English according to the Meshcheryakov system. Our benefits


Individual Entrepreneur Olga Viktorovna Goncharova is the official distributor in the Russian Federation and foreign countries of Valeria Meshcheryakova’s “I Love English” methodology, acting on the basis of the main distribution agreement between Individual Entrepreneur V.N. Meshcheryakova. - producer of original methodological and teaching aids in English on the one hand and individual entrepreneur O.V. Goncharova. . - the distributor, on the other hand.

The organizational and legal form of the store is IP Goncharova O.V. Certificate No. 311169025200012 dated September 9, 2011

Director of the store and methodological center - Olga Viktorovna Goncharova

The website www.eng-shop.ru presents Valeria Meshcheryakova’s author’s educational and methodological manuals on teaching English to children of preschool and primary school age, author’s courses on preparing teachers to work with children using these manuals, as well as books and teaching aids other authors, which are created as additional material for classes with children using the methods of Valeria Meshcheryakova.


Valeria Meshcheryakova’s technique has been developing since 1994. It began with individual tapes that the author recorded daily for his students, and now the I LOVE ENGLISH method of teaching children English is the most popular and effective in the educational services market.

The technique appeared on the market in the form of sets of manuals in 1998. Gradually developing, the technique became more and more in demand. A clear structure and methods of working with children, worked out in practice by the author himself, gave excellent results and this could not escape the attention of teachers and parents. The effectiveness of the technique is manifested in a specific indicator: children begin to speak fluently within a guaranteed time frame and in a guaranteed volume. Naturally, as in all other processes, a guarantee of results can only be achieved with 100% compliance with the methodological principles and rules for organizing the process, which teachers master in V.N.’s proprietary courses. Meshcheryakova.

Active promotion of the methodology began in 2004 after the organization of the Methodological Center by Valeria Meshcheryakova in Moscow (organizer and head of the Center Olga Viktorovna Goncharova)


Parents are freed from time-consuming attempts to help their children “do their homework” - you simply turn on the disk for 10-15 minutes every day. You don't need to do anything else. If you don’t know English, this is not a hindrance, but an opportunity to start learning it with your child.

Teachers acquire a very effective and convenient technique. Clearly structured material presented in manuals and the availability of a set of visual aids frees the teacher from the routine work of writing lesson plans and selecting additional materials. The kits have EVERYTHING! The teacher can focus solely on creative work and enjoy teaching as much as the children!

As a result, the teacher receives short time English speaking children. For parents, this is the most powerful motivation to contact you, as an English teacher, on the issue effective learning their children to English.

Children will not be afraid to speak in English, but they will do it with pleasure. When attending English using Valeria Meshcheryakova’s method, children receive 100% positive emotional charge, as if they were attending an exciting entertainment event. Joyful activities for children are the health of your children - mental and physical

Managers (organizers, administrators, investors) of children's centers.

Availability in your educational institution teachers who know the methods of teaching children English according to V.N. Meshcheryakova. - a strong motivational factor for parents to invest in your language center (school, group).

Who contacts us:

Teachers of children's centers and language courses.

Future and present organizers of modern children's centers, where the most important thing is not to earn money, but to provide quality services, for which they will receive gratitude from parents in the form of good payment.

Parents who understand the importance of quality education and early development of children. By purchasing our original manuals, they not only thank the author and our entire team for creating a highly effective product, but thereby provide support for further development.

Distribution of the methodology:

Our benefits are used by children throughout Russia, the Baltic states, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

Future plans.

Production of audio courses in other foreign languages. Already now you can get acquainted with experimental textbooks on French and German languages. A Spanish manual is expected to be released. In development - Japanese.

Release of additional educational and methodological manuals, both original and created by teachers working according to the methodology of Valeria Meshcheryakova.

Expanding the geography of representative offices of the methodology.

Master classes on the methodology for teachers and parents.

Video presentations and programs in support of teachers working according to the methodology and for parents.

Hardly anyone now doubts that knowledge of English is an absolute necessity for any intellectual, highly paid job, and business today is practically impossible without contacts with foreign partners, and English is the main language of international communication. In this case, it is especially important to be able to understand native speakers and conduct a full dialogue with them. And few of us can boast of this skill. But we studied the language at school for many years, starting from the 5th grade, and some from the first grades of gymnasiums and special schools, and then continued to learn it for 6 years at the institute. And yet the need to talk with foreigners drives many into a stupor and causes great fear. Why is this happening?

Valeria Meshcheryakova spent more than 20 years of her life creating her unique method of teaching English. She managed to understand how our school creates the language barrier in children and find a way to teach the language in such a way that the child does not have any barriers, and he learns a foreign language just like his native one.

Meshcheryakova’s technique is suitable for children from 3 to 10 years old and uses the imprinting mechanism, when language structures are imprinted in the child’s mind without significant effort on the part of the child, without tedious cramming and without stress.

This mechanism works best in children in early childhood and fades away after 8-9 years. This is why it is important to start learning foreign languages ​​as early as possible.

Training using Valeria Meshcheryakova’s method is based on the principle of deep immersion:

— lessons are taught only in English;

- learning is built in the form of a game - for children this is not an activity, but an exciting performance in which they act as the main actors;

— a lot of audio materials recorded by native speakers are used;

— Parents also take part in the training.

Gradually, in the process of such classes, children begin to speak and think freely in the language and, ultimately, master English as their native language.

For each age group, a separate level of language teaching is applied.

Stage 0: “I can sing”— English for children from 3 to 5 years old. Children learn to perceive English language by ear, follow the teacher’s commands, play and sing songs in English.

Stage 1: “I can speak”- for children from 5 to 7 years old. Children acquire English speaking skills. Vocabulary grows to 500 units.

Stage 3: “I can write”- for children from 8 to 9 years old. Children learn to write in English and construct sentences grammatically correctly.

Stage 4: “I can analyze”- for children from 9 to 10 years old. Children develop the skill of analyzing oral and written language material.

The number of children in the group is 5-6 people.

Classes are held 2 times a week, duration is from 30 to 45 minutes depending on the age of the child.

Welcome to classes at the April Early Development Center!

Meshcheryakova Valeria Nikolaevna is the author of the unique course I love English for teaching English to children aged two to ten years. This technique is fundamentally different from that given in modern secondary schools. The peculiarity is that learning takes place through various games with the maximum possible immersion in the language environment, where the perception of information by ear, listening, performs one of the most important functions in the learning process.

Effective and progressive

Children study in this program with special interest and desire due to the fact that during classes they sing songs, read poems, role-play skits and completely “lose” the entire lesson. Valeria Meshcheryakova’s methodology ensures that children easily perceive new information in the classroom. A thoughtful approach to homework: young students (and their parents) need to listen to audio lessons lasting ten to fifteen minutes every day. Audio texts were recorded by native speakers, so they allow students to develop their understanding. All materials of this technique work to accumulate significant passive vocabulary and on the development of linguistic sense.

An important difference between this English and what the school teaches is, firstly, that it is not the language itself that is studied and comprehended, but speech itself. Secondly, learning begins with listening and speaking in the very first lessons without learning rules or vocabulary.

Another unusual feature of this technique is the absence of corrections of children’s speech errors by the teacher during lessons. Instead, multiple repetitions of information blocks are introduced to master the correct version of speech. This is done to prevent the emergence of psychological and language barriers.

Meshcheryakova’s methodology “English for children”: stages of learning

The technique is suitable for teaching children aged from two (three) to nine (ten) years and is interesting and quite effective. It must be said that training leads to real and successful results.

Meshcheryakova’s I love English method consists of several sequential and interconnected steps in learning and mastering:

  • Level zero, primarily based on listening and memorizing, - I can sing.
  • The first stage, improving listening comprehension and forming English speech, is I can speak.
  • The second stage, improving previous acquired skills and teaching reading, is I can read. Comprehension of reading occurs using a unique technique of color reading based on previously studied material, as a result of which this process is mastered with ease.
  • The third stage, improving all previous skills and teaching writing, is I can write.
  • The fourth stage - I can analyze - teaches you to analyze speech during its formation.

We will analyze some of the main stages in great detail in order to understand what Valeria Meshcheryakova’s methodology is.


The very first and introductory step for those children who are learning a language from the very beginning is the zero level I can sing. Assimilation and learning take place through singing, namely through patterned repetition and memorization of phrases. This happens even without an initial understanding of the translation of words. Understanding itself happens in the background. The child learns to understand the meaning of foreign speech unconsciously (passively) by frequent and regular listening to audio lessons. And active language learning is achieved already in face-to-face classes with a teacher, who transfers the accumulated “passive” vocabulary into the “active” category. At this age, a person can easily master the language(s) in this way, that is, with the right approach and organized training.

English Meshcheryakova defines the goal of this stage - the child’s mastery and perception of speech by ear. Lessons are conducted with children in musical and playful forms. The material used in the methodology is texts with colorful, bright illustrations and recorded songs performed by native speakers.

English according to Meshcheryakova’s method provides for the assistance and participation of parents in the learning process. Their actions are very important. Adults need to provide children with daily access to listening to audio recordings. What should you pay attention to (both parents and teachers studying with this system)? At this stage, phonetic errors that the child makes due to an immature speech apparatus are not corrected by adults, clearly and noticeably to the child. In this case, mentors try to repeat correctly defined sounds or words as many times as possible in order for the children to remember the only correct option. When speaking, gestures and facial expressions are used as much as possible to comprehend the speech in the child’s mind.

Speech formation

The next stage is the first and basic one - I can speak, since the formation of oral speech is one of the main tasks in comprehending the language. At this stage, the child begins to use phrases, words, and clichés that have already been memorized and “imprinted” into consciousness (at the previous stage through repeated repetition and listening) when constructing his speech.

He conducts a similar lesson in the form of a game, and the child constructs his speech more or less meaningfully. Meshcheryakova’s methodology ensures that children achieve comprehension already at this stage thanks to well-thought-out and prepared materials and correct presentation of information:

  • Visual support for audio recordings in the form of a synthesis of a book and a coloring book contains an illustrated picture for the lesson, in which the child completes the necessary tasks. The main task of the little student undergoing training is to collect these completed coloring sheets from lesson to lesson in order to assemble a whole book.
  • Language information blocks on the disk are repeated many times for the purpose of unconscious and involuntary memorization. During the lesson, the teacher deliberately recreates situations in which these structures are used and reinforced.
  • Simple and timely tracking of a child’s knowledge acquisition. Every fourth lesson is a control lesson, during which the teacher evaluates the completed tasks with “pros” and “cons” so that the child understands how successful he is in completing certain tasks.
  • It must be said that the audio lessons themselves are well thought out in terms of content and do not overload children's consciousness and attention. One lesson lasts for ten to fifteen minutes. Throughout the week, the child listens to a specific lesson once every day. But the more, the better. Listening is possible even with incomplete concentration, but in the background, as if by the way. And before the test lesson, he works with the tasks in his coloring book for a maximum of fifteen minutes.
  • A few words should be said about motivation. Meshcheryakova’s methodology involves a kind of assessment and approval by the teacher correct execution assignments by the student through drawn pictures (in the form of hearts and flowers). The incentive system is well thought out: even diplomas have been developed for excellent achievements. The child can also receive a gift from fairy tale hero, which he dealt with when completing assignments for the lesson he had completed.

Question of priority

It happens that Meshcheryakova’s teaching method is not the first method that parents and their children have used and used. In other words, they already have a certain information base. But there is also a desire (or need) to continue learning the language using a different, for example, more effective I love English system. according to Meshcheryakova’s method, it involves studying and mastering knowledge and skills necessarily linearly, sequentially and in stages (0, 1, 2, 3, 4). However, you can continue to apply your existing knowledge and start learning from the I can speak level, subject to the only and necessary condition - daily listening to audio lessons.

Reading training

The I can read level develops the child’s skills correct reading without memorizing and cramming various countless rules for pronunciation of certain letters or letter combinations. Meshcheryakova’s technique (“English for Children”) represents a lightweight and unique color reading technique.

Children and teachers work according to a manual in which all words, phrases and texts are highlighted in certain colors and in different fonts. During the learning process, children easily understand and subsequently read these “markers.” No linguistic or semantic distortion occurs during such reading. In the process, the child sees the correct graphic spelling of the word, but at the same time he identifies the corresponding sound-letter pronunciation through color without confusion with the transcription. This technique allows you to immediately start reading correctly for both children and parents who do not know English, but provide control over the completion of tasks.

Meshcheryakova’s method does not provide for the study of the alphabet at this level. This is considered inappropriate and untimely: any one is introduced when there is a need for it. The explanation is that letter names not only do not help, but often prevent children from learning to read correctly and fluently in English. Why is knowledge of the alphabet useful? As a rule, for correct spelling and for searching for new language units in the dictionary. And even at this stage (in order to understand the meaning of the word) a dictionary is not needed yet.

Work in the lesson according to the manual is carried out orally with the teacher recording individual points and exercises on the board. As homework, the child completes written exercises covered in class, and also independently works with additional exercises to consolidate the material studied. It is necessary to emphasize that the wording of the homework is given in the manual in Russian for the purpose of full understanding by all participants in the learning process (students and their parents) of what needs to be done. This is created intentionally for functionality, because reading words and texts in English is only now being comprehended and comprehended at this stage (I can read).

Learning in the game

English according to Meshcheryakova’s method is taught in a playful way. Lessons are structured in the form of regularly and frequently changing games. This allows you to make the learning process interesting and exciting, since the child’s main activity in understanding the world around him occurs directly through games. Curiosity and excitement create harmonious conditions for memorizing, repeating, assimilating and consolidating information. Children's positive emotions and encouragement activate their mental cognitive processes as a result of development. In addition, the game is a kind of imaginary and artificially created situation that motivates to use the acquired knowledge at the right time. The teacher's task is to create such necessary conditions for development English speech and the need to use the material covered.

Play is the engine of the development process. Being an excellent learning tool and sharpening the child’s mental activity, it makes the lesson interesting and attractive.

Role of the parent

Meshcheryakova’s method involves, as mentioned earlier, regular and daily listening by children to audio lessons (which were recorded by native speakers). Successful language acquisition requires an appropriate environment, and audio recordings are a kind of this environment. Regular listening to these lessons (short in time) ensures success in mastering this technique. Moreover, the dependence of learning results on the regularity of home listening is linear. In other words, the more a child listens to an audio lesson, the more he understands it. The more understandable, the more he likes it. The more he likes it, the more pleased he is to listen to it again and go to English class. And vice versa.

It would be great if parents help their child create some kind of ritual for listening to lessons (for example, before going to bed in bed or on the way to/from school). Creating some additional motivation on the part of parents would also contribute to more effective learning foreign language.

Listening to this audio material is generally an interesting and exciting activity; children like it. However, there are a couple of mistakes that parents make, as a result of which their child will want to stop listening to audio lessons and English classes:

  1. Direct action replacement commands: “Instead of watching cartoons, it’s better to go study English.” This is a very rude and tactless effect on children's consciousness and psyche. Most often, this causes internal protest and reluctance to develop further in this direction. In its own way, this is a kind of negative program that a parent created in the subconscious of his child.
  2. Rare and irregular (or no) listening to audio lessons. In face-to-face classes with a teacher, it becomes difficult for children who do not listen to lessons at home or do so rarely. Any difficulties in a child cause a loss of interest in activities.

The role of the teacher

The teacher in the classroom is a key figure in a successful and effective learning process. It is not enough to know the material and a foreign language. You need to have a lot of qualities. If we take the age limit for children using this method, then the teacher needs to be a speaker, a psychologist, an actor, and a mass entertainer, so that the learning process is as successful and useful as possible. In addition, a teacher is a person who loves and understands children, who can speak the same language with them, but at the same time communicates with them and teaches them another, foreign language. That's how interesting and difficult everything is! With a teacher who conducts lessons in an accessible manner, with love and interest, children happily go to class and master the material without much difficulty, this happens automatically. A lot depends on the teacher!

It goes without saying that a teacher must be proficient in different methods and techniques of teaching his subject. Regarding our topic, all this was wonderfully developed and thought out by the author of this course program, V. N. Meshcheryakova. The methodology is unique and differs in many ways from the school teaching course. Accordingly, there are a lot of nuances that a teacher needs not only to know, but also to fully master all the subtleties. For this purpose, there is a teacher training program separately developed by Valeria Nikolaevna’s center, which professionally develops and certified explains how classes need to be conducted in order to teach English correctly using Meshcheryakova’s methodology.


Working curriculum

"English for kids"

The program is designed for children 3-4 years old (junior preschool age). The duration of the program is 1 year.

Teacher: Tkachenko O.S.

  1. Explanatory note
  2. Program principles and methods
  3. Program Goals
  4. Program objectives
  5. Logistics support
  6. Expected results
  7. Methodological support of the program
  8. Appendix No. 1

Explanatory note

The educational complex “I can sing” by V.N. Meshcheryakova for teaching English to children 3-4 years old is the first step in the “I love English” educational set. The goal of the first stage is to teach children to perceive English speech by ear, to create an image of the language in the child’s brain by repeatedly listening and then singing spoken phrases and grammatical structures. Lessons are conducted in the form of music and games. The use of phonograms is of great importance. The text and songs on the cassette are performed by native speakers and presented in the form of entertaining illustrated stories. The audio course, entirely recorded in English by native speakers, takes on the function of immersion in the language environment.

This methodological manual consists of 3 parts, each of which is designed for classes for 2-3 months, i.e. It is advisable to complete the 1st part in the fall, the 2nd in the winter, and the 3rd in the spring.

Classes are held in a group of 10-12 people for 15 minutes, 2 times a week. Despite the fact that the material is intended primarily for listening, some children begin to speak already in the first lessons.

By creating a relaxed playful atmosphere in the classroom, the teacher awakens activity in children, which gradually turns from playful activity into educational activity. In classes, children do not seem to learn the language, but simply use what they have already heard in the teacher’s speech or on a tape in order to be able to participate in general game. To effectively memorize the material, it is necessary to repeatedly listen to the structures, and to consolidate it, constant repetition is necessary, which is provided for by the structure of the manual.

Over the course of a year, children learn 20 songs and rhymes. Children master a large amount of English material receptively, i.e. perceive it by ear and respond appropriately.

As in life, in a group there are both “talkative” and “silent” ones. The teacher should encourage the speech activity of “talkers”, but pay special attention to phonetic errors and increase the number of correct repetitions of these sounds in the lesson.

When drawing up the program, methodological guidelines were followed principles:

  • The principle of comfort;
  • Immersion in the language environment;
  • The principle of the general development of the child through a foreign language, the disclosure of his creative abilities;
  • The principle of the natural path of language acquisition;
  • The principle of activating the main channels of perception (visual, auditory, kinesthetic).

In order to get children to follow you closely throughout the entire learning cycle, you need to know what motives are the source activity and interest children:

  • The desire for objective manipulation (give children the opportunity to pet a guest coming to class, and then he will turn from an ordinary toy into a close friend);
  • Emotional motive (lessons must be structured so that all children play any game);
  • The motive for imitation of adults (manifests itself in the readiness of children to repeat after the teacher all his actions);
  • Moral motive (manifests itself in criticism of other people’s misdeeds and in the desire to do good deeds);
  • Cognitive motive (here we mean more common childhood curiosity).

In the process of teaching English at an early stage, the following basic principles are used: methods : communicative, visual, gaming.

Communicative methodis supreme, dominant, and most consistent with the specifics of a foreign language as an academic subject. Using this method, the primary task of mastering basic skills and abilities of oral foreign language communication at an early stage of learning English, creating a core of oral speech and reading and the initial formation of children’s ability to communicate at an intercultural level is solved.

Visual methodprovides for the direct demonstration in classes of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, visual aids in order to facilitate understanding, memorization and use educational material in the practical activities of students.

Game The method is a practical consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills through the participation of students in games and skits.


The program promotes the formation and development of:

  1. Listening comprehension of English speech;
  2. Expands the general cultural level of students;
  3. Creates a basis for further teaching of English;


  1. Forming in students a desire to use English as a means of communication with native speakers;
  2. Formation of a lexical base to ensure understanding and speaking in English;
  3. Cultivating communication skills, a culture of communication, and the desire for further more in-depth study of a foreign language.

Logistics of the program

  • gaming teaching aids: a set of cubes, balls, toys.
  • audio materials by topic;
  • illustrative and didactic material on lesson topics;
  • visual aids.

Expected results:

Understanding English by ear

Formation of interest in learning;

Creation of a vocabulary database (at least 15 words and about 20 expressions)

Ability to work with handout materials.

Literature and teaching aids.

Appendix No. 1

Calendar and thematic planning.

Part no.




Let's count our fingers

What's this

Let's sing a song

Listen, someone is knocking at the door.

Let's ask: “Who are you?”

How are you?

What's your name?

Do you have a father? (mother, sister, brother)

Do you like...?

Why are you crying?


I'm good (big, clever, strong)

Good morning





This is a…







Who are you?

Are you a...?

Come in, please.

I'm fine, thank you.

My name is…




Stand up

Sit down

Hands up

Hands down

Hands on knees

Clap your hands

Stamp your feet


I have...

A father

A mother

A sister

A brother

Do you like...?

Yes, I do.

Happy birthday

“Good morning”

“One and two”

“One little, two little”

“This is a bear”

“Walking, walking”

“Hands up, hands down”

“I have a father...”

“Happy birthday”

Are you good or bad?

Who are you?

How old are you?

What do you like?

What does the cockerel say?

What is there in the bag?

That's a secret. Guess

What do you see?

Are you strong?

I am a boy

I am a girl

I am 3

How old are you?

A cat

A cockerel

I like...

I don't like...

A block

A clock

A horse

A tiger

I see…

A monkey

A tiger

A parrot

Yes, I am.


A pig

Why are you crying?

“What's your name?”

“I like the cat”

“I don't like the dog”

“I see a cockerel and a dog”

“This pig is strong”

“Why are you crying?”

What color is this fish?

Give me a red fish.

Can I have a…, please.

What do you have in the box?

Where is the cat?

Does it run (swim, fly, sleep, hop)?

What color is it?

How many cats are there on the mats?









A goose

Where is the cat?

It's on the mat.

It's on the chair.


In the house

In the box.

2 balls

3 dolls

4 dogs

5 frogs

The car is blue

A blue car

A mat

There are 4 cats on the mats.

“Sleep. "Walk"

“Do you have a tiger?”

“Where is the cat?”

“I see a ball”

“The car is blue”

“There are 4 cats...”

I’m not a supporter of early language learning, but I couldn’t resist the temptation to buy a manual Meshcheryakova for several reasons - your 3-year-old child, reviews on various forums, where almost everyone who bought it, like zombified conspirators, repeats about its miraculousness, the inability to familiarize themselves with Meshcheryakova’s manuals or methods online, and, of course, female curiosity. I haven’t worked with children of this age yet, but online, except this video, I didn’t find anything intelligible about the teaching methodology. Yes, there are seminars that are conducted using this technique, but they are, to put it mildly, not cheap.

I placed the order on the official website, where a book for a teacher + a book for a student + a CD with songs + delivery cost me 1400rub(!). I didn’t buy a visual aid for this level because I was strangled by a toad (another + 1000 rubles). The amount is not small, considering that there are only 5 such benefits (corresponding to steps 1 – 4, plus this one is zero).
Having opened the parcel, I saw two books in the format A5 and volume about 50 pages:

I can sing. A book for the student.

IN student book we find:
1) Author's message
2) Text of audio lessons
3) Lyrics of songs with pictures for children
4) Colored cards with toys and objects used in lessons
5) Song translation and dictionary

On the pages there are simply pictures and the lyrics of the song next to them. If you look at decor books, then the pictures seem to be funny, but from the point of view of a parent, I don’t like yellow hares, pink horses, blue bears and ugly drawn children. From an aesthetic point of view, courses from foreign publishers (for example, this one) are designed more pleasantly.

In addition, the sheets intended for the student - lessons with songs and lyrics - are made on glossy paper, but the material for parents is on regular paper, which a preschool child can easily tear if handled carelessly.

I can sing. Book for teachers.

IN teacher's book There is:
1) Description of methodological principles
2) Inventory
3) Class structure
4) Lesson Plans
5) Additional games

Its undoubted advantage: all lessons are described in detail, methodological advice is given - how to seat children, how to introduce new toys to them, how to introduce material, reinforce it, how to sing songs, what games to use. There are also small cheat sheets for the teacher:

I can sing. Audio.

On disk V. Meshcheryakova's manual contains songs, backing tracks, and background music. The disc is voiced by native speakers (male and female), the pronunciation is good and clear, there are no complaints about this. It’s more pleasant for me to listen to a recording of children’s voices in a children’s textbook, but that’s my opinion.

I can sing. Results.

After reading the manual by V. Meshcheryakova “I can sing”, you can do several conclusions:

  • parents and teachers, not involved with this age group , and have little idea how to teach English to preschoolers - you can safely take it, because. The manual provides a detailed description of the behavior algorithm for classes
  • in kindergartens this textbook is more convenient to use than English-language ones - and all the lessons are written down, and the student’s parents will know what their children are being taught (all materials in the manual are translated).
  • If you tutor, who already has experience working with children from 3 to 6 years old, the manual can be used as additional material for classes. You most likely won’t learn anything new from it about the methods of teaching language to preschoolers

AND my 5 kopecks: taking into account the considerable price of the benefit, its small size, the active PR campaign of the entire methodology and the inability to somehow familiarize itself with it in online resources, all this seems to be another way to earn more money from children and parents who want to their child knew the language. I haven’t had time to try the technique yet, but when I try it, perhaps I’ll change my mind and I’ll definitely write about the results!

Review of V. Meshcheryakova’s manual “I can sing”