The history of the Kosino-Ukhtomsky district. Municipal district Kosino-Ukhtomsky Population Kosino Ukhtomsky

The ancient village of Kosino, now included in the city limits of Moscow, is one of the oldest villages in the Moscow region. Its name was included in the name of two Moscow districts: Kosino-Ukhtomsky and Novokosino. The toponym “Kosino” was first encountered at the beginning of the 15th century, when Prince Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky, a famous associate of Dmitry Donskoy, wrote in his spiritual diploma: “And from the Moscow villages I gave my princess ... Kosino with three lakes ... And in Kosinsky village ... I am free, to whom I give a son, but my children do not intervene in those villages. But, apparently, its history can be dated by another three-quarters of a century. In his will of 1331, the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan Kalita, distributing his possessions among the heirs, gave his wife Ulyana, among others, the “village by the lake”. Historians have expressed several versions about the location of the "village by the lake." An analysis of the whole complex of princely spiritual letters allows us to say that Kosino was this village. Ulyana outlived her husband for a long time, and after her death, the princess's possessions were divided between Dmitry Donskoy and his cousin Vladimir, and Kosino fell to the share of the latter.

After the death in 1410 of Prince Vladimir Andreevich Kosino, according to his will, passed to his widow Elena Olgerdovna. Her fate was rather tragic - having been widowed early, during the pestilence of the mid-1420s, she lost all her sons one after another, and only one grandson, Vasily Yaroslavich, remained from the offspring. Under the name of Eupraxia, she was tonsured in the Moscow Nativity Monastery, and dying, in 1433, she refused "Kosino from the Lake" in her will to the Nativity Monastery.

Over the next hundred years, information about the village was not preserved in the sources. Obviously, the monastery failed to retain this fiefdom. It may have been traded for another property. In any case, in the middle of the XVI century. Kosino was on the estate for Semyon Pavlovich Ladyzhensky, and in 1576 was listed on the estate for Vasily Pavlovich Korzhavin.

In 1617, according to the sovereign's charter, Kosino was given to the children of Vasily Telepnev on the estate. Vasily Grigoryevich Telepnev was a rather prominent personality of the early 17th century. and served as a duma clerk of the Ambassadorial Department under Tsar Vasily Shuisky. At the end of 1610, someone compiled a list of duma nobles and clerks, known for their adherence to Shuisky, to be presented to the Polish king Sigismund, and the name of Vasily Telepnev is second among the clerks, which indicates his closeness to the king.

Judging by the scribe's description of 1623, Kosino is listed on the estate for Yuri, Stepan and Danila Vasilyevich Telepnev. The village stood on the shore of a large lake, there was a temple in the name of the Wonderworker Nicholas, there was a yard of landowners where business people lived, and five peasant and bobyl yards, and "people in them too."

The most famous of the sons of Vasily was the stolnik Stepan Vasilyevich Telepnev. From the first half of the 1620s to the beginning of the 1640s, he participated in negotiations with foreign diplomats, and in 1645 he was appointed ambassador to Constantinople. At this time, impostors appear at the Turkish court, one of whom pretended to be the son of False Dmitry, and the other - for the son of Vasily Shuisky. With the help of his agents, Telepnev actively led the case to expose the impostors, but in November 1646 he died due to the unusual climate in a foreign land.

According to the description of 1646, in Kosino there was a wooden church, a yard of patrimonials and three peasant yards with 11 inhabitants.

For almost two centuries, Kosino was the patrimony of the Telepnevs. In 1675, its owners Vasily Danilovich, Ivan Stepanovich, Grigory and Mikhail Yuryevich Telepnevs built a wooden St. Nicholas Church. Ivan Stepanovich, like his father, in the 50-60s of the XVII century. serves in the diplomatic part, from 1671 to 1679 he was in charge of the Armory, and in 1684-1685. mentioned in the title of a duma nobleman. Under him, in 1678, there were 6 households with 17 peasants in Kosino.

At the end of the XVII century. Peter I drew attention to Kosino. As you know, as a child, he often visited nearby Izmailovo, where in the linen yard, between various things of his great-grandfather boyar Nikita Ivanovich Romanov, he found a broken boat, later known as the "grandfather of the Russian fleet." After the Izmailovsky pond and the Yauza turned out to be cramped for the ship, he was pointed to the Kosino White Lake. Here, near the eastern shore, next to the Telepnevs' estate, piers were built, boats and karbasses began to be transferred to the lake, but Peter had already chosen the large Pereyaslav Lake, where the entire flotilla was transferred. Traces of the shipyard remained for a long time, and local old men of the 1860s accurately indicated its place. According to local legend, the young tsar, in memory of his stay in the village, presented the local church with an icon of the Mother of God, brought by his nobleman Count Boris Petrovich Sheremetev from Italian city Modena. It was called "Modena" and subsequently was famous as miraculous.

In 1704, Kosino was listed in the possession of Ivan Larionovich Telepnev. There were 5 households and 26 people recorded in the village. Then it passed to his son Peter Ivanovich, grandson Ivan Petrovich and great-grandson Nikolai Ivanovich. The village with the temple was plundered by the French in 1812, and immediately after that most of out of 29 local peasants, she was forced to subsist for some time by collecting alms.

In 1814, the last owner of Kosina from the Telepnev family, Elena Vasilievna, the widow of State Councilor Dmitry Ivanovich Telepnev, sold it with all the land to a Moscow merchant of the first guild, commerce adviser and honorary citizen Dmitry Aleksandrovich Lukhmanov. Under the new owner, the village was being equipped, in 1818-1823. the stone Assumption Church in the Empire style was being built, and in 1823-1826. a stone bell tower is added. Speaking about the history of the village at that time, one contradiction in the documents should be explained. The actual owner of Kosin was D.A. Lukhmanov, but other personalities appear in official documents as its owners. So, in 1814-1820. the second lieutenant Marfa Afanasyevna Tatarinova is listed as a landowner, in 1821-1829. - Second Major Ivan Akimovich Maltsev, in 1830-1836. - Actual State Councilor and Cavalier Pavel Fedorovich Stepanov, in 1837-1848. - the widow of captain Ekaterina Afanasyevna Starovo-Milyukova. The fact is that merchants did not have the right to own serfs, and therefore the indicated persons, related to Lukhmanov, were listed as nominal owners.

After the death of D.A. Lukhmanov in 1848 between his heirs and the peasants begins a long lawsuit. The latter begin to petition for liberation from serfdom, pointing out that the Lukhmanovs, as merchants, have no right to own them. Litigation, which demanded significant material resources from the peasants, ended in their favor. By decree of Emperor Nicholas I in July 1851, they were withdrawn from the possession of the Lukhmanovs. But their dream of getting all the land did not come true - they received only a small allotment, and the entire estate with lakes, forests and estates was classified as state property.

Until 1867, the state property administration leased the estate and lakes, and in 1867 the estate was bought by the imperial technical school for the summer stay of its students. In 1888, it was bought at auction by a Moscow merchant of the second guild and manufacturer Mikhail Eliseevich Gorbachev, who set up a tape factory here.

with gasket railway and the device, a verst from the village of the Kosino platform, begins to acquire a dacha character. The lands of the peasants around the White Lake are divided into plots and given over for the construction of dachas, baths are arranged, many peasant houses are rented out to Muscovites for the summer.

FROM late XIX in. Kosino becomes a place of scientific research. In 1888, hydrobiological studies of the Kosino lakes began to be carried out here. In 1908 Professor G.A. Kozhevnikov creates a biological station at Moscow University. In 1930, it became a limnological station of the USSR Hydrometeorological Service, and in 1940 it was closed due to the completion of scientific work. But soon the Central Research and Production Laboratory for combating diseases of young farm animals was opened here.

After the revolution of 1917, the former Gorbachev factory, which had been inactive since the First World War, was given to a concession in 1926, and during the first five-year plan it became state-owned and underwent reconstruction. In 1931 it employed 550 people. In the future, it turned into a large enterprise for the production of outerwear. A settlement developed at the factory: a club, a school, shops were built, and the number of inhabitants approached 6 thousand people. In December 1938, the factory settlement was transformed into an urban-type settlement with the inclusion of the village of Kosina. In 1970, 13 thousand people already lived in Kosino. In the 1980s, Moscow expanded its borders beyond the Ring Highway and in 1981 Kosino became part of Moscow along with the settlements of Rudnevo and Ukhtomsky and the village of Kozhukhovo.

Based on the materials of the book by K.A. Averyanov "History of Moscow districts".

Currently, the Kosino-Ukhtomsky district is part of the Eastern Administrative District of the city of Moscow and covers an area of ​​3020 hectares.

The population is about 76 thousand people.

The structure of the Kosino-Ukhtomsky district includes three microdistricts: Kosino, Ukhtomsky, Kozhukhovo.

md. Kozhukhovo. The construction of the microdistrict was carried out mainly from 2004 to 2007, the settlement began in 2005. At the same time, the first shops, routes appeared here. public transport. Currently, Kozhukhovo consists of 9 microdistricts. The ninth microdistrict Kozhukhovo is separated from the rest of the district by the Rudnevka River. The microdistrict also includes the villages of Kozhukhovo and Rudnevo with private residential development.

md. Ukhtomsky is located in the southern part of the district. The territory of the microdistrict is built up mainly with frequent residential buildings. The village was named after Alexei Vladimirovich Ukhtomsky (1876-1905). A.V. Ukhtomsky is a locomotive driver, a participant in the 1905 revolution, a member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party. In October 1905, he was the head of the railroad strike committee, during the December armed uprising of 1905 on the Kazan branch of the Moscow railway, he was the head of a combat squad of 200 people. It included many workers of the Petrovsky railway workshops, the Lyubertsy plant, as well as a number of enterprises in Kolomna. The squad obtained weapons, trained workers in military affairs, guarded railway cargo, controlled military echelons, erected barricades. Under the leadership of Ukhtomsky, a special train was equipped, on which combatants in the Moscow-Golutvin section disarmed the police, cut the wires of the government telegraph, detained and disarmed military trains, and organized rallies among the soldiers, calling for a fight against the autocracy. On December 14, saving more than 100 warriors from being shot by a punitive expedition, he took them out of Moscow, passing the ambush of the tsarist troops near the Sorting station. However, the next night, together with a group of 6 combatants, he was arrested at the Lyubertsy station by the punitive expedition of the Semyonovsky regiment. December 17, 1905 A.V. Ukhtomsky was shot.

The Kosino-Ukhtomsky District is located in the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. It consists of three microdistricts - Kozhukhovo, Staroe Kosino and Ukhtomsky.

The territory of the region bears traces of the activity of ancient glaciers, which smoothed out the terrain on the way to the south. On the territory of Kosin, three lakes of glacial origin have been preserved: Beloe, Svyatoe and Chernoe. The excavations carried out on their shores made it possible to establish that the first people lived here as early as the second century BC.

The first written references to Kosino are found in documents from the 15th century. Then the Serpukhov princes were the owners of the local villages.

At a later time, according to a deed of gift issued by the first tsar of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich, Kosino was transferred to Telepnev. In 1673, a small wooden church was built in the village in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Previously, an older church stood on this site, which by this time had dilapidated. This temple existed for more than 300 years, and some time ago it was demolished and then restored according to the drawings.

In the 18th century, Kosino was part of the royal estates. Here, on the shores of the White Lake, young Peter I built a shipyard and a pier, from which the royal carbuses and schnacks set sail. The remains of that pier were preserved for a long time, and now a marine club operates at this place under the leadership of a naval officer. Club members call themselves cadets and wear naval uniforms. They study such disciplines as the history of navigation, astronomy, navigation. Cadets are engaged in the construction of the harbor, go sailing and scuba diving. Members of the club make long journeys on the training sailing-motor schooner "Gangut". Every year Brandov's little boat solemnly descends onto the waters of the White Lake. This holiday is dedicated to the founder of the Russian fleet, Peter I.

In 1818-1823, with the money of the merchant D. Lukhmanov, the owner of the village, the Assumption Church was built in Kosin, also known as the Church of St. Nicholas and the Assumption Holy Mother of God. The building of the temple was built in the Empire style, it has a refectory and a high bell tower.

Now several large enterprises and organizations operate in Kosino, the social infrastructure is quite well developed. Kosino is the closest of the other microdistricts to the Moscow Ring Road. Since the mid-1980s, after the Novokosino district grew up nearby, the former locality began to be called Old Kosino. The outskirts of the microdistrict are built up with private houses, and the central part is occupied by four to five brick houses built before the Great Patriotic War.

The village of Ukhtomsky is located in the southern part of the district. Behind him begins the city of Lyubertsy. The village is built up with old private houses, and the streets have retained the old Soviet names: Michelson, III International, Rosa Luxembourg.

The third component of the district - Kozhukhovo, until relatively recently was an ordinary village surrounded by fields. The development of this territory was carried out mainly from 2004 to 2007. As a result, the village has changed. The bulk of the buildings are panel houses low-rise buildings, mainly 10-12-story buildings, which are separated from each other by a fairly large distance. Thanks to this, the inhabitants of Kozhukhov have good views from windows and spacious yards. In almost all houses, the first floors are non-residential. They house all kinds of shops that solve the problem of the lack of large shopping centers.

Glacial lakes are the main attraction of the Kosino-Ukhtomsky district. But, unfortunately, their attitude leaves much to be desired. So, Lake Chernoye, which is located almost at the border of the Moscow Ring Road, is in a state of disrepair. Locals still remember the times when fish and crayfish were found in the lake - it was about 30 years ago. Now the shores of the Black Lake are more like a landfill, and this despite the fact that the adjacent territory is called the Kosinsky Natural and Historical Park. Lake Svyatoye is in the same neglected state. The fate of Lake Beloye is the most prosperous - the largest of the three. It even has equipped swimming areas.

The ancient village of Kosino, now included in the city limits of Moscow, is one of the oldest villages in the Moscow region. Its name was included in the name of two Moscow districts: and. The toponym “Kosino” was first encountered at the beginning of the 15th century, when Prince Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky, a famous associate of Dmitry Donskoy, wrote in his spiritual diploma: “And from the Moscow villages I gave my princess ... Kosino with three lakes ... And in Kosinsky village ... I am free, to whom I give a son, but my children do not intervene in those villages. But, apparently, its history can be dated by another three-quarters of a century. In his will of 1331, the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan Kalita, distributing his possessions among the heirs, gave his wife Ulyana, among others, the “village by the lake”. Historians have expressed several versions about the location of the "village by the lake." An analysis of the whole complex of princely spiritual letters allows us to say that Kosino was this village. Ulyana outlived her husband for a long time, and after her death, the princess's possessions were divided between Dmitry Donskoy and his cousin Vladimir, and Kosino fell to the share of the latter.

After the death in 1410 of Prince Vladimir Andreevich Kosino, according to his will, passed to his widow Elena Olgerdovna. Her fate was rather tragic - having been widowed early, during the pestilence of the mid-1420s, she lost all her sons one after another, and only one grandson, Vasily Yaroslavich, remained from the offspring. Under the name of Eupraxia, she was tonsured in the Moscow Nativity Monastery, and dying, in 1433, she refused "Kosino from the Lake" in her will to the Nativity Monastery.

Over the next hundred years, information about the village was not preserved in the sources. Obviously, the monastery failed to retain this fiefdom. It may have been traded for another property. In any case, in the middle of the XVI century. Kosino was on the estate for Semyon Pavlovich Ladyzhensky, and in 1576 was listed on the estate for Vasily Pavlovich Korzhavin.

In 1617, according to the sovereign's charter, Kosino was given to the children of Vasily Telepnev on the estate. Vasily Grigoryevich Telepnev was a rather prominent personality of the early 17th century. and served as a duma clerk of the Ambassadorial Department under Tsar Vasily Shuisky. At the end of 1610, someone compiled a list of duma nobles and clerks, known for their adherence to Shuisky, to be presented to the Polish king Sigismund, and the name of Vasily Telepnev is second among the clerks, which indicates his closeness to the king.

Judging by the scribe's description of 1623, Kosino is listed on the estate for Yuri, Stepan and Danila Vasilyevich Telepnev. The village stood on the shore of a large lake, there was a temple in the name of the Wonderworker Nicholas, there was a yard of landowners where business people lived, and five peasant and bobyl yards, and "people in them too."

The most famous of the sons of Vasily was the stolnik Stepan Vasilyevich Telepnev. From the first half of the 1620s to the beginning of the 1640s, he participated in negotiations with foreign diplomats, and in 1645 he was appointed ambassador to Constantinople. At this time, impostors appear at the Turkish court, one of whom pretended to be the son of False Dmitry, and the other - for the son of Vasily Shuisky. With the help of his agents, Telepnev actively led the case to expose the impostors, but in November 1646 he died due to the unusual climate in a foreign land.

According to the description of 1646, in Kosino there was a wooden church, a yard of patrimonials and three peasant yards with 11 inhabitants.

For almost two centuries, Kosino was the patrimony of the Telepnevs. In 1675, its owners Vasily Danilovich, Ivan Stepanovich, Grigory and Mikhail Yuryevich Telepnevs built a wooden St. Nicholas Church. Ivan Stepanovich, like his father, in the 50-60s of the XVII century. serves in the diplomatic part, from 1671 to 1679 he was in charge of the Armory, and in 1684-1685. mentioned in the title of a duma nobleman. Under him, in 1678, there were 6 households with 17 peasants in Kosino.

At the end of the XVII century. Peter I drew attention to Kosino. As you know, as a child, he often visited nearby, where in the linen yard, between various things of his great-grandfather boyar Nikita Ivanovich Romanov, he found a broken boat, later known as the "grandfather of the Russian fleet." After the Izmailovsky pond and the Yauza turned out to be cramped for the ship, he was pointed to the Kosino White Lake. Here, near the eastern shore, next to the Telepnevs' estate, piers were built, boats and karbasses began to be transferred to the lake, but Peter had already chosen the large Pereyaslav Lake, where the entire flotilla was transferred. Traces of the shipyard remained for a long time, and local old men of the 1860s accurately indicated its place. According to local legend, the young tsar, in memory of his stay in the village, presented the local church with an icon of the Mother of God, brought by his nobleman Count Boris Petrovich Sheremetev from the Italian city of Modena. It was called "Modena" and subsequently was famous as miraculous.

In 1704, Kosino was listed in the possession of Ivan Larionovich Telepnev. There were 5 households and 26 people recorded in the village. Then it passed to his son Peter Ivanovich, grandson Ivan Petrovich and great-grandson Nikolai Ivanovich. The village with the temple was plundered by the French in 1812, and immediately after that, most of the 29 local peasants had to subsist for some time by collecting alms.

In 1814, the last owner of Kosina from the Telepnev family, Elena Vasilievna, the widow of State Councilor Dmitry Ivanovich Telepnev, sold it with all the land to the Moscow merchant of the first tilde, commerce adviser and honorary citizen Dmitry Aleksandrovich Lukhmanov. Under the new owner, the village was being equipped, in 1818-1823. the stone Assumption Church in the Empire style was being built, and in 1823-1826. a stone bell tower is added. Speaking about the history of the village at that time, one contradiction in the documents should be explained. The actual owner of Kosin was D.A. Lukhmanov, but other personalities appear in official documents as its owners. So, in 1814-1820. the second lieutenant Marfa Afanasyevna Tatarinova is listed as a landowner, in 1821-1829. - Second Major Ivan Akimovich Maltsev, in 1830-1836. - Actual State Councilor and Cavalier Pavel Fedorovich Stepanov, in 1837-1848. - the widow of captain Ekaterina Afanasyevna Starovo-Milyukova. The fact is that merchants did not have the right to own serfs, and therefore the indicated persons, related to Lukhmanov, were listed as nominal owners.

After the death of D.A. Lukhmanov in 1848 between his heirs and the peasants begins a long lawsuit. The latter begin to petition for liberation from serfdom, pointing out that the Lukhmanovs, as merchants, have no right to own them. Litigation, which demanded significant material resources from the peasants, ended in their favor. By decree of Emperor Nicholas I in July 1851, they were withdrawn from the possession of the Lukhmanovs. But their dream of getting all the land did not come true - they received only a small allotment, and the entire estate with lakes, forests and estates was classified as state property.

Until 1867, the state property administration leased the estate and lakes, and in 1867 the estate was bought by the imperial technical school for the summer stay of its students. In 1888, it was bought at auction by a Moscow merchant of the second guild and manufacturer Mikhail Eliseevich Gorbachev, who set up a tape factory here.

With the laying of the railway and the device, a verst from the village, the platform Kosino begins to acquire a summer cottage character. The lands of the peasants around the White Lake are divided into plots and given over for the construction of dachas, baths are arranged, many peasant houses are rented out to Muscovites for the summer.

From the end of the 19th century Kosino becomes a place of scientific research. In 1888, hydrobiological studies of the Kosino lakes began to be carried out here. In 1908 Professor G.A. Kozhevnikov creates a biological station at Moscow University. In 1930, it became a limnological station of the USSR Hydrometeorological Service, and in 1940 it was closed due to the completion of scientific work. But soon the Central Research and Production Laboratory for combating diseases of young farm animals was opened here.

Based on the materials of the book by Averyanova K.A. "History of Moscow districts".

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    The area of ​​the building on Lukhmanovskaya, 6 will be increased The building at the address: Lukhmanovskaya, 6 will be rebuilt. The building at the address: Lukhmanovskaya, 6 will be rebuilt. The non-residential facility at 6 Lukhmanovskaya in Kozhukhovo is located on a large wasteland between private buildings and new skyscrapers. The building now houses a supermarket and a commercial sports complex. But there are prospects for increasing the utility space in the facility and for expanding the range of services provided. This issue was considered by the Moscow City Planning and Land Commission. ...

    17.09.2018/ Home / all news
    Local sports clubs and sections made presentations in the shopping center " Kosino The park" Last weekend cosino-Ukhtom residents got the opportunity to choose sports ... for their child. Last weekend cosino-Ukhtom residents got the opportunity to choose sports...

    17.09.2018/ Home / all news
    Kosino-Ukhtom residents made a Saturday bike trip September 15 tourists from Kosino-Ukhtomsky made an interesting trip to Shatura ... neighborhood. September 15 tourists from Kosino-Ukhtomsky made an interesting trip to Shatura ... . From the temple cosino-Ukhtom residents went to the railway station Ukhtomskaya to the train...

    17.09.2018/ Home / all news
    The OATI of the city of Moscow spoke about the timing of the elimination of the consequences of construction work in the area... this causes dissatisfaction among residents Kosino-Ukhtomsky district. Clarifications on this issue... this was reported in the district administration Kosino-Ukhtomsky.

    17.09.2018/ Home / all news
    Pavilion at the stopping point "Zlatoustovskaya street." glazed... during the day. For example, in Kosino-Ukhtomsky The area was repaired stop on...

    14.09.2018/ Home / all news
    "Longevity" will receive bonuses for participating in social events...they mean given in the branch" Kosino-Ukhtomsky» TCSO Veshnyaki. According to a spokesperson...

    14.09.2018/ Home / all news
    Malfunctions in the operation of street lighting on Svyatoozerskaya were promptly eliminated In the common yard for houses 26, 24, 32, 34 on Svyatoozerskaya Street, three lanterns failed at once. In the common yard for houses 26, 24, 32, 34 on Svyatoozerskaya Street, three lanterns failed at once. The lack of lighting caused inconvenience to the residents of these houses, but the repairmen of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mossvet" promptly eliminated the malfunction. As a result of the inspection of the food station located there, the cause of the breakdown was discovered. It consisted in the fact that the safety fusible link was out of order ...

    14.09.2018/ Home / all news
    At a meeting of the Council of Deputies, a project for developing the territory on Bolshaya Kosinskaya, 8 was considered... . As the mayor explained Kosino-Ukhtomsky Ruslan Chernyshev, which is within ...

    14.09.2018/ Home / all news
    For cosino- Ukhtom residents have prepared an exciting program of family events... rich. For visitors to the Center for Public Relations " Kosino-Ukhtomsky» The second half of September will be... social characteristics subordinate institutions. TsPSiD " Kosino-Ukhtomsky»works with the population of preferential categories...

    13.09.2018/ Home / all news
    In OPPMS "Kozhukhovo" they will teach you how to cope with stress A series of topical trainings starts in the Department psychological help young family today, September 13th. A series of topical trainings starts at the Department of Psychological Assistance to Young Families today, September 13th. The program includes four lessons. Meetings will be held on Thursdays from 18:00 to 21:00. The leader of the trainings will be the psychologist of MSPPN D.V. Semenov. The specialist will tell the audience about the causes of stress and how to overcome it. Class participants will learn how stress affects...

    13.09.2018/ Home / all news
    The Red Theater invites you to September performances Summer vacation ended, and the Ryzhiy Theater under the direction of Roman Svetlov is again ready to meet its little spectators. Summer holidays are over, and the Ryzhiy Theater under the direction of Roman Svetlov is again ready to meet its little spectators. The repertoire for the second half of September is already known, which is formed on the basis of performances loved by children. So, on September 15, young theater lovers will see "Thumbelina", and on September 22 - "Cinderella". On September 23, the Theater will show "...

    13.09.2018/ Home / all news
    The memory of St. Alexander Svirsky was honored in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity September 12 in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, Alexander Svirsky and martyr. Huar of Egypt celebrated the day of remembrance of the Monk Alexander of Svir. September 12 in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, Alexander Svirsky and martyr. Huar of Egypt celebrated the day of remembrance of the Monk Alexander of Svir. On the eve of the holiday, a vigil and confession were held in the church. And on Wednesday, the clergy held services in the presence of the townspeople. They were led by the rector of the temple, Archpriest Alexei Mityushin. Life and deeds...

    13.09.2018/ Home / all news
    The Council of Deputies approved the plan of leisure activities for the end of 2018... meeting of the Council of Deputies of the municipal district Kosino-Ukhtomsky. During it, it was considered ... New Year's holidays, the New Year Tree in Kosino-Ukhtomsky, martial arts tournament among the military ...

    13.09.2018/ Home / all news
    Guys from Kosino-Ukhtomsky attended an unusual technology lesson... in cooperation educational institutions Kosino-Ukhtomsky with the Children's Creativity Palace and...

    12.09.2018/ Home / all news
    The Triumph team excelled at the district futsal competitions... competitions dedicated to the City Day. Kosino- Ukhtom residents successfully performed at the district ... . So, mini-football team Kosino-Ukhtomsky district put SDC for the tournament "...

    12.09.2018/ Home / all news
    Interchange repaired at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Kosinskoye Highway Repair work were carried out by the brigade of the State Budgetary Institution "Roads". Repair work was carried out by the brigade of the State Budgetary Institution "Roads". Earlier, motorists reported partial destruction of the roadway when leaving the Moscow Ring Road from the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy interchange towards the Ryazanskaya interchange. The road services promptly responded to the remark of the drivers. According to the head of the organization A. Oreshkin, the necessary work was carried out at the specified address. ...

    12.09.2018/ Home / all news
    flu shot cosino- residents of Ukhtom can do vaccinations at mobile points... . It is organized by the city's Department of Health. Kosino-Ukhtom residents can apply in the next...

    12.09.2018/ Home / all news
    Library No. 101 hosts an exhibition of works by S. Platonov... a big role in cultural life Kosino-Ukhtomsky district. Also on this day...

    12.09.2018/ Home / all news
    Anti-gravity yoga classes continue... anti-gravity yoga classes. Kosino- Ukhtom residents liked anti-gravity classes...