Year of the Monkey: year of birth. Monkey

Year of the Monkey (...1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 ...)

Structural characteristics. The ninth year of the Chinese lunar calendar. Corresponds to the fire element and the beginning of yang, as well as the mutable cross of the Zodiac. Symbolizes social knowledge, as well as spiritual leadership and authority.

Planetary and zodiacal correspondences; characteristics of a person born in the year of the Monkey. The Monkey is the Sagittarius of Western astrology with a strong Mercury, that is, a dialectical combination of two opposite signs (Sagittarius under the rule of Jupiter and Gemini, ruled, as we know, by Mercury).

The main qualities of people born in the year of the Monkey are a thirst for knowledge of the world, powerful intellect, diverse interests, as well as cunning and resourcefulness.

Male monkeys are dexterous, agile in almost all matters, and extremely curious. They are distinguished by a stormy temperament, hot temper, and impatience.

Such people know how to make decisions and translate them into reality. They are excellent interlocutors, diplomats and organizers of various affairs and projects. Unfortunately, even minor obstacles can lead them astray from their chosen path, ruin their mood, and make them doubt their capabilities.

It should be noted that good manners and noble upbringing are rare for Monkeys. They tend to be rude, unpolite, and aggressive in their interactions. No matter how the fate of a person of this sign turns out, he will carry through his entire life a subtle sense of humor and the ability to laugh at himself.

Women of the Monkey sign do not tolerate stagnation in their affairs and relationships, stagnation in society and boredom. They are superficial, constantly require fresh information and strong impressions from the world around them, they are easily carried away, but just as quickly a cooling of their former passion occurs. Such women are amorous and are constantly looking for adventures and adventures.

At best, they are distinguished by ingenuity and common sense.

Event background of the Year of the Monkey. This year there are many scams and deceptions both at the state and at the personal level. In order to succeed in the Year of the Monkey, a person needs to show enterprise, cunning and aggressive drive. Behind-the-scenes intrigues will be completely useless, since this year patronizes those who act openly and decisively. This is a good year for a variety of adventures, long-distance travel, completion of education, and a change of image (of an individual or an organization).

Personalities. Leonardo da Vinci (1452), René Descartes (1596), Benedict Spinoza (1632), Arthur Schopenhauer (1788), George Byron (1788), Alexander Herzen (1812), Anton Bruckner (1824), Anton Chekhov (1860), Gustav Mahler (1860), Bertrand Russell (1872), Leon Feuchtwanger (1884), Wilhelm Furtwängler (1884), Amedeo Modigliani (1884), Georgy Zhukov (1896), Salvador Allende (1908), Jacques Chirac (1932), Gennady Zyuganov ( 1944), Askar Akayev (1944), Ilya Lagutenko (1968).

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of Monkey: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

The monkey is distinguished by cunning and optimism. People born in the year of the Monkey have an original mindset, and they are often able to give practical advice, although they themselves do not seek help. The Monkey is characterized by a sense of humor, erudition and careerism. Often becomes a celebrity.

General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Monkey

In the year of the Monkey, the most enterprising and resourceful people are born. They will be accompanied by both the joy of creativity and bitter disappointment.

And to avoid the latter, the Japanese say, you need to rise from your ashes, like a Phoenix bird, but at the same time scatter all your shortcomings and bad habits to the wind.

In the East, the Monkey symbolizes efficiency and intelligence, insight and cunning. She is considered the most capable sign eastern horoscope, better adapted to the world than anyone else.

People born in the year of the Monkey are extremely inquisitive, they are interested in literally everything, and they monitor the surrounding reality very carefully. Nothing leaves them indifferent, everything attracts attention. They always have a lot of different hobbies; they are attracted by variety and novelty. This results in their lack of composure and lack of perseverance, inability to concentrate on one thing.

The monkey adapts to new conditions with amazing ease, and does not tolerate monotony and stereotypes. The Monkey begins to show its independence from the people around it already in childhood. Child - Monkey is perhaps the most obedient child who is always busy with his own business and does not bother his parents. But in adolescence problems begin. These are the people who are difficult to “put a rein on” - they prefer personal freedom and individualism to the recognition of the environment. In essence, people born in the year of the Monkey never grow up. All their lives they amaze those around them with their amazing combination: the disarming naivety of a child and the wisdom of an old man rich in life experience.

In their careers, Monkeys usually achieve great success. But in love, not everything is so simple for them. They are more likely than other representatives of the eastern horoscope to be lonely. But if they do get married, they fulfill their marital duties in the most conscientious manner. They love children very much and see their upbringing as a source of great joy.

The Monkey has the most eccentric character of all the signs. The Monkey often acts as the queen of feasts and parties. She always has plenty in stock interesting stories, which those around listen with bated breath. She is sociable and gives the impression that she gets along with all people. But this is a misleading impression. The monkey is selfish and vain. She has a great sense of humor, and she is often not averse to making fun of her friends and acquaintances, as well as herself. True, the Monkey's humor often acts as a formidable weapon. Her caustic sarcasm can be merciless and, knowing this, those around her treat her with great caution.

Being a very good diplomat, the Monkey can always get out of the most difficult situations. The monkey is independent and it is simply impossible to impose or suggest anything to it. She has her own version for everything and a way to solve this or that problem. A monkey can commit dishonest acts if it is confident that it will not be punished.

People born in the year of the Monkey are distinguished by their cunning and optimism. They often find themselves in unusual situations and easily find a way out of them. The Monkey rarely asks for help, although he himself easily gives practical advice, thanks to his extraordinary thinking. The monkey is affable and friendly, and knows how to please other people. If he sets his mind, he can easily become a celebrity. Strives to obtain benefits and uses all his abilities and talents for this. She is characterized by a sense of humor, erudition and careerism.

We can say that for the Monkey, all life is big and interesting game, in which she knows the rules very well and is used to winning. The monkey is dexterous, smart, fast, and plays only by its own rules. From the outside it may look frivolous, however, behind the harmless appearance hides observation and a sharp, resourceful mind.

Few people can boast that they know the true goals and intentions of the Monkey. At first glance, the Monkey seems superficial and simple-minded. But in reality this is far from the case. Even being in the thick of the crowd, at the very epicenter of events, the Monkey is always on its own, taking the position of an observer. Her sharp mind grasps everything on the fly and remembers any information that might someday be useful to her. The Monkey knows how to deftly use the information received at the right moment, using it to his advantage. But, often, the Monkey uses his knowledge only to control the situation and feel safe. People born in the year of the Monkey are used to feeling like they are in charge, but even when this is not the case, nothing can make the energetic Monkey give up. She is inventive and able to quickly find a way out even in the most seemingly hopeless situation.

The Year of the Monkey corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal Monkey: 1980s

People born in the year of the Metal Monkey have a very strong will. They are used to achieving their goals and are very purposeful. They prefer to work alone rather than in a team. The Metal Monkey is vain, wise and self-confident. In addition, she is not afraid of any work, neither dirty nor hard, and is considered an expert in financial matters. Knows how to manage his savings profitably. Despite his independence and some isolation from society, the Metal Monkey loves parties and public events.

Water Monkey: 1932, 1992

People born in the year of the Water Monkey are very disciplined and are used to working to achieve their goals. They do not get distracted by trifles and are completely focused on the main thing. The Water Monkey is very sensitive to criticism, but understands human weaknesses, treats them condescendingly and always maintains good relationships with people. She’s not used to sharing her plans with anyone, but thanks to her ability to persuade, she easily finds allies without even introducing them to her affairs.

Wooden Monkey: 1944

People born in the year of the Wood Monkey are valued in the team as skilled and responsible workers. This is a very progressive Monkey, she always tries to be aware of all events, to know last news and constantly acquires new knowledge. This Monkey has excellent learning abilities and an amazing imagination. She can achieve a lot, but if suddenly something doesn’t work out, she quickly loses interest in this matter. However, she soon finds a new business and takes on it with even greater enthusiasm. The Wood Monkey loves to travel, and is trusted and respected among colleagues and friends.

Fire Monkey: 1896, 1956

People born in the years of the Fire Monkey are curious, energetic and cheerful. This Monkey knows everything about everyone and is in a hurry to take part in everything. She has many absolutely diverse interests, however, they distract her from more profitable and necessary matters. The Fire Monkey is smart, full of vitality and easily wins the respect of others. True, she likes to argue, and can be stubborn if things don’t go as she planned. She can easily suppress someone who does not have as strong a will as her.

Despite the fact that she is very popular with the opposite sex, she is devoted and faithful to her chosen one.

Earth Monkey: 1908, 1968

The Earth Monkey is distinguished by high moral qualities, intelligence and erudition. Prefers quiet life and works hard in finance. Many of the Earth Monkeys manage to get rich. The Earth Monkey is not as sociable as other Monkeys, she has high moral principles, a caring character, and great generosity towards the unfortunate. The Earth Monkey enjoys universal love and respect.

Year of the Monkey - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Monkey personality

People born in the year of the Monkey have a great desire to acquire knowledge. The Monkey is an intellectual, she has a good memory and knows a lot about the world. As a rule, Monkeys have a good education and easily move up the career ladder. They have a good memory and remember the smallest details of what they once saw or read.

Negative aspects of the Monkey personality

Negative personality traits of the Monkey include vanity, deceit, the desire to embellish everything, lack of scrupulousness, and straightforwardness. She can be unscrupulous and lie when necessary for her cause. It is easy for her to commit a dishonest act if she is confident of impunity. Many of the thieves and liars were born in the year of the Monkey. The flexible mind and resourceful mind of the Monkey leads to these vices. But, naturally, not all Monkeys are thieves and liars. In addition, the Monkey is very attractive and knows how to please people, so no matter what happens, they will not be angry with her for too long.

Career and money of the Monkey sign

People born in the year of the Monkey. As a rule, they move up the career ladder very easily. Moreover, it is worth noting that her true status is much higher than the officially occupied one. She may be a simple secretary, but at the same time, the only person the boss trusts. In addition, the Monkey does not care at all what the name of his position is, but what is important is what real influence lies behind it. The Monkey does not like monotonous work and achieves success thanks to his dexterity, foresight, insightful mind, charisma and numerous talents.

The Monkey is very dexterous for large-scale enterprises, cunning in financial transactions, an excellent worker in all areas that require intelligence and awareness. She can achieve success in politics, diplomacy, and commerce. She is easy to learn, so she can take on almost any task. If she finds her path, her destiny, she will easily become famous.

People born in the year of the Monkey simply hate boredom, and if they come across something that they really like, they devote themselves entirely to this activity, regardless of expenses and time. Also, the Monkey needs to feel that he is doing what is really necessary and important matter. The Monkey knows how to organize his time, knows how to combine several tasks at the same time, and does each one well and without visible effort.

People born in the year of the Monkey know how to not only spend money wisely, but also earn it. They rarely deny themselves anything, and they always know a couple of ways to quickly earn money if they suddenly need it.

Life periods of a Monkey

The first life period of the Monkey will be happy. The second period is vague, sometimes stormy, and life plans will often collapse.

The third period will be relatively calm, but many Monkeys will face a lonely old age.

Stones: hyacinth, opal.

Plants: cedar, elderberry, sandalwood.

Time of day: from 3 to 5 pm.

Time of year: summer.

Date of publication: 06/29/2015

The monkey is a very ambiguous symbol. It provides a predisposition to success and at the same time can awaken the worst qualities of the soul, clouding it with destructive activity. In it, ingenuity and the desire for independence coexist with irresistible curiosity and sometimes with unprincipledness, and the ability to find a common language with people - with selfishness.

But don’t let the negative traits of monkey nature scare anyone. Because in general, in spite of everything, the Monkey is an attractive creature that will certainly be able to survive in the difficult realities of our complex life, because it is talented, flexible, intelligent and, moreover, has an excellent sense of humor.

Dates of birth

The Year of the Monkey will begin on February 8 (more precisely, on the night from the 7th to the 8th) 2016. It will end on January 27, 2017.

In addition to those who will be born during this period of time, people born in 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992 or 2004 should consider the Monkey as their symbol -th year.

Character traits of people born in the year of the Monkey

A person born in the year of the Monkey is, first of all, intelligent, inventive, and devoted to those he loves. He loves to study because it gives him the opportunity to learn something new, develop and gain authority and importance. And his studies and attempts to understand the world really work out well for him, since he has a good memory and has his own way of assimilating what he studies. And besides this, such a person will never fall under the influence of others, so his knowledge and understanding will belong exclusively to him and express only his opinions, emotions, impressions.

When communicating with people, Monkeys, as a rule, prevail in friendliness and sincerity. Their special way of speaking, persuading, and leading a discussion invariably brings wonderful results in the form of people's sympathy, and makes it possible to acquire more and more new admirers.

People who are patronized by Monkeys are by no means alien to the desire for material wealth. Moreover, they highly value comfort, personal convenience, and pleasant sensations. And because of this, they energetically strive to obtain these very material goods. As a result, people born in the year of the Monkey can sometimes seem materialistic, selfish, thinking only about physical pleasures. In fact, they simply see material well-being as one of the aspects of their own success and believe that for this, others will respect them even more and consider them an example to follow.

In company, Monkeys almost always become the life of the party; they adore gifts, surprises and signs of attention. Their daily life is rich in events and sometimes adventures. And yet, they are able to find a way out of the most confusing situations.

Areas of success

The quickness, high intelligence and mass of talents of Monkeys entail a wide range of professions in which they could well find themselves. In essence, there is no sphere of activity in which these people would not be able to realize themselves to one degree or another. The most suitable fields for them are medicine, architecture, commercial activities, and diplomacy.

And besides this, Monkeys are capable of achieving success in literature. Moreover, this may not necessarily apply to writing. Monkeys can be excellent journalists, teachers of literary disciplines, proofreaders, etc.

Monkey and love

In relationships with people in general and with the opposite sex in particular, Monkeys are sometimes unpredictable; They are emotional and can start a quarrel out of the blue. Although they themselves will think that there is a reason for this and, Furthermore, he is weighty and principled.

In the eyes of others, the Monkey has a lot of attractions. Over time, this “bright” image naturally loses some of its charm, but in any case, it will never be boring with the Monkey, and relationships with representatives of this sign in most cases do not risk falling into the abyss of habit and banality. And if in their youth Monkeys can indulge in excess and follow their own whims and fantasies, then over the years, having had fun and being weird, they calm down and finally choose a life partner, to whom they are attached until their death. Sometimes, however, they manage to get married before the moment of their settling down comes; in this case, their relationship with their partner will have to undergo a test of “strength”, which, however - if these two are really halves of one whole - will ultimately end in prosperity and a strong union.

Monkey in the elements

Naturally, the influence of the elements of the year leaves an additional imprint on the character. So, here they are - 5 types of Monkeys...

Fire Monkey (1956 and 2016) More stubborn than others, she is energetic and knows how to insist on her own. Her range of interests is particularly diverse, which, however, at times distracts her from her main goals, causing her to lose opportunities, and sometimes not receiving the benefits she was counting on. The Fire Monkey, as a rule, enjoys significant success with the opposite sex and knows how to build relationships that are interesting for their partner.

Earth Monkey (1968)- this is intelligence, curiosity, erudition. She is capable of achieving significant success in any professional field, and she is especially good at professions that are solid and require concentration, which is associated with a certain detachment and unsociability in character. However, the properties of nature do not make such Monkeys gloomy and uncommunicative, but, on the contrary, force them to be more caring and generous. And also, be more careful in financial matters, so it is the Earth Monkeys who are considered the most predisposed to banking and business.

Metal Monkey (1920 and 1980) very smart and even wise, but at the same time she is vain and self-confident. She is characterized by determination and strong will. And therefore she achieves the greatest results in individual activities; working in a team is a constraining moment for her, and it seems to her that those around her interfere with her and do not allow her to reveal herself to her full potential. Metal Monkeys are very fond of noisy parties, mass celebrations, presentations, etc.

Water Monkey (1932 and 1992) receptive, quite disciplined and secretive more than other representatives of this sign. You will never hear from her about her plans, much less her plans; she will simply silently, almost without being distracted by extraneous matters and without wasting time on trifles, go towards her goal. Water Monkeys are sensitive and have especially many people around them who sympathize with them and share their point of view.

Wooden Monkey (1944 and 2004) honest, enjoys the trust and respect of others. She tends to have progressive views; She is no stranger to the romance of travel (even risky ones). Among the disadvantages of such Monkeys is a tendency to lose heart when faced with failures and a lack of optimism.

Compatibility of Monkeys according to the eastern horoscope

The Monkey can establish the best relationships with the Rat, Dragon and Snake. She has many common interests with the Rat and, moreover, these signs are united by curiosity and intellectuality. The Monkey and the Dragon are largely dependent on each other, but this will not be a dividing, but a cementing moment in their union. The Monkey's relationship with the Snake is a revealing example of how opposites can converge; starting with alternating passion and hatred, they will gradually inevitably come to the point that they cannot live without each other.

The Monkey and the Rabbit can have a relationship that is not 100% successful, but likely, if she does not “go too far” with her turbulent youth and does not try to shift all household concerns onto her partner’s shoulders. There is approximately a 50x50 probability of a favorable development of the relationship between her and the Dog; For the successful development of events, the Monkey needs to be less cunning, and the Dog needs not to idealize his partner.

The relationship between two Monkeys can develop interestingly, and if this union takes place, it will be filled with such a mass of impressions and such vivid emotions that it is just right to write novels about it.

It is quite possible for the Monkey and the Rooster to live their whole lives side by side, but for this, it is advisable for the Monkey not to overuse offensive jokes and disdain for the simplicity of the partner (and this is exactly how he may seem to her at times), and for the Rooster not to be too open a book for the Monkey.

Another sign that has a chance to match the Monkey with some reservations is the Pig. These signs combine very well with each other, but the relationship can be ruined by continuous competitions in wit and the Monkey’s amazing “ability” to not notice what it does not want to notice.

The Monkey has very little chance of harmony with the Goat, because the Goat will most likely seem to her a prosaic and even boring creature. The Monkey and Tiger pair are also doomed to problems; and these two are a typical example of how two opposites can chronically fail to find a common language. The Ox will try to suppress the Monkey, and this is an unacceptable tactic in dealing with it. The Horse is too serious for the Monkey and lacks that lightness and coquetry that fill relationships with a sense of novelty and romantic flair.

Monkey and Zodiac


This is a combination of energy and directness with cunning and the ability to extract personal benefits from everything. Such a person knows how to achieve his goal with double dexterity, each time choosing new tactics. But in what the Monkey-Aries is doing, she should be fascinated not only by the material side of the matter, but also by aesthetic and moral pleasure, because only then will she be able to achieve the maximum of her capabilities. And another undeniable advantage of such people is the ability, if necessary, to be both unique speakers and amazing silent people.


The Monkey-Taurus is an always enthusiastic nature, loving to have a good time, distinguished by an easy, and sometimes even frivolous, character. However, these people never completely lose their heads and do not burn bridges behind them. In addition, a distinctive feature of Taurus Monkeys is rightly considered to be charisma, which makes them hate routine and try to diversify their lives as much as possible.

Monkey Gemini

A rather complex image is created by the combination of Monkey and Gemini. Here there is a reluctance to plan something for a long time, and a desire to take everything from life at once, and a sharp mind, and restlessness. But that’s how Gemini Monkeys are... They are always in a hurry somewhere, always busy with something. And all this, as a rule, is contrary to intentions and matters that seemed urgent and mega-important just in the morning.


Monkey-Cancer is usually a bright, extraordinary personality. And why shouldn’t she demonstrate her own creativity and love herself if Lady Fortune favors her every now and then! The character of the Monkey-Cancer is easy; thanks to this disposition, these people know how to leave problems behind, look to the future with constant optimism, and even in critical situations they usually do not give in to panic. Those around them sometimes dislike them, but this does not make the life of the Cancer Monkeys noticeably difficult, since they continually plunge into the world of their own fantasies and illusions, as if building a wall between themselves and the everyday world with boring, angry people.


Monkey-Leo is distinguished by generosity, generosity, and breadth of soul. Such a person sincerely has compassion for those who are less fortunate than him or weaker than him. The combination of these signs created an amazing set of qualities in which Leo became closer to the “mortal earth”, and the Monkey acquired warmth and nobility. As a result, we have before us an energetic person, passionately gaining fresh, useful knowledge, striving for interesting communication and new perspectives.


A Monkey born under the sign of Virgo represents a deep nature, tuned to good luck, because such a person is alien to pessimism. Virgo Monkeys are light and mobile, they perfectly feel the line between carelessness and responsibility, and therefore are considered reliable and reasonable. People are drawn to them, they have many friends, like-minded people and those who want to do common business with them. When choosing a profession, Virgo-Monkeys try to settle on a type of activity that would allow them to feel free; work that requires constant accountability, control, or sitting at the workplace from call to call is clearly not to their liking.


The Libra Monkey can be considered a model of caring, conscientiousness and kindness. Although, of course, life sometimes makes its own adjustments to this seemingly ideal image. And most of all, the Monkeys themselves, born under the soft and somewhat naive sign of Libra, suffer from this. True, they hide all this from those around them in the recesses of their own souls, so that we see a dual nature that lives, as it were, two lives - public and personal, beginning when all the doors connecting it with the outside world are closed.


The Scorpio Monkey is a complex and rather dangerous nature. These people are masters of the behind-the-scenes game, and they try to see the same in those around them. They are attracted by secret knowledge associated with conspiracies, shadow governments, and grandiose intrigues. Scorpio Monkeys are great enthusiasts, but their energy is often directed in a strange direction. They have excellent intuition, which helps them to understand people well and have a good sense of their strengths and weaknesses. Also, they do not like to be alone, finding in a noisy company a way to relieve stress and engage in active intellectual activity.


Monkey-Sagittarius knows how to set clear goals and find effective means their achievements. This is an excellent organizer who, moreover, knows how to see the main thing in every process or event and extract from everything useful information. Sagittarius Monkeys are distinguished by a strong will, an adequate attitude towards people, and a wide range of interests. And besides this, such people, as a rule, are very talented and always know how to find worthy practical application for their abilities.


Taken separately, Monkey and Capricorn are a pair of complete opposites. But together, united in one person, they create a wonderful personality, which is characterized by both creative talent and perseverance, sociability and the ability for active self-improvement. These people can choose between different types of activities; and whatever the choice falls on will become a big goal, which Monkey-Capricorn will almost certainly be able to achieve.


The Aquarius Monkey loves herself, loves to be the center of attention, loves when people speak well of her in her own presence. This is a complex nature, able to hide cruelty, cowardice, and rudeness under the guise of naivety or good nature. Such people strive to be the first in everything. They are the ones who, like no one else, achieve the title of teacher's pet at a very young age. It is they, who find themselves already in the work team, who try to suppress any manifestations of someone’s initiative or nascent talent just so that their own authority does not waver.


A representative of the sign of Pisces, born in the year of the Monkey, is a model of intelligence and curiosity. Although in Everyday life metamorphoses such as the transformation of curiosity into curiosity are not excluded, because of which a person strives to “know everything about everyone.” However, this is not scary, especially against the backdrop of the other advantages of the Monkey-Pisces - the ability to adapt to circumstances, the ability to protect one’s own living space from encroachment, selectivity in communication, and the ability to quickly make decisions.

Famous Monkeys

Versatility, flexibility and significant intellectual abilities make almost any area of ​​activity achievable for Monkeys. Among them are the outstanding military leader A.I. Denikin, the great mystifier David Copperfield, the brilliant artist Leonardo da Vinci, the amazing Elizabeth Taylor...

Some characters are also interesting, which are typical manifestations of the properties of monkey nature in different signs Zodiac. This is primarily Nestor Makhno (Scorpio), Grigory Rasputin (Aquarius), Georgy Zhukov (Sagittarius), and in addition, A.P. Chekhov (Capricorn), Andrei Tarkovsky (Aries), Faina Ranevskaya (Leo).

When wondering what the Year of the Monkey means according to the eastern calendar, you need to understand that this is a sign of strong energy, the direction of which each Monkey chooses for itself.

As a rule, a representative of this sign is endowed with strong curiosity and has a well-developed imagination. The meaning of the Year of the Monkey according to the Chinese calendar suggests that a person born at this time is distinguished by an analytical mind and a love of freedom.

What year of the Monkey could it be?

People born in the year of the Monkey

Years of birth of the Monkey: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004. The zodiac sign Leo corresponds to the sign represented in the Western horoscope. A person born in one of these years will be distinguished, on the one hand, by inconstancy and unreliability, on the other, by intelligence and dexterity.

According to the characteristics of those born in the year of the Monkey, representatives of the sign are inventive and active, thanks to which they are able to achieve success in almost all their endeavors. In any case, failures can seriously upset the representative of the sign.

The fact is that people born in the year of the Monkey want to get everything at once. However, the Monkey can be easily distracted from negative thoughts.

If we consider the love relationships of this person, we can come to the conclusion that in this matter he tends to be in constant search. Human preferences are strongly influenced by the Year of the Monkey; What years of birth give rise to such fickle, freedom-loving and eccentric people?

Chinese horoscope Monkey

According to the Chinese horoscope of the Monkey, the childhood of the representative of the sign will be happy and without any special problems.

At a more mature age, this person will be able to achieve great success in his career. Old age will be the most difficult time, as there will be a risk of remaining alone, away from family members.

The eastern horoscope of the Monkey says that the representative of the sign longs to be in the spotlight and is ready to do a lot for this: he learns quickly, radiates optimism and loves intellectual conversations.

The representative of the sign needs to keep with him an amulet made from the Monkey stone - opal, which will help achieve harmony in relationships.

Characteristics of the Monkey sign

According to the characteristics of the Year of the Monkey, the sign gives a person sociability and the ability to get along with everyone around him. However, the zodiac sign Monkey is a sign of somewhat envious people who are sensitive to the successes and victories of others.

If we consider the love relationship of a representative of the sign, it is necessary to understand that the characteristic of the Monkey sign is as follows: this person is capable of the most deep and sincere feelings, but due to his inconstancy, he can embark on a search for a new object of admiration.

Video: Year of the Monkey according to the Chinese calendar

  • 1908 February 2 - element of the year earth
  • 1920 February 20 - element of the year metal
  • 1932 February 6 - element of the year water
  • 1944 January 25 - element of the year tree
  • 1956 February 12 - element of the year fire
  • 1968 January 30 - element of the year earth
  • 1980 February 16 - element of the year metal
  • 1992 February 4 - element of the year water
  • 2004 January 22 - element of the year tree
  • 2016 February 8 - element of the year fire

People born under the sign of the Metal Monkey have a more willful character than its other brothers. These people have great ability to resolve very difficult situations. In addition, they are thrifty, pragmatic, and know when and where to invest money profitably. They strive to occupy a high position in society. Metal monkeys are independent individuals, but have some disadvantages: they are so focused on their own self that they often do not notice what is happening around them, which is why they often do not deserve the trust of others. These Monkeys are the most cordial and express their feelings more clearly than others.

The metal monkey is sure that he was born to shine in society and never spares his strength to prove it. And since her artistry is at its best, she has every chance to become a famous person. People born under the sign of the Metal Monkey are able to protect their interests and take care of themselves on their own, without resorting to the help of others.

The water monkey is the most sensitive and secretive of all its fellows, and also very touchy. Her ability to understand and perceptiveness helps her adapt well in any environment. She has the talent to get through the eye of a needle and still benefit from it. But deep down in his soul, he is a good person, good-natured and affectionate. If she sees that a person is worthy of trust, then she will easily reveal her plans.

This man is witty and unusual. Eccentric and sensitive, she is able to easily destroy any barriers with just her personal charm. Among its shortcomings can only be indecision and the inability to choose the right direction.

The Wood Monkey is very organized, rational, and pedantic. She does everything well and wants others to follow her example. And since she is inclined to command, she will impose her criteria wherever she can.

Hungry for fame, this Monkey will spare no effort to rise high. She has developed intuition, which allows her to predict certain events, which she does with great benefit for herself. She is interested in everything new and progressive. However, very rarely the Wood Monkey is satisfied. She cares too much about the visible side, missing the point.

The Wood Monkey has an excellent sense of good opportunities. She can make a brilliant speaker, an excellent politician, deep down she wants to do good deeds and receive gratitude for it.

Fire Monkey Sign

A bright lover of life, possessing the energy of a thermoelectric power plant, this sign can be courageous, throwing itself headlong into the abyss and relying solely on its intuition. He has a strong competitive spirit: he always wants to be the first, to open new paths and prove that his initiatives are the best. In this sense, he is an unquestioned leader. Since he is very stubborn, he easily gets involved in an argument, especially if he is objected to. First of all, his loved ones suffer from his irritability.

Determined, quite sincere for a Monkey and very emotional, the Fire Monkey loves to flutter like a butterfly from flower to flower, having no concept of fidelity. This is a great heartthrob who uses his eloquence and charm to conquer the opposite sex. But he is usually not able to maintain long-term and lasting relationships.

The Earth Monkey has a calmer and more balanced character. She usually gathers around her a close circle of people she likes and does not strive to win the recognition of the crowd. This monkey is much more trustworthy than the rest of its sisters because it has strong relationships with loved ones.

Since Earth, among other things, represents matter, it is logical to assume that the Monkey, ruled by this element, is greatly interested in earthly values. The Earth Monkey is very pedantic, in addition, he can devote himself to work like few others.