Shishkhanov Mikail Osmanovich nationality. Shishkhanov Mikail Osmanovich

Today we will talk about Mikail Shishkhanov. It's no secret that this personality will not leave anyone indifferent. He is not a singer or an actor, but became famous for his fortune. Mikail is a successful businessman in Russia, as well as the president of B&N Bank.

One of the richest people in Russia

One can only envy this man’s wealth. His net worth at the end of this year was about $600 million. But there is no need to envy, since he made his way in this life with backbreaking work and optimism. This person deserves not only deep interest in himself, he is highly respected and loved. Let's talk about everything in order.

Mikail Shishkhanov: biography

Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov was born in 1972, on August 6. The businessman’s homeland is Chechnya. Or more precisely, the city of Grozny. The name Mikayil was given by his mother, as she considered “Mikayil” to be one of the main angels close to Allah.

From early childhood, Mikail did not even dare to think about a great future and wealth. His dreams were banal, like those of ordinary children: he dreamed of treating people and helping them be healthy, that is, of being a doctor. For some time he even worked as an ambulance nurse. The boy soon realized that medicine was not his path. Business style, suit and elegance suited him. Banking was the area in which I had to try myself. He did just that. Moreover, Shishkhanov had support in the person of his uncle, Shishkhanov Mikail Gutseriev.

Career of a successful businessman

Mikail was a very diligent and purposeful young man. Therefore, without waiting for the end of his studies, he began working. His first place of work was the BIN Industrial and Financial Company. This company was created by his uncle. Initially, Mikail was hired as an ordinary financier, but after some time he quickly rose and became general director.

Two more years passed, and Shishkhanov changed his place of work. It was necessary to further realize oneself and conquer new heights. He got a job at B&N Bank. There were a lot of positions waiting for him here. Initially, since 1996, he served as Chairman of the Board. Mikail worked in this position for 19 years. Since 2015, he has been promoted and becomes the Head of the Board of Directors of B&N Bank.

However, Mikail did not forget about his studies. In 1995, he graduated with honors from the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University (Faculty of Economics and Law). After 3 years, he defended his dissertation and became a candidate of legal sciences.
Mikail continued self-development and did not stop there. In 2000, he received a diploma from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2002 Shishkhanov became a Doctor of Economic Sciences. After which he can safely be called a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Mikail Shishkhanov: nationality
As you already understand, our hero is not Russian by nationality. Judging by his place of birth, Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov is a Chechen. But to be more precise, his nationality is Ingush. Interesting fact: Ingush are purposeful, responsive and assertive people. Maybe that’s why this person has achieved such heights and success in his life.

The businessman has no problems with his personal life. Despite his popularity, Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov is an exemplary husband and father. His wife Svetlana and four charming children, three daughters and one son are his real wealth.

Mikail's eldest daughter is Nicole, she is already 20 years old. The girl is very interesting and beautiful. Nicole is currently studying in England. She is interested in the marketing industry. In America, the girl has already completed an internship with the best marketers. Her hobby is diving. Nicole is in no hurry to get married, but the girl already has a picture of the male ideal in her head: her husband should be a reflection of her father, just as kind, smart and courageous.

Despite her good manners and good manners, the girl is close to social parties. She can often be found at any event. In 2016, Nicole, with her father, mother and younger sister Angelina, was spotted at another ball. But this is far from the first and not the last time. She loves to be in society. She is often accompanied by her father, Mikail Shishkhanov. The businessman's family is shown in the photo below.

A businessman sees his future in children. During interviews with journalists, he very often voices his main dream in life: “I want my loved ones to be alive and well!” From this phrase you can immediately understand that Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov thinks first of all not about himself, but about his loved ones. Children appreciate this, because it is very important!

Celebrity wife

Svetlana is a wonderful wife and caring mother of 4 children. She succeeds both in the family and in social life show off your impeccability. Reporters constantly emphasize the woman's optimism and kindness. Svetlana often visits Moscow, London and Los Angeles.

Shishkhanova Svetlana is very well versed in fashion and new trends. That's why she owns a showroom. Its main direction is children's clothing. The woman is originally from Odessa. Ukrainian cuisine is close and familiar to her since childhood. But she is not popular enough. In this regard, Svetlana, led by her relative, decided to open a restaurant and show people how delicious the cuisine of Ukraine, in particular Odessa, can be.

Mikail's achievements

Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov is the author of two monographs, many books and articles. The main topics are economics and jurisprudence. Mikhail loves both active and relaxing holidays. His favorite sports are boxing and chess. A man considers reading books and watching intellectual programs to be a passive pastime.

For several years in a row, Mikail, together with B&N Bank, sponsored the famous program “What? Where? When?”

The businessman does not stand aside and takes an active part in the life of the banking community. To be more precise, he is a member of the Moscow Banking Union.
In 2008, Shishkhanov was recognized as the best banker of the year. In 2009 he was awarded the Order of the ARB. In 2015, at the 11th National Banking Awards, he was given two honorary titles: “Charisma in Business”, “Name in Business”.
Shishkhanov also has state awards:

  • gold star for loyalty to Russia;
  • golden diploma of philanthropist from the Congress of Russian Mothers.

The billionaire, despite his status, seeks communication not with the rich, but primarily with smart and interesting people. Mikail says that what he most despises in people are laziness, stupidity and a tendency to lie. The motto with which he goes through life: “No matter what the situation happens, you need to remain honest, first of all, with yourself.”

Shishkhanov and his uncle Gutseriev

It’s no secret to anyone that Shishkhanov and Gutseriev, in addition to family ties, have many joint goals, projects and, of course, they have a common business.

For example, together they have at their disposal about 96% of the shares of B&N Bank. In addition, they are co-owners of a group of non-state funds such as:

  • "Confidence";
  • Mospromstroy-fund.

Together, billionaires have achieved many great things. They help each other both in business and in life.

Stability is a sign of skill: B&N Bank has been with us for 20 years

Mikail Shishkhanov and Binbank are two indivisible concepts. The institution is just over 20 years old. The owner of Binbank, Mikail Shishkhanov, tries to periodically visit all branches and monitor the situation. Employees speak of Mikail as open, kind and interesting person, with whom there is something to talk about.

Not long ago, Shishkhanov visited Veliky Novgorod, where one of the newest branches of B&N Bank is located. In just a year, the bank managed to reach enormous heights. The high results and indicators pleasantly pleased both the bank’s clients and Mikhail himself. Arsen Davtyan, general director of Proektstroy CJSC, came to meet with the president. He wanted to meet Mikail personally and express gratitude to the bank employees for their high performance.

Petr Morsin, senior vice president, could not miss this. He was greeted with all honors: bread, salt and folk songs. The invited guests, upon entering the Novgorod branch, received birch bark certificates and a sea of ​​pleasant impressions. The bank's modern, functional, beautiful and cozy office left no one indifferent. I was especially impressed by the design of the room: well-combined shades of blue and sunny orange create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and something homely. Each guest was charged with a dose of positivity and good mood.

Shishkhanov was repeatedly asked questions from journalists about the logo and design of the bank. He explained without any hesitation that the logo used to be more complex. Over the years it has been greatly simplified and brightened. Only one detail remains unchanged: the drawing of a swallow soaring above the waves of the ocean. It symbolizes freedom and confidence.

Binbank does not stop there and sets itself new ambitious goals:

  • become one of the best private banks in Russia;
  • open many more branches in different parts of the country, starting from Kaliningrad to Eastern Siberia;
  • increase the number of clients.

The bank's strategy is as follows: by 2020, about 400 bank branches should operate. But judging by the pace of opening branches, the goal will be achieved much earlier.
Mikail Shishkhanov intends to visit all branches of the bank. He likes to feel the atmosphere and watch the employees work. He is confident that any successful business requires friendly support from management. Therefore, he tries to establish connections with each of the bank employees.

Mikail does not hide the fact that every bank client is very valuable to him. In one of his interviews, he said that anyone can get rich. It just requires the right financial instrument. He offers Binbank as this tool.

Journalists about the businessman

Once the head of a bank was asked a tricky question about his opinion about loans. To be more precise, the wording was this: “Every year the population takes out more and more loans, but cannot pay them off in the future! What do you think about this?” To which he replied: “Thoughts always materialize. You need to live for today, not tomorrow, and then everything will be fine! Each of us has freedom and the right to choose! Different situations happen in the life of each person... It happens that money is just are vital. Binbank is ready to help everyone. Our clients are our everything!" These words were spoken with such dedication that everyone was shocked.

Shishkhanov also says that changes will soon occur in the country. Microcredit and express loans will be reduced and tightened. Thus, the market will be cleared.

Mikail has already experienced more than one crisis. The crises of 1995, 1997, 1998, 2004 and 2008 are familiar to the billionaire firsthand. Therefore, he is no longer afraid of them and says that there will be no global negative changes yet. According to him, the forecast is the most positive.

B&N Bank will soon turn 20 years old. In this regard, Shishkhanov intends to organize a sea expedition on the sailing ship Kruzenshtern. Bank employees and clients will be invited, as well as travel journalist Mikhail Kozhukhov.

How does a billionaire relax?

Not long ago, the news spread throughout the press that Gutseriev’s nephew, Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov, threw not just a party, but a whole party at a villa in Miami. The man thus decided to celebrate one of the main holidays in Russia - New Year! One can only envy those who managed to attend the gorgeous event.

Mikail rented the entire mansion of a certain famous billionaire and invited many pop stars there. They performed all night, showing stunning performances, and also relaxed in the company of such a famous personality as Shishkhanov.

It must be said that Shishkhanov’s uncle, Gutseriev, also likes to go on big walks. He celebrated his son's wedding with style and splendor. This event happened in the middle of last year. Journalists and ordinary people talked about him for a long time. Most of all, people were surprised by the amount of money spent in one day.

Not long ago, the billionaire married his only son. This event could not pass modestly. Even though the wedding was attended by only the closest relatives and friends of the family, the party was shocking. Pop stars Svetlana Loboda and Nikolai Baskov came to congratulate the newlyweds. They performed their best compositions and personally congratulated the newlyweds on the birth of a new family.

This concludes our article. As you understand, Mikail Shishkhanov - a common person, who works tirelessly, but if possible, does not mind taking a break. He has many goals and plans. There is a lot to learn from people like him! His views on life and beliefs are surprising and impressive at the same time. Willpower, assertiveness combined with kindness, openness and optimism make a person truly great and famous.

This suggests a conclusion: despite what position you occupy, what power and fortune you have, you must always remain a good person: do not deceive, humiliate or offend people. Which is what Mikail Shishkhanov does! For this we thank him and wish him further career growth, prosperity and health to his wonderful family!

From this article you will learn about a man who became famous not for any talents, but for the fact that he is very rich - about Mikail Shishkhanov. He is considered a very wealthy businessman and is also the president of B&N Bank.

Biography of Mikail Shishkhanov

In 1972, on August 6, Mikail was born in the city of Grozny, in his native country - Chechnya. His mother named him. She believed that Mikail was the most important angel under Allah.

From early childhood, Mikail could not even think that he would become a rich man. His dream, like many children’s, was to become a doctor, thereby bringing benefit to society. He even worked as a nurse in an ambulance for some time. But very soon Shishkhanov began to understand that this was not what he should strive for.

He really liked to wear jackets and ties - he really liked the strict style. And he soon came to the conclusion that banking was what he wanted to do. Just at that time, Mikail Shishkhanov was supported in all his plans by his uncle, which instilled confidence in the young man and, perhaps, contributed to his career rise.

Carier start

Shishkhanov Mikail Osmanovich was a very purposeful young man. Therefore, even during his studies, he decided to take up labor activity. In 1992, he went to work for the BIN company. There he was commercial director. But this may not be considered an achievement, because his uncle is the founder of this company. And after a while he was promoted, and Mikail became general director.

From 1994 to 1995, Mikail Shishkhanov was vice president of JSCB BIN. And already at the beginning of 1996, he became president of Binbank OJSC and also headed the Board of Shareholders. In mid-2015, he became Chairman of the Board of MDM Bank.

But despite the fact that his work was prestigious, he still continued his studies. In 1995 he graduated from the Peoples' Friendship University. - Department of Economics. A few years later he became a candidate of legal sciences.

After what he had achieved, Mikail still continued to develop himself. So, in 2000 he received his education in And in 2002 he became a Doctor of Economic Sciences.

Nationality of Mikail Shishkhanov

Judging by his name, we can definitely say that his nationality is not Russian. In fact, Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov is a Chechen, and more specifically, an Ingush. People with this nationality are very assertive by nature and also very sensitive and attentive. This is not a fact, but perhaps Mikail achieved such success precisely for this reason.

Personal life of Mikail

If speak about personal life our hero, then here too he has a complete idyll. Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov has a wife, Svetlana, and four children. One son and three daughters.

The eldest daughter, Nicole, is already 20 years old; the girl is distinguished by her beauty and determination. On this moment she is studying in England. She is interested in marketing, and there she interns with the best marketers. IN free time The girl goes diving - it's her hobby. She doesn’t want to get married yet, but she knows exactly what her chosen one should be like - very similar to her father, with the same ambitions and goals.

The girl is very well brought up, however, she does not deny herself the pleasure of spending time at various parties. One day in 2016, Nicole, along with her parents and younger sister Angelina, was spotted at a ball. Nicole loves to attend various events, so this was not the first and certainly not the last time. And Mikail Shishkhanov likes to accompany her at parties.

First of all, Mikail thinks about his family and children. He says they are his present and future. But he spends little time with his family, since almost all his time is occupied by business.

Mikail's wife

Svetlana is an exemplary wife and an excellent mother to four children. She is a very beautiful and decent woman. Likes to visit cities such as London, Los Angeles and Moscow.

Mikail Shishkhanov's wife owns a showroom. It follows that she is well versed in fashion, which is not surprising, because she is always irresistible in photographs. She loves Ukrainian cuisine, since she herself is from the city of Odessa. Noticing that Ukrainian dishes are not particularly popular in Russia, she decided to open her own restaurant and show what they prefer to eat in Odessa itself.

other hobbies

Mikail Shishkhanov has written many books on economics and jurisprudence and is the author of several monographs. Mikail loves active recreation, and from various types prefers boxing as a sport and has been practicing it for a long time. The passion for chess contrasts especially brightly against this background. He considers reading books to be a relaxing pastime.

Some time ago, together with B&N Bank, he sponsored the famous TV show “What? Where? When?". In 2008, Mikail Shishkhanov received the title of best banker of the year. He also has awards such as “ Golden Star for loyalty to the Russian Federation" and "Golden diploma of a patron of the arts" from the Congress of Mothers of Russia.

The banker's fortune at the end of last year was a little more than 500 thousand dollars. And in the ranking of the richest businessmen he occupies 179th position. Shishkhanov considers himself an optimist, capable of extracting great benefit from the most unsuccessful project.

Russian entrepreneur and financier. The main owner of PJSC Binbank (59.4%). Together with the Gutseriev family, he is a co-owner of MDM Bank (84.38%), as well as the BIN pension group, which includes the pension administrator SAFMAR Pensions LLC (100% subsidiary of BINBANK), as well as the NPF European Pension Fund , NPF “Doverie”, NPF “Education and Science”, NPF “Regionfond” and NPF “Raiffeisen” acquired in October 2015. He is a co-owner of the Europlan group of companies. He is also a co-owner of large assets in the real estate sector, in particular, he owns CJSC INTECO and CJSC Patriot (the total stake is 95%), PJSC Mospromstroy, the urban planning project in New Moscow "A101"


In 1995 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University, and in 2000 from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 1998 he defended his dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences, and in 2002 - Doctor of Economic Sciences. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.


Hectares are looking for an owner

Rostagro, one of the ten largest landowners in Russia, has begun searching for buyers for its 377 thousand hectares. The company, which is associated with the ex-shareholder of the rehabilitated Binbank, Mikail Shishkhanov, will find it difficult to get a good assessment of its assets: due to the fall in grain prices, profitability in crop production has decreased.

The owners of Management Company Rostagro (until the end of 2017 it was called Rosagro) are looking for buyers for land assets, three market participants and a source in investment circles told Kommersant. According to BEFL data as of May 2018, Rostagro managed 377 thousand hectares of land, which puts it in 9th place in the ranking of the largest Russian landowners. The company's assets are concentrated in the Penza, Voronezh, Saratov and Lipetsk regions, as well as in the Stavropol Territory. Kommersant’s interlocutors do not know what part of the land bank is up for sale. One of them believes that Rostagro plans to get rid of all or most of its assets. Rostagro did not respond to Kommersant’s request.

Mikail Shishkhanov, the main owner of the reorganized Binbank, left the board of directors of NPF Safmar, according to a message from the company’s press service. Three first deputy chairmen of the board of B&N Bank left with him.

New introductory notes: why Mikail Shishkhanov is changing his plans for B&N Bank

Mikail Shishkhanov decided not to claim a share in B&N Bank following the results of the reorganization and to transfer some additional assets there. Last week he expected to retain 25% of the bank and called it one of the most capitalized

Shishkhanov allowed Inteko to come under the control of the Central Bank

The development companies A101 and Inteko, members of the Safmar group, may come under the control of the Central Bank. They are associated with B&N Bank, which is being rehabilitated by the Bank of Russia

The owner of B&N Bank called the bank “hostage to rumors on Twitter and WhatsApp”

Mikail Shishkhanov in an interview with RBC spoke about the reasons for turning to the Central Bank for support

Shishkhanov announced the consent of the Central Bank to the reorganization of B&N Bank

The official announcement of the Central Bank on the start of the credit institution's reorganization procedure is scheduled for Thursday

The owner of Binbank announced that he had fallen into the “scissors of a falling market”

It is painful to transfer the bank to the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund (FCBS), but it must be done, admitted Mikail Shishkhanov in an interview with RBC

Mikail Shishkhanov - RBC: “I’m losing everything, only my name is saved”

The main owner of Binbank, Mikail Shishkhanov, in a quick interview with RBC, spoke about the reasons and conditions for the reorganization of the financial organization, as well as the situation in the bank

Co-owner of Binbank spoke about the reasons for the reorganization and the future of the bank

Co-owner of Binbank Mikail Shishkhanov will head the board of directors and, with the support of the Bank of Russia, will personally carry out the financial rehabilitation of the credit organization. “I didn’t calculate the business forces,” he explained the bank’s problems and appeal to the Central Bank

The ex-head of Svyaznoy Bank was invited to head B&N Bank

Evgeniy Davydovich has been invited to the post of head of B&N Bank. Until the end of May, this post was held by Mikail Shishkhanov, who focused on managing the business of the Safmar group.

Gordeev became the controlling shareholder of the largest housing developer

The president and main shareholder of the largest housing developer of the PIK group of companies, Sergei Gordeev, completed a transaction to buy out shares from the structures of Alexander Mamut and Mikail Shishkhanov, thereby gaining control of 50.02% of the shares, according to the company’s website.

Sergey Gordeev will receive a controlling stake in the largest housing developer

Sergey Gordeev, the main shareholder of Russia's largest housing developer GC PIK, will increase his stake in the company to 50.02% of shares. Its structures will buy out shares in the company from Alexander Mamut and Mikail Shishkhanov, and VTB will buy another 7.6%

PSB: banks will weaken interest in risky borrowers

The main owners of Promsvyazbank are the brothers Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev, who control in equal shares 50.03% of the shares through Promsvyaz Capital B.V. The bank's shareholders are also the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (11.75%), ex-senator Viktor Pichugov (10%), OJSC NPF Future (10%; former OJSC NPF Blagosostoyanie OPS, the final beneficiary is Boris Mints), CJSC NPF European Pension Fund (4.91%), CJSC NPF Doverie (3.81%), Natalya Bogdanova (2.74% through the closed-end mutual fund of long-term direct investments “Vector of Development”), CJSC NPF Regionfond (1.28%), former owners of PJSC Pervobank Leonid Mikhelson (2.57%) and Leonid Simanovsky (0.71%). Among the minority beneficiaries are the owner of Binbank PJSC Mikail Shishkhanov, his advisor Mikhail Evloev, Sait-Salam Gutseriev, Said Gutseriev, Oleg and Alexey Bulavin.

RussNeft began to increase production before its IPO

“RussNeft” expects to conduct an IPO on the Moscow Exchange by the end of the year, said co-owner of the oil company, nephew of Mikhail Gutseriev, Mikail Shishkhanov, in an interview with RBC in June. Later, Gutseriev himself clarified that at the first stage it is planned to place up to 10% of the company’s shares for $400–500 million. Market participants attribute the sharp improvement in oil production indicators to preparations for the placement, Interfax points out.

Now 54% of RussNeft belongs to the structures of Mikhail Gutseriev and his family, another 46% belongs to the Swiss trader Glencore. In mid-July, Vedomosti reported, citing a Moody's report, that in August Glencore's stake in RussNeft would drop to 25% plus one share due to the fact that Gutseriev's other companies, which recently became creditors of the oil company, convert loans into its stock.

Live on retirement. How the non-state pension fund market works in Russia

Most of the pension savings - 1.2 trillion rubles - belong to four private groups formed in the last five years: Safmar of billionaires Mikhail Gutseriev 16 and Mikail Shishkhanov 46, Otkritie of banker Vadim Belyaev 185, O1 Group of developer Boris Mints 62, " Alor" by financier Anatoly Gavrilenko Sr.

Mikail Shishkhanov financed the Europlan company with money from his non-state pension funds

Co-owner of the Bin group Mikail Shishkhanov financed the Europlan leasing company controlled by him with money from his pension funds. The businessman sold almost 25% of the shares of Europlan to the pension funds of the Bin group, as well as the NPF Russian Standard, Vedomosti writes, citing the disclosure of Europlan.

MDM Bank ATMs began accepting Zolotaya Korona cards

MDM Bank has updated the software of all its ATMs.

In addition to the fact that the interface has been updated, which, as emphasized in the bank’s message, is “intuitive”, “simplifying the work of clients with the device and increasing the speed of work”, the list of organizations has been significantly expanded (in such categories as housing and communal services, Internet, cellular communications, electronic money ), whose services can be paid through an ATM. At the same time, a regional filter works in self-service devices: customers are offered to pay exactly those services that are provided in the region.

Shareholders sent a mandatory offer to MDM Bank, involving the repurchase of securities from minority shareholders

Darrington Enterprises Limited, whose beneficiaries are Mikail Shishkhanov and Mikhail Gutseriev, sent a mandatory offer to MDM Bank to purchase its securities. The share of this company and its affiliates in MDM Bank now amounts to 97.64% of voting shares.

The Gutserievs bought it for 5 billion rubles. unfinished construction at the Bank of Moscow structures

The BIN group, controlled by the Gutseriev family, bought for 5 billion rubles. hotel and office unfinished construction near the Olympic Stadium in Moscow. This building began to be erected almost eight years ago by structures associated with ex-president of the Bank of Moscow Andrei Borodin.

The acquired building was built by Kuznetsky Most Development CJSC, which also acted as the seller. Now this company, whose main creditor was the Bank of Moscow, is going through bankruptcy proceedings. After a criminal case was opened against Borodin and almost 95% of the Bank of Moscow was consolidated by VTB, Kuznetsky Most Development stopped servicing its loan portfolio. Then the bank decided to sell off the development assets.

Chinese and Japanese payment systems are vying for the place of Visa and MasterCard

Payment systems China UnionPay and JCB took advantage of the situation and began active negotiations with banks to start acquiring. By the end of the year, Binbank and Gazprombank may begin servicing cards of these payment systems, Alfa Bank and VTB24 plan to expand cooperation, and Promsvyazbank intends to launch acquiring of these cards in the first half of next year. Their active issue on the Russian market can be expected in two to three years.

The Central Bank approved the acquisition of Murmansk DNB Bank by Shishkhanov's structure

The Central Bank of Russia approved the acquisition of Murmansk DNB Bank by the structure of the owner of B&N Bank Mikail Shishkhanov, B&N Bank said in a statement. The buyer will be Asokerco Trading Limited, the beneficiary of which is Shishkhanov.

VTB received the Marriott and Holiday Inn hotels of the BIN group as collateral

Shishkhanov plans to become the largest shareholder of the PIK group instead of Gordeev

The owner of Binbank and Inteko, Mikail Shishkhanov, is buying shares of the PIK development group, which is undervalued by stock investors. The businessman said that he intends to increase his share to 20% - in this case he will become the largest shareholder of PIK instead of Sergei Gordeev.

Media: Gutseriev intends to increase his stake in B&N Bank to 30-34.6%

RBC 06/26/2014, Moscow 10:06:59 Until the end of 2014. Binbank plans to increase capital. According to Vedomosti, the second issue of shares, the volume of which could range from 4 to 6 billion rubles, can again be purchased by the founder of the bank, Mikhail Gutseriev. Thus, he will increase his share in Binbank’s capital to 30-34.6%. According to a source close to the bank's shareholders, additional capitalization should take place in December 2014. - January 2015

Binbank increased its equity capital by 4 billion rubles. — up to 28 billion rubles.

06/02/2014, Moscow 10:53:41 The Department of Licensing of Activities and Financial Recovery of Credit Institutions of the Bank of Russia registered the results of the additional issue of shares of B&N Bank, according to which the bank’s equity capital increased by 4 billion rubles. and amounted to June 1, 2014. about 28 billion rubles. This is stated in a message from B&N Bank.

Mikhail Shishkhanov became interested in the national rating agency

The state's intention to create an internationally recognized national rating agency did not leave Russian business indifferent. As RBC learned, banker and developer Mikhail Shishkhanov, whom RBC sources associate with Rusrating, is going to discuss this issue with First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov in the near future.

Binbank wants to allocate 8.5 million rubles to pay dividends for 2013

Binbank: Shishkhanov’s company buys Murmansk DNB bank from the Norwegian DNB

The company Asokerco Trading Limited, whose beneficiary is businessman Mikail Shishkhanov, acquires from the largest financial group Norway DNB 100% of the shares of DNB Bank, which is located in Murmansk.

Binbank will buy the Russian subsidiary of Ukrainian PrivatBank for 6 billion rubles.

04/02/2014, Moscow 12:53:44 Binbank, owned by Russian entrepreneur Mikhail Shishkhanov, has agreed to acquire 100% of the shares of MoskomPrivatBank, the Russian “daughter” of the Ukrainian PrivatBank, Binbank reports. The cost of MoskomPrivatBank was determined based on the market valuation of the asset and will be taking into account the subordinated loan about 6 billion rubles. Payments will be made at the expense of Money and Ukrainian assets of the main shareholder of Binbank Shishkhanov. The parties intend to close the transaction in the near future.

BINBANK buys a Russian bank of a Ukrainian oligarch for 6 billion rubles.

“Settlements will be made at the expense of funds and Ukrainian assets of the main shareholder of BINBANK, Mikail Shishkhanov. The parties intend to close the deal in the near future,” the credit institution said in a statement.

Mikhail Shishkhanov came for pensions

The owner of B&N Bank acquired the European Pension Fund, which will buy other NPFs

Shishkhanov gained control over the NPF "European Pension Fund"

The owner of B&N Bank, Mikail Shishkhanov, acquired a majority stake in the capital of the holding company that manages the activities of the NPF European Pension Fund, the NPF said in a statement. The parties to the transaction explained that Shishkhanov acquired more than 50% of the holding’s capital.

Shishkhanov told how his representatives joined the board of directors of Bank of Cyprus

Representatives of Mikail Shishkhanov Anzhelika Anshakova and Eriskhan Kurazov joined the board of directors of Bank of Cyprus as independent experts. Shishkhanov himself told Prime about this. It was previously reported that Anshakova, who since 2010

Shishkhanov is going to recapitalize B&N Bank by $50 million

By the end of 2013, Binbank, controlled by businessman Mikail Shishkhanov, will attract a subordinated loan on the domestic market for $50 million. Shishkhanov himself announced plans for additional capitalization to Prime.

Mikail Shishkhanov acquired almost 20% of the PIK group

The President of Binbank became the second largest co-owner of the company after Suleiman Kerimov

The Gutserievs and Rotenbergs became the richest families in Russia

The list of the largest family businesses in Russia in 2013 was headed by the Gutserievs, Rotenbergs and Khachaturovs. The leaders of 2011, the Ananyev brothers, with a total income of $4.86 billion, did not make it into the top three this time, CEO magazine reports based on its own rating.

Ivanishvili’s development assets have new owners

The Bean Group, owned by the Gutseriev family and Mikail Shishkhanov, has completed a transaction to purchase the real estate assets of Georgian Prime Minister Boris Ivanishvili's Unicor Management Company.

Moscow is buying out the assets of Shalva Chigirinsky in the Rossiya Hotel reconstruction project

The capital's authorities are ready to put an end to the scandalous project of Shalva Chigirinsky on the site of the Rossiya Hotel. The Moscow government intends to buy the company from the businessman, one of which owns the lease right land plot under the demolished hotel, and the second is a canceled investment contract for its reconstruction

Banks increase their capital through gifts

Four banks at once raised the level of this indicator thanks to freely received property worth a total of 6 billion rubles

Which Moscow landowners benefited from the expansion?

These are lands of difficult fate. First, businessman Suleiman Kerimov was going to build a “city of millionaires” on a plot of 430 hectares, then he sold the project, in which only earthworks were carried out, to the owner of B&N Bank, Mikail Shishkhanov. Along with the lands, Shishkhanov also received a loan from Sberbank, with which they were purchased. As a result, Sberbank is now the only shareholder of the project, the debt is $3 billion.

Shareholders of the Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya hotel

70% of the hotel's shares belong to Sadko-Hotel OJSC, they are controlled by the shareholders of the BIN group. The main owners of the company are considered to be Mikhail Gutseriev and his nephew Mikhail Shishkhanov, the remaining 30% of the shares belong to the Moscow Government.

Owners of JSC "Mospromstroy"

The main owners of the company are considered to be Mikhail Gutseriev and his nephew Mikhail Shishkhanov, another 26.24% is owned by the Moscow government. Nominal holders of Mospromstroy shares are the Bank of Moscow (26.24%), B&N Bank (19.99%), Mosstroyekonombank (50.01%).

Shareholders of the Moscow hotel

The owners of 51% of the shares of Dekmos, which owns the reconstructed Moscow Hotel, are Suleiman Kerimov and Arkady Rotenberg, 49% of the shares of the Moscow Hotel belong to Mikail Shishkhanov.

Sberbank Investments, a subsidiary of Sberbank, in partnership with the owner of Binbank Mikail Shishkhanov, acquires Inteko CJSC from the main owner of the company Elena Baturina, the wife of ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov.

Owners Binbank

The main shareholder of the bank is Mikail Shishkhanov - 97.604% of the authorized capital.

Binbank is one of the 30 largest banks in the country according to the Bank of Russia, occupying 36th place in terms of net assets as of August 1, 2011, 54th place in terms of capital and 3rd place in reliability as of July 1, 2011 according to the magazine’s rating "Profile".

Former owners of Inteko

99% of the company’s shares belong to Elena Baturina, 1% is on the balance sheet of the company itself. Previously, 50% of the company's shares belonged to Baturina's brother, Viktor Baturin, by May 10, 2001, this share was reduced to 25%, and then it was transferred to Elena Baturina. At the beginning of February 2007, Elena Baturina transferred her stake in the company to the closed mutual investment fund Continental, receiving shares worth $3.15 billion in exchange.

At the beginning of September 2011, the sale of Inteko by Elena Baturina was announced, and the buyer of 95% of the company should be the structures of entrepreneur Mikail Shishkhanov (co-owner of Binbank), and another 5% - a subsidiary of Sberbank Sberbank Investments. The deal did not include Inteko cement plants. The total amount of the transaction is estimated at $1.2 billion, but taking into account the company's debt, it is expected that Baturin will receive only $200 million for Inteko. The deal was supposed to be closed within a month, but in October, Viktor Baturin filed a number of lawsuits with a demand to recognize this transaction as illegal and with a demand to transfer the rights and obligations of the buyer under it to him; as a result, the deal was not closed at the end of October

After the change of owner, Inteko begins to acquire real estate

Mikail Shishkhanov's Inteko acquired the former office of the Borodino group on Nikoloyamskaya Street. This is the company's first public transaction after the change of ownership.

Moscow has approved the first major Inteko project after the sale of the company by Elena Baturina

The Moscow government has begun to approve construction projects for the Inteko company, which was acquired six months ago from Elena Baturina by Mikail Shishkhanov in partnership with Sberbank. The State Construction Committee has radically revised the Avia_Park project on the site of the airfield named after. Frunze on Khodynka, reducing the area of ​​the designed complex from 400 thousand to 300 thousand square meters. m. In addition, the functionality has changed: instead of offices, Inteko can attach an apartment complex to its residential “Grand Park”.

Mikail Shishkhanov may buy out Boris Ivanishvili's property

The Gutseriev family wants to become the owner of the majority of luxury hotels in Moscow. One of its members, Mikail Shishkhanov, is negotiating with Boris Ivanishvili about the purchase of the InterContinental and Tsentralnaya hotels on Tverskaya Street

Kerimov and Shishkhanov are interested in buying Metropol

As Vedomosti learned, the structures of Suleiman Kerimov and Mikail Shishkhanov are interested in purchasing the Metropol Hotel. The Moscow City Hall plans to sell it before the summer

The National Hotel will be sold tomorrow

Tomorrow the Moscow City Hall is holding an auction to sell 100% of the shares of the National Hotel located opposite the Kremlin. As Vedomosti learned, the hotel may go to the structures of Binbank President Mikail Shishkhanov

The new owners of Inteko plan to hold an IPO of the company

MOSCOW, December 7 – RIA Novosti. Businessman Mikail Shishkhanov, in partnership with Sberbank Investments LLC, a subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia, completed the acquisition of the Inteko group from Elena Baturina and plans to conduct an IPO of the company, the largest Russian bank said in a statement.

Baturina sold Inteko, may create a real estate investment fund

Businessman Mikail Shishkhanov, in partnership with Sberbank Investments, completed a transaction to acquire the Inteko group from Elena Baturina, Sberbank reported. The parties did not disclose the transaction amount.

Binbank increased its authorized capital by 22% - to 4.165 billion rubles.

Binbank increased its authorized capital by 22% - to 4.165 billion rubles, and attracted 1.5 billion rubles in capital from shareholders.

Binbank: organized banking group

The story of the founder of B&N Bank deserves a separate book. It was not for nothing that the Izvestia newspaper at one time compared him with eastern dictators, “who clearly divide people into friends and foes.” Gutseriev “swindled” them, strangers, out of money. And he did this on a national scale. Mikhail Safarbekovich started his first business in Grozny, establishing a furniture production jointly with Italians. The Italians were disappointed with the profits. Gutseriev was quite pleased with her. The capital he received allowed him to move to Moscow, away from the impending war. Here, on the streets of Belokamennaya, yesterday’s Grozny furniture maker started buying gold from the population. And he invested the proceeds received from resale of the “redhead” to consignment stores into real estate trading. Two years were enough to give the business the proper scope. Soon, Gutseriev’s younger brother Site received an industrial and financial company at his disposal, Shishkhanov’s nephew headed B&N Bank, and Mikhail Safarbekovich himself plunged headlong into the oil industry.

The clan aggressively absorbed soft Moscow enterprises, not forgetting to share with the “powers of this world.” The money invested in officials gave a quick return. In 1994, Mikhail Gutseriev headed the administration of the Ingush offshore zone, created on his own initiative. The “jeweler” ended up with billions of rubles in federal tax credits. Some of them were actually spent on restoring the infrastructure of Ingushetia. Gutseriev used “surrender” to buy up enterprises, starting with the Variegan-Neft company. As noted by the same Izvestia, Mikhail Safarbekovich literally “took it out of the hands of Sibneft and TNK-BP.”

Each army has its own vanguard. In the Gutseriev clan, the role of the attacking link was assigned to financiers. His own nephew Mikhail Shishkhanov was put in charge of the “family purse”. It is difficult to say how great the financial talent of this man is, but he coped well with his uncle’s main assignments. Largely through the efforts of Shishkhanov, many Russian chemical industry enterprises, trading companies and industrial facilities became the property of the clan. He also helped to spend money “correctly” big family Gutserieva. And not only for business needs. At one time, a rumor about close contacts of the Gutseriites with certain destructive forces in Chechnya and the Republic of Ingushetia caused a lot of noise. And although the scandal did not continue, it affected the affairs of the clan in the most unpleasant way.

Baturina is being bought out of the development business to offset debts

Elena Baturina, once the country's richest woman, is exiting the Russian development business. Her company Inteko will go to the co-owner of Binbank Mikail Shishkhanov and the structure of Sberbank

Baturina sold Inteko

Sberbank Investments LLC, a subsidiary of Sberbank, in partnership with the owner of Binbank Mikail Shishkhanov, acquires Inteko CJSC from the main owner of the company Elena Baturina, the wife of ex-Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov.

Elena Baturina sold Inteko three times cheaper than estimated

Yesterday Elena Baturina left the Moscow construction market. The development business of the wife of retired mayor Luzhkov is transferred to the owner of BIN Bank Mikail Shishkhanov. The entrepreneur will buy 95% of Inteko CJSC within a month, and 5% of the company will go to Sberbank’s subsidiary, Sberbank Investments LLC. The parties did not disclose the cost of the transaction. A year ago, the richest woman in Russia valued her construction assets at $3 billion; today their market value does not exceed $1.2 billion.

The expert assessed the sale of Inteko based on the value of the company’s land assets

The price of the transaction to purchase Inteko from Elena Baturina could correspond to the value of the company’s land assets, Konstantin Kovalev, managing partner of the consulting company Blackwood, told RIA Novosti on Tuesday.

Rublev's bankruptcy of Gutseriev's nephew

Effective manager Mikhail Shishkhanov failed the “city of millionaires” project, having spent $4.5 billion on the virtual long-term construction

The British company Aukett Fitzroy Robinson Group (AFRG) informed investors through the London Stock Exchange that the developer of a mixed-use complex on the Moscow River has asked it to temporarily stop work on the project due to financial problems. A source close to the company's management said that we're talking about about Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye. AFRG was supposed to complete the project of three residential complexes and one office complex (for Sberbank). According to Vedomosti’s interlocutor, financing has now been suspended, Sberbank is negotiating to increase its share in the project.

The Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye project involved the development of 430 hectares in the floodplain of the Moscow River, approximately 3 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Novorizhskoye Highway. Total area – 2.7 million square meters. m. In 2005, the former owner of the Nafta-Moscow project estimated investments at $3 billion.

The bank owns 10% of the “city of millionaires”, which cost it, according to the 2008 report, 3.6 billion rubles. Participation in the capital of Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye was a condition for issuing a $4.5 billion loan to [Binbank owner Mikhail] Shishkhanov, with which he bought the project from Suleiman Kerimov last year. Sources close to Shishkhanov and Kerimov said that approximately $5 billion was paid in total.

Binbank received “Mospromstroy”

CJSC Mospromstroy controls 26 general contracting and specialized enterprises. The company carried out the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Ice Palace, and the Victory Memorial on Poklonnaya Hill. Mospromstroy owns about 150 real estate properties. The company's revenue in 2004 amounted to about $400 million, net profit - $41 million. According to TsEA-Interfax, as of April 1, 2005, Binbank's assets were estimated at 34.8 billion rubles. (29th place in the Russian Federation), capital - 3.7 billion rubles. (40s). The bank, founded by Mikhail Gutseriev, is now controlled by his nephew Mikhail Shishkhanov.

"Binbank": it was yours, it is now ours

Mikhail Shishkhanov became a banker overnight, at the behest of his family. Having founded Binbank in 1993, Gutseriev a year later handed it over to his nephew, who had just graduated from college. And he immediately involved him in his business schemes. B&N Bank was mainly involved in purchasing securities of leading industrial enterprises. And not really adhering to the rules of “fair play”. An illustrative example was the purchase of shares in the Moscow construction company Mospromstroy, which was carried out in the interests of the bank by the Rosbuilding company. The object was a closed joint stock company, so Gutseriev’s people executed several pretend transactions of donating shares. And then, having become “shareholders” of the enterprise, they, on completely legal grounds, began buying up Mospromstroy’s securities, trying to take control of the entire company. No less aggressively, B&N Bank bought up the securities of the then still prosperous YUKOS, which aroused increased interest from law enforcement agencies.

Many were puzzled by the fantastically low price at which in November 2005 YUKOS sold its stake in Sakhaneftegaz to the Shishkhanov-Gutseriev bank: the most promising oil company cost only 6 million dollars, 7 cents per barrel of raw materials. Then there was a “war” with the powerful TNC, battles for the construction market and “big chemical” facilities. And everywhere the scheme that was already familiar to us worked: a newspaper wave of compromising evidence, the purchase of debt obligations, criminal cases against management and arbitration decisions that were striking in their inadequacy.

Business was going well. The clan stood on three strong pillars: Mikhail’s brother, Sait Gutseriev, the former general director of the Grozny TPO “Local Industry”, headed the Industrial and Financial Company “Bin”, Binbank was “ruled” by his nephew, and Mikhail Safarbekovich himself owned “Russ-neft”. By the beginning of 2005, the annual turnover of the oil company was about 3 billion dollars, and the Bin group, excluding B&N Bank, was more than one and a half billion. The clan managed to buy up almost four dozen enterprises, and it had no intention of stopping. The ground for further expansion was tested by Adlan Shishkhanov, the cousin of the head of B&N Bank.

Mikhail Gutseriev crossed the road to Lukoil

YUKOS did not admit that it owns Broadwood Trading. Russneft also does not admit to the purchase, which categorically denies its connection with Broadwood Trading. But according to a source familiar with the lawsuit filed by Broadwood Trading in court, it was signed by a certain Svetlana Chudina. In 2002, she worked as the head of the legal department at the financial and industrial union BIN, which included BIN Bank, whose founder is considered to be Mikhail Gutseriev. In the same year, she went to work at Russneft as deputy director of the legal department for claims work. In February 2003, she was elected to the board of directors of Vareganneftegaz, which is part of Russneft. But Mikhail Gutseriev’s company claims that Ms. Chudina left the Russneft structures back in 2003.

It is interesting that yesterday the president of BIN Bank (through a subsidiary controls 20% of the shares of Russneft) Mikhail Shishkhanov said that the oil company in 2006 intends to increase oil production to 25-30 million tons of oil (this year the production volume should be 15 million tons).

The main owner of the Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye development project, Mikhail Shishkhanov, is negotiating to increase Sberbank’s share in the project

The main owner of the Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye development project, Mikhail Shishkhanov, and Sberbank are negotiating to increase the bank's share in the project - to a maximum of 49%. Sberbank received 10% of the “city of millionaires” in 2008, providing a loan to a businessman to purchase this asset from Suleiman Kerimov’s Nafta-Moscow. The project, then valued at $5 billion, has already fallen in price by at least 50% due to the crisis, experts say.

Sberbank's share in the “city of millionaires” Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye may increase to a maximum of 49%. The main owner of the project and head of B&N Bank, Mikhail Shishkhanov, told Kommersant about this. “Negotiations are currently underway on this issue. By April 1, we will finish developing a business plan for the project, after which the exact size of Sberbank’s share will be clear,” the businessman noted. According to him, by entering the project, Sberbank expected to receive a certain profit. “Due to the crisis, the profitability of the project has decreased. For this reason, the bank intends to increase its share in Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye,” noted Mr. Shishkhanov. According to the estimates of the managing partner of New Quality, Mikhail Gets, the profitability of development projects before the crisis could reach 30%, now on average in the market this figure is at the level of 16-18%. “Now, in all business plans for projects, developers have to include an average 30% reduction in the cost of housing,” explains Mikhail Gets, explaining the decrease in profitability.

Mikhail Shishkhanov: “If I don’t know where and how our clients are served, I will be disconnected from real life!”

How to gain the trust of a depositor, what he should know about his monetary institution - the President and Chairman of the Board of BINBANK, Mikhail Shishkhanov, talks about all this and much more.

“The team is not mine, but the bank’s”

Mikhail Osmanovich, admit it, how do people become successful bankers these days?

Actually, as a child, I dreamed of a medical career. I even worked a little as an ambulance nurse. But when they allowed me to attend the operations, I realized that this was not for me. My uncle, Mikhail Gutseriev, who always took a big part in my development, advised me to study economics. I chose the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University, whose economics department was famous for its strong, unorthodox-thinking teachers.

It was already 1988. The country literally overnight moved from a Soviet planned economy to market relations. I finished my studies in the new Russia. I left with a diploma in economics and an open-minded view of what was happening around me. And I realized that this was not enough. I went to study at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, defended my PhD thesis, then my doctorate. Now the second doctoral thesis is almost ready"

Mikhail Shishkhanov books “Moscow”

The Moscow Hotel may have a new co-owner: the head of B&N Bank, Mikhail Shishkhanov, is ready to purchase 49% of the hotel from the mayor’s office. For this share, a businessman can pay 2.5 billion rubles. Before him, the Moscow government offered this asset to the owner of Nafta Moscow, Suleiman Kerimov, but the businessman refused to increase his share in the facility (he owns 25.5% of Moskva).

Several sources close to the board of directors of OJSC Hotel Company (GC) reported to Kommersant that Mr. Shishkhanov is ready to acquire 49% of Dekmos OJSC, which has the Moscow Hotel under construction on its balance sheet. It is the Group of Companies, where 85% belongs to the Moscow government, that owns 49% of the Moscow Hotel. The Civil Code did not comment on this fact. Mr. Shishkhanov, through his representative, conveyed that he was ready to buy out 49% of Dekmos with personal funds. The businessman is only interested in the hotel part of Moscow. According to Kommersant, the request for this transaction has already been granted by the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

As RBC daily learned, senator from Belgorod region Vadim Moshkovich will become the owner of 99% of the shares of B&N Bank. According to analysts, he could have paid about $1 billion for the credit institution.

Today B&N Bank plans to announce the sale by Mikhail Shishkhanov and minority shareholders of 99% of the bank’s shares to Vadim Moshkovich. Several sources close to the participants in the deal reported the completion of negotiations to RBC daily. Mikhail Shishkhanov and Vadim Moshkovich confirmed the fact of the transaction for the sale of bank shares. “I am interested in the banking business itself and the prospects for its growth,” said Vadim Moshkovich. Mikhail Shishkhanov (87.07%) and several minority shareholders sold their shares in the bank. The participants did not disclose the amount of the transaction.

It became known last fall that the co-owner of Rusagro and the development companies Augur Estate and Scale, Vadim Moshkovich, could become the majority shareholder of B&N Bank. Besides him, there were other contenders for the banking business of Mikhail Shishkhanov, who is the nephew of Mikhail Gutseriev. The bank's press service reported that it will be headed by the first vice-president of B&N Bank, Vartan Dilanyan (the former Ernst & Young partner joined the bank back in November on the initiative of Vadim Moshkovich).

Mikhail Shishkhanov will buy 49% of the Moscow Hotel

The capital's authorities are selling 49% of the Moscow Hotel on Manezhnaya Square to the structures of the co-owner of the Bean group, Mikhail Shishkhanov, Reuters reports. The deal will take place between the businessman and the current owner of the package - OJSC Dekmos, which is controlled by the city through the Hotel Company. The purchase amount was not disclosed. Shishkhanov, through his representative, confirmed the transaction and said that it was approved by the FAS. In the future, the entrepreneur plans to become the sole owner of Moscow. “The remaining assets of the hotel complex are not interesting to me,” said Shishkhanov, whose fortune is estimated by Forbes magazine at $550 million. The remaining 51% of the hotel shares belong to private individuals, while, according to media reports, 25% is at the disposal of the Nafta group of Senator Suleiman Kerimov . The Bin and Nafta groups have experience in mutually beneficial cooperation: in 2007, Shishkhanov bought the Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye development project from the group for $5 billion. The area of ​​the newly built Moscow Hotel is 183,000 square meters. The opening of the hotel is planned for the end of 2011 - beginning of 2012. It is expected that management of the hotel will be transferred to the Four Seasons chain. In 2010, a scandal erupted around the hotel, accompanied by trials between State Duma deputy Ashot Yeghiazaryan, who was considered a co-owner of the hotel, and the Moscow government. The case ended with the criminal prosecution of Yeghiazaryan and his flight from Russia, and “Moscow” was given to businessmen Suleiman Kerimov, Arkady Rotenberg and Konstantin Goloshchapov.

Mikhail Shishkhanov re-headed B&N Bank

Binbank yesterday officially announced the change of the head of the board of directors and president. The board of directors will be headed by Mikhail Shishkhanov, who will remain the main owner of the bank, but will step away from operational management. Binbank, created by the former owner of Russneft Mikhail Gutseriev, no longer faces political risks, and Mr. Gutseriev’s nephew can safely remain in the banking business, market participants believe.

As the press service of Binbank reported yesterday, the board of directors of the bank will head it ex-president Mikhail Shishkhanov, who is the beneficial owner of 99% of the shares of the credit institution. The decision to reshuffle the bank's management was made at the board of directors held on May 6. Sergei Egorov, who previously headed the board of directors of Binbank, was offered the position of first deputy to Mr. Shishkhanov. Operational management will be entrusted to Grigory Guselnikov, whose candidacy for the post of president of the bank is currently being approved by the State Technical Directorate of the Bank of Russia. Vartan Dilanyan was relieved of his post as president of the bank at his own request.

Mikhail Shishkhanov sold Binbank

Senator from the Belgorod region Vadim Moshkovich will become the owner of 99% of the shares of B&N Bank. This was reported today by the RBC daily newspaper. According to analysts, he could have paid about $1 billion for the credit institution.

According to the publication, today Binbank plans to announce the sale of 99% of the bank’s shares to Vadim Moshkovich by Mikhail Shishkhanov and minority shareholders. Several sources close to the participants in the deal reported the completion of negotiations to RBC daily. Mikhail Shishkhanov and Vadim Moshkovich confirmed the fact of the transaction for the sale of bank shares. “I am interested in the banking business itself and the prospects for its growth,” said Vadim Moshkovich. Mikhail Shishkhanov (87.07%) and several minority shareholders sold their shares in the bank. The participants did not disclose the amount of the transaction.

It became known last fall that the co-owner of Rusagro and the development companies Augur Estate and Scale, Vadim Moshkovich, could become the majority shareholder of B&N Bank. Besides him, there were other contenders for the banking business of Mikhail Shishkhanov, who is the nephew of Mikhail Gutseriev. The bank's press service reported that it will be headed by the first vice-president of B&N Bank, Vartan Dilanyan (former partner of Ernst & Young, came to the bank back in November on the initiative of Vadim Moshkovich).

For more than two decades, the biography of Mikail Shishkhanov has been inextricably linked with financial activities, and more specifically with B&N Bank. Family ties played a role in the life and career of a billionaire important role. However, this hardworking businessman, constantly striving for new heights, achieved most of his successes himself. Big money did not spoil Mikail Osmanovich at all. He is known as a kind optimist, always ready to help with advice and action.

Mikail is one of the supreme angels representing the inner circle of Allah. This is the name that the mother chose for her child when, on August 6, 1972, a boy was born into an Ingush family living in Grozny.

ABOUT early years Not much is known about the banking tycoon. They occurred during difficult times in the Chechen-Ingush conflicts, which often ended in bloodshed. And yet the troubles of war passed Mikail.

As a child, like most of his peers, he painted his future in simple colors. His dream was medicine, a path in which he began to pursue after graduating from school. However, after getting a job as a nurse in an ambulance and attending several operations, the young man realized that being a doctor was not his path, and he could help people in other ways. It was from this moment that the life of Mikail Osmanovich was closely intertwined with the activities of his uncle, Mikhail Gutseriev.


One gets the impression that an influential relative unmistakably identified the makings of a financier in Mikail and helped the young man enter the prestigious Russian Peoples' Friendship University. Patrice Lumumba. Here, for five years, Mikail learned the basics of economics and law.

During the educational process, Mikail Shishkhanov honed the knowledge he acquired in practice provided to him by his uncle, who by that time owned a bank. In 1993, the newly minted bachelor briefly left the walls of his alma mater to return here again, but for the title of master, which he received in 1995.

After 3 years, Mikail Osmanovich successfully defended his dissertation and became a candidate of legal sciences, and in 2000, his banker’s knowledge base was replenished with a diploma from the Government Finance Academy Russian Federation.

In 2002, Mikail Shishkhanov became a Doctor of Economic Sciences and since that time has been a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Career and business of Mikail Shishkhanov

Shishkhanov began his advancement to the top of the financial business back in 1992, when he was studying at the university. He gained his first practical experience in his biography as an ordinary financier serving at BIN LLP, founded by Mikhail Gutseriev.

After graduating from university, the young specialist’s career skyrocketed. In many ways, he was helped by his uncle, to whom Mikail could always turn for advice, but otherwise the future oligarch relied on his knowledge and passion for his favorite business.

Since 1993, Shishkhanov became the head of the BIN Industrial and Financial Company, and a year later a position opened up for the financier in the treasured Bin Bank.

Before becoming vice-president of this organization, Mikail Osmanovich managed to be the head of the department for organizing interbank relations, and also replaced the head of the board.

In 1996, Mikail Shishkhanov reached the top of the career ladder, becoming president and heading the board of B&N Bank, where he was destined to remain until 2017. In parallel with his main work, in 2015, Shishkhanov assumed the post of Chairman of the Board of MDM Bank.

As an experienced banker and specialist in financial transactions, Shishkhanov actively bought shares of the most profitable organizations. Thus, he became a co-owner of the development company Dekmos, which controls the Moscow Hotel. His partners in this case were Arkady Rottenberg and Suleiman Kerimov.

In addition, the assets of the non-state pension funds “European”, “Doverie” and “Regionfond” can be considered among the successful and profitable acquisitions of Mikail Shishkhanov. Here Said and Sait-Salam Gutserievs became Mikail Osmanovich’s companions.

In 2016, under the license of MDM Bank, Binbank and Binbank Murmansk were merged with it. United financial institution received the name "Binbank". Mikail Shishkhanov again became its president and head of the board.

At the end of spring 2017, official sources of Binbank published information regarding Mikail Shishkhanov’s resignation from his position. This was explained by the fact that the banker was moving to work for the Safmar industrial and financial group, where he was given the position of deputy to the board of directors. It was also reported that in his new post he will be in charge of the financial and foreign economic activities of the organization.

Shishkhanov’s new responsibilities would include establishing partnerships with foundations in European, Arab and Asian countries. The following subsidiaries came under the supervision of Mikail Osmanovich:

  • "M Video";
  • "Technosila";
  • "El Dorado";
  • "Europlan".

In addition, the businessman had to control the insurance business represented by the VSK company and IT technologies.

In September 2017, it was announced that by decision of the board of directors of Binbank, Mikail Shishkhanov was again elected chairman of this financial organization.

But as of December 2017, the activities of the bank’s management bodies were suspended.

Condition of Mikail Shishkhanov

Mikail Shishkhanov began to increase his wealth while still a student and is now consistently among the 200 richest people in Russia. His main capital is contained in shares of B&N Bank, where the oligarch owns a controlling stake exceeding 60%. In addition, the banker owns 15% of the shares of the oil and gas holding Neftis, 15% of the Eldorado retail chain and almost completely controls the development company Inteko.

Dynamics of growth of the banker's wealth by Forbes version(year – $, billion/place in the Russian ranking):

  • 2012 – 0,55/179;
  • 2013 – 0,75/142;
  • 2014 – 0,7/155;
  • 2015 – 0,65/139;
  • 2016 – 1,6/46;
  • 2017 – 2,3/44.

The private life of Mikail Shishkhanov

Mikail Shishkhanov is not only an excellent financier, but also a happy family man.

The billionaire is married to Svetlana, an Odessa resident. This amazing woman gave her husband three daughters and a son. Due to Mikail’s heavy workload, the main concern for the children fell on her shoulders. And now, having become a businesswoman, she copes with it very well. Passionate about fashion, Svetlana opened her own business and is now actively involved in the showroom.

Shishkhanov's wife is an excellent housewife, and the kitchen is her weakness. Considering herself a specialist in Ukrainian dishes, she dreams of introducing Russians to them better and is currently working on a project to open a restaurant where Ukrainian cuisine will be presented.

The banker's eldest daughter, who has crossed the age of twenty, is named Nicole. The girl is educated in the UK, at Benenden School. The billionaire heiress sees her future in marketing and is confidently moving towards achieving her goal. An example of this is a recent practice completed in the United States.

Nicole Shishkhanova's hobby is diving. She can often be seen at social parties, usually accompanied by Mikail Osmanovich or other family members. At the same time, Nicole is very modest and is in no hurry to find a mate, since she sees the ideal of a man in her father.

According to Mikail Osmanovich, his main shortcomings include the little time he devotes to his family, and the reason for this is tireless work.

At the same time, the oligarch speaks of his loved ones with incredible warmth and does everything to ensure that they are provided with everything.

As a professional, the billionaire is a member of the Moscow Banking Union, where he takes an active part. In 2008, Mikail Shishkhanov was recognized as the best banker of the year, and in 2009 he was awarded the highest award of the Association of Russian Banks. In 2015, Mikail Osmanovich was awarded two honorary titles – “Charisma in Business” and “Name in Business”.

Shishkhanov’s activities and services to the state were marked with a gold star “For Loyalty to Russia,” and the Congress of Russian Mothers awarded Mikail Osmanovich a philanthropist diploma.

The advantages of the oligarch include literary talent. Mikail Shishkhanov has written several books and many articles, as well as two monographs on economic and legal topics.

The main hobbies in the biography of Mikail Shishkhanov include boxing, which he has been doing for a long time. Among quieter hobbies, the banker prefers chess. In his free time, which is rare, the businessman likes to read or watch another intellectual program. It should be noted that his “Binbank” for some time sponsored the famous program “What? Where? When?".

Mikail Shishkhanov today

After the reorganization of B&N Bank, Mikail Shishkhanov left banking and, according to the latest data, switched to the agricultural sector. At the beginning of the summer of 2018, the former banker acquired the largest agricultural holding in Russia, Healthy Farm, which specializes in poultry, pork, as well as products and semi-finished products based on them.

Mikail Osmanovich- one of the richest Russian entrepreneurs in our country. He is an economist and financier by training. Since November 2008, he has been the general director of a Russian commercial enterprise, and since December 2015, the entrepreneur bought out the Rost Bank joint-stock company and became its new owner. The merger of Rost Bank with B&N Bank is scheduled for 2025.

He is a member of the Council of the Association of Russian Banks and the Moscow Banking Union, and is also the author of two monographs and a number of articles in which he reveals problems of politics and economics. On top of that, the purposeful Mikail owns several reserve funds. More recently, the hero of our article appeared in the list of “The Wealthiest Businessmen of the Russian Federation” according to the magazine Forbes Unfortunately, he was excluded because the businessman became bankrupt. Today he is forty-six years old and is a happy father of four children.

The early years of Shishkhanov Mikail Osmanovich

Future billionaire was born August 6, 1972. The family lived in Chechnya, the city of Grozny. They are Ingush by nationality. It was the mother who named her son in honor of one of the closest angels to Allah. As a child, Mikail was a very kind and sympathetic boy.

The future businessman dreamed that when he grew up, he would save human lives. He really wanted to work in the medical field, and this opportunity arose. For a certain period of his life, the young man worked as a nurse in an ambulance. Having tried himself in this direction, he realized that this was not his calling. His uncle, a businessman, was a role model for the boy. It was he who inspired his nephew to connect his life with banking.

Education and work

Shishkhanov received two higher education. First he studied at the capital's multidisciplinary Peoples' Friendship University at the Faculty of Law and Economics, and soon graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, he wrote and defended a scientific work on legal and economic sciences. In 2000, Shishkhanov was already a certified specialist.

Currently a member of the Academy of Natural Sciences Russian state, and also has the title of Candidate of Legal Sciences and Doctor of Economic Sciences. Mikail Osmanovich received his first work experience at the joint-stock company Industrial and Financial Company BIN, which was headed by his uncle. He started as a simple financial worker, but was soon promoted to general director.

Shishkhanov's career in the bank

In the mid-90s, Shishkhanov began to build his career in a joint-stock commercial bank "BIN". Initially, he was accepted to the position of chairman of the bank's board, in which position he worked for nineteen years. In 2015, he was appointed to the position of Head of the Board of Directors. The same year he took the place of chairman of the bank's board "Moscow Business World".

Mikail Shishkhanov and Binbank

Mikail Osmanovich has been working for the benefit of B&N Bank for many years. All bank representatives respect and love their boss for his openness and understanding. As already mentioned, in the summer of 2015 the businessman became the head of the board of directors of B&N Bank, a position he held until the fall of next year. In the winter of 2015, Shishkhanov became the owner of the Rost Bank joint-stock company. There is information that Rost Bank will merge with B&N Bank in 2025.

On November 18, 2016, Binbank and "Binbank Murmansk" joined Moscow Business World Bank. Binbank sets itself big goals. Mikail Shishkhanov promises that Binbank will soon become the best private bank in the entire Russian Federation, and by 2020 it is planned to open more than four hundred new branches, as a result of which the number of clients will increase.

On May 28, 2017, information was published on the official website of B&N Bank that everyone’s favorite banker was leaving his position and moving to the position of deputy chairman of the board of directors of the financial and industrial group "Safmar".

Details of Shishkhanov's personal life

Nicole Shishkhanova is the daughter of Binbank President Mikail Shishkhanov

Mikail Osmanovich has been happily married for many years. His wife's name is Svetlana. Many people, including her husband himself, consider Svetlana Shishkhanova to be a very kind, positive and ambitious person. She is well versed in new fashion trends and is the owner of a children's clothing store. The wife of a famous banker was born in Ukraine; her entire childhood was spent in the beautiful city of Odessa. Already being a wealthy woman, Svetlana decided to open her own restaurant serving Ukrainian cuisine in Russia. The woman gave the happy father four children - three daughters and one son. The businessman loves his family very much and believes that his relatives are the most valuable thing he has. In turn, the children love and are proud of their dad, and this is the most important thing for our hero.

How does a billionaire like to relax?

The entrepreneur has been interested in boxing and chess since childhood. In addition to old hobbies, in his free time the banker reads his favorite books and also writes articles on his specialty. Mikail Shishkhanov is a real workaholic, but even the biggest hard workers need to rest.

More recently, information appeared online about how Mikail Osmanovich celebrated the New Year. The event took place at the villa of a billionaire in Miami. His family and close friends were present at the celebration. Some Russian pop stars were also invited to the villa. They gave a concert that lasted until the morning.

Shishkhanov now

In the fall of 2017, the media reported that on September 20, 2017, Mikail Osmanovich was again elected chairman of the B&N Bank of the Russian Federation. Since June 8, 2018, Mikail Osmanovich has been the sole owner of the Ural agricultural holding “Healthy Farm”. His responsibilities include overseeing the agro-industrial group of companies “Delicacies from a Healthy Farm”, “Healthy Farm”, “Healthy Farm Delicatessen”, as well as “Ural Meat Company” and “Uralbroiler”.

President of B&N Bank Mikail Shishkhanov and TV presenter Mikhail Kozhukhov

Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov has an impeccable reputation, because during his career he has achieved great results, which are the envy of many of his competitors. Mikail Osmanovich enjoys great authority among his colleagues. He is a very hardworking and cheerful person. These two character traits help him a lot throughout his life. It is also worth noting that Shishkhanov was helped to achieve such heights by the support of his family.

The businessman advises aspiring bankers, first of all, to remain honest with themselves and make serious decisions after thinking them through well, so that later they do not regret any of their actions or inactions. In 2009, for his great contribution to the banking sector, he was awarded the Order of the Association of Russian Banks and the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church Sergei of Radonezh, third degree. In addition, he holds honorary titles “Name in Business”, “Charisma in Business”, “Banker of the Year 2008”, and also for loyalty to the Russian Federation was awarded a gold star and a Golden Diploma of a Patron of the Arts from the Congress of Mothers of Russia.

In 1995 he graduated from the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University. In 2000 he graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.