How to do well in school at 7. These are the tips I will give my son when he starts school.

According to statistics, out of several dozen students, there will be one or two excellent students. Often, many children and their parents wonder how best to study at school. We invite you to read the recommendations published in this article.

No one can force you to study, memorize and understand a topic if the student himself does not want it. Therefore, we will also touch on the question of how to awaken a student’s interest in science.

Why is good academic performance necessary?

As a rule, studying in primary school, children do not yet realize the importance of knowledge of science. Understanding this comes closer to graduation, starting in grades 8-9. The fact is that every student has to pass a final exam, which will play a decisive role in future education, and sometimes in their career. Therefore, it is advisable for parents to gently and politely explain why good academic performance is needed.

What to do if a lot has been missed, but you want to keep up?

Very often, before final exams, students begin to think about the difficult trials ahead. They understand how lucky those who study with straight A's are.

But it is impossible to catch up with excellent students in just a few months. Time has passed. In fact, you can ask for help from a teacher you trust, a classmate, or hire a tutor.

How to study better

What is the best way to do well in school for someone who is behind? There are simple tips for this:

  • listen to the teacher's words;
  • ask your loved ones to tell you something on a given topic;
  • read more about the science/subject yourself;
  • start over from the beginning or from where performance declined.

In this case, it will be possible to catch up with the program that is currently being studied.

How to understand a teacher

There are different types of teachers: those who can explain well and those who tell practically nothing. You need to be prepared for this. If you cannot understand the teacher from the first days, then it is advisable to study the subject on your own and consult with those who are well versed in science. In general, the student must learn to understand everything himself. In universities, training is mostly independent, without the help of teachers. Therefore, it is better to think in advance, or rather, “teach yourself.”

How to prepare for lessons at home

You should learn to value time. When you get home, it’s better to rest a little: lie down, chat with your family, or, ideally, take a walk in the fresh air.

About 1 hour will be enough. And then the difficult moment will come - how to prepare for the lesson. It is not recommended to start doing homework immediately after school if you don’t have the desire and strength. In addition, you should not waste time on computer games, the Internet, as all this can tempt you for a long time.

When you feel rested, start studying. You can, for example, sit on the sofa and read a paragraph on history or a given novel on literature. And various calculations and all written work are best done at the table.

What needs to be learned by heart is best divided into stages:

  • read before starting homework;
  • understand the meaning of the text;
  • imagine information mentally;
  • re-read again.

After 2-3 hours, you can repeat it to yourself and check the textbook. If you don’t remember anything, then repeat everything that is written in the list above.

Why, no matter how hard you try, nothing works?

But there is also the other side of the coin: they memorized (a formula in physics or a definition in social studies), but nothing is clear. In this case, you can enlist the help of the Internet. You can even find video tutorials on a particular topic.

What is the best way to study at school if you can’t study despite your best will? It is worth asking for help, for example, from classmates, so that they explain what is happening and how, how to build graphs and solve problems in physics or chemistry. Don’t be afraid to approach the teacher before or after class to ask something about the topic covered.

How to show interest in uninteresting subjects

Often children are not passionate about certain subjects. But you need to study so that your overall final grades are impeccable. An uninteresting subject can be treated differently. Let's say you don't like history because there are so many dates and events that you have to memorize.

There are schoolchildren who like to study at school because they strive to learn some topic through experience. From the same history, for example, we study the reign of Empress Catherine II. You can visit the museum or see paintings associated with the reign of this great woman.

For mathematics you don't like, you should find easier equations and practice and solve them in several ways. And then we get to the hard stuff. Making graphs is also a fun activity.

What good will come from successful studies?

Above we discussed how to study better at school. Now let’s answer the question: why should you be successful in your studies? Will it be useful in life? It is better to answer this question from a moral point of view: when a student is confident in his abilities, he does not worry about every test or independent work, and is not afraid of speaking. He is happy, he likes everything and everything comes easy to him. For ten years he has treated school not as hard labor, but as his second home. This moral attitude will help you realize your career.

Independent analysis of the material

Man is born to know more the world on one's own. If you don’t start from childhood, then adult life it will be very difficult. Therefore, let's talk about how to teach students to learn, that is, to teach themselves.

This topic will be especially relevant for those who miss school due to illness. To catch up with classmates, a sick student needs to find out what happened at school. Next, you should open the textbook and familiarize yourself with the topic. If the previous lessons have been mastered, then you should go well and new material. You shouldn’t look for excuses like: “I was sick, I don’t know anything.” Try to figure it out on your own

Should I hire a tutor?

How to improve school performance in more convenient and time-efficient ways?

If studying is not going well at all, then it is better to resort to the services of a tutor. He will help in as soon as possible deal with any material. But the responsibility still lies with the student: the material must be memorized and the essence of what is being studied must be understood. Only in this case will the tutor have guarantees that the student will become a good or excellent student.

The Internet will come to the rescue

How are children doing at school these days? In past decades and even centuries it was difficult to obtain required material. On this moment any book and even an abstract can be found on the Internet.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that academic performance depends entirely on the student himself.

There are several simple rules, by performing which any student can significantly increase the efficiency of his studies and at the same time allocate a sufficient amount of time for rest. So, first of all, you need to get a good night's sleep - sitting at your desk in a state of drowsiness has the most negative impact on the learning process. In addition, many teachers have an extremely negative attitude towards students who “nod off” in class. But at the same time, you should not try to answer all the questions that the teacher asks: you need to choose one or two questions that will be relatively easy, but will give you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and thereby appear in the eyes of the teacher as a diligent and knowledgeable student. If there is an opportunity to make a presentation, it’s better not to miss it, especially since you can find information on the Internet in just one. And try not to spoil your relationship with teachers: a teacher who treats a student well will not be overly critical of possible inaccuracies in his answer or blots in test work. But you shouldn’t ingratiate yourself too much with your teachers; neither the teacher nor your classmates will like it.

Every student who wants to study well in school must do homework - and it is better to complete written assignments independently, without getting carried away with cheating. And if you are too lazy to complete oral assignments, you just need to listen very carefully to the teacher in class when he explains new material. This will make it possible not to waste extra time reading sections of the textbook. Cheat sheets are a useful invention, but they also need to be used correctly. If you use a cheat sheet correctly, especially one written in your own hand, the material will be better absorbed. However, try not to use cheat sheets too obviously - be more confident and rely on yourself.

Video on the topic


  • How to do well at school in 2019
  • how to study better in 2019

Many parents and teachers believe that a child can be forced to study. Some even have a motto: “Even if it’s under pressure, he’ll be an excellent student.” But in reality, you can only interest a child.


"Chocolate for a fiver"
This is the most common method among parents who believe that everything can be resolved through contractual relations. If a child is disciplined enough, smart enough, and wants a new bike or computer at the end of the quarter, he will bend over backwards to get straight A's. Perhaps it will be a statistical success, but not a practical one. After all, a student can sincerely hate this whole wave of meaningless information.

"Nanny, bonna, tutor"
The child does not study well also because he simply does not have enough attention from the teacher. Once he started the material and now he is embarrassed or lazy to come up and ask the teacher about the topic from two weeks ago. If the teacher does not enjoy authority, then the problem is aggravated by a hidden conflict: “I don’t like mathematics because I don’t like the teacher.” For this purpose, there are tutors with extensive experience and charisma. An interesting teacher is a 100% guarantee of interest in the subject. And it is not surprising that many chemists remember with nostalgia the cheerful and spontaneous teacher who led them in a round dance - the “molecular lattice”. Or the Trudovik who sang war songs and taught how to make stools.

"Schedule and daily routine."
The child may not have the habit of working systematically. He has no schedule, no clear daily routine. And this also happens because his parents are spontaneous and disorganized people. Therefore, it is better to create a schedule for the whole family. And allocate a separate one for the child. It is important to take into account his opinion, but not to follow his lead.

Worth organizing workplace child. Order a comfortable chair, table, whether the light falls correctly, whether your back hurts from work, whether there are distracting posters and stickers in front of your eyes. You can invite your child to go to and buy interesting and bright stationery that he will want to use; choose baskets and containers for notebooks, drawings, pens. The place to study should be comfortable and even attractive.

"Reinforce interest."
You don’t want to study when the teacher pushes a large amount of information without giving you the opportunity to relax and absorb the information. Rejection in this case is a natural reaction. And the parent, if it is not possible to hire, must himself figure out the subject that seems boring to the child. And then structure the material, help with memorization: make cards, study together, arrange quizzes. It is also good to expand the study space to new books, toys, films, paintings. For example, go to a museum, look at the “boring” historical era. Or buy collections of fun logic games, look in libraries for Soviet editions of “Entertaining Arithmetic”, “Entertaining”, “Entertaining Russian”.

Video on the topic


Excessive pressure about studying is dangerous. The chronicles of criminal incidents are replete with stories when a child ceases to feel needed and loved. In addition, poor academic performance can be caused not by banal laziness, but by neurological abnormalities. They may be within normal limits, but still affect overall physical well-being. And experienced teachers say that the seventh and eighth grades are always “failing” in terms of academic performance, because at this time the period of puberty begins. And you need to approach this tactfully and with understanding.

Helpful advice

Children often unconsciously copy their children. And adults extinguish their confusion with feigned severity. All you need to do is help the child and offer a soft, conflict-free solution to this problem.


  • This article shows how to teach a child to learn

The learning process can sometimes seem very boring. If there is no motivation, something needs to be done about it. But first, it’s worth understanding whether there is any point in wasting time on studying.


Make a list of 20 people who achieved success without having a good education or doing anything. Such people certainly exist. These could be people in working professions who have received recognition for their work, or athletes who have achieved success in the field of workload. Or maybe people who have accomplished great feats. Find such information, ask people, read newspapers and books. Just make sure that these people were not actually engaged in obtaining knowledge.

Make a plan for your development. You can learn a lot in life. But not all the knowledge you actually need. On the other hand, it is very stupid to lose good opportunities just because you cannot speak a foreign language or write in your native language with errors. It’s stupid to limit your prospects just because there are a lot of C grades on your certificate. Everything can be fixed, but you need to have a good plan.

To enroll your child in school, submit an application addressed to the director. Attach to it the child’s medical record and a list of vaccinations (if you are against vaccinations or did not do them for medical reasons, attach a refusal or challenge), the passport of the parent or legal representative and a copy of the child’s birth certificate. Bring not only copies, but also original documents for verification. Some schools also ask you to bring a photo and a certificate of family composition. Get a list of what you need, a list of textbooks, and clarify the question on the form. Buy everything you need over the summer.

Video on the topic


It is illegal to demand money from parents to enroll their child in school. Fundraising for school needs can only be discussed at a parent meeting and is formalized as a voluntary donation. No one can force you to deposit money.

Excellent and diligent study is a laudable goal to which all students should strive. But desire alone is not enough for this. There are several steps you need to take to help you achieve what you want.

Make an action plan. Make sure your main goal is to study only for excellent (or good) grades. Add a deadline by which you plan to achieve a goal, such as improving your grades in a month or the entire school year. List the tasks that will need to be completed systematically. For example, improve your math skills, pay off an old debt, etc. Move from simple tasks to more complex ones.

Highlight those academic disciplines that are most difficult for you and require increased attention. Usually they are the source of bad grades. Decide how you will improve your performance on them. For example, you can sign up for additional courses after your main classes or ask more advanced students to study with you. Also today you can easily turn to the help of tutors.

Try not to miss school days and attend all classes. Listen carefully to the teachers and write down everything you need to know in your notebook. Learn to take notes, writing everything down in a concise and more understandable form, so that in the future you can quickly repeat the material and effectively apply it in practice.

Do your homework and turn it in on time. Also be active in class, don’t be afraid to answer and speak in public. Teachers will definitely note your diligence and will treat you as a student worthy of receiving only good and excellent grades.

Learn to be disciplined. Reduce at least the time of walking and meeting with friends, watching TV and vigil in front of the computer. All this can distract you from your studies and prevent you from submitting your homework on time and learning the necessary material. Gradually, if you learn to do everything you need to do quickly and correctly, you will be able to allow yourself to rest a little more. Do not put things off until the evening or the next day, do everything at once, applying the knowledge you have recently acquired. Take vitamins to avoid feeling overworked.

Try to be more attentive and learn to analyze the situation. It is not necessary to decide, or according to established patterns, or recite memorized texts. Use your intelligence, look for new ways to solve problems, be prepared to speak spontaneously, etc. All this will help you reach heights in learning without any problems.

Self-education is, first of all, like advanced training courses, only it occurs without the help of teachers. And in the process of self-education, a person can express himself creatively, think outside the box, and improve his skills. But it is very important to properly organize self-study so that this activity does not turn out to be in vain and meaningless.

Buy a comfortable office

Buy really comfortable pens and pencils, organize your desk so that you can easily find the necessary item at any time. Buy notebooks and notebooks that set you up for studying and are comfortable to write in.

Take breaks

During breaks, you need to switch to another type of activity, for example, physical exercise or cooking. You can also listen to classical music while relaxing. It has been scientifically proven that classical music helps us concentrate on tasks and motivates us to be productive.

Take additional courses

This will help you develop the necessary skills faster and will also contribute to your personal development. Moreover, the courses should attract you to curriculum, otherwise they will be of no use.

Go towards your goal every day

It has been proven that small advances ultimately lead to big victories, so you don’t need to try to take everything at once, it’s enough to make an effort every day and achieve even small results in the area that you plan to pursue in the future. At the same time, experience only positive emotions, visualize your achievements.

Develop in different directions

Don't concentrate on one thing, be a versatile person. This will make you an interesting person and a pleasant conversationalist, and will also contribute to the ability to find the right partners and recommend yourself from the best sides. Attend master classes, learn new things, take risks. This is just a plus for your portfolio.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Life is designed in such a way that you will always make mistakes. Therefore, prepare yourself for the fact that mistakes are experience. Besides, "there can't be a rainbow without rain", so don't pay too much attention great attention your mistakes and failures, better focus on your goals and keep moving forward.

Quite a lot of schoolchildren are concerned about how to do well at school. Some are pressured by their parents, some by their teachers, others think about it themselves, realizing that they will soon need to enroll. It's never too late to start learning, start improving your performance right now.

  • Find purpose and meaning in studying well. First, you need to decide why you need to study better. This is especially true for those who are forced to study by adults. You need a goal that will be important specifically for you: to go where you want, but where there is a lot of competition; become the best in class, attract someone's attention; receive praise and approval from parents; make your teachers respect you, etc. Awareness of this goal should already suggest how to force yourself to study.
  • Write down specific tasks - what needs to be done to study better. Divide this global goal into small ones: “do 4 homework in mathematics, write a literature test for 5, learn to calculate integral equations” and so on. The smaller and more specific the task, the easier it is to complete it and the easier it is for you to understand how best to study at school and what to do for it.
  • Go to all classes - at school they treat truancy very strictly. But even if you miss classes for a good reason, ask your classmates what happened in class; Ask your teacher what you can read on this topic and go through the missed material yourself.
  • Don’t be distracted during lessons - when you are distracted, you miss important material and comments on it. You can be distracted by a friend who sits next to you and always strives to quickly tell you the latest joke; on a phone with games, SMS, ICQ, or free Internet access; player; console and much more. Knowing what things distract you, it is better not to take them with you to school, not to bother them in class, and to sit away from your friend, if possible explaining what you are doing and why. If there is nothing interesting around you, nothing that can distract you, perhaps the lesson itself will become interesting to you.
  • Another way to study well at school is to listen carefully to the teacher - listen not only to the rules and tasks, but also to what he says about them. Often students' attention is focused only at the words "test", "homework" or "grade for the quarter", but the teacher usually has a good understanding of his material, he may mention a way in which the problem can be solved more easily or talk about small details of the author's life. Such little things may go unnoticed, or they may be remembered and useful to you in the exam.
  • Ask questions - not all teachers like questions; some may react sharply to a request to repeat or explain again. If something is not clear to you, try to soften the question, make it clarifying, ask about something specific. If something is unclear, not only the teacher can help you, you can ask your classmates for help; a classmate who understands the topic can sometimes tell it to you better than the teacher, because he will explain it in your language, and not in terms from a textbook.
  • Complete the tasks - do not copy them from others or from solution books, solve them yourself. Homework is given for a reason, their task is to consolidate your knowledge, so it is best if you complete the task on the very day when it is assigned. Firstly, it will be easier, because you have just covered the material, and you remember it well, and you know how to solve things. Secondly, you will actually be able to consolidate new material in your memory, and not painfully remember and learn to do everything again later. Thirdly, by repeating, you develop skills, “get your hands on”, the more problems of a certain type you solve, the easier it will be to solve such problems after some time.
  • Structure your time - if during the day after school you need to go to the sports section, language courses, do homework and meet with friends, do homework first. The number of things that still need to be done will spur you on, and you will work faster. Knowing how much you have to do, you won’t be so lazy anymore.

These tips will help you do better in school only if you want it yourself. Good luck!

School is an important part of your life. It helps you decide what you want to do in the future, so knowing how to study well will put you in a better position to life results. There are many ways to seriously improve school performance. It doesn’t matter whether you are an underperforming student or an almost perfect student, or maybe you just want to work better and switch from average to excellent grades. This simple guide will be useful for everyone.


Getting ready correctly

    Always keep everything you need at hand. You don't want to find yourself unprepared to take an important note or write a test just because you forgot your pencil, pen or eraser? After all, this way you can waste time and miss important information.

    Take breaks from time to time. Instead of multitasking, set aside a specific amount of time for a portion of your homework. Once completed, rest for 20 to 30 minutes to avoid mental fatigue. At the end of the break, return to the tasks and complete them to the end.

    Start major work as early as possible. If you have two weeks for an essay, start it right away instead of leaving it until the last three days. This will give you time to plan, research, and clarify any questions that arise along the way. In addition, you will be able to avoid the stress that comes with working in a hurry. You will have enough time to complete the project with the highest quality possible, which means getting a high grade.

    Take a practice test before the exam to improve your understanding of the study material. But be careful: instead of a dozen tests, it’s better to take one or two, combining them with other forms of training - such preparation is much more effective.

    During the holidays, it is worth spending time studying. If at the end of your vacation you have a test, and you haven’t opened your books all this time, your brain will seem to “turn off” and you will forget a significant part of the material you learned during the previous period. In this case, the test will most likely be written poorly.

    • Take a book with a corresponding program for each new subject - for example, chemistry. Read or review it carefully - illustrations, tables, definitions. Learn, for example, the designations of chemical elements (C - carbon, H - hydrogen, Zn - zinc, Au - gold, Ag - silver). Read summaries at the end of chapters.
    • Think of the holidays as a weekend: you can relax and have fun, but you should also study at least three times a week so you don't forget what you've learned.
    • Ask your parents or friends to sit with you and review material that is difficult for you, or just something you need to remember or memorize.

Group classes

Problems and their solutions

  1. If you don't understand something, ask for it to be explained. A request for help is the only way to understand the issue if you yourself do not fully understand what to do. Pretending that everything is clear to you is only postponing the problem, and your grades will most likely deteriorate.

    Learn from mistakes. Don't view them as personal shortcomings: failures help improve your approach. In class, pay attention when something is corrected. Prepare your work cleanly and neatly - this will help avoid mistakes in the future. You will learn a lot more if you use your mistakes as the key to new knowledge and better results.

    Meet with your teacher outside of class. If during the lesson you do not understand the topic, approach the teacher afterwards: this way you will be able to better understand the material. Additionally, your relationship with your teacher will improve.

    Ask for help. Reading tutorials can help you with difficult subjects. Alternatively, you can ask the teacher for an extra lesson, ask a friend to help with homework, or ask your parents to hire a tutor.

    • Never be afraid to ask a tutor for help. He can help with any subject, and you shouldn't feel ashamed or stupid for needing help.
  2. Be persistent! If you invest in the beginning of a business, don’t let it drift in the future. Do homework, write essays and complete any school projects. Reward yourself for good results.

Tests and exams

  • Use the Internet as a work tool, not entertainment. Disable all games, videos, social media so that there is no temptation to get distracted.
  • Don't think about those classmates who don't do their homework - they are not your concern. If you concentrate on your work, the good result will be for you, not for them.
  • Read different genres. This way you will learn to understand texts different styles, and this will get interesting.
  • During each lesson, sit so that you can see the board and all visual aids. Don't sit awkwardly - it's better to see everything.
  • Read more to increase your reading speed and comprehension. If you're having trouble reading productively, find a tutor - an older student, a teacher, or just someone who doesn't mind listening to you read.
  • It's cool to be smart! Don't worry and think that being smart is weird. Smart people are those who want to succeed in life. If someone gets under your skin because you're smart, tell them something like, "Well, when I succeed, you'll be catching up!"
  • Involve your parents: ask them to check your work - perhaps you or the teacher graded the work incorrectly.
  • Double check your answers.
  • Don't forget about rest.
  • Be attentive in class and listen carefully to the teacher's words.


  • Use teaching aids. They can be found online and printed.
  • If you're having a hard time, don't worry. Think about what makes you happy - and everything will be fine. Remember that you are not the only one who has a hard time.
  • Don't worry and take tests or assessments calmly. It's normal to be nervous, as long as it doesn't stop you from showing off your abilities.
  • Don't try to copy. Otherwise you will jeopardize your grades.
  • Don't waste your time. Otherwise, as a result, you will get additional stress and deterioration in the quality of work.
  • Remember that friends should be real and always ready to help. Talking to friends can help improve areas in which you lack knowledge.
  • It's good to take a break and relax - but after work, not before! Putting off your homework could cost you three hours of sleep, and your grades could suffer if you don't turn in your work on time. Often these are not the only disadvantages: parents can punish you for bad grades, and the teacher can punish you for unfinished work.

For me, as for many other people, I studied at the university with the firm conviction thatthat grades are everything.

Teachers and parents insisted that high academic performance will open all the doors of this world for you. A high score is the key to a successful life.

And I blindly believed their words...

I remember a time when I worked myself into a half-dead state with my studies, just to get a high score in an exam.

And it seemed to me that all this made sense, but now ... I would not want my child to study as hard as his father once did.

This sounds strange, but now I will explain my position.

1. No one has ever asked me about my grades.

No employer has ever been interested in my grades at university!

I didn’t see the column “academic performance” in any resume, but in all of them, without exception, there was a mandatory item – “work experience.”

Even more surprising is the fact that my computer skills and athletic achievements give me more “weight” when applying for a new job than an A in my grade book.

2. I forgot everything I learned at university

My memory is exceptional; I forgot all the material immediately after passing the exam. When I first came to practice, I realized that in all my years at university, I had never learned anything.

And although my grades said otherwise, my head was a complete mess, scraps of knowledge that I did not know how and where to apply.

As it turned out, 5 years of studying at the university with excellent marks did not give me any advantages over other “less” educated people.

Ultimately, in just the first 2 months of practice, I “picked up” more useful knowledge and acquired more professional skills than in the entire previous 5 years of chasing good grades.

So was it worth the effort all these years?

3. Getting good grades was bad for my health.

If someone can grasp everything on the fly, then I am not one of these people. In order to “put” knowledge into my head, I had to “cram” the material by heart. Before the session, I studied 12-15 hours a day. I remember how I “passed out” during classes and public transport, because I was very sleep deprived.

Due to chronic fatigue, my productivity dropped, knowledge did not get into my head, my hands “were not able to work”, the day passed in a fog.

Today I am surprised at my tenacity, perseverance and perseverance - through force, forcing myself to do what makes you sick. And for some reason I am sure that I could not repeat this “feat” again.

4. I didn't have time for other people.

At university I had a lot of opportunities to develop a network of useful contacts. But I didn't.

Studying and thinking about studying took up almost all of my time; I didn’t even have enough time for personal affairs and meeting with friends.

Perhaps the most valuable opportunity that the university offers is the network of acquaintances.

University is a springboard for new relationships and a test of your ability to make new acquaintances and maintain relationships.

I noticed the following interesting fact, those people who were the “life of the party” during their studies have now arranged their lives well. Among them there is even the head of the MREO, and he is only 30. And he, in fact, rarely went to class...

If I had another chance, I would prefer to focus less on studying and spend more time on student movements, events, and parties. And without any regret, I would exchange the “honor diploma” for the title of “the most sociable person.”

5. Everything that brings me money today, I learned outside of university.

Effective learning is only possible when there is interest. Modern education this very interest kills, filling your head with all sorts of theoretical facts that will never find their application in real life.

Sometimes, watching programs on the Discovery Channel, I learn more about this world in an hour than in 15 years of study.

This is how I learned English in just 1.5 years, when I developed an interest in it. Although, I “tried” to teach it for 8 years at school and another 5 years at the university.

I learned to express my thoughts on paper not in Russian language lessons, but by publishing articles on my blog and portals like the website

Here are the tips I will give my son when he starts school:

  1. The difference between 4 and 5 is so blurry that it is unlikely to seriously affect the quality of your life. But in order to study at 5, you should invest much more of your time and effort. Is the game worth the candle?
  2. It's your skills that pay your bills, not your grades on a piece of paper. Collect experience, not marks. The more experience you have in different areas, the more you are worth.
  3. A diploma with honors will not give you tangible advantages, which cannot be said about influential acquaintances. Pay more attention to new acquaintances and communication with other people, they are the ones who can open all the doors of the world for you, but not your diploma.
  4. Do what makes sense to you, not what others expect of you. Only through interest will all your great achievements become possible.

This article cannot be completed without your participation.

I raised a very serious topic and I am sure there will be people who will support me and those who will not agree with my point of view.

Therefore, let's discuss in the comments what advice we should give our children about modern education.