Design of wood products. Fundamentals of design and modeling of wood products Design and modeling of wood


S o s t a v i t e l

Yu. V. Lozhkin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of “Technology of Industrial and Artistic Materials Processing”

The educational manual formulates the requirements that must be met by coursework in the discipline “Technologies for the manufacture of artistic products from wood and wood materials”, determines the volume and procedure for performing calculation and graphic work, provides instructions for the preparation of drawings, principles of calculation necessary materials and components per unit of product.

© Izhevsk State

Technical University, 2014

© Lozhkin Yu. V., compilation, 2014


The purpose of the course work in the discipline “Technologies for the manufacture of artistic products from wood and wood materials” is to consolidate the knowledge of students acquired in lectures on these courses and to give them some skills in designing artistic products from wood and wood materials.

The purpose of the discipline is to study design methods and technologies for their use in the development of various types of furniture and interior items.

When studying disciplines, the following tasks are solved:

Familiarity with the design and technological features of furniture manufacturing;

Justification for choosing the type of connections, their design and calculation;

Preparation of drawings and other design and technological documentation for the product;

Assessing the artistic and aesthetic significance of the decision made.

Having received the assignment to complete the course work, having decided on the topic, students present options for artistic products in the form of sketches, outlines, and sketches. Rational, technologically advanced and durable connections are selected. As the topic of the course work, it is necessary to propose real projects of products that can be used in human life, have a functional or decorative role in the interior or exterior.

Each work must be unique and exclusive. But at the same time, the designed product can be offered for small-scale or mass production. The product being developed must be safe, ergonomic, aesthetic, easy to operate, repair and maintain, accessible to the buyer.

When developing a product, the following requirements must be taken into account:

Relevance, novelty, demand for the product;

Modern design;

Strength, reliability, durability;



Cost-effectiveness (use of available materials and ease of manufacture of the product).

When designing, students should rely on various methods design, methods of processing materials, use modern materials and technology, take into account the latest developments in the field of construction and design of furniture. During the design process, students attend consultations, report on the work completed to the supervisor, who checks the correctness of the decision made, provides assistance and gives recommendations on design, manufacturing technology, drawings and other design documentation.


Design objects are different kinds furniture, interior items. When studying the course “Technologies for the manufacture of artistic products from wood and wood materials”, the student completes course work, which helps deepen the student’s theoretical knowledge, acquire skills in designing products from wood and wood materials, working with standards, reference literature and practical solution of engineering problems .

The course work consists of several sections, which are completed in the following sequence:

1) development of product design;

2) calculation of materials for one product;

3) development of technological process;

4) selection of technological equipment.

When designing furniture products, students must solve a number of problems, such as:

a) selection of the type of product and its architectural and artistic design;

b) dimensions of the product;

c) materials used;

d) product design, manufacturability of its manufacture in conditions of individual and small-scale production;

e) ease of use of the product;

f) strength and durability, etc.

Before you begin designing a product, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the designs and features of such products, as well as know the various types of connections of parts made of wood and wood materials.

The task may be of a research nature and must be related to modern developments in the field of various technologies for manufacturing furniture, its elements, methods of decoration, equipment for the manufacture of products or furniture elements.

Course work begins with the preparation of technical specifications for the product or device being designed.

Having received an assignment for course work, students based on literary sources, GOSTs, standard projects, catalogues, magazines, exhibits of exhibitions and museums, patents and copyright certificates for industrial designs, get acquainted with the designs of similar products.

During the familiarization process the following is clarified:

Purpose of the product, conditions of its operation;

The design of the product and its main components, the materials of the product parts and the nature of their processing;

Types of connections, options for making connections of individual parts, their advantages and disadvantages;

Methodology for calculating furniture and its components for strength;

Sequence of assembly (disassembly) of the product;

Selection of protective and decorative coating;

Product manufacturing technology;

Packaging, transportation of the product;

Graphic design and composition of the project.

The terms of reference can be selected from the sections:

– “Furniture made from wood materials”;

– “Furniture made of natural wood”;

– “Furniture using metal elements (on a metal frame)”;

– “Transformable furniture”;

– “Folding furniture”;

– “Furniture using bent or bent-glued elements.”

Sample topics for coursework:

– “Design of a chair” (for example, a timber structure, with turned elements, with soft elements, a folding chair, etc.);

– “Development of shelf design” (for example, with bent or bent-glued elements, open structure or with doors, etc.);

– “Development of a chair design” (for example, a rocking chair, an easy chair, a wicker chair, with bent or bent-glued elements, etc.);

– “Development of table design” (for example, sliding, kitchen, desk, bedside, coffee table, etc.);

– “Development of the design of a serving table.”

After studying the materials, students draw up a technical specification for the designed product. The terms of reference establish the main purpose, specifications of the designed product, quality indicators and technical and economic requirements for the product being developed, implementation of the necessary stages of development of design documentation, its composition, as well as special requirements for the product. Based on the service purpose, serial production and manufacturability, the choice of product design and materials of its parts is given. The loads acting at the junctions of individual nodes and elements are considered. The parameters of the product and its parts accepted in the technical specifications are confirmed by calculations.

The course work consists of an illustrative and graphic part and a calculation and explanatory note.

The illustrative and graphic part of the work includes a drawing, sketch or three-dimensional model of an artistic product, its assembly drawing (with axonometric projections of the product placed on the assembly drawing), 2-3 drawings of assembly units, drawings of parts (in agreement with the supervisor) and a layout made in reduced scale (M 1:5 or 1:10). The assembly drawing can be modified and presented in the form of product templates in three projections and in full size.

The volume of the calculation and explanatory note must be at least 30–40 sheets of 210×297 mm (A4) format. The text is typed on a computer in Times New Roman font, font size 14, one and a half spacing.

The explanatory note should include the following sections:


“Artistic section” (technical description of the product);

“Design section” (design and materials);

"Technological section" ( structural scheme and specification of product components);

“Calculation of materials and components for one product”;

“Conclusion (conclusions on the work);


“Appendices” (sketches, search options for the product being developed, design and technological documentation, etc.).

The introduction substantiates the demand for the artistic product being developed, the relevance of its design and production based on a study of the market situation, prospects for the development of supply and demand. The purpose of the project development and the basic requirements for the product are stated: modern design, ease of assembly and ease of operation, manufacturability and cost-effectiveness of production.

The art section discusses products similar to the topic of the course work, their design, and methods of connecting elements. Having analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of prototypes, we propose our own idea, distinguished by its novelty, modern design, efficiency, manufacturability, etc. A technical description of the product is carried out. Provided general form and main dimensions.

In the design section, the design of the product is justified taking into account the requirements of the design assignment - aesthetics, functionality, manufacturability and cost-effectiveness of production. The design of the product and, if necessary, its operation are described. Materials of product parts, connections, protective and decorative coatings are selected. The sequence of assembly of the product, individual components, method of packaging and transportation of the product is given.

The technology section describes technological processes manufacturing of the product, equipment and tools for manufacturing are selected, the technology for obtaining joints is considered, calculations of joints are carried out.

The section “Calculation of materials and components for one product” provides: cutting of slab and sheet materials; calculation of adhesive materials, hardware products, components.

In conclusion, it describes what artistic and technical solutions adopted in course work, ensured the fulfillment of the requirements of the design assignment: the demand for the product, modern design, manufacturability, etc. Conclusions on the work are given.

The list of references indicates those sources that were directly used in the development and design of the product. The list of references is prepared in accordance with the standard for bibliographic description (GOST 7.1–2003).

The appendix contains drawings and product specifications, search options, etc.


Handwriting individual words, formulas, symbols into text documents, as well as illustrations should be done using black ink, paste or ink.

Sections, like subsections, can consist of one or more paragraphs.

If the document does not have subsections, then the numbering of paragraphs in it should be within each section and the paragraph number should be separated by a dot. There is no dot at the end of the item number, for example:

1. Types and main sizes

Numbering of paragraphs of the first section of the document

2. Technical requirements

Numbering of paragraphs in the second section of the document

Tables should be placed in the text after paragraphs containing a link to them, or as close to the link as possible. It is allowed to place tables no further than on the next page after the link. If there is more than one table, they are numbered. Numbering is allowed continuous or by sections (chapters).

The word is printed in front of the table (on the right) Table. There is no period after the table number. The table title is printed centered on the next line.

Illustrations are closely related to the text; they explain and make the text easier to understand. They should be placed as close as possible to the link, preferably on the same page. The text of the note must contain a link to the drawing. Numbering of figures is continuous or by sections (chapters). Drawings must be provided with captions, for example:

Rice. 1. Product sketch with main dimensions

When referring to illustrations, tables, chapters, sections indicating their numbers in the text of the note, abbreviations are required; without indicating the number these words ( figure, table, chapter etc.) are written in full in the text.

Formulas in explanatory note placed in the middle of the line, put a comma after the formula, write the word on a new line Where and provide a list of all symbols used in the formula with an explanation of their meaning and an indication of the dimension. The list is arranged in a column or in a selection, the symbol is separated from its decoding by the “–” sign. Formulas are numbered in Arabic numerals to the right.


When bending samples of rectangular cross-section with a concentrated force, the elastic stresses in the outermost stretched fiber are determined by the formula

Where R– bending force, N; L– distance between supports, mm; b– sample width, mm; h– sample height, mm.

Title page design


Federal state budget educational institution higher vocational education

"Izhevsk State Technical University

named after M.T. Kalashnikov"

(FSBEI HPE “IzhSTU named after M.T. Kalashnikov”)

Department of “Technology of industrial and artistic processing of materials”


for course work

by discipline

“Technologies for manufacturing artistic products from wood and

wood materials"

Subject __________________________

Completed by: _______________ Last name I.O.

student, group

Checked: _______________ Last name I.O.

academic title, position

Izhevsk 20

Requirements for pieces of furniture

Furniture items are subject to a set of requirements of the following nature:

– operational;

– functional;

– artistic and aesthetic;

– technical and economic.

Operational requirements include high strength, dimensional stability and durability of products.

Functional requirements determine the rationality of the design in terms of shape, size and ease of use of the product.

Artistic and aesthetic requirements include external and interior decoration products, color scheme, harmony of this product with other products in the room.

The technical and economic requirements include the minimum consumption of materials, manufacturability of the design, low cost of products and their high quality.

Requirements for products also depend on their type, purpose and operating conditions, which must be taken into account during design.

There are a lot of furniture made of wood and wood materials.

Furniture is divided according to purpose:

– for household use – bedroom, dining room, living room, kitchen, children’s room, utility room, built-in room, etc.;

– for public buildings – school, medical, theater, shopping, etc.

Kitchen furniture is used in conditions where temperature and humidity are constantly changing. The working surfaces of table tops can come into contact with various aggressive substances (salt, acid, alkali); in addition, food is prepared on them. Therefore, kitchen furniture must be made with opaque, durable coatings in light colors.

This circumstance allows the designer to use lower-grade and cheaper wood and wood materials for kitchen furniture and use the most simple ways connections of parts and assembly units. For hygienic reasons kitchen furniture should be simple, with as few protrusions as possible to make it easier to care for. The same requirements apply to medical furniture.

For school furniture, in addition to general requirements, there are special requirements that take into account the different heights of students. Such furniture should be transformable.

For parts of complex shapes, bent elements made of solid wood and bent-glued elements made of veneer are used. For cladding, natural and synthetic veneer or ready-made laminated boards are used.

In each specific case, the designer must study and know the requirements for this type of product.

Manufacturability of products

At the stage of product design development, it is necessary to take into account the manufacturability of the product, which is characterized by the costs of labor, funds, materials, time and the overall efficiency of organizing the product production process at all its stages.

By laying down the high manufacturability of a product at the stage of its design, it is possible to ensure an increase in the efficiency of all subsequent stages of organizing its production in increasing labor productivity and the possibility of increasing product output without additional costs and time.

Practice shows that about 80% of the level of manufacturability of a product is achieved when developing a sketch and technical projects, and 20% - at the stage from a prototype to serial production of the product. The manufacturability of a product is a complex component, the main indicators of which are labor intensity and technological cost.

All calculations are summarized in tables (payslips). The initial data for calculations are the drawings for the product, as well as the specification of the component parts of the product.

Material Specification

Based on the calculations performed, a specification for materials is drawn up, which can serve as an application for the acquisition of materials for the manufacture of a product. The specification is drawn up according to the table. 13.

Table 13 –Specification of timber for manufacturing (quantity and name of product)

No. Name of material GOST Breed, type Variety Dimensions, mm Quantity
length width thickness m 3, m 2 PC.

It must be taken into account that about 65% of large lump waste and waste in the form of shavings can be used in the production of particle boards, souvenirs, toys and other small-sized products, as well as as fuel.

Calculation of adhesive materials

Calculation of the consumption of adhesive materials is carried out in a certain sequence:

– the gluing surface area in the product is calculated by complexity group;

– the type of glue and gluing conditions are determined;

– according to glue consumption standards, the need for adhesive materials for the manufacture of the product is calculated.

Calculation of surface gluing areas is carried out according to table. 14.

Table 14 –Calculation of bonded surfaces on ______________________

(product name)

Glue brand Bonding method Method of applying glue. Name of the part to which the glue is applied Name of parts to be glued Dimensions of bonded surfaces, mm Number of part surfaces Number of parts in the product, pcs Area of ​​one surface, m2 Area in the product, m 2
length width

Calculation of the consumption of adhesive materials is carried out according to table. 15, 16.

Table 15 –Glue consumption standard, kg/m2

Table 16 –Calculation of consumption of adhesive materials for _______________________

(product name)



Design and technological documentation mainly consists of drawings, tables, diagrams. The main drawings are: assembly drawing, drawings of assembly units, drawings of parts.

Assembly unit– a product, the components of which are subject to interconnection at the manufacturer by assembly operations (screwing, joining, riveting, welding, soldering, crimping, flaring, gluing, stitching, laying, etc.), for example: a car unit, a part of a machine tool , telephone set, micromodule, gearbox, welded housing, plastic handwheel with metal fittings.

Assembly units also include:

Products for which the design provides for their disassembly into component parts by the manufacturer, for example, for ease of packaging and transportation;

A set of assembly units and (or) parts that have a common functional purpose and are jointly installed at the manufacturer in another assembly unit, for example: electrical equipment of a machine tool, car, aircraft; a set of components of a mortise lock (lock, striker plate, keys);

A set of assembly units and (or) parts that have a common functional purpose, together placed at the manufacturer in packaging means (case, box, etc.), which are intended to be used together with the products placed in them, for example: a preparation unit, a set of end plane-parallel measures of length.

The assembly drawing must contain the smallest but necessary number of views, sections, sections that give a complete picture of the design of the product. The assembly drawing indicates overall, connecting and installation dimensions, dimensions for reference, positions of parts and assembly units, remote elements, conventions and simplifications.

Detail– a product made from a material that is homogeneous by name and brand without the use of assembly operations, for example: a roller made of one piece of metal, a cast body; bimetallic sheet plate; printed circuit board; plastic handwheel (without fittings); a piece of cable or wire of a given length. The same products subjected to coatings (protective or decorative), regardless of the type, thickness and purpose of the coating, or made using local welding, soldering, riveting, stitching, etc., for example, a chrome-plated screw; tube, soldered or welded in one piece sheet material; a box glued together from one piece of cardboard.

Working drawings are usually developed for all parts included in the product.

The drawings of parts indicate a minimal but understandable number of views, sections, sections, giving a complete picture of the shape of the part. All dimensions necessary for manufacturing a part (Fig. 3) or making a connection (Fig. 4) are indicated.

When drawing up drawings of parts made of materials such as wood, metal, glass, etc., there are some differences and features. For example, if a part is made from glass in the form of a table top, the edges of which are not covered with anything, but are only processed, it is advisable to indicate in the drawing the deviation from parallelism and (or) perpendicularity for accurate manufacturing of the part.

Figure 3 – Wood part drawing

Figure 4 – Designation of adhesive connection of parts in the drawing

It is allowed not to carry out drawings:

For parts made from shaped or sectioned material by cutting at a right angle, from sheet material by cutting along a circumference, including those with a concentric hole or along the perimeter of a rectangle without subsequent processing;

One of the product parts in the cases specified in the requirements for the execution of certain types of assembly drawings;

Parts of products with permanent connections (welded, soldered, riveted, glued, nailed, etc.), which are components of individually produced products, if the design of such a part is so simple that three or four dimensions on an assembly drawing are sufficient for its manufacture or one image of such a part in the free field of the drawing;

Parts of individually produced products, the shape and dimensions of which (length, bend radius, etc.) are installed locally, for example: individual parts of fences and flooring, individual sheets of cladding for frames and bulkheads, strips, angles, boards and bars, pipes, etc. . P.;

Purchased parts that are subjected to anti-corrosion or decorative coating that does not change the nature of the interface with adjacent parts.

The necessary data for the manufacture and control of parts for which drawings are not issued are indicated on the assembly drawings and in the specification.

In the drawings of parts and in the specifications, the symbols of the material must correspond to the symbols established by the standards for the material. If there is no standard, it is designated according to technical specifications.

It is allowed not to indicate the accuracy group, flatness, drawing, edge trimming, length and width of the sheet, width of the tape and other parameters in the symbol designation of the material, if they do not affect the performance of the product (part). At the same time, the general sequence of recording data established by standards or technical specifications for materials must be preserved.

In the title block of the drawing, parts indicate no more than one type of material. If the use of material substitutes is envisaged for the manufacture of a part, then they are indicated in the technical requirements of the drawing or technical specifications for the product.

If the shape and dimensions of all elements are determined in the drawing of the finished part, the development (image, development length) is not given.

When the image of a part manufactured by bending does not give an idea of ​​the actual shape and dimensions of its individual elements, a partial or complete development of it is placed on the drawing of the part. On the scan image, only those dimensions are applied that cannot be indicated on the image of the finished part.

Item numbers

In the assembly drawing, all components of the assembly unit are numbered in accordance with the item numbers specified in the specification of this assembly unit. Item numbers are placed on the shelves of leader lines drawn from the images of the component parts.

Position numbers indicate those images on which the corresponding components are projected as visible, as a rule, on the main views and sections replacing them.

The position numbers are placed parallel to the main inscription of the drawing outside the outline of the image and grouped into a column or line, if possible on the same line.

Position numbers are usually written on the drawing once. It is allowed to repeatedly indicate item numbers of identical components.

The font size of item numbers should be one or two numbers larger than the font size adopted for the dimensional numbers on the same drawing.

Drawing scale

When making a drawing, it is necessary to use a scale. It is recommended to use the following scales:

Reduction scales – 1:2, 1:2.5; 1:4, 1:5, 1:10, 1:15, 1:20, 1:25, 1:40, 1:50, 1:75, 1:100, 1:200, 1:400, 1: 500, 1:800, 1:1000;

Natural size – 1:1;

Magnification ratios – 2:1, 2.5:1, 4:1, 5:1, 10:1, 20:1, 40:1, 50:1, 100:1.

Adhesive joints

Gluing is used to connect parts made of homogeneous and dissimilar materials. There are natural and synthetic adhesives, cold- and hot-curing adhesives.

The technology for creating adhesive joints consists of:

From preparing the bonded surfaces of parts by cleaning them from dust;

Degreasing and creating a rough surface;

Applying glue to surfaces and assembling connection parts;

Hold the connection at the required pressure and temperature.

Adhesive joints have a number of advantages:

The ability to connect parts from dissimilar materials, including thin sheets that cannot be welded or soldered;

Sealing provided by a continuous adhesive film;

High corrosion resistance;

Good fatigue resistance.

The disadvantages of adhesive joints include:

Low strength with uneven separation (tearing);

Limited heat resistance;

The dependence of the strength of the connection on the combination of materials of the parts being glued, the gluing temperature and the operating conditions of the connection;

The requirement for an exact fit of the surfaces of the parts to be glued.

Depending on the product design and purpose, adhesive seams experience different loads.

The designs of adhesive joints are similar to soldered joints. Gaps in overlap and butt joints are formed due to the pressing of parts during the gluing process. Depending on the viscosity of the glue, the gaps are 0.05...0.10 mm, for adhesives with fillers - 0.10...0.20 mm.

In Fig. Figure 6 shows an example of the designation of an adhesive joint in a drawing according to GOST. It is allowed to indicate the designation of the adhesive and the dimensions of the adhesive joint in the technical requirements of the drawing. In this case, the drawing itself shows an arrow with symbol glue seam.

Figure 6 – Adhesive connection for round insert dowels:

dimensions according to the drawing, the thickness of the adhesive layer is determined by the specified fit

When designing products, it is necessary to be guided by a competent choice of fits, which can be with a gap, with an interference fit, or transitional. The correct choice determines the reliability of the connection and the product, durability, wear resistance, efficiency, etc. Plantings are widely used in structural materials - metals and alloys, plastics, wood. A wide variety of fits are used in connections of metal parts.

Product processing precision

Processing accuracy refers to the degree of compliance of the manufactured part with the drawing and technical specifications. It is characterized by such parameters as dimensional accuracy, shape accuracy and surface roughness. In practice, processing accuracy is determined by the difference (error), i.e., the deviation of the parameters of the finished parts from the specified values. The interchangeability of parts, the strength of their connections, ease of assembly and the quality of products and structures depend on the accuracy of processing.

Interchangeability is the property of manufactured parts to ensure their assembly into products without additional adjustment. Interchangeability is achieved with strict adherence to the current system of tolerances and fits.

Tolerance is the difference between the largest and smallest limit sizes or the absolute value of the algebraic difference between the upper and lower deviations.

Lesson topic: “Fundamentals of design and modeling of wood products”
Development of skills in working with wood
Development of students' creative imagination.
Educational: teach children to construct a cube from matches;
Educational: teach communication in work; introduce ancient Russian culture.
Developmental: introduce students to Russian crafts.
Equipment: wood, machine STD - 120, carpentry tools, PVA glue.
Lesson type:
practical work on designing a flower bed.
Elements of cooperation technology.
Role of the teacher:
Coordination of student activities.
During the classes.
1. Organizational moment:
greeting, checking readiness for the lesson, absentees.
2. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
Record the topic of the lesson on the board and in students’ notebooks.
Key terms are written on the board:
Product quality: Manufacturability. Strength. Reliability. Economical.
Guys, today we will learn how to make a flower bed. This flower stand will become the basis for the design.
3. Introductory speech by the teacher.
Design is one of the stages of creating products (design - translated from Latin as “Device”).
Design is part of design and will be an essential element of your future creative project. Typically, design begins with a visual representation of the product, drawing up its sketches, technical drawings, and drawings. Then the necessary materials are selected.
Next, a prototype of the product or the product itself is made, tested for strength and performance, modified taking into account shortcomings, and this is repeated many times, from one option to another, until the best product is created according to its purpose.
The product must be technologically advanced (simple) to manufacture, durable, reliable and economical.
You see on the board the basic concepts that characterize the qualities of the product.
Technological consider a product manufactured with the least amount of time, labor, money and materials.
Durable the product accepts a given load without destruction.
Reliable The product serves without fail for a long time.
Economical They consider a product that does not require additional resources when used.
4. Preparing the workpiece for turning

    cutting the workpiece along the length, taking into account allowances at the ends,

    inspection of its external condition, marking the centers of rotation of the workpiece;

    giving the workpiece a shape close to cylindrical. If the workpiece has the shape of a square, then to find the centers of rotation, diagonals are drawn at the ends and holes are made at their intersection with an awl. Then the ribs are cut off with a plane, giving the workpiece the shape of an octahedron.

    After this, the workpiece is mounted on the machine.

5. Setting up and setting up the machine. Check the operation of the machine at idle speed. Prepare and securely fasten the workpiece. The tool rest is adjusted and securely fastened so that the distance from it to the workpiece surface to be processed is 2 ... 3 mm. To check the gap, the workpiece is turned manually 2...3 turns.
Various chisels are used for turning wood and other cutting tools.
Grooved, semicircular chisels are used for rough processing of workpieces, and oblique chisels are used for finishing, final processing of surfaces, as well as for cutting ends and turning cones. The cutting part of turning tools, called the blade, is wedge-shaped and consists of front and back surfaces, as well as a cutting edge.
Workpiece turning. Before turning, put on safety glasses, turn on the machine, take the chisel in your right hand, place it on the tool rest without touching the workpiece, and press it to the tool rest with your left hand from above.
First, rough turning is performed. Slowly bring the blade to the rotating workpiece and remove the chips using the middle of the blade of a semicircular chisel. Then smoothly move the chisel to the left or right, cutting off the layer of wood with the left or right side of the rounded blade.
For finishing turning of the workpiece, leave an allowance of 2...4 mm per side. Finish turning is performed with an oblique chisel. The chisel is rested on the tool rest with its edge on the side of the obtuse angle and the cutting edge is directed in the direction of its movement.
Thin chips are cut only from the middle of the cutting edge. Under no circumstances allow the sharp corner of the chisel to cut into the workpiece. This may cause the chisel to be thrown out and cause injury.
Trim the ends of the workpieces with an oblique chisel and cut them out.
They sharpen products from a larger diameter to a smaller one. This cuts the wood fibers better and cleaner.
The dimensions of the workpiece are controlled using calipers or vernier calipers only after the machine is turned off and the spindle has completely stopped.
The straightness of the surfaces is checked against the light by placing a ruler on the part.
If necessary, the part is treated with sandpaper, wrapping it around the workpiece and holding the ends of the sandpaper with your hands. You can also sand with a sanding block.
Good results are obtained by polishing a dry part with a block of harder wood. At the same time, cellulose, which is part of the wood, melts on the surface of the workpiece from heating and envelops the treated surface with a thin layer. Overheating in the polishing zone produces a decorative finish in the form of burnt wood.
Before cutting the processed workpiece, the machine is stopped. Use a ruler and pencil to mark the workpiece to be cut. Then turn on the machine, lower the oblique chisel onto the tool rest with an acute angle (toe) down and make an incision in various places with a depth of 2...3 mm. Then place the chisel at an obtuse angle (heel) on the tool rest and with the cutting edge, as in fine turning, cut the end part of the workpiece to a cone to the notch. These transitions are performed repeatedly, gradually going deeper into the workpiece until a thin “neck” with a diameter of 8...10 mm is formed.
You should not allow the workpiece to be cut, since you still need to clean the end by moving the chisel towards the center of rotation in the same way as the cut was made. The end of the other end of the workpiece is cut in the same way.
After stopping the machine, the workpiece is removed, the necks are cut off with a fine-toothed saw and the ends are cleaned with sandpaper.

6.Independent work(if all the students do not fit near the machine - Divide into two groups - some work on the machine, the second prepare the frame of the flower stand for assembly. After turning the stands, assembly of the parts of the flower stand begins with glue. Then the stands are coated with varnish.
7. Current briefing. Individual, frontal, if necessary, when mistakes are repeated.

8.Independent work.(On the part of the teacher, control over the execution of work and compliance with technical rules, assistance in case of incorrect execution of technological operations, control over the condition of the workpiece fastening.)

9. Economic calculation.

1. Fiberboard – free.

2. Bar 50*50 – 130 tenge.

3. PVA glue – 50 tenge.

4. Varnish – 80 tenge.

5. Electricity – 70 tenge.

Total: 330 tenge.
10.Final briefing.
Cleaning workplaces. Evaluation of student's work.
11. Consolidation.
Class work - questions on the topic are asked to one of the students by the whole class, one by one, one question at a time.
12. Lesson summary. Grades (for the correct execution of turning, for assembling the product, compliance with technical rules, for oral answers).

MBOU Znamenskaya Secondary School No. 1 Minusinsk District Krasnoyarsk Territory Technology lesson in 6th grade: “FUNDAMENTALS OF DESIGN AND MODELING OF WOOD PRODUCTS” Technology teacher Vityutnev Nikolay Anatolyevich Handle options for plumbing and carpentry tools Handle options for metalworking and carpentry tools Handle options for metalworking and carpentry tools What is the difference between design and engineering design?

  • The designer seeks harmony of function and form in accordance with the characteristics of human perception. His approach to things is much broader than that of the designer.
  • It takes into account the various functions of the thing:
  • appointment - the ability to satisfy a specific human need;
  • for example, a spoon is a device for eating, a tape recorder is a device for reproducing sound;
  • the communicative function of a thing is, as it were, a collective message from the manufacturer to future consumers; Descendants will judge the level of development of our production by the products;
  • The decorative function (as part of the objective environment) of a thing is a decoration against which our activities and other functions take place.
Let's try to answer together: If engineering design gives constructive solution things, then artistic design organizes the forms of an object based on all its connections and functions. The shape of the product has a certain independence; it is designed not only to show the function, but also to produce an aesthetic effect. Practical work

Practical work

“Turning a part according to a drawing and technological map”

You will need:

a lathe with a set of tools: a drawing of the part and a technological map for its production; workpiece, semicircular grooved chisel, ruler, pencil, awl, sandpaper.

Safety regulations:

1. Do not turn on the machine without the teacher's permission

2. Securely fasten the tailstock of the machine.

3. Check whether the workpiece has cracks.

4. Securely fasten the workpiece.

5. Before working on lathe prepare workplace: remove everything unnecessary from the machine and around it, just lay it out necessary tools and devices.

6. Check the working tool: the handles of the chisels must be firmly seated and free of cracks.

Practical work

  • 7. Tuck in your clothes. Fasten all buttons. Long hair put it under your headdress
  • 8. Wear safety glasses before starting the machine.
  • 9. During the turning process, periodically stop the machine and press the part with the rear center, eliminating gaps.
  • 10. Periodically, as you turn the surface, when stopping the machine, move the tool rest to the surface of the workpiece for 2-3 mm, rotate the workpiece by hand on 2-3 turns and securely fasten the tool rest.
  • 11. While working, do not be distracted, do not move away from the machine.
  • 12. Carry out all adjustment operations only when the machine is switched off and stopped.
  • 13. Do not process the part near the trident.
  • 14. Do not stop the workpiece with your hands.
  • 15. Report any malfunctions to the teacher.
Reading the drawing
  • Reading a sketch or drawing means imagining the structure of the part and finding out all the data necessary for its manufacture.
  • You can read the sketch or drawing in the following order. First, find the name of the part in the lower right corner of the sketch and find out what material it should be made from. Then look at the image of the part, imagine its shape, find out the overall dimensions. After this, find all the elements of the part in the image, imagine their shape and set the dimensions. And finally, study the technical requirements indicated on the drawing.
Elements of the part The order of the work The order of the work
  • 1. Read the drawing and process sheet for the manufacture of a cylindrical part (or a product for your project).
  • 2. Select a workpiece and plan to work with it under the guidance of a teacher.
  • 3. Mark, prepare and place the workpiece on the lathe.
  • 4. Select and check cutting tools.
  • 5. Perform rough turning with a grooved chisel, and cleaning with sandpaper. Sharpen only with permission and under the supervision of the teacher!
  • 6. Remove the workpiece. Check the dimensions and surface roughness of the machined part.
Routing Technological map Changing the shape of an object. Deformation is the process of changing the shape of a body under the influence of an applied force. Force is a physical quantity that characterizes the action of one body on another.: Types of deformation during turning: at the first moment, compression of the material occurs, then shear and shearing of wood fibers. As a result of these deformations, chips are removed. The essence of the turning process is explained based on
  • physical concepts
  • Before turning on the machine, make sure that it is in working order and has a protective casing, and that the tool is properly sharpened and has a firmly seated handle.
  • The workpiece must be selected without cracks or knots and firmly secured to the machine.
  • You must work in safety glasses, work clothes, buttoned-up sleeves, and a hat.
  • While the machine is operating, it is prohibited to measure the workpiece, move the tool rest, or clean the machine.
  • You only need to hold the cutter with both hands when turning.
Lesson summary:
  • Evaluate student answers and work
  • Clean the workshop premises
Drawing of a handle for a file

Thank you for your attention

Topic: Fundamentals of design and modeling of wood products.

Slide No. 1,2


Educational: explore elements and sequence with students

product design and modeling

Educational: develop students' creative activity, teach

apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Educational: to educate students to be neat, responsible,

ability to put finished products into practice

Equipment and tools: carpentry workbench, carpentry

tools, marking tools.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

Checking readiness for the lesson. Appointment of workshop attendants.

    Repetition of covered material.

Slide No. 3 Conversation on the questions: 1. What shapes of parts are most common in woodworking? In woodworking, the most common parts are prismatic and round in cross-section (having an axis of rotation), such as cylinders and cones. The covers of tables and chairs, the walls of boxes, and the bars of frames have a prismatic shape. Handles for shovels, handles for mallets, scoops and files, round legs of tables and chairs and other products have a cylindrical or conical shape.2. Let's remember where to start creating wood products? (Work on the manufacture of products begins with sketches, technical drawings and drawings).3. What is a sketch? Technical drawing? A sketch is a conventional image of a part, made by hand, but with mandatory observance of the proportions of the elements of the parts. The technical drawing is a three-dimensional image of the product on three sides.Slide No. 4 4. Do you have a sketch or technical drawing in front of you? Prove it. (Technical drawing of the feeder, as it represents a three-dimensional image of the product).5. What drawings are called assembly drawings? (An assembly drawing is an image of a product consisting of several parts). Slide No. 5,6 6. Read the assembly drawing of the square. The square consists of a ruler and a base, fixedly glued together with glue exactly at an angle of 90°. The base of the square has a groove at the end into which a ruler is inserted and glued. The assembly drawing shows only those views by which the design of the product can be determined. For an assembly drawing of a square, two views will be sufficient: the main view (Fig. a) and the left view (Fig. b). The main inscription is placed in the lower right corner of the assembly drawing (Fig. d). It indicates the name of the product or assembly unit and the scale of the image. The assembly drawing contains only those dimensions that need to be controlled when assembling the product. For the square, these are the overall dimensions: 150, 200 and 30 mm. (The word “dimension” translated from French means “the largest size of the outline.”) It is also necessary to control the accuracy of the connection of parts 1 and 2 at an angle of 90°. The specification for the assembly drawing is placed above the main inscription or on separate sheets (Fig. c). It is presented in the form of a table. It lists all the details of the product, indicating the name, quantity and material of the parts. (The word “specification” comes from two Latin words - “variety” and “do”.) When reading an assembly drawing, first study the content of the title block, the name of the product and the scale of the image. Then they study the purpose and principle of operation of the product. According to the specification, they determine the names of the parts and the materials from which they are made, find them on all types of assembly drawings and understand the shape and design (device) of the product. Finally, methods for connecting parts and the sequence of their assembly are determined.

    Presentation of program material.

Slide No. 7-13 Design - This is one of the stages of creating a product. (“Construction” means “device” in Latin.)

Construction is part of design and will be an essential element of your future creative project.

Typically, design begins with a visual representation of the product, drawing up its sketches, technical drawings, and drawings.

Then the necessary materials are selected.

Next, a prototype of the product or the product itself is made, tested for strength and performance, modified taking into account shortcomings, and this is repeated many times, from one option to another, until the best product is created according to its purpose.

Before the developer (designer) in the process

design there are many product options. Multivariation in design is called variability. Variability is inherent in both the design of the product and its appearance - design. (The word “design” translated from English means “conception, project, drawing.”) In the narrow sense, design is the artistic design of a product. In Fig. 1 shows the variability of design solutions for pencil stands.

A beautiful and fashionable product, thought out from the point of view of technical aesthetics (beauty), simplicity and safety of maintenance and operation, is in high demand and is more valuable. That’s why they work through many product options until they find the most suitable one.

This is how various designs of tables, chairs, armchairs and other wood products appeared.

Finally, the product must be technologically advanced (easy) to manufacture, durable, reliable and economical.

Technological They consider a product manufactured with the least amount of time, labor, money and materials.

Durable the product accepts a given load without destruction.

Reliable The product serves without fail for a long time.

Economical They consider a product that does not require additional costs when used.

Manufacturability, strength, reliability and other properties are the basic principles of design, manufacture and operation of products.

All of the above are necessary properties products make it up quality. A high-quality product is durable and reliable, convenient to use. When designing products, it is very important to select the right materials for them so that the product is durable and cheap, easy and quick to manufacture, and meets all the requirements placed on it.

When making several parts from one blank, it is important that there are as many of them as possible and that they are strong. For example, it is not economical to make products from boards, as shown in Fig. 2, a. If we take the cutting marking diagram shown in Fig. 2, b, then all products will be defective (fragile), since their handles will break off along the fibers. According to the cutting diagram (shown in Fig. 2, c), the top product will also be defective. But if the workpiece is plywood, then we will obtain the largest number of products according to the marking scheme shown in Fig. 2, c.

a B C

Rice. 2. Product marking schemes

Slide No. 14

Modeling. One of the design techniques is fashionpolishing of products. Model called a reduced or enlarged sample (copy) of a product that is made in order to understand its structure and principle of operation. (“Model” - from the Latin “measure, sample, norm.” “Copy” - from the Latin “set.”)

Since childhood, all of you have loved to build models of buildings, cars, tractors, boats and ships, and paper airplanes. And these are precisely models of existing structures and machines. The models you make can move, swim, and fly.

Models, like real products, are made according to sketches, technical drawings and drawings.

  1. Practical work.

Slide No. 15

Today we want to make rackets for table tennis, because they will be useful to us in physical education lessons. The racket can have any size, shape, weight, but the base must be flat and solid. 85% of the base thickness should be wood. The outer surface of the racket, except for the handle, should be matte, red on one side and black on the other. The side of the racket used to hit the ball should be covered with pimply rubber with the pimples facing out. (Factory sample shown)

Design of simple products made of wood

    Design several versions of the same wood product according to the teacher’s instructions.

    Complete technical drawings of the best product and drawings of its parts.

    Consider whether your product will have sufficient strength and reliability; will it be technologically advanced?

    What is the importance of modeling for
    developing your creative project?

    Consolidation of new material.

    • What is product design?

      What is called variability?

      What products are called technologically advanced, durable, reliable, economical?

      What products are considered high quality?

      What is called modeling and model?

      Why are models made?

    Final part.

Checking students' varied products. Self-assessment of your work.

Grading. Cleaning workplaces and premises expertly

Graphic documentation

Work on preparing for the manufacture of various products begins with drawings, sketches and technical drawings, which are graphic documentation.
Drawing is a conventional image of a product made using drawing tools. It is the main graphic document, by reading which you can find out: what material the product is made of, what its dimensions, shape, etc.
Often the product drawing has to be done in a reduced or enlarged form.
Scale - the ratio of the dimensions of the product image to its actual dimensions. Strictly defined scales are established, for example for a reduction of -1: 2; 1: 2.5; 1:4, etc., for increase - 2:1; 2.5:1; 4:1, etc.
In the drawings, the scales are written conventionally: M 1:2, M 4:1, etc.
If the image is made in natural size, then the scale is indicated as follows: M 1:1.
Sketch This is a conventional image of the product, made by hand, but with the proportions between the parts maintained by eye.
A sketch is made if you need to quickly transfer it to
paper the idea of ​​a new product. Sketches are best done on checkered paper.
Technical drawing is a visual image of the product, in which three sides are visible at once.
From the technical drawing it is easy to imagine the shape of the product.

In the drawing, sketch, technical drawing, the dimensions necessary for the manufacture of the part must be indicated.
Inscriptions on graphic documents are made in drawing font.
Graphic documentation, according to which the production of parts and products in production is organized, is calledtechnological , as it determines the entire process of manufacturing products. It is part of the technical documentation, according to which the entire production as a whole is organized.

Execution of drawings and sketches of parts

Graphic documentation is drawn up using various lines. Instead of the word “thickness”, a Latin letter is written on the drawingS . The largest dimensions of a part (length, width, thickness) are calledoverall . The name of the part, material and scale are indicated in the title block in the lower right corner of the drawing or sketch.
Rules for the design of drawings, sketches and technical drawings
1.Select scale.
2.Draw the outline of an object in the middle of a sheet of paper using thin lines.
3.Draw extension lines.
4.Draw dimension lines parallel to the contour of the part at a distance of 6-10 mm.
5. The dimension line should be limited on both sides by arrows. The arrows' points should touch the extension lines.
6.The size number is placed above the middle of the size line.
7. Trace the outline of the part with a thick line.
8.Fill in the corner stamp (main inscription).

You can read the sketch or drawing in the following order.
First, find the name of the part and find out what material it needs to be made from. Then look at the image of the part, imagine its shape, find out the overall dimensions. After this, find all the elements of the part in the image, imagine their shape and size. Study the technical requirements indicated on the drawing.

Assembly drawing

A product consisting of several parts is assembled according toassembly drawing. An assembly drawing contains such a number of product views that you can use it to understand itdesign . Dimensions are placed on it to allow you to controlassembly process .

Assembly drawing:
A – front view; B – top view; C – left view

In the lower right corner of the assembly drawing there ismain inscription . It indicatesName products,scale and other data relating to the product as a whole. In educational drawings, a table is placed above the main inscription -specification , containing basic data about the parts included in the product. Next to the image of each detail is appliedposition number , assigned to this part in the specification. Position numbers are locatedon shelves , from which inclined lines are drawn -callouts , ending with dots on the image.
Assembly drawing
read in the following sequence. First, they recognize by the main inscriptionName assembly unit,scale . Then they get acquainted withappointment Andoperating principle products (according to explanatory note, technical specifications). The next stage is studying the images
(front view and other views). Then they study the contents of the specification, determine the name of each part and the material from which they are to be made. Find parts in all types of drawings, and use the images to determine the shape and design of each part.
The final stage - determination of methods for connecting parts and assembly order.


Practical work

Here are various images of wooden toys. In a carpentry workshop they can be cut from wood. You also need in the programLibreOfficeDraw execute graphic image such products.

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