Automated workplace for a clerk. Job Description of a Clerk An important issue in the organization of clerical work is the determination of the structure of the clerical service and its official composition

Chapter 2. Equipment and equipment of the workplace

Labor efficiency is decisively influenced by equipping workplaces with technical means for performing various duties, communications equipment and office furniture - the so-called office equipment.

The following types (classes) of means of labor are distinguished:

Document preparation tools:

Typewriters (manual and electric),

Voice recorders,

Tools for copying and reproducing documents,

Automatic handles,


Document processing and execution tools:


Fastening and gluing equipment, and materials,

Addressing and stamping devices,

Machines for applying protective coatings;

means of storing and grouping documents:

Document fastening means (staplers, special folders with clips),

Various types of filing cabinets,

Special cabinets and racks for storing documents, drawings, magnetic tapes,

Machines for destroying unnecessary documents;

means of performing computational operations:

Counting and reference rulers,

Microcalculators of different types,

Mechanical computers, personal computers;

means of ensuring operational communication:

Telephone communications,

Radio communication,

Director switchboards that allow you to conduct a conversation (hold meetings) with several subscribers simultaneously,



Two-way radiotelephone search communication, etc.;

· special office furniture:

Furniture and equipment for workplaces in office premises.

When choosing the necessary office equipment, you should keep in mind that the acquisition and use of office equipment is not an end in itself, but a means to increase the efficiency of execution and reduce the labor intensity of management work, as well as solving a number of social problems of management work (reducing the share of costs for performing routine operations, a means of motivation labor, prestige of work, etc.). Therefore, before choosing and purchasing funds technical equipment, it is necessary to analyze the real needs for a particular product and evaluate the benefits of its use.

When choosing a specific type of equipment, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the operations performed, the volume and complexity of the work, and the service relationships between individual employees and various services. You should choose the option that allows you to do the job more economically. When solving the problem of choosing certain office equipment, the feasibility of their implementation in labor processes, they take into account not only the advantages, but also the costs.

The workplace must include cabinets for documents and reference literature. In order to save work space, such cabinets can be placed on a wall or partition near the desktop. In order to ensure the safety of the documents, the filing cabinet must be locked with a key. If the secretary also stores documents that constitute a trade secret, it is better to equip his workplace with a special safe for documents. Shelves for office supplies and telephones are also best mounted on a wall or partition, leaving more space on the table for work. It is advisable to equip the workplace with a special intercom that will allow the secretary, without once again entering the manager’s office, to quickly provide the latter with the necessary information.

The workplace should include three zones:

The main one is a table with attachments;

Auxiliary - combined cabinets;

Visitor services.

The total area of ​​the workplace should be between 12-16 sq.m. According to experts, the visitor service area is the calling card of an institution, by which people evaluate the work culture and quality of work. This area should be thoughtful and cozy. If for one reason or another the manager cannot immediately receive the visitor, then the visitor should sit comfortably, he should be surrounded by a beautiful color and light artistic ensemble, including the coloring of the room, light sources and landscaping. Next to the main and auxiliary parts of the secretary's workplace there should be a coffee table and one or two comfortable armchairs. Fresh newspapers and magazines, clean paper, pencils or pens should be placed on the table.

It is not advisable for furniture for visitors to take up too much space and differ from the general style of furniture used in the company. This is why specialists do not recommend placing upholstered furniture in the reception area. It takes up a lot of space, quickly gets dirty and deformed. At the same time, the use of chairs and ordinary tables on wheels will allow you to quickly change the purpose of the reception area, using it as a meeting room, etc. If the company does not have a special wardrobe, the reception area should have either a hanger or a wardrobe where visitors could hang outerwear. For visual comfort and overall reception experience great importance has also its aesthetic design. First of all, you should use fresh flowers in your interiors. They replenish oxygen reserves, partially neutralize the harmful effects of computer and organizational equipment, and, in addition, make the work space cozy. The flower arrangement should be in harmony with the overall style in which the interior is designed. In addition to flowers, works of painting, graphics, small plastic art and other decorative elements are used to decorate the office and its reception area.

The secretary's workplace must be equipped with a sufficient set of technical means, office supplies, organizational equipment, and meet ergonomic requirements. The office management service is usually located next to the manager's reception area, and the assistant secretary is located in the manager's or company's reception area. If we consider that the reception area is the business card of the institution, by which the work culture as a whole is assessed, the first impression of the company (institution) is created, then the importance attached to its equipment becomes clear. The office management service is also one of the most visited departments of the institution, so its interior receives increased attention. The workplace of an employee who, due to his line of work, most often receives visitors, should be located near the entrance to the premises. When placing employees working in the same room, their business contacts are taken into account. It is advisable to place constantly operating noisy devices in a separate room equipped with soundproofing materials. When arranging workplaces, take into account the recommended sizes.

2.1 Distance to monitor screen

Sit so that the monitor is 60-70 centimeters from your eyes (arm's length). Incorrect distance increases eye strain. To rest your eyes, look away from the screen to something else several times an hour. For example, look out the window for half a minute. Let your eyes relax. Don't forget to wipe the dust off your screen occasionally.

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Idea of ​​a secretary’s workplace A workplace is an employee’s work area, equipped with the necessary tools to perform job duties. Organizing a secretary's workplace begins with equipping it with furniture, special equipment, and office supplies.

Mandatory set of furniture: office desk with a sliding cabinet; lift-and-swivel chair; auxiliary table or stands for office equipment; cabinet for storing documentation; safe for storing important documents, forms, stamps and seals; chair for visitors.

Stationery: writing instrument; reference-alphabetical notebooks, diary, weekly; folder or tray for current documents and paper; hole punch, stapler; paper knife, scissors; correction paste (“stroke”), glue; magnetic device for storing paper clips, buttons and other small metal items; Wall Clock; folders with the inscriptions “For the report”, “For signing”, “Documents in progress”, etc.

Technical: The technical factors of the secretary’s working conditions include equipping his workplace with modern office equipment and the use of the latest information technologies in the work process. When organizing a secretary's workplace, you should also worry about special furniture and office supplies.

Hygienic: Hygienic factors must ensure the preservation of strength and health, minimal fatigue and good health of the employee during the work process. These factors include illumination of the workplace, optimal temperature and humidity conditions in the room, thoughtful color scheme in the design of premises, comfortable furniture that meets ergonomic requirements, etc. A dusty, cramped room that has not been renovated for a long time creates a feeling of discomfort for those working in it, which does not contribute to their well-being

Social: Social factors create a feeling of comfort and social security in the employee. These include food for workers, medical insurance, access to sports and GYM's, the administration’s concern for the summer holidays of employees and their children, etc.

Psychological: Psychological factors are determined by the relationships of employees in the team, leadership style, that is, the psychological climate of the organization. Joint holidays, “health days”, sports competitions, encouragement of employees who have proven themselves in their work, congratulations on holidays - all these are indicators of a good psychological climate in the team. Such a psychological environment contributes to the working spirit; employees value her and value their workplace.

Psychophysical: Psychophysical factors must take into account fluctuations in the employee’s physical condition during the working day. The load must be distributed according to this condition. For example, in the first hour of work and immediately after the lunch break, you should not plan for a peak of production activity, since the body at this time is somewhat relaxed and is not ready for intense work. By the end of the working day, general fatigue occurs, so for this period you should leave less responsible work that does not require concentration and mental stress. Peak human performance occurs from 9 to 12 hours and from 14 to 17 hours. The main production load should be planned for this time.

Aesthetic: Aesthetic factors contribute good mood employee, form in him respect for his work and pride in the enterprise, increase the prestige of work. Furniture, flowers, blinds. modern interior, pleasant quiet music, colors in the design and much more can be attributed to aesthetic factors that influence working conditions.

Ergonomic requirements: Name of furnitureWorker height Furniture height Stationery table Up to 170 cm Above 170 cm 72 cm 75 cm Table for working on a typewriter or PC keyboard Up to 170 cm Above 170 cm 66 cm 68 cm Chair, armchair Up to 170 cm Above 170 cm 45 cm 47 cm

Ergonomic requirements Having acquired the mandatory elements of a secretarial workplace, you should think about the rational placement of all this in the room. The placement of furniture, equipment and fixtures should comply with common sense: frequently used objects should be in the work area, “at hand”; the arrangement of objects on the table must correspond to the rule of “right and left hands” (on the right - what is taken or done with the right hand, on the left - what is taken or done with the left hand); Each object in the room must have its own place and a constant movement area.

Computerized secretary workstation The office secretary whose work you are currently mastering has a workplace, as a rule, equipped with a variety of technical devices. This includes a personal computer and various means of telephone communication: telephone, fax modem, multifunctional telephone or mini-PBX. Perhaps there are public address systems, duplicating equipment, a printer, a scanner, etc.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for office workers ParametersValues ​​Natural and artificial illumination 300 – 500 lux Noise level Not more than 65 dB Area per PC Not less than 6 m 2 Volume per PC Not less than 20 m 3 Lift-and-swivel chairs with adjustable height and backrest tilt Air exchange Normal (airing, ventilation , air conditioning) Microclimate (optimal parameters) Humidity % t 0 air in winter t 0 air in summer Distance to the monitor screen (during work) 50 – 70 cm Continuous work time at the PC No more than 2 hours, mandatory breaks Special measures Complex exercises for body muscles and eye, psychological relief

Tools for working with documents Documents go through a long journey from the moment of creation to write-off and destruction, changing the form of presentation of management information, media, location and other parameters. In this case, various technical means are used, which are tools for working with documents. According to their purpose, they can be divided into groups: means of preparation and production (creation) of documents (typewriters, computers, voice recorders); means of document replication (printers, copiers, risographs); means of storing documents (folders, envelopes, boxes).

As soon as it became possible to install a computer at a workplace, the user - an economist, a manager, or any information worker - had the opportunity to use both individual information technologies to perform their professional functions, as well as their combination, as well as the subject subsystems of the EIS.

Therefore, at the dawn of the first personal computers, a personal computer equipped with professionally oriented tools and located directly at the workplace began to be called automated workstation (AWS). Its purpose was to automate the execution of routine work by an information worker.

Multi-site instrumental complexes with distributed data processing, ensuring collective work of users (mainly designers, developers, programmers), began to be called automated workstations. Unlike an automated workplace, a station is a system for the collective use of data and software products for performing one type of professional activity.

The workstation, as part of the electronic information system, was intended to perform the following general functions: documentation, calculations, communication, assistance in decision making.

Documentary means that computers must solve the problems of systematization, archiving, storage, search and management of documents in office work. In this case, all types of documents are subject to processing: text, numeric, graphic, audio, video information. Automation tools for this type of work are currently provided by text, graphics, spreadsheet processors, database management systems, hypertext and multimedia technologies, electronic archiving systems, document organization and management systems, and electronic document management systems.

To automate calculations, standard PPP application software packages were created that implement basic routine operations in the activities of any information workers: accountants, storekeepers, bank employees, managers, statisticians, etc. These PPP actually implemented all the operations of the intra-machine stage of the technological process of data processing in a particular field of activity. With the advent of new information technologies, the range of automation of routine work related to the processing of various types of data, communications, and assistance in decision making has expanded. Systems have emerged that combine many information technologies with standard calculations, called “electronic office.”

Network technologies have been developed to automate communication functions. E-mail has become an integral part of not only electronic offices, but is even included in operating systems. The combination of DBMS with network technologies gave rise to distributed data processing. Distribution technology has penetrated many information technologies, allowing the distribution of many resources available through a computer network.

Decision support systems involve the use of software packages that implement methods of simulation modeling, factor and correlation analysis, and other economic, mathematical and statistical methods. The direction should be highlighted "expert systems" which are designed to answer the question “how to do so.” The expert system is part artificial intelligence. It includes a knowledge base with a set of rules and an inference mechanism and allows, based on the facts provided by the user, to recognize a situation, make a diagnosis, formulate a solution or make a recommendation for choosing an action.

Expert systems are designed to recreate the experience and knowledge of high-level professionals and use this knowledge in the management process. They are developed using the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic for use in narrow areas of application, since their use requires large computer resources for processing and storing knowledge. The construction of expert systems is based on a knowledge base, which is based on knowledge representation models. Due to the large financial and time costs in Russian EIS, expert systems are not widely used.

Cognitive computer systems can also be used to support decision making. However, due to the complexity of implementation and high cost, such systems are rarely used.

A computer equipped with the latest IT, installed at the user’s workplace, allowing him to perform professional work, began to be called desktop computer(desktop computer).

The development of communications and network IT makes it possible to automate the activities of not only individual specialists and services, but also the entire enterprise through corporate information systems. At the same time, paperless technology is implemented. Connecting local networks to global ones opens up the possibility of accessing global information resources and building production connections in a new and dynamic way. The walls between functional departments within the enterprise are being destroyed, the boundaries separating the supplier from the buyer, the contractor from the subcontractor, and long-term contract labor are disappearing. Dinosaur enterprises are dying out; the logic of competition and partnership forces firms to switch to short-term forms of cooperation.

Taking into account the increasing competition in the global market, companies strive to be ready to produce goods and provide services anywhere in the world as soon as the need arises. Therefore, multinational corporations need collective access to internal data, presented in different languages ​​and in different currencies.

Transnational information systems must provide:

    centralized tax calculation, taking into account the requirements of tax legislation of different countries;

    conversion of currencies during transactions based on centrally set rates and rules;

    multilingual screen forms, reports, tips and messages, the appearance of which is determined by the user;

    user-defined and country-specific numeric data format (for example, the number of decimal places in a currency);

    date and time format, defined by the user and specific to his country;

    user-defined calendar of weekends and holidays, etc.

Despite the integration of various information technologies into the electronic office, the latter is not “paperless”. In recent years, the office has been replenished with a number of office equipment: fax, telephone, telex, copier, scanner, printer, barcode reader, connected to a computer. For each of them, information technologies have been developed that operate independently. So, the printer prints the document, and the fax transmits it. Therefore, the question arose about combining all these IT into a single one to perform most operations.

The ATWork concept, developed by Microsoft, offers a special operating system that is common for all types of office equipment and creates intelligent peripherals. The ATWork operating system operates in real time and contains a set of programs for servicing each peripheral device in a Windows environment. It can "run itself" and has a file system containing an "object store" where data from applications, such as Word, is moved without pre-processing. In effect, the operating system replaced device drivers. This allowed it to perform email and fax functions.

Note that the use of IT in the workplace changes the work technology of a specialist in the subject area.

To work with a computer, batch, network and dialog technologies are used. Part of the routine work of an information worker, which was formalized by the time the EIS was introduced, is performed automatically, without his intervention. If the computer software and hardware allow you to implement batch mode, then this part of the work can be performed in the background. When user intervention is required, the computer enters into a dialogue, which continues until the algorithm reaches the formalized part of solving the problem. To conduct a dialogue, you can use dialogue and network technologies. Network technology is used if it is necessary to send or receive a request, message, data from a remote user, database. In this case, the message can contain any objects of the real world (sound, audio and video information, text, etc.), for processing of which hypertext or multimedia technologies are used. In this way, a semi-automatic operating mode is implemented, which allows you to perform on a computer even those types of work that are difficult to formalize.

The work technology of an information worker after the introduction of EIS is also changing, because the routine part of his work, amounting to approximately 75% of all work, is performed by a computer. The forms of calculations, control, and documentation are changing. The activity of an information worker is not aimed at recording and recording data, but at analyzing information, preparing optimal solutions, identifying trends in ongoing processes, solving emerging problems, correcting unfavorable situations, and auto-formalizing knowledge. Thus, not only the content of the work changes, but also the requirements for the qualifications and competence of the specialist.

The introduction of IT makes it possible to change the nature of the work of an information worker, free up time for a creative approach to performing duties, increase productivity and quality of work, reduce the labor intensity of work, which leads to a reduction in the number of personnel, and therefore to a reduction in management costs, increasing the efficiency of managerial work, changing the structure of the management apparatus and management methods in order to improve production.

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Faculty of Automation and Electromechanics

Department of Computer Science

Specialty 350800

“Documentation and documentation support for management”


in the discipline: “Documentation and documentation

ensuring management"

on the topic of:


Completed: Art. gr. DBP -21

specialties 350800

Ayubova D.G.


Sarsenova Zh. Zh.

Astrakhan 2009

  • Introduction 3
  • 1 Regulations on the office management service 6
  • 2 Job Descriptions 15
  • 3 Organization of workplaces 28
  • Conclusion 32
  • Bibliography 33


Since office work services have their own specific tasks, they must be performed by an independent, organizationally separate service - a structural unit, department, division, sector, group, etc. Today this service has various names: business management, information and documentation support management, office management, documentation support management, general department, office, secretariat, etc. In what follows, I will generally call it the office management service. IN In small institutions and companies where the volume of documents processed is small and the creation of a special structural unit is impractical, all the work performed by the office management service is assigned to the clerk.

An important question in the organization of office work is the determination of the structure of the office work service and its official composition.

Depending on the volume of work (volume of the organization’s document flow), the office management service may include several structural divisions, for example, a secretariat (or several, if deputy heads of the institution have their own secretariats (here, in turn, groups for processing incoming and outgoing correspondence can be allocated , confidential documents, courier group, etc.); registration and reference work bureau (it may have registration, information and reference service groups); department (bureau) of control; department (bureau) of letters for receiving citizens; automation department; archive, etc.

In smaller-scale institutions, it is possible to combine several functions in one department or, instead of structural divisions, the relevant work can be performed by individual employees; in a small company, all work is carried out by one secretary.

The numerical composition and nomenclature of positions of office workers are also determined based on the functions and scope of work of the service. In addition, each structural unit may have a secretary who conducts office work in the department. In the absence of one, the head of the department must appoint one of the department employees responsible for record keeping.

The rational organization of office work begins with determining the organizational and legal status of the service, its structure, functions, rights and responsibilities of everyone involved in document support. To do this, it is necessary to develop organizational and legal documents: regulations on the office work service and job descriptions for each employee engaged in office work services, instructions for organizing office work. Organizational and legal documents contain rules, norms, regulations establishing the status of a structural unit, its competence, structure, official composition, functional content of the activities of unit employees, their rights, duties, responsibilities and other aspects. The provisions contained in the organizational and legal documents are strictly binding. These documents are subject to approval by the head of the organization.


"Regulations" - a legal act defining the order of formation, rights, responsibilities and organization of work of an institution, structural unit of the Unified government system office work. - M., 1975. P.76. .

The very definition of this type of document reveals its content. The regulation on a structural unit is a document that has a long validity period, and its drafting must be taken with great responsibility. The regulation is part of the unified system of organizational and administrative documentation and has an established text structure:

General provisions;

Goals and objectives;


Rights and obligations;


Relationships (official connections);

Work organization.

When drawing up regulations on the records management service in an organization (general department, office, secretariat, etc.), you can use the Model Regulations on the management documentation support service, placed as an application in the State Management Documentation Support System State Management Documentation Support System. Basic provisions. General requirements for documents and documentation support services. - M., 1991, Appendix 12. P. 86-93. , taking into account, of course, when this document was created, and the Approximate Regulations for the Documentation Support Service of Management given in the Model Instructions for Office Work in Federal Bodies executive power. These documents are designed for large organizations, but they contain all the sections and will help in developing the wording of the regulations on the records management service in the organization.

The Regulations on the Office Management Service begin with the “General Provisions” section, in which it is important to indicate that the office management service (office, secretariat, etc.) is an independent structural unit subordinate directly to the head. Thus, the place of service and its significance are immediately determined. Next, you can specify the structure of the service. For example, the service includes: management secretariat, expedition, registration and control group, archive, document printing and reproduction bureau, etc. In the same paragraph it is written that the number and staff of the service are determined by the staffing table of the organization (company).

Considering that the Regulations have been in force for a long period, it should not indicate the specific number or positions included in the service staff at the time of drawing up the Regulations (as the company grows, the service staff may change quickly).

A mandatory item in the “General Provisions” section is what legislative and regulatory acts the service is guided by in its activities. This paragraph can be written in a general way like “The office management service is guided in its activities by legislative acts Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees, orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, rules and instructions, methodological recommendations institutions of the State Archive Service of the Russian Federation, current standards on issues of documentation support for management, the Charter of the organization, this regulation on the production service and instructions for the organization's office work." If there are industry-specific normative and methodological documents or normative and methodological acts on office work developed by this institution, they should be included in this paragraph.

The “General Provisions” section ends, as a rule, with a paragraph on the leadership of the service, which indicates the name of the position (administrator, head of the office, head of the general department), the procedure for appointment and dismissal; requirements for qualifications and work experience. The office management service should be headed by a specialist with higher or secondary (in small organizations) special education.

In this section, you can indicate that the office management service has a seal indicating its name.

The second section, “Goals and Objectives,” can be built on the basis of the Standard Instructions for Office Work, since they are reflected in it quite fully; The main goals of the office management service are: organization, management, coordination, control and implementation of work on documentation support for management. The service solves the following tasks:

Continuous improvement of forms and methods of working with documents;

Ensuring a uniform procedure for documenting, organizing work with documents, building search systems, monitoring execution and preparing documents for transfer to the archive in accordance with current standards;

Reduction of document flow, unification of document forms;

Development and implementation of normative and methodological documents to improve documentation support in an organization (company, institution, etc.) Standard instructions for office work in ministries and departments of the Russian Federation. - M., 1994. P.96. .

The “Functions” section follows from the main goals and objectives. It must list in detail all the work performed by the service. It is this section that most reflects the specifics of the organization. When writing a section, you can also use sample provisions, where the functions are listed in sufficient detail, and add those specific types of work that are typical for your organization. For example, recording and storing contracts, creating and maintaining specific databases, maintaining a library, etc.

The functions of the office management service can be divided into three groups:

Documentation of management activities;

Work with documents;

Organizational types of work.

The first group includes:

Development and maintenance of a timesheet of institutional document forms and an album of unified document forms;

Development of document forms: for letters, general forms, forms for certain types of documents;

Replicating forms and individual forms of documents, recording them, providing them to employees involved in drawing up documents;

Drawing up documents on behalf of management;

Preparation of documents, their approval, printing, replication;

Documenting the work of meetings;

Control over the execution of documents submitted for signature to management;

Control over the execution of documents intended for dispatch.

It is better to arrange the second group of functions in the order in which office operations are performed. This includes:

Reception by mail, telegraph, teletype, fax, e-mail and primary (forwarding) processing of documents;

Registration of documents;

Preliminary review of documents, selection and preparation of documents for the report to management;

Ensuring delivery of documents to performers;

Control over the passage of documents in the organization;

Control over deadlines for execution of documents;

Development and maintenance of information retrieval systems (card files, computer databases);

Information and reference services;

Sending documents by mail, telegraph, teletype, fax, email;

Preparing a list of cases and ensuring a uniform procedure for storing documents in the organization;

Formation of cases;

Organization of an expert review commission of the institution;

Preparing files for filing in the archives;

Organization of the archive;

Organization of work with letters and appeals from citizens.

Organizational types of work include:

Organization and servicing of meetings;

Organization of reception of visitors;

Organization of telephone conversations;

Methodological management of office work in structural divisions;

Improving office work, introducing the latest computer technologies;

Organization of advanced training for employees of the institution in the field of working with documents, etc.

The “Rights and Responsibilities” section is very important. The rights must be described in as much detail as possible, remembering that the office management service has the rights that are included here. Usually the rights are specified:

Monitor the state of office work in the organization;

Monitor compliance with established rules for working with documents;

Determine documentation tasks to be automated;

Develop job descriptions for office workers;

Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization information necessary for work;

Involve, on behalf of management, specialists from structural divisions in the preparation of draft documents;

Check the correctness of the documents submitted for signature by management and for sending, return for revision documents drawn up in violation of GOST requirements;

Receive information from departments for management and call employees on behalf of management;

Conduct a preliminary review of documents and determine their further movement;

When organizing a reception, determine the priority of receiving visitors by management;

Monitor the execution of instructions from the manager;

Monitor the deadlines for the execution of documents, request information from departments and executors about the progress of the execution of documents;

Have access to information (documents and databases), etc.

The second part of this section - responsibility - can be written generally like “the service is responsible for failure to fulfill obligations and non-use of rights provided for by legal acts and this provision” or described in more detail, based on the points of responsibility. For example, responsibility for incorrect execution of documents submitted for signature to the manager for their non-compliance with established requirements; for failure to timely submit permanent documents to the archive, etc.

The Service Regulations may contain a “Management” section, which actually reflects the job description of the head of the service. It indicates that he is appointed and dismissed by the head of the organization to whom he is directly subordinate, his duties, and rights. For example, a manager:

Distributes responsibilities among office workers;

Makes decisions on issues related to the scope of activity of the office management service;

Signs and endorses documents within his competence;

Reports to the manager on received documents;

Submits documents to the manager for signature;

Reports and introduces visitors, etc.

The volume of work and the complexity of the management depend on the structure of the service, its numerical composition, the complexity of the equipment used, and the technology for working with documents.

In the "Relationships" section, you can indicate that the office management service interacts:

With all structural divisions on issues related to the scope of the service;

With the legal service (lawyer) - on legal issues related to the preparation of documents;

With the personnel service - on issues of selection, transfer, dismissal of personnel from the office management service and improvement of their qualifications;

Department (bureau) of implementation of computer technology (if such a service exists) - on the development and implementation of the latest information technologies, provision of computer equipment.

The last section - "Organization of work" - may contain a clause stating that the office management service operates in accordance with the internal regulations of the organization (company). If there are no such rules or there is a peculiarity in the work of office management employees, for example, irregular working hours, starting work for 30 minutes. earlier for the initial processing of documents before the arrival of employees of the company (organization), etc., then this should be reflected in this section of the Regulations. The Regulations end with a clause on the procedure for reorganizing the service. This usually happens in the case of reassignment of a service, expansion of its functions, changes in the internal structure, and today most often with the introduction of new management schemes and computer technologies.

Even a brief summary of the contents of the Regulations on the Office Management Service shows the importance of this document, which clearly describes the operating procedure of the unit. This document is complex and multidisciplinary. The more carefully and in detail it is developed, the more clearly it is built and easier to organize into further work divisions.

The Regulations are drawn up on a general form, signed by the head of the service and approved by the head of the organization (company).

Having the Regulations on the office management service, which indicates the tasks and functions assigned to it, determine the total scope of work. To do this, you can use the “Inter-industry integrated time standards for work on documentation support for management.” Inter-industry integrated time standards for work on documentation support for management. Approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 25, 1994 No. 72. Central Bank of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. - M., 1995, 26 p. , “Enlarged time standards for work on clerical services” and “Time standards for work on automated archival technology and documentation support for management bodies” Time standards for work on automated archival technology and documentation support for management bodies. Approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of September 10, 1993 No. 152. Central Bank of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. - M., 1993, 77 p. . Accordingly, the numerical and official composition of the office management service is established. For each prospective employee ( vacant position) a job description must be drawn up for Bondarev T.O. Organization of office work service. - M., 2000. - UNITY-DANA, 467 p. .


Job description- a durable document and is used until replaced by a new job description. It is the main organizational and legal document regulating the activities of an employee. What is written in the job description is what will be asked of the employee. Whatever rights are given in it, he has.

The job description refers to documents that have unified form and the established text structure:

General provisions;


Job responsibilities;


Relationships (connections by position).

“General provisions” in the job description contain the following set of information: general information about the position, subordination and who is in charge, requirements for education (higher or secondary) and practical experience (work experience in the specialty), the procedure for appointment and dismissal, replacement during absence.

Most often today, an employee of the office management service, a secretary-assistant and a secretary are required to have a higher or secondary specialized education, the ability to work on a computer, a certain amount of work experience, and for a secretary-assistant - knowledge foreign language. Employees of the office work service are subordinate to the head of the service, but secretaries-referents (secretaries) have double subordination - they report directly to the head (organization, structural unit) and, on issues of organization of office work, to the head of the office work service.

The last paragraph of this section of the job description contains a list of the main legislative, regulatory, normative, methodological, organizational, and administrative documents that guide the employee in his activities. In a generalized form, these acts are indicated in the Regulations on the Records Management Service discussed above.

The paragraph ends with an indication of the organizational and administrative documents of the parent organization and its own organization (company): charter, regulations on the structural unit, orders and instructions, instructions for office work, this job description.

The next section is "Functions". It indicates the main areas of activity, and in the “Job Responsibilities” section they already list specific types of work that ensure the performance of these functions. Often these sections are combined into one - “Roles and Job Responsibilities” (or “Main Tasks and Responsibilities”). This section should be described in as much detail as possible. When compiling this section, many of the formulations can be taken from the qualification characteristics for industry-wide positions of employees, developed by the Institute of Labor and approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37 Qualification Handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees. - M., Ministry of Labor, 1998.

From the qualification characteristics, you can use the “Job Responsibilities” section.

So, in the qualification characteristics of the manager. office of a small organization, his job responsibilities are as follows:

Organizes the work of the office;

Ensures timely processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence and its delivery to its destination;

Monitors the deadlines for the execution of documents and 1 correct execution, prepares certificates of compliance with the deadlines for the execution of documents;

Organizes work on registration, accounting, storage and transfer of current office work documents to the relevant structural units, incl. orders and instructions from management;

Organizes work on the formation of cases and their submission for storage;

Develops instructions for record keeping in the organization and organizes their implementation;

Takes measures to provide workers with the necessary instructional and reference materials, as well as inventory, equipment, means of mechanization and automation of managerial work;

Provides methodological management of the organization of production cases in departments, control over the correct formation, storage and timely submission of files to the archive;

Provides printing and reproduction of official documents;

Participates in the preparation of meetings convened by management and organizes their technical maintenance;

Organizes the preparation of travel documents, registration of employees arriving on a business trip to the organization.

The qualification characteristics of a secretary-typist and a secretary-stenographer given in the directory of qualification characteristics are actually similar. Only the duties of typing documents for the secretary-typist and shorthand for the secretary-stenographer have been added. Therefore, it is enough to use one of these qualification characteristics.

For example, the job responsibilities of a secretary-typist are given as follows:

Performs technical functions to ensure and maintain the work of the head of the organization or its divisions;

Receives information necessary for the manager from departments or performers, calls employees on his instructions;

Organizes telephone conversations with the manager;

Receives and transmits telephone messages, records received messages in the absence of the manager and brings their content to his attention;

Carries out work on preparing meetings and conferences held by the head (collection necessary materials, notifying participants about the time, place, agenda of a meeting or meeting and their registration), maintains and draws up minutes;

Provides the manager’s workplace with office supplies, organizational equipment, creates conditions conducive to the manager’s effective work;

Transmits and receives information via receiving and intercom devices (telex, fax, telefax, etc.);

Prints various materials as directed by the manager;

Conducts office work, receives correspondence addressed to the manager, systematizes it in accordance with the procedure adopted in the organization and, after its consideration by the manager, transfers it to departments or specific performers for use in the process of their work or preparation of a response;

Monitors the deadlines for the execution of the manager’s orders taken under control;

Accepts documents for signature by the manager;

Organizes the reception of visitors, facilitates the prompt consideration of requests and suggestions from employees;

Forms files in accordance with the approved nomenclature, ensures their safety and submits them to the archives within the established time limits;

Prepares documents for reproduction on duplicating equipment, and also copies documents on a personal copier.

As you can see, the given characteristics list the job responsibilities in sufficient detail and will help when writing sections of the candy job description.

In the new qualification directory with qualification characteristics approved in 1998, the qualification characteristics of a clerk appeared for the first time.

It is designed primarily for commercial organizations, where one secretary provides organizational, information and documentation services for the entire company.

The job responsibilities of the manager's secretary are outlined as follows:

Carries out work on organizational and technical support for the administrative and administrative activities of the head of the enterprise,

Accepts correspondence received for consideration by the manager, transmits it in accordance with the decision made to structural units or specific performers for use in the work process or preparation of responses,

Conducts office work, performs various operations using computer technology designed to collect, process and present information when preparing and making decisions,

Accepts documents and personal statements for signature by the head of the enterprise,

Prepares documents and materials necessary for the work of the manager,

Monitors the timely review and submission by structural units and specific executors of documents received for execution,

Checks the correctness of the prepared draft documents submitted to the manager for signature, ensures their high-quality editing,

Organizes telephone conversations of the manager, records the information received in his absence and brings its contents to his attention, transmits and receives information via receiving and intercom devices (telefax, telex, etc.), as well as telephone messages, brings information to his attention in a timely manner , received via communication channels,

On behalf of the manager, he composes letters, requests, and other documents, prepares responses to the authors of the letters,

Performs work on preparing meetings and meetings held by the manager (collecting necessary materials, notifying participants about the time and place of the meeting, agenda, their registration), maintains and draws up minutes of meetings and meetings,

Monitors the execution by employees of the enterprise of issued orders and instructions, as well as compliance with the deadlines for fulfilling the instructions and instructions of the head of the enterprise, taken under control. Maintains a control and registration file.

Provides the manager’s workplace with the necessary organizational equipment, office supplies, creates conditions conducive to his effective work,

Prints, at the direction of the manager, official materials necessary for his work, or enters current information into the data bank.

Organizes the reception of visitors, facilitates the prompt consideration of requests and suggestions from employees,

Forms files in accordance with the approved nomenclature, ensures their safety and submits them to the archive in a timely manner,

Copies documents on a personal copier.

As can be seen from the above qualification characteristics, the clerk is subject to fairly high requirements for the range of work he performs. This assumes fluency in computer technology, independent preparation of documents on behalf of the manager, editing of received draft documents, monitoring execution, etc. These requirements and the range of responsibilities, which include many creative types of work, predetermine the need for higher professional education, but for now, secondary vocational education is also allowed if work experience is available.

Of course, the responsibilities of secretaries to managers at various levels will differ both in the content of the work and in scope. For example, the secretary of the head of an institution has significantly more responsibilities for organizing the reception of visitors, and the clerk of a structural unit can keep track of the working hours of department employees; he has a large amount of work on reprinting documents, creating files, etc.

The responsibilities of the structural unit responsible for record keeping usually include:

Receiving documents received by the department and submitting them to the manager for review;

Filling out a registration control card (RCC) when decentralized system registration;

Entering the manager’s resolution, information about the movement of the document, its execution (both with a centralized and centralized registration system);

Transfer of the document to the contractor;

Timely control over the execution of documents and instructions of the manager;

Notification to the control inspector (in the control bureau) about the execution of documents in the department and their removal from control;

Checking the correctness of the documents submitted for a visa or signature to the head of the department and for sending;

Reception from the contractor and transmission of documents for typewritten execution;

Transmitting documents for dispatch or (with a decentralized office work system) sending them, including fax and email;

Participation in the compilation of a list of department affairs;

Formation of cases in departments in accordance with the nomenclature of cases;

Preparation and submission of structural unit files to the archive.

The responsibilities of typists (PC operators) include:

Performing typewritten work from handwritten, typewritten and printed originals on a PC or typewriters of various systems;

Typing from dictation;

Printing out recordings from voice recorders and tape recorders;

Caring for the equipment used, monitoring its condition.

In large organizations where reprinting and final processing of documents is carried out centrally in the printing bureau, the responsibilities of the head of the bureau supervising the work of PC operators (typists) can include:

Receiving documents for printing and distributing them among PC operators (typists);

Accounting for completed work;

Monitoring the timing of work;

Control over the quality of work;

Accounting and ensuring the safety of document forms located in the bureau;

Ensuring the safety of received documents and phonograms;

Equipment for workplaces of PC operators (typists);

Providing workers with paper and other necessary materials;

Monitoring the condition of PCs, printers, voice recorders, typewriters, organizing their timely repairs. IN free time The head of the bureau is also involved in typing work.

In the job description of the control inspector, control over the execution of documents put under control is recorded as a function, and the job responsibilities indicate:

Submitting a document for control (using a PC or a traditional deadline card file);

Receiving data from structural units or performers on the progress of document execution;

Making marks on the control and registration card about the progress of execution of documents (its transfer, intermediate stages of execution, etc.);

Marking the final execution of the document and removing the document from control;

Informing management about the progress of document execution;

Drawing up reports on the execution of documents, etc.

If an employee is allocated as part of the office management service to process incoming and outgoing documents, he can be specified in his job description in the “Roles and Responsibilities” section:

When processing incoming documents:

Checking the correct address of documents and integrity of packaging;

Opening packages and checking the correctness of attachments;

Checking the readability of messages received by fax and informing the sender about the need for retransmission;

Marking receipt of the document;

Sorting documents into registered and non-registered;

Transfer of registered documents for registration;

Transfer of unregistered documents to structural units;

General accounting of the number of incoming documents.

When processing sent documents:

Checking the correctness of the documents being sent and their completeness;

Putting the address on the envelope, inserting documents into the envelope;

Labeling of postal items;

Preparation of inventories for registered mail;

Sending faxes and emails;

General accounting of the number of documents sent from the organization, etc.

The job responsibilities of a courier usually include:

Delivery of correspondence from the post office and delivery to the post office at the appointed time;

Delivery of documents throughout the city;

Delivery of documents to structural units;

Recording of sent and received documents in the mailing book, etc.

The examples given, of course, do not exhaust all the job responsibilities of office workers. An individual employee may be tasked with registering documents - and this will be reflected in his job description. For others, copying and duplicating work. The head of the archive or the person responsible for archival storage has his own specific responsibilities.

All functions written in the Regulations on the office management service must be included in the job descriptions of the service employee. At the same time, it should be clear who is doing what work and is responsible for what.

The peculiarity of the job description for a specific employee is that it lists exactly his functions and job responsibilities. Therefore, the set of functions and job responsibilities is always individual, although it can be compiled on the basis of standard job descriptions.

The more detailed in the section “Functions and Job Responsibilities” it will be indicated not only , but also how an employee performs certain operations in accordance with the technology of working with documents adopted in the organization, the more valuable the job description will be. Interchangeability is also indicated here.

The “Rights” section is very important for the employee. It establishes his powers to independently resolve issues within his competence. For example, for a secretary or employee conducting a preliminary review of documents, the right to preview documents and determine which of them can be transferred to executors, bypassing the manager, is recorded.

For the manager's secretary - the right, when organizing a reception, to determine the priority of receiving a visitor; "filtering" of telephone calls; control over the correctness of documents before submitting them for signature by the manager.

For employees whose responsibilities include sending documents - monitoring the correct execution of documents intended for sending and returning them for further processing.

The rights to access information and request information and documents for the manager are very important.

For the secretary who retypes documents, it is necessary to write down the right to return documents with unreadable fragments of text or illegible edits, and for the head of the archive - the right not to accept cases filed in violation of the rules.

The section of the job description “Responsibility” can be written in general terms like “the employee is responsible for failure to fulfill duties and non-use of rights provided for by legal acts and this instruction” or described in more detail based on the points of responsibility. For example, responsibility: for incorrect execution of documents submitted for signature to the manager, their non-compliance with established requirements; untimely delivery of documents with a permanent archive storage period, etc.

Responsibility can be administrative, disciplinary, material and even criminal. When working on this section, it should be remembered that liability is established in strict accordance with the law. So, in accordance with Art. 15 Code< административных правонарушениях, "Должностные лица подлежат административной ответственности за административные правонарушения, связанные с несоблюдением установленных правил в сфере охраны порядка управления, государственного и общественного порядка... и других правил, обеспечение выполнения которых входит их служебные обязанности". За нарушения трудовой дисциплины применяются дисциплинарные взыскания (ст. 135 КЗоТ). В случае материальной ответственности за ущерб, причиненный организации, в соответствии со ст. 121 КЗоТ работник несет материальную ответственность, т.е. возмещает стоимость.

The “Relationships” section (relationships by position) is also very useful for organizing work. Usually, I generally write down in it that the employee, in his activities, interacts with all employees or structural divisions in the collection, processing, transmission of information and documents. But it is much easier to work if this section specifically indicates which departments or employees the employee interacts with. It is advisable to present this section in tabular form, which clearly indicates from whom the employee receives, with whom he coordinates, to whom he transfers documents, and within what time frame.

Recently, many job descriptions have added a “Job Evaluation” section. Main criteria: timeliness of work and its quality.

You can supplement the job description with other sections, for example, “Organization of the workplace,” “Working schedule,” etc.

The instructions usually end with a clause on the procedure for its revision. It can be written like this: “Until a new one is replaced” or “The instructions are subject to revision if the employee’s functions change.” It is possible to specify in advance deadline replacements, for example; once every 5 years. But it is better to list in more detail the conditions for revising the job description: changing the structure of the organization, changing the staffing table and redistributing responsibilities, introducing new technologies that change the nature of work, etc.

The job description is drawn up as a general form and approved by the manager. For example:


The organization of employees' workplaces and the creation of favorable working conditions are of great importance in the work of the management apparatus.

Managerial work is usually characterized by low physical activity, monotony, and prolonged stay indoors. All this causes rapid fatigue and, naturally, affects the results of work. Therefore, when organizing the work of management personnel, which includes office workers, great attention should be given to the arrangement and layout of office premises, maintaining lighting and temperature conditions in them that meet the standards, eliminating noise, equipping workplaces in accordance with the functions performed, and establishing a rational work schedule.

When choosing premises for the office work service, it is necessary to take into account that, in accordance with current regulations, the standard office space area must be at least 4 m2 per employee. In addition, the possibility of installing and placing equipment and, above all, personal computers, scanners, faxes, printers, which are very actively used today in the field of management, is taken into account. Therefore, having determined the composition and type of technical means and auxiliary equipment intended for placement, the total area required for their placement is taken into account. The accumulation of a large number of automation and mechanization equipment in a small room where several people work significantly changes the microclimate in the room, working conditions and leads to rapid fatigue. Therefore, the calculation of the area per employee working at a computer display is based on the norm of 6 m2 per person. Workplaces with monitors should be located at a distance of at least 1.5 m from each other. If there is a large number of technical equipment, it is more convenient to separate several work areas using movable partitions or office furniture. The room should always be well ventilated or equipped with air conditioning. High-speed copying and printing devices place increased demands on ventilation (air exchange rate).

Equally important is proper lighting of workplaces. Lack of lighting is often one of the causes of fatigue. Natural lighting is considered the best. The light should come from the left or front. Artificial lighting of workplaces can be general (lights located on the ceiling) or local, when each workplace has a table lamp. It should be sufficient in terms of level and uniformity of lighting.

If there are computers, to eliminate glare on the display screen, general lighting fixtures are mounted not on the ceiling, but on the top of the wall panels.

Temperature is no less important. It is recommended to maintain a temperature in the room of 22-24°C and a humidity of 40-60%. The office management service is usually located next to the manager's reception area, and the assistant secretary is located in the manager's or company's reception area. If we consider that the reception area is the business card of the institution, by which the work culture as a whole is assessed, the first impression of the company (institution) is created, then the importance attached to its equipment becomes clear.

The office management service is also one of the most visited departments of the institution, so its interior receives increased attention. The workplace of an employee who, due to his line of work, most often receives visitors, should be located near the entrance to the premises. When placing employees working in the same room, their business contacts are taken into account. It is advisable to place constantly operating noisy devices in a separate room equipped with soundproofing materials. When locating workplaces, take into account the dimensions recommended for aisles:

- passage width for one person - 60 cm;

- for two people - 80 cm;

- for three people - 100 cm;

- between tables - 55 cm;

- between heating devices and the work table - 55 cm;

- between the wall and the table - 65 cm.

It is not advisable to place the display screen opposite the windows, and it is not advisable for the person working on the display to sit facing the windows.

The workplace of each employee is equipped taking into account his functional responsibilities. For example, the workplace of a manager’s secretary or company secretary consists of three zones: the main one, where his desk with consoles and necessary office equipment is located, a visitor service area and an auxiliary area where cabinets, a copy machine, a fax machine, etc. are located.

The choice of furniture is of great importance. The dimensions of the furniture must correspond to the area of ​​the room and it should not clutter the room. When choosing furniture, the anthropological indicators of the employee are taken into account. Since office workers have to sit a lot, choosing a comfortable chair or one with an adjustable seat height is very important. For example, armchairs and chairs with a high backrest with two curves are comfortable: for the lumbar and thoracic spine.

Cabinets should provide vertical storage of folders and a quick overview of cases, and work tables should be adjustable in height within the range of 680-760 mm. Drawers in desks should match the size of documents and folders and be easy to pull out, even if they are heavily loaded. Tables are often provided with attachments. Today, various companies produce a sufficient number of rational sets of furniture for reception areas and office premises.

Each workplace should be provided with a set of simple office equipment, for example, multi-tiered trays for collecting documents, a weekly calendar, a desktop organizer with pens, pencils and other office supplies, a notepad for notes, folders for routine storage of documents, etc.

The set of technical equipment of the office work service employee must correspond to his functional responsibilities, but today a computer and a telephone (intercom or with access to the city network) are almost mandatory for every workplace in the office work service.

If there is a bureau (group) of typing works, then you equip it personal computers, voice recorders, high-speed printer, document staplers, racks and cabinets for storing document forms, a document shredding machine, etc. In addition to copying equipment, the copying and printing area may have binding and stitching machines, collating machines, paper cutting machines, etc.

For the initial processing of incoming and outgoing documents, you need a document stapler, an envelope opener, an envelope sealer, a folding and marking machine, a laminator, a stamping machine, etc.

With traditional document registration and execution control, desktop filing cabinets are needed.

Racks, cabinets, and metal safes are used to store files.

The selection of office equipment is constantly expanding and adapting to the introduction of automated technologies.

A properly equipped workplace Beautiful design office space, a healthy microclimate creates a good working mood and increases productivity.


The main tasks of the clerk are to set up and maintain information and documentation support for the management activities of the organization at the level of modern requirements. The clerk is usually responsible for organizing a single integrated system office work (information and documentation support for management) in the organization, a unified procedure for working with documents, starting from their creation (or receipt) and ending with filing in the archive (or destruction).

The entire management process is permeated with information, which is the basis for decision-making, and is built on operational work with documents in which it is recorded. Therefore, information and documentation support for management (paperwork) of any company, institution, organization, enterprise is considered today as the most important service function of management. The speed and optimality of choice depends on its rational organization; decisions, bringing it to the attention of the executor, timely monitoring of execution and ultimately achieving an economic effect in the activities of the company, organization, enterprise.


1. Bondareva T.O. Organization of office work service. - M., 2000. - UNITY-DANA, 467 p.

2. Voronin M.G. Purpose and composition of the structure of the office management service. - M., 1999. - Higher. school, 348 p.

3. Rogozhin M.Yu. Tasks and functions of the office management service. - M., RDL Publishing House, 2000. - 400 p.

4. Rogozhin M.Yu. Documentation support for management. Practical guide - M. RDL Publishing House, 2000. - P. 247.

5. All-Russian classifier of workers’ professions, positions of managers, specialists and employees. - M., 1995; Qualification directory of positions for managers of specialists and other employees. - M., Ministry of Ore of the Russian Federation, 1998.

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7. Larin M.V. Documentation management and new information technologies - M., 1998, pp. 5-6.

8. Standard instructions for office work in ministries and departments of the Russian Federation. - M., 1994. P.96.

9. GOST R 51141-98 Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions. - M., 1998, p.3.

10. GOST 16.487-88. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions. - M., Standards Publishing House, 1989.

11. Office work (Organization and technology of documentation support for management): Textbook for universities / Kuznetsova T. V., Sankina L. V., Bykova T. A. et al.; Ed. T. V. Kuznetsova. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2001. - 359 p.

12. Unified state system of office work. - M., 1975. P.76.

13. Handbook on office work, archiving and the basics of working on a computer / Pavlyuk A. V., Kiseleva T. I., Vorobyov N. I. - 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: St. Petersburg: Gerda, 2001 - 299 p.

14. Stenyukov M. V. Documents. Office work: A practical guide to the activities of an enterprise / M.: Prior, 2001 - 348 p.

15. Andreeva V.I. Office work in the personnel service: A practical guide with sample documents. -- M.: Business School, 2000, 224 p.

16. Bykova T.A., Emygieva E.M., Mosyagina O.V. Preparation of documents for subsequent storage and use: Educational method. allowance. - M.: MEPhI, 1996, 68 p.

17. Larin M.V. Documentation management and new information technologies. - M.: Scientific book, 1998, 137 p.

18. Magazine "Secretary Affairs", No. 34 dated 05. 1999.

19. Magazine "Office Management", No. 24 ort 06. 2000.

20. Volodin V.V., Ermolaeva A.A. Organization of office work in representative and executive authorities. - Saratov, 2001.

21. Markov V.N. Handbook of office work. - St. Petersburg, "Alpha", 2002.

22. Intersectoral integrated time standards for work on documentation support for management. Approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 25, 1994 No. 72. Central Bank of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. - M., 1995, 26 p.

23. Time standards for work on automated archival technology and documentation support for management bodies. Approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of September 10, 1993 No. 152. Central Bank of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. - M., 1993, 77 p.

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The workplace plays a leading role in the economy of both the enterprise and its structural divisions, as well as the region and the state as a whole. This role is determined by the following workplace functions:

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5 The personnel of an enterprise or organization are distributed among workplaces, and the structure, equipment, functional-technological, etc. the characteristics of workplaces form the requirements for personnel and determine their quantitative and qualitative parameters;

6) Management of production, economy and personnel of an enterprise is carried out through workplace management.

Such a significant and multidimensional role of the workplace leads to the need to implement different approaches to its study, and therefore various aspects determining its essence. These approaches and aspects are presented most fully and generally in the collective monograph “Workplace in a Bank: Essence, Organization, Assessment.”

The traditional and most developed is the organizational and technological approach, which considers the workplace from two sides. On the one hand, this is the primary link in the structure of the enterprise (organization), which, along with larger divisions (site, workshop, sector, department, management) is the object of labor organization. On the other hand, a workplace is a part of the production area (territory, space) of a structural unit of an enterprise or organization, equipped with the necessary material and technical means assigned to perform individual production operations in accordance with a single technological process. This approach characterizes the workplace as a primary link (point) of production and labor processes.

From an economic point of view, a workplace is the primary point and source of profit, due to the excess of income from its operation over the costs of its creation and maintenance in a functioning state. Thus, within the framework of the economic approach, the question of the payback and profitability of the workplace is raised. To do this, it is necessary to compare the potential profitability of labor in the workplace with the costs of its operation, including depreciation of equipment, costs of fuel, energy and material resources, for remuneration of workers employed in this workplace.

The sociological approach to considering the essence of the workplace is associated with the content and attractiveness of the functions performed at the workplace, the degree of monotony and severity of labor, the share of physical, mental, creative labor, the level of mechanization and automation of labor, the presence of certain working conditions in the workplace, the degree of their safety and comfort.

In the ergonomic aspect, the workplace is studied from the standpoint of its compliance with the anthropometric, biological, psychophysiological and other characteristics of the human body.

Recently, within the framework of the organizational and technological approach, another aspect of the consideration of jobs, called “managerial”, is gradually developing. The workplace in this case is considered as an element of the management system of an enterprise or organization. The workplace was previously considered as one of the objects of managerial influence through organization, design, and rationalization. However, the content of the management process has changed: previously, in our country and abroad, when managing workplaces, the main attention was paid to its technical equipment and inclusion in advanced, “high” technologies. Now modern technology requires equally modern forms and methods of managing production and workplaces. The more technically and technologically complex the production, the stronger the dependence of the results economic activity enterprise, its competitiveness on the degree of compliance of management, including workplaces, with the technical and technological state of the enterprise and organization.

All of the above aspects consider the essence, features and significance of the workplace within one enterprise and together form a micro-level approach to this category. In contrast, from the point of view of the macro-level approach, the workplace is the primary level of the complex hierarchical structure of social production and, therefore, the primary object of labor organization in the process of organizing social production. It is with this approach that the workplace is considered the primary link in obtaining the total social product and as the most important element of the mechanism for regulating the labor market and employment.

A systematic consideration of the concept of a workplace involves characterizing it as a system, that is, a set of elements - a subject, means, objects of labor, which are in certain relationships and interactions with each other.

A workplace is a part of the premises in which work activities are carried out and which is equipped in accordance with the content of the work performed with the necessary means of labor.

Based on the considered aspects of the essence of the workplace, the definition of this category should combine these aspects and reflect its versatility.

Thus, the workplace is the primary link of the production process and the structure of the enterprise (organization), the elementary part of the production area (territory, space), on which all elements of the production process are located and on which the subject of labor (employee or group of workers) in accordance with a certain purpose, technology and under certain conditions carries out organized labor activity; finally, this is the starting point for generating profit for an enterprise, producing a total social product, and the most important element of the mechanism for regulating the labor market and employment.

Despite a certain isolation, each workplace is closely connected with other workplaces, with previous and subsequent links production process and form a system of jobs. The interconnection and interdependence of all jobs requires clear, perfect organization and maintenance of each of them, since the overall rhythm and results of work not only at a given workplace, but also the corresponding structural unit and even the entire enterprise depend on this in general. Each workplace, being in turn a system, also strives to achieve the property of organization, that is, to streamline and coordinate the interactions of its elements. Organization is achieved through the organization of workplaces A- the process of streamlining and coordinating the interactions of elements of a workplace (system of workplaces) by establishing certain parameters of elements and a certain structure of relations between elements, as well as between elements and mechanisms regulating their interactions.

The process of organizing a workplace can occur as a result of:

internal random irregular influences of the elements of the workplace on each other, leading to the organization of the workplace;

internal purposeful influences of some elements of the worker
places on others, with the goal of achieving organization;

external random irregular influences on the workplace and its elements, causing organization;

external targeted systematic and continuous influences in order to achieve organization of the workplace.

Thus, the organization of the workplace is carried out not only with the help of special events of the organizing external subject, that is, within the framework of workplace management, but also as a result of the influence of the elements of the workplace on each other, especially from the side of the subject of labor, the employee and the influence of the environment on them .

Workplace management, in addition to the organizational function, is also carried out with the help of other management functions, such as design, planning, evaluation, development. They will be discussed in the third section of this textbook. As for procedures such as certification and rationalization of workplaces, they are carried out when performing the listed functions of workplace management.

The importance of organizing workplaces is that it helps reduce working time costs, improve the quality of work and products, reduce the costs of raw materials, materials, energy and, in general, the cost of production, and therefore increase the profitability and competitiveness of the enterprise.

The organization of workplaces is closely related to other elements of the existing labor organization system and affects labor techniques associated with the installation, securing and moving of objects of labor, tools and devices, equipment management, and control over the progress of the technological process. A close connection between the organization and maintenance of workplaces also exists with the forms of division and cooperation of labor adopted at the enterprise. Working conditions depend on the level of organization of workplaces, since it determines the degree of convenience and comfort in work for performers, the ability to protect them from the effects of unfavorable factors in the working environment. The level of organization of workplaces, therefore, significantly influences the degree of tension, tediousness and attractiveness of work, which affects the performance and productivity of workers.

When organizing workplaces, the following tasks are solved:

1 rational use of the production area of ​​an enterprise or organization;

2 rational arrangement of all its elements in a limited area of ​​a separate workplace;

3 creating convenience and comfort for the work of performers;

4 protecting workers from exposure to unfavorable conditions of the external and internal production environment;

5 uninterrupted high-quality maintenance of workplaces, ensuring continuous, rhythmic and synchronous functioning of workplaces.

The diversity and specificity of jobs in various fields of work do not allow us to give a single “recipe” for their rational organization. However, there is general principles carrying out this work in relation to a particular group of jobs. For this purpose, jobs are grouped and classified according to the commonality of one or another characteristic(s), which predetermines a certain commonality in their organization.

List of used literature

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