What are the questions at the military registration and enlistment office at 16 years old? What provocative questions do psychiatrists ask?

The question that is most often asked during a medical examination is: “Do you have any complaints?” Secrets of professional doctors When an absolutely healthy person hears inappropriate questions from a doctor, he is surprised and confused about the answers. The secret is that mental health specialists identify mental disorders using non-standard problems. Attention! Strange questions are needed to identify indicators of mental disorders. No psychiatrists are scary for a rationally thinking person. No matter what verbal traps they prepare, the main thing is to answer calmly and confidently.

Passing the commission: what questions does the psychiatrist ask?

Why do we elect deputies in State Duma?(Correct answers: select, identify knowledgeable, capable; plastic is lighter, more hygienic, cheaper, wood saving; selection of the worthy, the best, manifestation of democracy). Level of logical abstractions: Establish generality various concepts:1.

Paper - coal.2. Kilogram - meter.3. Scissors - a copper frying pan. (Correct answers: organic origin, contains carbon; measures, measuring quantities; household items, made of metal). The assessment takes into account whether the subject was able to find an adequate, essential feature common to both concepts. Each is correct, sufficiently complete the answer is scored as one(1).


The level of intellectual development can be considered normal if there is at least one positive answer in each of the 3 proposed subtests. Well, etc.


What tricky questions does a psychiatrist ask during a medical examination?

Reply with quotation

  • 05/04/2011, 07:41 #3 Re: how to behave with a psychiatrist at the military registration and enlistment office, well, if he says - everything is fine - this is the military registration and enlistment office hehe, I can ask for a referral for additional services.
    examination? Reply with quotation
  • 05/04/2011, 08:02 #4 Re: how to behave with a psychiatrist at the military registration and enlistment office, yes, behave naturally. They will ask about complaints, tell me what you are complaining about. There is depression, for example, depression, I can’t sleep, anxiety, I’m afraid of crowds, I’m afraid communicate, fear that a brick will fall on your head from the roof, and so on) PS: this is an example) say that your military registration and enlistment office is a military registration and enlistment office, but if the psychiatrist is adequate himself, then he himself will give you a referral after he talks to you Added after 3 minutes Message from koljakolja Well, hey, if he says - everything is fine - this is the military registration and enlistment office hehe, yes, for the future.

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Last edited by naturalin; 05/04/2011 at 08:05.

Reason: Added message Reply with quotation

  • 05/04/2011, 10:35 #5 Re: how to behave with a psychiatrist at the military registration and enlistment office I agree……………………….
    Reply with quotation
  • 05/04/2011, 13:57 #6 Re: how to behave with a psychiatrist at the military registration and enlistment office In short, I complained to the psychiatrist - he said that, depending on the test results, he would decide whether to send me to the mental health center, he began to write tests, but did not finish...
    called to the draft board. They gave me a summons for 24, the diagnosis was healthy.

Psychiatrist at the military registration and enlistment office

Based on the answers, the doctor may conduct additional examination.


For example, it will offer to name geometric figures, check the reaction speed using computer program, or take several tests.

It is interesting that in drivers’ comments on this topic there are two extremes.
In their practice, there were psychiatrists who quickly gave those who wanted the long-awaited seal, without asking any questions.
And there were those who proposed solving original problems:
  • subtract 17 units from the number 100 and reach 0;
  • explain the difference between a cave and a tunnel;
  • guess how a shoe and a pencil are similar.

Even the most tricky questions of a psychiatrist must be answered calmly, without excessive excitement. In addition, a psychologist can approach the matter creatively and ask: “Haven’t you visited us? Something about the face/surname is familiar.”

What questions does a psychiatrist ask at the military registration and enlistment office?

It doesn’t matter what the visitor answers, the doctor will just carefully look at the reaction. After all, any driver needs endurance. Visiting a psychiatrist at the military registration and enlistment office When passing a driver's commission, it is advantageous for a specialist to quickly issue a certificate, so problems can arise only in special cases.

At the military registration and enlistment office everything is much more complicated. On the one hand, doctors need to provide the required number of recruits.

On the other hand, prevent guys with obvious disabilities from getting weapons.

How to behave with a psychiatrist at the military registration and enlistment office

Provocation By asking so-called closed questions, the psychiatrist not only observes your facial expressions, reactions and emotional background, but tries to understand your psyche, provoke emotions and actions.
The well-known questions “What is the difference between a light bulb and the sun” or “The difference between a bird and an airplane” will help you understand your mental abilities.
The “slow-witted” technique is also often used. That is, the doctor, feigning lack of understanding, asks the same question several times or asks again, thereby trying to unbalance the person or catch him in a lie.
When answering closed provocative questions, it is best to maintain the “golden mean”. You shouldn’t be frank and indulge in long stories, just as you shouldn’t withdraw into yourself and simply remain silent. Provocative questions include the question of suicidal thoughts. Of course, it’s better when they are not there.
Was not registered. I have fears - I’m afraid of snakes, dentists and women I like. Is it worth talking about this there? Or is there a chance of getting examined in a psychiatric hospital? It is unlikely that you will run away from a person in fright if he tells you that he works as a dentist. More likely, the thought of visiting a dentist is unpleasant for you, because... You may experience pain during treatment.

And despite the fact that you have a choice (to treat/not to treat), you probably don’t start the situation with a bad tooth, go to the appointment yourself and won’t panic while sitting in the chair.

With the woman you like, you are rather timid and shy.

And you’ve probably only seen snakes in a terrarium. Not everyone likes to hold them in their hands, but this is not a phobia yet."...Is it worth talking about this there?..."You can, of course, talk about this.
Message by e-Hunter Guest Added: Mon Apr 12, 2004 17:29 Today the psychiatrist just annoyed me, asking stupid questions. Everything would be fine, in principle you can answer them if you think a little, but it creates such psychological pressure that you simply forget your name and sweat flows from your forehead. Here are examples (it’s good for you to answer in front of a monitor, but it was hard for me!): -What is the difference between relatives and family members? (well, I answer: relatives live under the same roof, and he: well, I live with you under the same roof and I am a member of your family?) -What is the difference between your class teacher and the director? (answers like: “The director is engaged in leadership activities for the entire school, and the class conducts lessons, takes care of the affairs of the class” does not suit him, he is asking for something else, dammit!) He also asked: “What is the difference between a tram and an electric train?” Here's another way to figure it out.

What questions does a psychiatrist ask at the military registration and enlistment office at the age of 16? Stupid questions

Top N User Messages: 3319 Registration: 05/24/2003 From: Bat Yam Israel Added: Wed Apr 14, 2004 05:47 Well, psychiatrists are straining themselves, here they can at least give money to the sick, but in Russia you have no money for psychos, no treatment because psychiatry is not medicine which sometimes treats something, but psychiatry is just a set of statements of facts about deviations that no one knows how to correct. There are sedative pills, in my opinion, not bad, but who knows what they will destroy later.

with the international will the human race rise...

Top XARM Beginner Messages: 20Registration: 04/13/2004 Added: Thu Apr 15, 2004 18:07 Answer everything you know..

That is, these are specialists who have higher medical education and have received specialization in the relevant field.

The psychiatrist does not conduct soul-saving conversations with his patients.

Treatment usually involves the use of psychotropic drugs medicines, sometimes very powerful.

Sometimes a psychotherapist may also work in parallel with a psychiatrist.

Thus, a psychiatrist is a doctor who treats various mental disorders, with medication being the main and often the only type of therapy. What does a psychotherapist do? As a rule, a psychotherapist works with mentally healthy people, as well as with individuals in borderline states.

This doctor's competence covers such ailments as: - phobias; - depression; - painful addictions.

First, you need to understand what the purpose of the questions at such a meeting of the draft commission is. These questions are not questions on a school exam where the teacher evaluates the correctness of the answer. Before answering a question, analyze for what purpose it is being asked.

There are a number of questions asked with the goal of driving a person into a state of confusion, so that he experiences embarrassment or the desire to create a logical situation where a person says something that contradicts his theses.

It's kind of a trap game that you shouldn't fall into. The most common are “question-description of the situation.” For example: “You say that you are against violence, but what will you do if your girlfriend (mother) is attacked by hooligans?” Come up with original and witty answers to such provocative questions.

Based on the points you make in your statement and speech, you can predict what questions will follow. Although people often ask about an attack on a girl, regardless of the nature of the beliefs that the young man holds. Questions are also typical: “If everyone thinks like you, who will defend the Motherland?”, “Your so-called beliefs were formed under the influence of negative information, but did you try to find out something good about the army?

After all, there are many guys who served with dignity,” “You have a distorted idea of military service. How can you judge military service if you haven’t been there?” “So you write that you don’t want to learn to kill. Who told you that in the army they teach you to kill? I served in the army for 20 years, I didn’t kill a single person,” “You write that you cannot hold a weapon in your hands. You can serve without weapons.

There are many tasks in the army that are performed without weapons.” Often, instead of a question, you hear from representatives of the draft commission actually stating their views on the army. Prepare in advance speech patterns, cliches, expressions that you can use to politely but firmly state your position. In some situations, you can answer something like this: “That’s your opinion.

I respect him, but my point of view is different from yours. I think it would be wrong to start arguing now about whose position is more correct. I tried to convey my reasons why, due to my views and beliefs, I cannot serve in the army.” If the question is clearly provocative, asked in a disrespectful tone, tactless, or you see in the question an attempt to insult you, then you can declare that you will not answer this question, because you consider it to affect your dignity, sphere personal life, which you would not like to discuss.

Mentally ill people should not drive, this is an axiom. That is why the path to obtaining and re-issuing a driver’s license lies through the psychiatrist’s office. Usually the doctor conducts an appointment in 1-2 minutes.

The main questions that a clinic worker must ask: Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you use drugs? Are you registered? Have you ever had a traumatic brain injury?

Attention! By asking tricky questions, doctors do not want to confuse you or hear the right answers. The main thing for them is to understand how you think and assess the level of overall development.

Based on the answers, the doctor may conduct additional examination. For example, he will ask you to name geometric shapes, check your reaction speed using a computer program, or take several tests.

It is interesting that in drivers’ comments on this topic there are two extremes. In their practice, there were psychiatrists who quickly gave those who wanted the long-awaited seal, without asking any questions. And there were those who proposed solving original problems:

  • subtract 17 units from the number 100 and reach 0;
  • explain the difference between a cave and a tunnel;
  • guess how a shoe and a pencil are similar.

In addition, a psychologist can approach the matter creatively and ask: “Haven’t you visited us? Something about the face/surname is familiar.” It doesn’t matter what the visitor answers, the doctor will just carefully look at the reaction. After all, any driver needs endurance.

Visiting a psychiatrist at the military registration and enlistment office

When passing a driving commission, it is beneficial for a specialist to quickly issue a certificate, so problems can arise only in special cases. At the military registration and enlistment office everything is much more complicated. On the one hand, doctors need to provide the required number of recruits. On the other hand, prevent guys with obvious disabilities from getting weapons. Therefore, the questions here are much more diverse:

  1. Describe the difference between a bird and an airplane.
  2. Are you crazy?
  3. Tell me the multiplication table.
  4. Do epilepsy attacks occur?
  5. Do you have phobias?
  6. What is heavier, 1 kg of brick or cotton wool?
  7. Is anything bothering you?
  8. Where is Italy located?
  9. What troops do you want to serve in?
  10. Have you had suicidal thoughts?

Advice. A psychiatrist, like a narcologist, may ask to show your hands for injection marks. There is no need to refuse an inspection. Perhaps this is the only thing that is important for a specialist to know.

In some military registration and enlistment offices, psychiatrists prepare in advance for a conversation with a conscript by studying characteristics from the place of study or work. And in others, they don’t ask questions at all if the visitor has no complaints. The main thing is to behave completely calmly at the reception and not be afraid of the wrong answers.

Appointment with a psychiatrist for a medical examination

A medical examination is usually carried out upon hiring and during work annually, or once every 2 years. Medical examination is required for:

  • trade specialists;
  • for drivers of any transport;
  • workers of enterprises and industries with hazardous working conditions (firefighter, roofer, emergency services employee, etc.);
  • employees of kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions;
  • medical workers;
  • for those who install and repair water pipes.

During the physical examination, psychiatrists are interested in good specialist worked at his place. Therefore, it is rare that a doctor will carefully look for deviations in an employee kindergarten with forty years of experience. The question that is most often asked during a medical examination is: “Do you have any complaints?”

Secrets of professional doctors

When an absolutely healthy person hears inappropriate questions from a doctor, he is surprised and confused about the answers. The secret is that mental health specialists identify mental disorders using non-standard problems.

Attention! Strange questions are needed to identify indicators of mental disorders.

No psychiatrists are scary for a rationally thinking person. No matter what verbal traps they prepare, the main thing is to answer calmly and confidently.

Taking a psychological test - video

Fellow citizens usually do this for two reasons: if they are concerned mental health or this doctor must be seen to obtain this or that certificate. In the first case, it is hardly worth lying and you should put yourself in the hands of a specialist to get the necessary help. In the second, oddly enough, with complete spontaneity and openness, you can be left without the desired job or without a driver’s license. How to avoid such danger and not succumb to provocation?

Open questions

When talking to a psychiatrist, everything is important, starting with your appearance. Psychiatrists divide their questions into open and closed. Open questions are the usual introductory questions about your age, place of residence, education, neighbors, friends, weather. They should be answered clearly and preferably in monosyllables. By asking open questions, the psychiatrist does not delve into your answers so much as looks at your reaction and manner of conversation. What matters to them is whether you are verbose, excited or aggressive, etc. Of course, in this case, the proverb “Silence is golden” is more relevant than ever. Of course, one should not remain completely silent. You need to limit yourself to the answers “Yes”, “No”, “Perhaps” and only to the point, etc.

The main rule is that when visiting a psychiatrist, it is better to be calm and sociable than disheveled and verbose!

Closed questions. Provocation

By asking so-called closed questions, the psychiatrist not only observes your facial expressions, reactions and emotional background, but tries to understand your psyche, provoke emotions and actions. The well-known questions “What is the difference between a light bulb and the sun” or “The difference between a bird and an airplane” will help you understand your mental abilities.

The “slow-witted” technique is also often used. That is, the doctor, feigning lack of understanding, asks the same question several times or asks again, thereby trying to unbalance the person or catch him in a lie.

When answering closed provocative questions, it is best to maintain the “golden mean”.

You shouldn’t be frank and indulge in long stories, just as you shouldn’t withdraw into yourself and simply remain silent.

Provocative questions include the question of suicidal thoughts. Of course, it’s better when they are not there. Again, when answering, do not forget that you may be caught by asking the same question a second time. To prevent this from happening, it is better not to lie or at least remember your answers.

Tell me what questions a psychologist asks at a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, who recently passed, thanks for the answer

  1. But this depends on each individual military registration and enlistment office.
    At one time I was asked one single question: “Are you crazy?”, after which they put “healthy” in my personal file and sent me on to the doctors. I'm not joking, that's exactly what happened...
  2. Are you adequate at all? Yes. yes I'm telling you. don't smile (that's something like that)
  3. eh.. and he only asked me if there were any complaints.. I said no, and they stamped me =healthy=.
    It's easier for chicks, yes..
  4. the MMPI test has 590 questions, but you can give this psychologist every damn thing
  5. http://slovarick.ru/ perhaps your salvation is here)
  6. I've been asked for 7 years now the difference between a bird and an airplane.
    7 years I answer different)
    she doesn't care)
  7. Assessment of the intellectual development of boys 16-18 years old:
    General awareness gives an idea of ​​the stock of knowledge and
    the ability to store them in long-term memory.
    Answer the questions:
    1. What is SOS?
    2. What is the approximate height of an adult?
    3. Where is Italy located?
    (correct answers: distress signal, help signal when
    the ship is sinking; 150-180 cm; in southern Europe, on the Apennine Peninsula).
    General understanding characterizes the social maturity of a young man.
    Answer the questions:
    1. Why is it necessary to pass exams to enter college?
    2. Why is it more often used for the production of children's toys?
    plastic than wood?
    3. Why do we elect deputies to the State Duma?
    (Correct answers: select, identify knowledgeable, capable;
    plastic is lighter, more hygienic, cheaper, saves wood; choice
    worthy, best, manifestation of democracy).
    Level of logical abstractions:
    Establish the commonality of various concepts:
    1. Paper - coal.
    2. Kilogram - meter.
    3. Scissors - copper frying pan.
    (Correct answers: organic origin, contains
    carbon; measures, measuring quantities; household items,
    made of metal).
    When assessing, it is taken into account whether the subject was able to find an adequate,
    common to both concepts, an essential feature.
    Each correct, sufficiently complete answer is scored one
    (1). The level of intellectual development can be considered
    corresponding to normal, in the case of at least one positive
    answer in each of the 3 proposed subtests.
    Well, etc. The main thing is to answer calmly, seriously, even if in your opinion the question is completely idiotic. In this case, your reaction to it will be assessed, and not the correctness of the answer! GOOD LUCK!!!