Talking to mom on the phone in a dream. Dream Interpretation talking on the phone, why dream of talking on the phone in a dream

In dreams we see different images. They can be pleasant or not, scary, joyful or carefree. Dreams carry a certain information load. If interpreted correctly, conclusions can be drawn about the situation now or in the future. Each image is interpreted in its own way by one or another dream book. A telephone conversation seen in a dream may foreshadow certain events. Its interpretation will be discussed further.

How to interpret a dream?

After seeing an unusual dream, many people try to quickly look into the dream book. A telephone conversation may seem strange, interesting, and joyful in a dream. The emotions that a seen image evokes are important for interpretation. This speaks about a person’s attitude towards some phenomenon in his life.

Some people think that it makes no sense to interpret simple, familiar stories. However, this is not the case. Even ordinary images can foreshadow serious events in our lives. Such dreams draw our attention to some events that we did not notice in Everyday life. The brain transmits the received information to us. We need to pay attention to such phenomena.

It is necessary to interpret a dream correctly in order to predict some event. In this case, you can prepare for it and reduce the influence of negative factors. Joyful dreams give us hope and give us strength for further struggle.

By phone modern man speaks almost every day. However, a dream in which he communicates by mobile or landline phone does not come to us so often. To correctly interpret a dream, you need to pay attention to its details. Who you had to talk to, what the voice was like, what they talked about must be taken into account during the interpretation of the dream.

Perhaps the conversation was ordinary, for example, with mom, dad, girlfriend or husband, etc. However, there may be a telephone conversation in a dream with ex-boyfriend, a relative who is no longer alive, a celebrity, etc. Such a dream can greatly excite you and make you think about it all day. To correctly interpret what you saw in a dream, you need to study the information from the dream book.

General interpretation

Why do you dream of a telephone conversation with a boyfriend, girlfriend, colleague? In a general sense, this image speaks of receiving some news. By telephone, people receive and transmit certain information. It may be different. There are important and idle conversations, interesting and forced ones. The mood in a dream determines what kind of news a person will receive. If he didn’t want to talk, he doesn’t want to change his life, the person is happy with everything as it is.

If the conversation was joyful, then you should expect good news. Negative emotions during a conversation they foretell negative messages.

Talking on the phone should be considered a life change. An event will soon occur that will change the course of life forever. There is no need to be afraid of this. Perhaps a person is waiting for this event and longing for it with all his soul. Changes in life will mean his release from an unpleasant, boring matter. Sometimes ending a relationship can be a relief for both partners.

If a person does not want changes, but they happen, then it’s time to change something. This does not depend on the will of man. He must humble himself and take all necessary actions to find balance in difficult circumstances. This period will soon end. New life will be better than the old one.

Unexpected call

Why talk? This can be understood by paying attention to the details. If the call was unexpected, then a similar event will happen in life. It cannot be predicted. Moreover, events can be both positive and sad. Often this foreshadows quarrels with others, conflicts in the family. Unexpected news can affect both a person’s family and work.

If a phone call in a dream occurred in morning time, this may force a change of plans. This isn't always a bad thing. For example, there will be no electricity at work all day, so the entire staff may stay home today. However, changes can be global. Some news will force you to reconsider your plans for the future.

If the phone rings loudly during the day, this also indicates a change in plans. You may need to go on a business trip at work or attend retraining courses. In a dream, a telephone conversation heard by the dreamer will help interpret the dream. If it talked about business, it means there will be news at work. A conversation with someone from your family can predict changes in your personal life.

If the conversation was raised, this indicates possible stress. His person is experiencing it now or something similar threatens in the future. This dream foreshadows a turbulent period in life. You need to be patient. Soon it will end, everything will fall into place. You must not give in to unfavorable situations. At this time, it is important to stock up on optimism. Sooner or later the troubles will end. If a person does not worry about his problems, he will get out of them faster.

Conversation with your loved one

A special approach to the interpretation of night images is characterized by modern dream book. A telephone conversation with a man whom a girl loves speaks of a desire to open up, show off her abilities and talents. A person wants to be noticed. Moreover, the personality of a loved one in a dream is identified by our subconscious with itself.

If a person remembers what was discussed in a conversation, this is what the dreamer wants to say to himself. If a loved one spoke softly and reassured you in a dream, this means that soon everything will fall into place. The difficult period will end. New circumstances may open up that will radically change the situation for the better.

Other dream books say that a conversation with a beloved man foretells good luck and favor of fate. Soon a bright period will begin in life. What a person desires will soon come true. If your loved one is far away in real life, a conversation with him can indicate the strong affection of lovers for each other. They want to reunite. It will happen soon.

The dream book interprets a telephone conversation with a man positively. If a girl feels sympathy for this person, it means that she will soon have a relationship, an affair. Someone from her circle shows interest in her. This good sign. The dream suggests that the relationship will be pleasant. If a girl knows which guy she's talking to on the phone, it means he's interested in her.

Conversation with ex-boyfriend or husband

They interpret a telephone conversation with them in their own way. former dream books Miller, Vanga. If a girl breaks up with her boyfriend or husband in a scandal, talking to him can mean stress for her. You can expect similar emotions in real life. Perhaps stress will occur at work or in the family. Information from a conversation with your ex-boyfriend or husband will help you talk about this.

Sometimes such a dream can mean that in real life a woman will cross paths with a person with whom she had to break up. Perhaps they will meet on the street or the girl will receive news from her former lover. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows some common affairs with this person. They may concern business or some household issue.

If a girl still hasn’t stopped loving the person she dreamed about, the subconscious simply makes up for the lack of communication with him with the help of such dreams. The dream book will not help solve this problem. A telephone conversation with an ex for whom you still have feelings speaks of an inner desire to establish a connection with him. Perhaps you should meet this person, just talk to him in a friendly way.

Sometimes talking to your ex-husband or boyfriend does not indicate an inner attachment to that person. Rather, it is some unresolved problems from the past that are bothering the woman. Maybe she has information that she doesn't want to disclose. Maybe this is some forgotten fact that you don’t want to remember. However, he reminds of himself. Most often, unresolved problems are associated with an ex-husband or boyfriend. Sometimes such a conversation means that while these people were together, a certain problem arose. She makes herself known now.

Conversation with the deceased

The most common images that come to people in their dreams can be interpreted by the dream book. I often dream about a telephone conversation with a woman or man who is no longer alive. This dream cannot be ignored. This is one of the most significant plots of such a dream.

This image encourages you to think about your life. The sleeping person, in conversation with the deceased, is actually communicating with his own subconscious. It requires a person to pay attention to this information. We need to remember what the conversation was about. Perhaps the person is too closed. He doesn't pay attention to others. This significantly harms his business. The relationship is not going well. You should reconsider your attitude towards others.

The people who communicate with us on the phone are dead and tell the truth. The person doesn't want to hear it. But you will have to face it sooner or later. Such a conversation foreshadows serious events in a person’s life. He will have to make an important decision on which his future fate will depend. Some event may happen that will turn your whole life upside down.

If the dreamer was not personally acquainted with this person during his lifetime, this sign should be regarded as important information. The subconscious strives to bring it to consciousness. This is valuable advice that will help you avoid a lot of trouble.

But what does it mean to dream of a telephone conversation with a deceased relative? This is also a serious omen. Often the conversation contains very short information, for example, “don’t think about bad things.” This suggests that the person is too nervous and is pushing himself too hard. Because of this, he spends a lot of energy and cannot find a way out. As soon as he stops thinking about the bad, he will be able to pull himself together and find a way out of the situation. Deceased relatives offer important warnings.

If a person has recently lost a loved one with whom he had a close connection (for example, one of his parents), talking to him on the phone may indicate a desire to feel contact with this person again. The pain will lessen over time. Dead people who are dear to us never leave our hearts. That's why they are always nearby, in our soul.

Communication Features

Communication in a dream can be different. Sometimes the conversation can be heard clearly. In this case, we can talk about receiving good news. The health of one of your relatives has improved or new prospects have appeared at work... If the conversation was loud, this may indicate unpleasant news. They can upset the dreamer.

If a conversation is difficult to hear, a person may doubt own strength. He is dissatisfied with the results of his work. Therefore, we need to look for a way out of this situation, new ways to solve the problem.

The telephone conversation may be interrupted. This situation is also interpreted by the dream book. An interrupted telephone conversation indicates that the person does not see a way out of the current situation. He is trying to find the right solution, but for now he just has to wait. The situation will soon reveal new information. You cannot make a decision blindly.

Several popular interpretations of famous dream books

An interesting interpretation is the dream about a telephone conversation according to Miller’s dream book. It says here that such a dream speaks of imminent communication with people who will say something unusual. The information they convey will literally confuse the dreamer.

Often for women, such a dream speaks of the presence of friends in life who envy her. One must be wary of their slander or intrigue. A blurry conversation may indicate a quarrel or a showdown with a loved one. Moreover, this situation arises due to gossip, slander, sometimes unfounded. You need to talk with your loved one to dispel all doubts and speculations. IN otherwise unfavorable circumstances can affect relationships. The person must clarify. Otherwise, ill-wishers with their hints and gossip will be able to harm the dreamer’s happiness in his personal life.

If a person tries to call his friend, but he does not answer the phone, in reality the dreamer unconsciously depends on him.

In the dream book of D. and N. Zima, a similar image speaks of anticipation of some event, a meeting with a person. If the conversation took place with a relative or friend, in reality a tense situation or conflict may arise between them. If the conversation took place with a stranger, the plans will be disrupted due to the intervention of unforeseen third-party circumstances.

Dream Interpretation of the New Era

According to the New Era dream book, talking on the phone indicates the need to exchange information. A person strives for communication. If a woman had a dream about a telephone conversation with a man, it means that she wants to attract his attention. If this is a stranger, the girl experiences a lack of attention from the opposite sex.

If during a conversation various problems occurred with the connection, this indicates the person’s reluctance to share some information, he wants to isolate himself from communication. If the phone is broken, the subconscious mind speaks of a temporary retreat. IN this moment You shouldn't attract anyone's attention.

Several popular interpretations

The same images that come in dreams are often seen different people. There are several popular stories that often appear in night dreams. So, talking on a mobile phone means a person’s control over the situation; on a city phone, it means communication of some recent events; on a street phone, it means an important, secret meeting.

If the device through which the dreamer speaks is old, this indicates doubts. Such a dream portends a surprise. If the device does not have a wire (although purely theoretically it should have one), luck will come even in a hopeless case. The wire may be cut. This indicates a loss of connection with reality.

If you happen to eavesdrop on the phone, it says that the person is interfering in something other than his own business. A conversation with a relative promises misunderstanding, and with a stranger - obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. If communication took place with a loved one, this speaks of the person’s desires and aspirations.

A conversation with a friend promises gossip, with a friend - news, with a mother - unexpected luck. If the conversation took place with the father, the person will receive new perspectives.

By considering the main interpretations of dream books about a telephone conversation that occurred in a dream, you can understand the information that the subconscious carries.

Telephone conversations are an integral part of business communication. A significant part of business contacts with partners, officials, and clients occurs over the telephone. Proper use of telephone communication capabilities very effectively saves valuable time. However, ignorance of telephone etiquette causes irreparable harm to the reputation and image of a business person.

The basic requirements of telephone etiquette are simple.

When arranging a call, always check when it is most convenient to make it. After dialing a number, you should not hold the phone for a long time if no one answers at the other end of the line. The maximum waiting time is six beeps. If you have assigned an employee or secretary to get through to the person you are interested in, then you must be ready to join the conversation at any time.

Don't forget to say hello. Always and with everyone. Psychologists recommend saying “Good afternoon!” rather than “Hello!”, since the latter word contains more consonants. Speak " Good morning!” and “Good evening!” It’s also not advisable: it’s a working day for us.

After the greeting, invite the person you are interested in to the phone, then introduce yourself - the one who calls first introduces himself. It is acceptable not to identify yourself if the person you need to talk to is not there. You can ask when he will be there, or ask him to give him something.

Don’t ask “Who are you? What is your number?”, but you can clarify whether you dialed the number correctly and whether you got through to where you wanted. If you have the wrong number, then the next time you dial, immediately check whether it is the number you need. If the conversation is interrupted due to technical reasons, the initiator of the conversation must call back.

A telephone call must comply with the requirements of brevity. Don't forget: time is money! The recommended duration of a business conversation is no more than five minutes. It will be very kind of you if at the beginning of the conversation you ask whether the interlocutor has time and how much. If he is busy, apologize and ask when is the best time to call back.

When answering a phone call, you need to pick up the phone before the fourth or fifth ring, ideally after the second. Answers such as “Yes!”, “Hello!”, “I’m listening!” are unacceptable in a professional setting. Business etiquette recommends creating a script for the first words of greeting in relation to the specifics of your company or company. You don’t have to give names, limiting yourself to just identifying your position or department of the company. It is important that the person who dialed your number understands exactly where he called and who is talking to him. If your colleague is asked to answer the phone, it is rude to find out who is asking.

If you are very busy, it is better to turn off your phone or ask your secretary to answer phone calls. If there is a client or visitor in your office, then communication with him is undoubtedly a priority. You should answer the call only to find out who is calling and tell you when you can call you back, or ask the other person to leave their number and promise to call them back later. If you have visitors and you need to make a call, you should apologize to them and try to make the call itself as short as possible.

Under equal conditions, the one who called ends the conversation. When talking with your boss, the initiative to end the conversation should come from him. (By the way, in an off-duty setting, a woman has the same privilege). If the conversation drags on, you can sum it up using the phrases: “I believe that we have discussed all the issues,” “Thank you for your time,” and the like. Try not to be impatient, leave a good impression.

It is considered bad manners to call home or personal on business matters. mobile phone. Business people with a good reputation must manage to do their work in work time. If your business partner has provided you with his home or mobile phone number and permission to call you at any time, you should not take this literally. In the case of prior arrangement or extreme circumstances, you can, of course, call outside of business hours, but such a call should be the exception and not the rule. Moreover, think a hundred times before calling too early in the morning or late in the evening. For you to decide to call before 8 am and after 11 pm, at a minimum, there must be a fire.

And most importantly, always be friendly. After all, telephone wires can convey both a gloomy look and a dissatisfied expression on the face, and a friendly smile.

Find out from online dream book, why do you dream about the Telephone, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpretive authors.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why does the dreamer dream of a telephone in a dream?

Telephone - Seeing a telephone in a dream means meeting insincere people; Hearing the phone ring is unexpected news. If in a dream you call on the phone and get through to the subscriber, it means that you will meet a friend whom you have not seen for a long time; not getting through on the phone is a sign that you are exaggerating your failures and everything will be fine.

For a woman, dreaming of a conversation on the phone means that she has many envious people, but they will not harm her. If in a dream you receive a long-awaited message by phone or fax, it means that you will have to make a lot of effort to bring the work you started to completion; sending a message means that you can quickly navigate the changed situation and find the only correct way out.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Phone:

Telephone - Dreaming about a telephone promises a meeting with strangers who will interfere with your business. For a woman, talking on the phone in a dream means an extremely jealous rival, which, however, she will be able to overcome. If a woman has difficulty hearing her interlocutor on the phone, then she is threatened by evil gossip and the loss of her lover.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

If you dreamed of buying a Phone

Dream about a phone - Broken phone - if the phone is an old model, this is a symbol that you are ready to get rid of the remnants of the past and are open to new knowledge and impressions. If you break your phone in a dream, you will be rude and harsh; do not expect anything good from fate at this moment in time. Broken phones in a dream are an unpleasant symbol, but nothing out of the ordinary will happen to you, try to keep yourself in a positive manner, no matter what happens.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

Why did you dream about phones?

Telephone - This is a symbol of communication between two people. You are haunted by the lack of mutual understanding with someone important to you. It is likely that you want to explain things to someone, to find a common language, but for objective reasons you cannot do this.

A mobile phone means subconsciously being dissatisfied with your life. Outwardly everything is fine, but there is no internal harmony. But at the same time, you do not want to take any action, creating discomfort for yourself and others. A working phone, you need to find a compromise between your capabilities and desires.

Romantic dream book

I dream about a phone in a dream

The interpretation of a dreamed mobile phone depends on the context:

  • Talking on the phone and discovering that the connection has been interrupted means a break in the relationship in reality.
  • Your phone was stolen, to your disappointment at the actions of your loved one.
  • Talking on the phone means in reality you will be convinced that your partner does not correspond to your fantasies. His feelings are sincere, although they do not meet your expectations.
  • If you dreamed that your phone fell into the water, your secret will become known to your partner.
  • To clearly hear the voice of your interlocutor on the phone means that in reality there is mutual affection and love attraction between you.
  • The phone is broken - you feel uncomfortable in the relationship.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

What does the telephone symbolize in a dream?

Telephone - Contact, attempt at contact and thus communication and even sexual intercourse. Create contact with the unconscious. Cut phone cord. Death, the individual's attitude towards death. Loss of reality.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about the telephone?

Telephone - portends a meeting with people whose behavior will confuse you. If a woman talks on the phone in a dream, she is probably an object of envy for many people. Wise calm will help her resist the petty malice of others. If she has difficulty hearing what is said to her on the phone, she may lose her lover. Some dream interpreters consider the telephone to be a link between the dreamer and other people who are physically unavailable but have influence on you. Very often, even before you pick up the phone, you know who is on the other end of the line. Telephone communication in a dream suggests that, despite the fact that the person on the other end of the line has an influence on your life, he is not connected to you as he could or as you would like.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Psychological analysis of a dream where you dreamed of a cell phone

Telephone – often appears in dreams as a link between you and others actors, which are physically inaccessible, but have an impact on the outcome of sleep. In many cases, you know who is on the other end of the line before you pick up the phone. The way you connect with others over the phone is important. It also matters who you contact. The telephone is often called the "second the best option after presence", therefore, using a telephone in a dream suggests that, although the person on the other end of the line has an influence on your life, he is not connected to you as he could or as you would like.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a telephone

Telephone - Appeared quite a long time ago, but even in the most popular dream books this symbol is absent, since they were compiled even before the appearance of this miracle of technology. Today this is very unfair, because the telephone is an indispensable attribute of our lives, so it may well appear in dreams. If in a dream you call someone on the phone, it means that you will soon be entrusted with confidential information, but, unfortunately, you will spread it “in secret to the whole world”; what follows is up to you to see, because only you can really assess the importance of the information received and the degree of its secrecy. If they call you on the phone, then in collecting gossip, to which you devote all your leisure time, and not only leisure time, you will not be the starting point, but only one of the links in the chain of rumors, but this will amuse you, which cannot be said about that person , around which these gossip swirl.

Numerological dream book

The meaning of a dream about a telephone

Telephone - If you dreamed that in a dream you were trying to add up all the digits of a phone number and got one as a result, then soon in reality you will have to experience all the hardships of love: your loved one will cheat on you over the next month and you are unable to prevent the impending disaster. If it’s hard for you to do calculations with a phone number in a dream, then by the end of the year you will decide to break up with the cheater, but if the calculations were easy for you, then you will forgive your loved one and try to start all over again. If someone helps you add the digits of a phone number and you clearly remember that the result is the number “1,” then in a year you will be able to open your own business or buy an apartment. Pay special attention to the phone number whose numbers you add - perhaps this is the phone number of a person who knows something very important to you. Try to meet with him a day after you see this dream and achieve frankness. This can help you both in matters of business and in matters of the heart. If in a dream you experience unpleasant excitement when receiving the number “1” from this telephone number, then in a month its owner will become your enemy and will get you fired from your job.

Telephone - In a dream, adding up the numbers of a telephone number and getting the number “2” means changing your life in one direction or another. If addition is easy for you, then the change will be favorable, and most likely will affect love affairs, but if you have difficulty getting results, then your life will change for the worse: all unfinished business will come to light, all your creditors will come to you, perhaps they will refuse to cooperate with you good specialists. This situation will last 38 days. If in a dream they help you count and you and someone else get the coveted two, then higher-level organizations will seriously take care of you - if the dream about the telephone was light and bright, then in 20 days you will cope with all the attacks. But if the dream about the telephone left an unpleasant impression, then as a result of biased attention from high authorities you will lose peace and may fall into a depressive state. Pay attention to the phone whose numbers you add up in a dream - perhaps this number belongs to the person who in 11 days will let you down big time or in 2 days will borrow a large sum from you and will not give it back.

Telephone - If you dreamed that in a dream you were adding up the numbers of a telephone number and you got the number “4,” then this indicates that you are about to fall in love with a glorious representative of the opposite sex and will fly on the wings of love. But if in a dream it is difficult for you to perform this mathematical operation with a phone number, then in real life you will have certain problems on the path to happiness - perhaps your chosen one or chosen one will not be tied to you by hymen bonds and therefore will not be able to answer you to your passionate feeling. If you easily add up all the numbers in a dream and get a four, then no matter what the obstacles are, you will overcome them all and achieve what your heart strives for. Pay attention to the phone number with which you perform these manipulations - most likely, it belongs to a person who, in 4 days, will introduce you to someone whom you will love devotedly and for a long time. For poets and artists, this dream promises a new surge of inspiration. If in a dream you add up the numbers of not one, but several telephone numbers, then in real life you will find yourself in sophisticated society and will feel like a bull in a china shop. If, moreover, in a dream you are constantly confused in your calculations, then this indicates your shyness, which will completely ruin this outing of yours and will not give you a chance to manifest yourself. If you clearly remember the last digit, then your ill-fated appearance in society will occur on this date.

Telephone - If in a dream you add up the numbers of a telephone and get the number “5” as a result, but in reality you cannot separate the wheat from the chaff, and most importantly, from the unimportant. Most likely, this is a consequence of the stress in which you have been for a long time and from which you will be brought out by a certain event that will happen to you in 32 days. Pay special attention to the phone number whose numbers you added up in a dream - it is its owner who will help you cope with your blues and return to your normal life. If in a dream you add up the numbers of a telephone number with someone, then this is a warning to you: you work too much and do not care at all about the internal harmony of your family! If you do not pay attention to your spouse, then in 5 days you will have a rival. And if you ignore this fact, then your opponent or rival will achieve what they are striving for.

Telephone - If in a dream you add up the digits of a telephone number and as a result you get the number “6”, then this means that you have said a lot of unnecessary things to someone in life, and now you need to be on your guard, since your opponents can easily turn your talkativeness against you. If they help you count in a dream, then in reality you will have a good ally who will help you correct your mistakes and neutralize the bad effect of your inappropriate frankness. Perhaps in a dream you added up the numbers of exactly the phone number whose owner is the person you need. If you dreamed that you couldn’t add up all the numbers, got confused, started all over again, but still ended up with the number “6”, then this is not a good sign: you are trying to oust from the game a person who helped you a lot and has the right to count on your honesty. If in a dream it is easy for you to count, then in reality you will be ashamed of your unworthy behavior and change tactics.

Telephone - If in a dream you add up the numbers of a telephone and you get the number “7” as a result, then this indicates that you are full of bright hopes and have rosy illusions towards a person who has recently entered your circle . You met him 7 years ago, but only a couple of months ago your communication became close and intimate. If your dream is optimistic and you easily do addition, then in reality this person is truly original and interesting, so your attention to her and biased attitude are completely justified. However, if the dream tired you or you had difficulty adding up the numbers and got a seven, then this indicates that you were simply under the influence of strong man and he twists ropes out of you. Seeing in a dream how others write various phone numbers on the wall and add up the numbers, resulting in the number “7”, means new impressions and emotional experiences. If there are a lot of people, then you will be the center of attention at the party that will take place next week on Sunday. If there are few people in your dream, then you will throw the party yourself and get real pleasure, playing the role of a hospitable host or hostess. If in a dream you, together with a person you like, perform mathematical operations with someone’s phone number and get the same seven, then in reality you will go to the doctor next week with a suspicion of serious illness. If in a dream another person helps you count in every possible way, then in reality the doctor will dispel your fears, but if in a dream your friend or girlfriend only interferes with you, then nothing can be done, you will have to undergo treatment. It will probably take quite a long time, something like 7 weeks, but you will be completely cured and you will not have any complications.

Telephone - If in a dream you call someone on a telephone in which eights predominate, then in reality you will be amazed at the successes of someone from your circle and will experience real envy of this person. If in a dream you reach the person whose number you are dialing, then in real life you will have to suppress envy and hatred within yourself, and this will be true torture for you. But if the call falls through or you simply cannot get through, then in reality someone else’s success will spur you on and you will enthusiastically rush into battle, and after 8 weeks you will achieve even greater success than the one who unwittingly forced you to work so zealously. If in a dream you add up all the digits of a telephone number and get the number “8” as a result, then this means that your creative streak should develop, allow yourself to fantasize and invent, take a break from practical side affairs! If you know a phone number whose numbers you add up and get a total of eight, then the owner of this phone in reality will be able to help you, for example, connect you with creative people or negotiate with the publisher. Contact him for help within 17 days.

Telephone - Dialing a telephone number in a dream and getting stuck on the number “9” means that in reality you will be left in the cold, since those around you are weaving all sorts of intrigues behind your back. However, the person who comes to you first or calls you on the 9th or 18th will help you get out of the entanglements of intriguers with minimal losses. If you dial a phone number consisting of only nines, then in life you will have to give up comfort and convenience for a while. If at the same time it’s hard for you to turn the disk or you can’t get your fingers on the buttons, then a period of hardship and failure will take you by surprise. If you quickly cope with the number, then the streak of bad luck in your life will pass quickly and will not leave a trace. Dialing a phone number in a dream and remembering only the number “9” means needing the help of a person who is smarter than you. Most likely, this person will find you on the 9th or 27th, or his phone number ends with “18”. If in a dream you add up all the numbers in a phone number and get nine, then a global event will soon happen in your life, for example, they will give you Nobel Prize or they will go to jail. Whether the change will be pleasant or not depends on whether it was easy or difficult for you to make the calculations: if it’s easy, then you can rejoice, if not, then get ready for the worst.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

To see a phone in a dream:

The telephone symbolizes - The course of your affairs is doubtful.

Simone Kananita dream book

Why do you dream about a telephone according to the saint:

Telephone - the course of your affairs is doubtful.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the phone from your dream

Telephone - This is the need for communication; unexpected news; interference. Talking on the phone - gossip; spiritual telepathic connection with the speaker; distance in relationships.

Esoteric dream book

Telephone in night dreams

Telephone - Everyday information that you receive from conversations or the media and to which it makes sense to listen. Hearing the phone ring is an additional manifestation of your attention to information: it is advisable to adjust your actions in accordance with the information received.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which we dreamed of a lot of telephones

Telephone - A device for indirect communication between two or more people, denotes personal loss, a reference to actions that are not carried out naturally, but are built according to a specific plan or program (limitation of naturalness, ease).

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a telephone, what does it mean?

Telephone - Represents connection with others or penetration into your own inner world. If you call on the phone yourself, your difficulties will be overcome. Hear a telephone ringing - see Knocking (Whistling).

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Telephone - To rumors.

For those born in May, June, July and August

You will receive an invitation to someone's house.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Phone - For the arrival of a friend.

Many people chat on the phone. Business people talking. The percentage of telephone conversations per day is sometimes much greater than face to face. Practice telephone etiquette! This is very important rule. You are a well-mannered person, aren't you? Exactly.

Pick up the phone. They're calling you!

When the phone rings, we automatically pick up the receiver and answer the usual “Hello!”

Is this enough to start a conversation?

Let's see what telephone etiquette says.

First of all, let's draw a dividing line between business and personal contacts.

The point that unites all conversations is politeness, restraint, and command of the voice.

Your interlocutor cannot see what you are doing on the other side of the phone. But the slightest intonation betrays irritation, hostility, grief and other emotions.

"Hello" in a businesslike manner

You get a call on your work phone. Don't pick up the phone after the first signal. This can give the person calling you the impression that you simply have nothing else to do but answer the phone. It's not just your reputation. The conversation will leave an impression of the authority of the entire organization. Answer by waiting for two or three rings to ring. But by no means more. The rules of telephone etiquette do not allow disrespect for a person in this way.

It is not recommended to immediately start a conversation with the company name. It is best to greet the caller with the neutral phrase “Good day!” This time of day is considered the main working time. In other cases, you can use the address “Hello!”

He considers adding a so-called voice “business card” to the greeting a mandatory condition for a business conversation. This may be the name of the organization or your personal data - position, first and last name.

Ideally, the greeting scheme will look like this: “Good afternoon! Company "Sun"! or “Good day! Sunshine Company. Manager Olga Sergeeva."

A correctly structured answer to the call will mark the beginning of a successful pleasant conversation. It will create a good impression of the organization, emphasize its status and give it credibility. It is always a pleasure to deal with well-mannered people. Therefore, the impression made can play a significant role in future cooperation.

Personal “Hello!”

If you think that you can start a conversation with an acquaintance or friend any way you want, then you are mistaken. It is better to start any incoming call to your personal phone with wishes for a dear day and your own introduction.

This way you will protect yourself from unnecessary waste time to explain if the caller dialed your number by mistake. When someone calls you on a personal matter during work hours, a slightly formal introduction will set the tone for the overall conversation, meaning that you will let the person know that small talk is not an option at the moment. And this is simply a manifestation of good manners and politeness, which is interpreted by the rules of telephone conversation.

When you call

It would seem that it couldn’t be easier, I dialed the number and laid out the essence of the conversation. But many have already learned from experience that as soon as you start a conversation, it will develop. Whether a business call will be the beginning of a successful collaboration depends on the first moments of the conversation. The same can be said about personal contacts. Whether you spend half an hour explaining who is calling and for what reason, or outline the essence in a couple of minutes, it will be clear from the initial call.

Business call

You dialed the company number and received a standard greeting response. You also need to introduce yourself. If you represent an organization, indicate its name and your position. Next, briefly outline the essence of the appeal. You should respect the working time of others and not waste your own on confusing explanations. If you're planning a long conversation, don't forget to ask if it's convenient for the person who answered the phone to talk. Perhaps the conversation should be rescheduled for a more convenient time.

The rules for conducting a telephone conversation say “no” to such greeting phrases as “Are you bothered by...”, “You see, what’s the matter...”, “It’s okay if I disturb you...”. In this case, your “hello” should be obeyed with dignity, without ingratiation. Then you can count on a productive conversation and respectful attitude towards yourself. After a personal introduction, you can say “Help me solve this question...”, “Please tell me...”, “I’m interested in...”, etc.

Personal call to a friend or relative

"Hello my friend. How are you?" - Of course, you can start a conversation with your loved ones like this. But it would be better to introduce yourself. Especially if you are calling for a specific purpose and not just to chat. Firstly, you may dial a friend’s number at the wrong time. A person is busy, at work or a business meeting, or dealing with personal problems. Secondly, imagine that your number was simply not identified, and your voice seemed unfamiliar due to poor quality of communication. To avoid putting yourself and your friend in an awkward position, identify yourself.

Let's continue the conversation

In any conversation you need to be attentive to your interlocutor. How to start a telephone conversation is a great skill, but its continuation is also of great importance.

Business continuation

You are the initiator of the call. This means you have a specific task that you want to solve during the conversation. Prepare a list of questions that interest you in advance so as not to get confused and not waste someone else’s working time. Listen carefully to your interlocutor. Try to take notes on your answers; this will help you avoid asking them again.

During a conversation, the connection was interrupted? Call back if you started a conversation. You must also end the conversation. Be sure to thank your interlocutor. A pleasant ending would, of course, be wishing you a good day.

If they call you, listen carefully to the request. Do not forget to maintain attention to the conversation with the phrases “Yes, of course...”, “I understand you...”, “We will try to help...”, etc. The interlocutor will feel confident and will be able to describe the problem. When a conversation threatens to drag on, take the initiative and help steer the conversation in the right direction.

Before finishing, check with your interlocutor whether he received all the answers. If you cannot help him due to other official duties, tell him the contact of an employee who is competent in a given topic.

Personal conversation by phone

In personal conversations the situation is simpler. But here, too, telephone etiquette provides some guidance. For example, a friend called you at inconvenient time with a great desire to chat. For such cases, there is a standard telephone conversation: “Sorry, I’m at a meeting now...” or “I have a very important meeting, I’ll call you back later...”. You can add, “I understand that this is very important. I’ll call you back as soon as I’m free...” For your interlocutor, this will be an indication that you are not ignoring his problems. This means there will be no unnecessary insults. By the way, try to call back if you promised.

General rules for telephone conversations

Rules of etiquette for talking on the phone are not invented out of thin air. These are observations by psychologists, practical experience, analysis based on the results of many conversations. There are certain actions that etiquette encourages or denies. Let's collect some of them into a small reminder.

  1. Don't have loud personal conversations in public places and at work. You put others in an awkward position, forcing them to listen to intimate details of your life that have nothing to do with them.
  2. Do not put your phone on speaker unless you have warned your interlocutor about it. This situation can create adverse consequences. But first of all, it is a show of respect for the person on the other end of the line.
  3. Be careful when choosing a ringtone. Less loud aggression, because there may be people with a weak nervous system nearby.
  4. Turn off the sound on your phone while at meetings, gatherings, cultural institutions, as well as in places where such a requirement is prescribed by the rules of conduct.
  5. Do not combine a telephone conversation and eating. This makes it difficult to understand and expresses disrespect for the interlocutor.
  6. Be careful about the time you plan to make the call. Early morning, late night - these, as you understand, are not the best periods for talking even with the closest person. You can call at such times only for the most urgent matters. Don't forget this.

A little conclusion

Now you know telephone etiquette. Call on time. Be polite. Pleasant telephone conversations and good mood!

On the phone - it means she has a lot of envious people; however, she will be able to resist the surrounding evil.

If, while talking on the phone in a dream, she has difficulty hearing what is being said to her- this means she is in danger of losing her lover. It is possible that she will become the object of malicious gossip.

Telephone is often called "the second best option after presence"- therefore, using a telephone in a dream suggests that, despite the fact that the person on the other end of the line has an influence on your life, he is not connected to you as he could or as you would like.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Telephone- represents connection with others or penetration into one’s own inner world.

If you make a phone call yourself- your difficulties will be overcome.

Freud's Dream Book

A phone, like any complex device- is a symbol of the penis.

If you have a mobile phone in your dream- you are proud of your sexual capabilities.

If you have a good and working phone- you are healthy and can lead an active sex life.

If you have many phones- this symbolizes your numerous sexual relationships, but perhaps with people of the same sex.

Faulty phone- symbolizes problems in the sexual area.

Incoming phone call- symbolizes various troubles and complications associated with your sex life.

If you call by phone- you can solve your sexual problems quickly and without complications.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Phone in a dream- symbolizes distance and waiting.

Talk on the phone with loved ones- a sign that some alienation may arise in your relationship.

If in a dream you were unable to reach a loved one or have difficulty hearing his voice- the dream suggests that in reality you need to somehow establish a relationship with him, otherwise this could lead to a serious quarrel between you.

In other cases, the phone is in a dream- means that some extraneous events or strangers may confuse your plans and distract you from current affairs.

Women's dream book

A dream in which you are happily chatting on the phone- means that soon fate will present you with envious rivals.

If, no matter how hard you try, you cannot hear the other person- beware of the possible loss of a loved one, as well as the resumption of unpleasant gossip.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Telephone- often appears in dreams as a link between you and other characters who are physically inaccessible, but have an impact on the outcome of the dream. In many cases, you know who is on the other end of the line before you pick up the phone. The way you connect with others over the phone is important. It also matters who you contact.

Dream book for a bitch

Telephone- some events and news will cause you confusion.

Talking on the phone- you can cope with envious people and slanderers.

Lose your phone- get rid of problems.

Buy- gain hassle and unnecessary worries.

New family dream book

If you dreamed about a phone- don't let anyone confuse you.

A woman who dreams of a telephone conversation- a lot of envious people. However, she will be able to resist evil and will not become the object of malicious gossip.

If, while talking on the phone, she has difficulty hearing what is said to her- she needs to make every effort not to lose her lover.

Modern combined dream book

If you dreamed about a phone- in reality you will meet strangers who will add confusion to your affairs and bring you a lot of anxiety.

A dream in which a woman dreams that she is talking on the phone- promises her envious rivals. However, she will soon come out of this situation with honor.

If she has difficulty hearing what is being said to her on the phone- she is threatened by evil gossip and the loss of her lover.

Eastern women's dream book

A dream in which a telephone appears- indicates: you lack a cheerful company.

Hear the phone ring- for early news.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Cellular telephone- there will be currency.

Telephone- you will heatedly discuss someone's personal life.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Telephone- need for information exchange. Reflection of the desire (possibility) of communication or fear of communication (receiving information). The need to receive information or transmit it (also the possibility or desire to do so). Reflection of the possibility of attracting attention (also the need and/or desire for this). Reflection of reluctance to receive (transmit) information. A reflection of reluctance to attract attention or respond to calls.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Telephone- you will receive an invitation to someone's house.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Telephone- for the arrival of a friend.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Telephone- to rumors.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Telephone- the course of your affairs is doubtful.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you dream that you are chatting with someone on the phone for a long time- this portends that your husband will be infuriated by your non-commitment and inattention to his person.

Throwing the phone, using it as the last argument in a family scandal- in reality, expect domestic troubles.

If in a dream you cannot call from the street due to broken tubes in all pay phones- in reality you will be confused by false information.

Women's dream book

Phone in a dream- portends a meeting with people whose behavior will confuse you.

If a woman dreams that she is talking on the phone- she probably serves as an object of envy for many people. Wise calm will help her resist the petty malice of others.

If she has difficulty hearing what is said to her on the phone- she may lose her lover. Some dream interpreters consider the telephone to be a link between the dreamer and other people who are physically unavailable but have influence on you. Very often, even before you pick up the phone, you know who is on the other end of the line.

Telephone communication in a dream- suggests that, despite the fact that the person on the other end of the line has an influence on your life, he is not connected to you as much as he could or as you would like.

General dream book

If you dreamed that you received a phone call- you will hear news that, as it turns out later, turns out to be untrue.

In a dream you called someone on the phone- tell your friends news that actually turns out to be untrue.

Call a pay phone- you have to communicate with the right people, it is also possible to meet a friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

Inability to reach a pay phone- is a sign that you are exaggerating your failures, that everything will be fine.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Phone call- may indicate that someone wants to get your attention, or that your subconscious is about to tell you something.

The phone you don't want to answer- may indicate that your subconscious stores information that you are afraid to find out about. It could also be a sign that there are people you are afraid to communicate with. Face your fears. Don't turn away from them and try to resolve them. Don't let fears destroy your vitality.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a phone in a dream- to meeting with insincere people; hear him call- to unexpected news.

If in a dream you make a phone call and reach the subscriber- Means, you meet a friend you haven’t seen for a long time, you don’t get through to them- a sign that you are exaggerating your failures and everything will be fine.

For a woman, she dreamed of a telephone conversation- means that she has many envious people, but they will not harm her.

If in a dream you receive a long-awaited message by fax- means that you will have to put in a lot of effort to bring the job you started to completion; send a message- means that you can quickly navigate the changed situation and find the only correct way out.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

The telephone appeared quite a long time ago, but even in the most popular dream books this symbol is absent, since they were compiled even before the appearance of this miracle of technology.

Today this is very unfair, because the telephone- an indispensable attribute of our life, so it may well appear in dreams.

If in a dream you call someone on the phone- this means that you will soon be entrusted with confidential information, but, unfortunately, you will spread it “in secret to the whole world”; What will follow will be clearer to you, because only you can really assess the importance of the information received and the degree of its secrecy.

If they call you on the phone- in collecting gossip, to which you devote all your leisure time, and not only leisure time, you will not be the starting point, but only one of the links in the chain of rumors, but this will amuse you, which cannot be said about the person around whom this gossip is swirling .

Italian dream book

Telephone- a device for indirect communication between two or more people, denotes a personal loss, a reference to actions that are not carried out naturally, but are built according to a specific plan or program (limitation of naturalness, ease).

Psychoanalytic dream book

Telephone- contact, attempt at contact and, thus, communication and even sexual intercourse. Create contact with the unconscious.

Cut phone cord- death, the individual’s attitude towards death. Loss of reality.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Telephone- need for communication; unexpected news; interference.

Talking on the phone- gossip; spiritual telepathic connection with the speaker; distance in relationships.

Modern universal dream book

Nothing shortens the distance like a telephone. You can communicate with a person even if you are at a great distance from each other!- perhaps the dream speaks of your desire to become closer to someone.

What do you do with your phone in your sleep? Are you trying to call someone? Many people dream that they are trying to call someone but cannot dial the number or dial it incorrectly. If you had a similar dream- determine what you want to communicate. Who do you want to reach?

If you dream that the phone is ringing, do you answer the call? If you don't answer the call- it means that at this period of your life you do not want to communicate with people.

Dreaming about you talking on the phone- a sign that you would like to communicate with some person or discover another aspect of your personality. Sometimes there's nothing like a phone call to symbolize intrusion, especially if it rings in the middle of a meeting or while you're in the shower.

Seeing a phone in a dream- also a sign that you have a choice. After all, you can not answer the call and continue doing what you were doing.

Seeing a phone book in a dream- a sign that you can immediately declare what you want, and also that you have a huge choice. What are you looking for on these pages?

Esoteric dream book

Telephone- everyday information that you receive from conversations or the media and to which it makes sense to listen.

Hear the phone ringing- additional manifestation of your attention to information: it is advisable to adjust your actions in accordance with the information received.

Ukrainian dream book

Telephone- someone will deceive you.

Collection of dream books

Telephone- listen to those around you. Maybe your guide is trying to get your attention
Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.