is two-story houses that most often look like beautiful, proportional and cozy buildings. And confirmation of this is numerous photos of such houses. Even with skillful design, one-story buildings seem squat and disproportionate.


When calculating the cost of construction, you should remember that the design of a two-story house is slightly different from a one-story building, so you need to consider the following points:

  1. You will have to spend a lot more money on the installation of utilities (water supply, sewerage and heating systems), because the system will be more branched and complex. In addition to arranging the risers, you will need to install circulation equipment that will allow coolants to circulate effectively between the two floors.
  2. The significant height of the house will require you to install scaffolding to carry out construction and facade finishing work. It is also worth taking care of the lifting methods building materials to such a height. You may have to rent lifting construction equipment.
  3. If your family includes elderly people, small children or people with disabilities, it is worth considering that it may be difficult for them to move up the steep stairs in the house. In this case, on the ground floor it is worth providing all the necessary premises for these family members.

Benefits of using wood to build a house

Wooden houses have been popular at all times. To this day, many site owners who decide to build their home choose this universal material. And this is not surprising, because wood has many advantages:

  • Walls wooden house provide natural ventilation premises, which contributes to the creation of a favorable microclimate inside the house. The special structure of wood allows oxygen to circulate, thus maintaining optimal humidity in the house. Thanks to this, the premises do not require a complex ventilation system. Phytoncides contained in wood give the air healing qualities.
  • Ecological cleanliness. Wood is a completely harmless, environmentally friendly material that does not emit harmful substances throughout its entire service life. In addition, wood is considered a hypoallergenic material, therefore suitable for children and people suffering from various allergies.
  • Wood walls perfectly regulate the air temperature in the room, effectively retaining heat in winter and maintaining beneficial coolness in the summer heat.
  • Wood has high thermal insulation characteristics, so your home heating costs will be insignificant. At the same time, the heat in the room is distributed evenly, so the problem of cold floors will not bother you.
  • If you follow construction technology and wood processing rules, a wooden house can last you up to 100 years.
  • An equally important advantage of wood is its aesthetic appeal. This eliminates the need to use exterior finishing for houses made of rounded logs, glued and profiled timber. In the latter case, smooth inner side timber will give an excellent surface to the walls indoors, which will save you from the need to finish them with other material.
  • Both budget private houses and luxury expensive buildings are made from wood. At the same time, the possibilities for an architect and designer when working with this material are simply unlimited.
  • Because wood is enough lightweight material, when building the foundation, you can get by with a shallow, lightweight version.

Important: the only disadvantages of wood are its susceptibility to negative weather influences and increased flammability. However, the use of modern compounds for treating wood (antiseptics and fire retardants) will help protect the material from rot, mold, rodents and increase its fire safety.

Subtleties of design

If you have chosen a two-story wooden house, then you should adhere to the following recommendations when choosing the layout, dimensions and configuration of the building:

  1. The optimal size of a two-story building for non- big family– 7x8 or 8x8 m. These dimensions will allow you to leave on summer cottage There is enough space for planting a garden, vegetable garden and organizing a recreation area. Thanks to these dimensions of the house, it will be possible to rationally arrange the rooms and equip a full staircase.
  2. If you need a small country house, then the dimensions of the building can be reduced, but then functionality and zoning will suffer, since the living room will turn out to be a walk-through, and a full-fledged staircase will take up too much usable space.
  3. For a family of 4-5 people, a house with a total area of ​​110-130 m² will be sufficient. If you add a garage to this area, it can increase to 200 square meters. A home with a larger usable area will be too expensive to operate and maintain. If a family of 4-5 people lives in such a house, then some part of the premises simply will not be used.
  4. The layout of the first floor usually includes the following rooms: vestibule, hallway, living room, kitchen, small bathroom (guest), boiler room; in some houses you can find space for a laundry room. If the dimensions of the house are slightly larger, then on the ground floor, in addition to the above premises, there will be a dining room, an office and a small guest room.

Advice: if you plan to make a garage in your house, then in addition to the gate for car entry, the garage should be connected through separate doors to the hallway or hall.

  1. Since hallways are not usable space and are considered inefficient space, when planning a home it is worth arranging rooms to avoid long and narrow corridors. A square hall or hallway with doors leading to different rooms is much better than a long narrow corridor without natural light.
  2. Currently, it is very fashionable to use the principle of flowing spaces when designing, that is, try to make as few partitions and isolated rooms as possible, preferring transforming translucent partitions, bar counters and open combined spaces. For example, you can combine the kitchen and dining room or living room. If desired, the space can be divided by a folding screen or transforming partition. At the same time, we should not forget that the interior should use techniques for visually separating the kitchen and dining room (living room) zones. Thus, you can combine a hall and a living room, an office and a bedroom.

Important: by using the principle of flowing spaces, you will be able to avoid the appearance of dark, narrow corridors in your layout.

  1. A staircase in the interior of a two-story house can become a compositional accent of the layout and serve as a space divider.
  2. The second floor in a two-story house is a recreation area. There is a children's room and bedrooms here. It is also appropriate to provide a second bathroom (larger area) here. In addition, on the second floor you can make dressing rooms in the parents' bedroom and children's bedroom, as well as a small guest room.
  3. If there is a garage on the ground floor, then it is usually not worth placing living rooms above it, since an unheated garage will cause the floors in these rooms to be cold.
  4. To save a little money on the construction of a private two-story house, you can make an attic floor instead of a full second floor. It will be no less comfortable and cozy, but you will save money on wall materials. However, do not forget that in this case you need to carefully insulate the roof.

On the ground floor there is a spacious hall, kitchen, dining room and living room, that is, rooms serving all family members. The second and attic floors are intended for personal rooms - an office, bedrooms for owners and guests. The abundance of free space will allow several generations of a family to easily accommodate in one wooden two-story house. All data on the location and area of ​​the rooms are shown in the photos of the corresponding projects. Any of them can be modified according to your wishes.

Build and save with us

Prices for two-story buildings from Argust Stroy start at 1.5 million rubles (excluding foundation, roofing and finishing). At the same time, we offer convenient payment terms: no prepayment and installments with a 50% down payment. All calculations are transparent and agreed with the customer. If you want to build a spacious home while saving money, you can choose one with an attic.

Our specialist’s visit to study the soil and take measurements is free!

Two-story wooden houses today are the architectural mastery of our ancestors, dressed in modern aesthetics, naturalness and beauty, multiplied by many years of experience in technological progress. Every project developed by the company "Arkhangelsk House", is a fusion of naturalness and the latest developments in the field of wooden housing construction.

On our website you will find two-story projects wooden houses , already implemented by our company’s specialists in Moscow and the Moscow region. Nowadays, a house made of wood is not the classic “log house” that immediately comes to mind, but also buildings in various styles, even ultra-modern.

We offer houses in Moscow for affordable price, built from natural Arkhangelsk pine - timber or logs.

Advantages of two-story wooden house projects

Two floors are practical, convenient and affordable. Such a mansion can be located even on a small plot, and this will in no way affect the square footage. It is not without reason that it is believed that the design of a wooden two-story house is an ideal solution for a large family, where everyone will get their own room.

Among main advantages we highlight the following:

  • space saving land plot: on the remaining territory you can lay out a garden, a terrace, a vegetable garden, or build a bathhouse;
  • ergonomics, thanks to which it is possible to correctly distribute the area of ​​the building between all residents;
  • the second floor is often reserved for a sleeping “quiet” area, while the first floor becomes a place for general gatherings and family gatherings;
  • the foundation and roof are cheaper in price;
  • speed of construction - stone and brick buildings take much longer to build than wooden ones.

And this is without mentioning the benefits of wood - an environmentally friendly and “breathable” material. Such rooms will be cool in summer and warm in winter. The microclimate created inside such a house is completely unique and has a positive effect on the health of all those who live in it.

Projects of wooden two-story houses in Moscow

Each design consists of two stages - a sketch and an architectural and construction part. We are ready to create a manor for you based on the picture, reworking the project to suit the features of the landscape, your requirements and wishes. We work on both standard orders and individual ones designed specifically for you.

Company "Arkhangelsk House" offers services for design, construction, repair and finishing of wooden houses in the Moscow region. In our work we use only natural wood brought from the very heart of the Arkhangelsk forest, modern Decoration Materials and a responsible approach.

When a two-story wooden house is being built, many questions arise, among which the main ones are: what size should the future structure be, how long will it take, how much money will it take to realize your dream.

No less important stage is the choice of material from which the building will be constructed. Modern builders offer a variety of options: stone, brick, slabs and other products. Among them, special attention should be paid to wood. It is an ancient material from which houses have been built for thousands of years, and its benefits are still highly valued by many people.

Advantages of building a two-story house

When thinking about building a building, you need to immediately decide how many floors it will have. Most often, the choice is made in favor of two-story buildings. This is due to the fact that such wooden houses are optimal for the average family.

Among the advantages of one-story buildings are faster and simpler construction. However, it is not always taken into account that such a house takes up more space. The construction of a two-story building is appropriate if the construction site is small, but a full living area is required. Such structures are built only according to the project, since it is necessary to provide for the load of the second floor and carry out all work in accordance with established standards.

Another advantage of such a building is that the space is zoned. Floors can be made completely isolated from each other, even with separate entrances. Therefore, two families can live independently in such a house, without interfering with each other at all.

Two-story buildings are very beautiful and cozy. This is exactly what the ideal one imagines appearance most people are home when they think about construction. The one-story building looks a little squat, and not everyone likes it.

Why choose wood for building a house?

  1. Wooden houses breathe. This is due to the fact that the material has a unique structure, thanks to which oxygen constantly circulates inside and optimal air humidity is always maintained. This means that complex ventilation systems are not required.
  2. Eco-friendly option. The material does not emit any harmful substances throughout its entire service life and during harvesting. In addition, wood is the most hypoallergenic material available, so this option is good for your health.
  3. The building is always maintained at an optimal temperature. In the heat, pleasant coolness prevails, and in winter - comfortable warmth and a cozy atmosphere.
  4. For heating in wooden house will require less expense, since this material has excellent thermal insulation properties. The heat is distributed evenly, which eliminates the problem of cold floors in the house.
  5. This is one of the most durable and reliable materials for construction. With proper care and compliance with the rules, a wooden structure can be used for more than 100 years.

Wood is one of the most beautiful materials. It is used both for the construction of luxury buildings and for budget private construction. If desired, you can create beautiful masterpieces from it. That is why more and more people are choosing wooden houses - it is prestigious, convenient and very beautiful.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. One of the main ones is that the material can be damaged under the influence of precipitation. But this only happens if the operating conditions are not met and it is not treated with special protective compounds during construction.

Do you need a project to build a two-story wooden house?

It is important to decide at the initial stage what your country estate will look like. Follow the basic rules as much as possible: the house should be comfortable for all family members, the space should be used as efficiently as possible, and the materials should be environmentally friendly and durable.

Construction will be much easier, faster and more accurate if you complete a detailed design in advance. Here you can foresee how to organize the space. When the project is on paper, you will have the opportunity to see how best to arrange rooms, lay communications and even arrange furniture.

It is carried out by specialized design organizations. This will take from 1 to 4 weeks depending on the complexity. The cost of the project is also agreed upon individually. The average price will be about 50 thousand rubles.


Building wooden houses requires a serious approach and attention to detail. The main thing is to carry out the project correctly, so that during the operation of the building there is enough space for everyone, it is spacious and comfortable. Remember that making changes to a ready-made plan is difficult, so think through all the nuances at once.

When construction is completed, you will certainly appreciate all the advantages of a wooden house. It is always warm and homely.

A wooden house will be an excellent place to welcome guests and enjoy country life.

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