Introduction of new construction technologies. “The introduction of innovative construction technologies is a priority task

Sergey Nikiforov, chief engineer of the Lakhta Center multifunctional complex project, about the implementation innovative technologies in the Russian construction industry, how they impact the market, and the challenges faced by engineers and developers.

— Sergey, it is known that at the beginning of the 20th century, the appearance of the elevator and the invention of the load-bearing steel frame of the building were revolutionary for high-rise construction. Tell us about the most innovative and relevant modern technologies in construction. Which of them has the highest expectations from the engineering community?

— Global innovative technologies in construction are now driven by two factors - the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions during the construction or demolition of buildings and the automation or unification of solutions and materials that can offset the costs of the first factor.

Understanding that in our country unification causes “allergy” among many engineers and architects, because We did this for many years after the Second World War, and the topic of greenhouse gases has not yet been converted into laws or obvious advantages in development, the main emphasis in the construction industry in our country is now placed on the ever-increasing cost of construction. This happens both because of the monopolization of the energy market and because of the falling qualifications of the workforce due to the desire to save on wages for hired workers. This trend, of course, directly affects the quality of buildings and structures being erected. Therefore, the introduction of innovative construction technologies that will be less dependent on the qualifications of workers is a paramount task in our construction industry today.

The international pace and scale of technological progress in the industry will depend on the extent and speed of the transition to automated construction methods and the mass adoption of robotics and technologies with minimal human intervention. Thus, many experts today agree that one of the key trends of the coming decades in the construction industry should be an accelerated transition from traditional technologies for constructing houses directly on construction sites (on-site manufacturing) to prefabricated modular (off-site) housing construction and further to almost conveyor production houses from standardized panel or modular components designed using computers.

I remember very well one example when, while working on modular wooden structures in Switzerland, I came with my supervisor to the future site, where there was a large apple orchard. And literally two months later, several three-four-story buildings made of prefabricated wooden panels stood in this place, and children’s bicycles could be seen near the entrances, i.e. the houses were completely occupied.

— Why are these innovations interesting and how do they help improve the construction process? Why were they not used earlier and what is their advantage over earlier technologies that were and are still used in construction?

— The construction industry is traditionally one of the most conservative sectors of the modern economy, the rate of implementation of various technological innovations in which, as well as the growth of labor productivity, significantly lags behind the average rates demonstrated by the world economy as a whole.

However, the fairly widespread idea that the construction industry has remained virtually unchanged over the last century and continues to use largely outdated technologies and materials is hardly true. Almost all key components of the construction process (both the basic building materials used and production practices) have undergone a very significant transformation over the past decades. Looking at the average structural strength of the most important materials used in the industry, over the past 50 years, the strength of structural steel has increased by 40%, reinforcing bars by 50%, and concrete by almost 100%.

The most important trend, which has had a particularly noticeable impact on the technological development of the construction industry in the last decade, is the accelerated implementation and integration of complex computer modeling at all stages of construction (development, planning and the construction process itself). Effective use of computer modeling allows saving on average 20-30% of the total cost of construction.

The most modern BIM models are based on the so-called 5D approach, which includes not only a comprehensive accounting of the three-dimensional geometric data of the objects being built and the various material resources necessary for the implementation of construction projects (building materials, production equipment, labor, etc.) , but also detailed information about the time (calendar) schedule of work and all interrelated subprocesses, incl. and about the subsequent operation and repair of constructed facilities (i.e., in other words, elements of long-term financial and economic forecasting are also used within the framework of this approach). Newest technologies construction is developing at the intersection of electronics, robotics and mechanical engineering. It's about about robotic cranes (crabots), 3D printing technologies for panel and modular housing construction.

Note. BIM models (Building Information Modeling) are information modeling systems for buildings/construction objects based on three-dimensional visualization of physical objects, as well as parametric accounting of all architectural, design, technological, financial and economic data and information about buildings and other construction objects.

— Development not only in Russia, but throughout the world is a customer of innovation. Can we now talk about the market’s readiness to create new technologies? Should we expect new engineering and technical breakthroughs in this area in the near future? Do you expect that in 10-20 years, building construction technologies will be completely updated and revised?

— The main obstacle to the spread of innovative solutions in the construction market is their lack of demand. The specifics of construction in general and Russian construction in particular force us to give a non-optimistic forecast: the use of innovative solutions will slowly increase in an evolutionary way as the market becomes saturated and undergoes a qualitative transformation. Innovative technologies and materials will not be able to occupy a significant role in the Russian construction market in the medium term (5-10 years). The role of the state in accelerating this process could potentially be significant, but so far there have been no attempts to intervene as a regulator that seriously changes the market.

I am sure that in the next 5 years new technologies will appear that will introduce the use of wood and glass for structural elements of high-rise buildings. The market and the ambitions of architects are already gradually introducing these elements into the design of buildings, which makes it possible to reconsider some fundamental approaches in planning objects. The only question is: when will these technologies appear on our construction sites?

— Based on your experience, tell us what the main difficulties that engineers face when constructing high-rise or unique objects.

— When constructing unique structures (not necessarily high-rise ones), a dilemma traditionally arises regarding standards that could help calculate unique solutions and then implement them. Obviously, the standards will always lag behind what we would like to use in unique structures. This is a world practice and, it seems to me, there is no escape from it. However, many states shift the responsibility in such cases to the developers and builders themselves to give them the opportunity to create unique solutions.

— The chief architect of Moscow, Sergei Kuznetsov, recently stated that “to start designing and building iconic buildings, we are missing a lot. Compared to the West, they have a developed architecture industry, modern technologies and standard engineering solutions, the latest equipment and building materials, and a more flexible regulatory framework.” What construction technologies are insufficient in Russia?

— As I noted earlier, a significant factor behind the lag in the Russian construction industry is the low qualifications of the workforce, which seriously hinders the development and introduction of new materials and technologies. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to introduce innovative technologies during construction, which will make it possible not to depend on the qualifications of workers.

If we turn to foreign experience, an example of such technology is the Dincel Construction System, developed by Australian engineers. This construction technology is based on the fact that hollow honeycombs are made from durable, rigid fire-resistant polymer, which are filled with concrete and serve as a structural element of a column or wall. These polymer honeycombs (forms) are easily installed manually, using the equipment that comes with the material. This construction technology can be used for walls of any length and shape, as well as for columns. Polymer forms are cut to a given length at the manufacturing plant for a specific construction project (as a designer), which allows the construction of load-bearing walls and columns in much less time and much cheaper than when using monolithic reinforced concrete structures.

It's also worth mentioning innovation system caisson reinforced concrete floors Holedeck, which, thanks to technological holes, allows the use of 55% less concrete compared to a standard reinforced concrete slab. The Holedeck system uses prefabricated polypropylene-based matrices for formwork. Technological openings make it possible to place part of the utilities (for example, electricity and ventilation) in the ceiling structure itself.

To list them, there are still a lot of technologies in construction that have limited use in our country, for example, methods of prestressing concrete, technologies for lightening horizontal concrete structures in site conditions, formwork, high-strength steel in large volumes, steel above 600-700 MPa for load-bearing structures and etc.

— Are there any restrictions for developers in Russia to use innovative construction technologies? Are they legislative, industry-specific or “mental” - in the minds of engineers or construction customers?

— The main obstacle to the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the construction industry is the lack of a clear public policy in the field of construction. There is practically no system of economic stimulation of innovations in construction in the country.

The most neglected situation, according to the international Doing Business rating, is the situation with administrative barriers in the Russian construction industry, which is the main limiting factor both for increasing construction volumes and for the widespread introduction of innovations. In the global DB ranking for 2012, Russia ranked 178th out of 183 in terms of “obtaining construction permits.” In subsequent years, the situation improved somewhat, so in 2016 Russia was already in 119th place. At the same time, to obtain a construction permit, entrepreneurs need to go through 19 procedures, which takes an average of 244 days.

Analysis of innovations in the field government regulation construction sector shows that the general government strategy provides for further liberalization of the construction sector and a reduction in the role of the state. It is difficult to imagine that such a strategy, not supplemented by modern government tools for stimulating the development and introduction of innovative technologies in construction, will allow a dramatic increase in construction volumes in the country and stimulate the introduction of innovations.

In today's situation, developers and builders are not interested in new technologies and they are not interested in investing significant costs in learning and using them.

There are mental things that need to be resolved at the level of laws and each of us (not just customers and engineers). They seem not at all significant, but their massive use will give impetus to new technologies in construction and benefit the state, for example, waste separation, recycling of batteries and construction waste, saving water in everyday life, choosing packaging materials, quality of materials for facades and much more.

— What are the most striking innovative solutions used at Lakhta Center? What can other Russian skyscrapers be proud of? Can these solutions be replicated within the country and even exported? Will they be used in mass construction in the future or is this the destiny of unique, complex and expensive objects? In a word, what is your forecast?

— Speaking about the construction of skyscrapers in general, it is worth mentioning first of all the use of high-strength materials. We are talking about both high-strength concrete (this is concrete class “B 60”, “B 80”) and high-strength steel (steel class - 355, 465). These are the materials that are needed at altitude. Without them, either the building elements will turn out to be very bulky, or their shape will not fit the geometry that the architect came up with.

Composite structures are also used when steel and concrete are used simultaneously. These are composite (steel-reinforced concrete) columns and composite floors, when a profiled sheet is placed on a metal beam and anchor bolts are welded through to the metal beam through this profiled sheet. As a result, when we pour concrete on top, we get permanent formwork. A very interesting and promising technology that has been effectively and widely used in high-rise construction for more than 30 years. As for steel-reinforced concrete columns, in addition to combining the advantages of metal (speed, ease of erection of the structure in cold periods and at heights) and concrete (resistance to fire loads, similarity of creep and shrinkage of the outer perimeter of the tower and core), when moving from pure metal to composites, we We received a certain advantage in terms of time and in the selection of equipment for lifting to heights.

It is worth mentioning the innovative solutions used in the engineering systems of buildings, such as an intelligent facade, a lighting system with automatic color and intensity changes depending on the level of natural light, refrigeration generators, a vacuum pneumatic waste removal system, etc. All engineering systems of the complex are controlled from a single control center . The system allows specialists to monitor and manage engineering systems from anywhere in the building. In the event of an emergency, monitoring data is automatically sent to the Ministry of Emergency Situations (condition of building structures, operation of water, electricity and heat supply systems).

In Russia, the market is rapidly being conquered by products that primarily help reduce the overall costs of construction companies, which are not always focused on high-quality, energy-efficient construction. A more active use of innovative materials and technologies is hampered by an outdated regulatory framework, which hinders the development of the construction industry in an innovative direction as a whole.

— In construction, everyone must be approved the new kind elements of materials and structures. This is difficult, but justified, because... The lives and health of people depend on the reliability of all calculations. This year, Lakhta Center, with its research and development, contributed to the approval of new regulations for composite columns. Will other new developments be created and implemented that will eventually become common practice?

— Yes, I am sure that by the completion of construction we will be able to publish the entire list of original technological elements that we used. We are now introducing a unique technology for monitoring and observing structures and soils, which makes it possible to monitor stresses and deformations in the main load-bearing elements at an early stage and compare them with calculated values ​​to check themselves and clarify components and parts if such a need arises.


NIKIFOROV Sergey Vladimirovich - chief engineer of JSC MFC "Lakhta Center".

Activation innovation activity, the introduction into production of the latest scientific and design developments for years to come can determine the competitiveness of the domestic economy, its industries (and individual enterprises). This fully applies to the construction complex. New technologies in construction are in greater demand today than ever before.

At past exhibitions, the best examples of high-tech products, new equipment and construction technologies, equipment and new materials were demonstrated, which today can (and are already) widely used in the construction industry - in the construction and operation of a wide variety of construction projects. The review highlights some of the most interesting innovative developments in these exhibits.

A very extensive and relevant exposition was presented at the stands of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Many of the developments are already ready for use in practice; others, carried out at the stage of experimental models, are very promising and, if industrially implemented, can provide a tangible economic effect in the near future.

At the Institute of Geoecology (IGE RAS, Moscow) they have been working a lot on new technologies in construction for a long time, for example, they recently developed new method strengthening of weak soils at the base of buildings and structures, which is based on the introduction of injection solutions into the soil. The Geocomposite method is capable of transforming parent soil into a natural-technogenic massif with high bearing capacity.

This method can be successfully used not only in new construction, but also, for example, in strengthening the foundations of architectural monuments.

An original novelty is presented by scientists and specialists from the Institute of Solution Chemistry (IHR RAS, Ivanovo). A new energy-resource-saving pulse-wave technology for activating cement compositions and concrete has been created here, which allows increasing the strength of concrete by 30-35%.

Interesting new products were presented in the field of new production technologies building materials.
Scientists and specialists of the RLB SILICA enterprise (Moscow) have developed and put into production a new multifunctional heat, sound, electrical and fire insulating material SuperSil based on amorphous silica fiber for T up to 1200 °C (short-term up to 1700 °C) . Unlike materials in this segment, SuperSil does not contain binders that can release all kinds of gases when heated, it is practically non-flammable, does not cause smoke and is not dangerous for the respiratory system. Such materials can be used not only in construction, but also in mechanical engineering, energy, etc. Thus, we can say that new construction technologies are based on new building materials.

Composite materials occupy an important place in new construction technologies. For example, specialists from the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis named after. Topchiev designed newest material Polynit

Members and specialists of the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis named after. Topchiev (INHS RAS) and MSTU named after. Bauman has developed and put into production a new composite material - Polynit, which has serious prospects for being used for the production of high-strength pipes.
Interesting industrial technology and a compact installation for the production of environmentally friendly building material Arbolit (wood concrete) based on waste wood raw materials (up to 90% wood chips) was offered by TekhnoProject-M LLC (Khimki, Moscow region). It is quite interesting that the production of this material can pay for itself in the first six months and, with a small staff, can have high profitability. and in addition to the production of building materials, have the function of high-quality “recycling” of wood waste.

As is known, in construction complex The problem of corrosion protection of a wide variety of metal and reinforced concrete structures is very relevant.

Developers at the Institute of Physical Chemistry (IFCh RAS) presented a new neutral rust converter IFKHAN-58PR. Typically, during the construction and operation of reinforced concrete structures, during repair and painting work, a chemical anti-corrosion method for treating steel surfaces is often used, based on the conversion of rust into poorly soluble iron compounds. However, most rust converters used today contain mineral acids, which requires a very labor-intensive operation of washing the treated surface with water. The use of a neutral converter completely eliminates the operation of water washing. IFKHAN-58PR is a complex composition based on tannins, corrosion inhibitors (retarders) and functional additives. Vegetable tannins interact with rust, converting iron oxides into non-corrosive compounds that ensure good adhesion of coatings. Effective inhibitors inhibit corrosion processes under the film. Thanks to special additives, the converter impregnates even thick layers of rust, and the conversion process itself takes place in environments close to neutral. The domestic novelty successfully passed practical tests at the State Unitary Enterprise NIIZhB.

An interesting development in the field of new construction technologies and materials was proposed by specialists from NPK Kurs-OT (Moscow). Here, a range of new polymer waterproofing and anti-corrosion coatings Vector for concrete and metal has been developed and put into production building structures, including for pipelines of heating networks. Composite materials based on polyurethane systems with new quality make it possible to paint pipelines without pre-cleaning, including rust removal. Painting can be carried out in a wide range of temperatures. They have very high strength and the ability to maintain their qualities at temperatures from -35 to +170°C.

Construction dispersions - emulsions and suspensions - occupy a very important place in a wide variety of construction and construction-repair technologies.

At the stand of the Moscow enterprise "Prombiofit" one could get acquainted with a new development - a mobile and high-performance installation for the preparation of construction emulsions and suspensions. The compactness, mobility of the installation, production safety, as well as the ability to work directly near the construction site (which immediately eliminates delivery problems) make the installation attractive for practical use. The UPES installation is used for the production of various construction dispersions, including in the paint and varnish industry. UPES can be used (and has already been successfully used) for the preparation of safe dispersed media during explosive construction work- during the construction of tunnels, canals, roads, during the decommissioning of used building structures, in the production of building materials - crushed stone, rubble, etc. According to the developers, the cost of 1 ton of products prepared using such a new technological complex is 1.5–1.8 times lower than when using traditional technologies.

The original software development was presented by specialists from the Institute of Software Systems (IPS RAS, Pereslavl-Zalessky). This is a set of programs “Energy saving in construction” - for calculations and optimization of enclosing structures in construction. Taking into account three types of heat transfer (thermal conduction, convection and radiant heat transfer) for reflective insulation with an air gap, the complex allows you to choose effective multi-layer thermal insulation without the formation of moisture condensation. With its help, you can carry out calculations of fences with any composition of materials, determine the calculated profiles of temperature and moisture under various external conditions. And also - to optimize the arrangement of layers, eliminating the possibility of moisture condensation; calculate heat and energy costs, optimal distribution of heat exchange surfaces and heat flows in the building, select thermal resistance of partitions that correspond to minimum energy costs. The complex allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of heat recovery and underground heat exchangers in energy-saving construction. The new product was developed jointly with the Research Institute of Building Physics (Moscow) and underwent practical testing in the calculation of various design options for multilayer reflective insulation.

Forums and exhibitions held in Moscow brought a number of other interesting new products. The scope of this review allowed us to talk about only some of them.

New domestic developments in the production of building materials and construction technologies have attracted great attention exhibition visitors and specialists. A number of them were awarded Diplomas and medals. Many new products may find (and are already finding) practical application in the near future. They will help solve current problems economic development Russian Federation – realization of national innovation potential, practical implementation of the latest scientific and technical achievements.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues and listeners. My name is Babenko Nikita Gennadievich. I am the founder of the company “Your City”. Our company's mission is to implement modern technologies and materials in the fields of construction, fuel and energy complex and housing and communal services. I considered it important to make such a small remark so that it would be clear that I know first-hand about the introduction of modern technologies and materials. And today I would like to briefly outline my vision of the implementation of modern technologies in the construction sector, as well as conduct a short review of several advanced materials and technologies, the introduction of which in the near future, we consider the most promising.
The relevance of the issue of introducing modern technologies into the construction sector.
a) Reducing construction costs, increasing profitability.

One of the motivations for introducing modern materials and technologies into the construction industry, which, in my opinion, developers should pay attention to, is the reduction of construction costs at the stage of production of structural elements and the actual construction of buildings. As for reducing the cost of structural elements: the use of composite materials (reinforcement, fiber) or various fillers (foam glass, Penetron "Admix") in the manufacture of reinforced concrete products can not only improve the physical and technical characteristics of building materials, and, accordingly, increase the service life, but also will allow you to save significantly. For example, the use of composite reinforcement made of glass-plastic in non-load-bearing elements of buildings makes it possible to achieve savings of 15 to 28% at the stage of manufacturing concrete products. An impressive figure. Of course, there is one “but”: the use of this material requires additional approvals, since there is a kind of paradox in GOSTs, SNiPs, etc. - composite reinforcement is not prohibited, but at the same time it is not permitted. And it is precisely this kind of problem that becomes the main stopper on the path to saving.
b) Increasing the operational characteristics of buildings and structures; expansion of operational capabilities.

Another important motivation for the developer, promoting the introduction of modern materials and technologies, is a significant expansion of the operational capabilities of buildings and structures. For example, thanks to the use of so-called “penetrating waterproofing” at the stage of construction of buildings and structures, the developer has the opportunity to use the spaces under the buildings for commercial sales: it is possible to build underground parking lots or use these areas for commercial rental, etc. At the same time, the developer can extract maximum profit from the sale of real space with minimal capital investment, and also eliminates the risks associated with warranty repairs and compensation for damage. At high cost land, it makes sense to use it as much as possible for commercial purposes. It is modern technologies that make it possible to achieve such results.
c) Increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and structures.
In connection with the adoption of Federal Law 261 “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation"There is a need to use energy-efficient materials in the construction of new buildings and structures, as well as during their reconstruction. In this case, it is innovations and “resurrected” materials that were not used in the construction complex at one time that are the basis for developing technical solutions. Building energy-efficient buildings is profitable. For the developer, this is an opportunity to sell at a higher price, for the buyer to invest at the stage of purchasing real estate, and save money in the future. Of course, this is not entirely profitable for energy supply organizations... but we will assume that in this case we are concerned with the interests. only the developer and the buyer of the property.
d) Creation of new and non-standard technical solutions.
The developer is often faced with various types of problems, the solution of which is not possible without the use of non-standard technical approaches. This could be the task of constructing multi-storey buildings on poor soils, or the construction of complex monolithic structures without a large number of load-bearing elements, or any other task that can be dealt with using modern building materials when developing technical solutions. For example, thanks to composite materials, it is now possible to strengthen structures without increasing the weight of structures, as well as without losing space and area.
Problems of introducing modern technologies into the construction sector.
a) Training of construction industry specialists: lack of courses on modern technologies in construction in educational institutions.
The “Your City” company, of which I am a representative, has a specialized contracting division that is directly involved in training (installation supervision) on the use of materials and carries out independent work (for example, waterproofing basements, basements and foundations). In the matter of personnel selection, we strive to rely on young specialists who have recently graduated from specialized educational institutions. And one of the problems we are faced with is that a specialist who has recently graduated, for example, from a construction college or other educational institution, is trained to use outdated materials and technologies in construction. The educational process in educational institutions is based on archaic knowledge. We literally have to retrain and “open America” to young guys at our facilities. By the way, the same applies to energy engineering graduates. Only when they get to the site do they see that, for example, the thermal insulation of a pipe can be done not with mineral wool, but with synthetic rubber or foam glass. I would like the state (in our case, regional and municipal authorities) to pay attention to this problem and take an active part in solving it.
b) Design organizations are a stopper in the introduction of modern technologies in the construction sector.
The introduction of modern materials and technologies should occur at the level of design organizations. And the logic here is simple: the developer costs as written in the project. Our managers turn to builders with proposals for improving projects under construction through the use of various technologies. And, most often, in response to their proposals, our managers hear the following: “Your materials and technical solutions wonderful! They could really help us in solving certain problems; we don’t want to re-coordinate the project.” After receiving such a response, company managers began to work more actively with design organizations. As a result of this work, the conclusion was made: designers are not interested in introducing new technologies and materials. It is convenient for them to work according to established diagrams and calculations. Only 25% of design organizations are ready to discuss and implement modern technologies, and even then, they remember them only when some “critical situation” arises - for example, the question of strengthening a structure arises in conditions when it is no longer possible to carry out work using old methods .Conclusion - without government intervention in the field of design, without timely amendments to GOSTs and SNiPs, the introduction of new technologies and materials will last for decades, and, perhaps, will simply lose its relevance.
c) The use of new materials and technologies in construction without prior study or testing.
One of the common mistakes when “promoting” and “implementing” new technologies is a superficial study of the properties of materials and widespread violation of technical regulations when using technologies. For example, when carrying out work using heat-insulating materials based on “liquid ceramics”, the contractor a) uses the material for other purposes (as the main heat-insulating material, although not a single residential complex is such), b) violates the technical regulations for the work (the interlayer drying, application conditions are violated - humidity and temperature conditions). All of the above leads to discrediting materials and technologies, and consumers’ refusal to use them. This problem can be dealt with in several ways, first of all, as mentioned above, at the stage of training specialists in the construction industry; as well as tightening control by supervisory authorities. Also, do not forget that not everything new is good. The innovative material or technology presented by the manufacturer does not always correspond to the declared characteristics and properties. Before implementation, it is necessary to check, study, test. You should not completely trust the provided certificates - sometimes it is simply necessary to re-test the product “on the ground” (for example, if we are talking about tests at the Research Institute of Concrete Concrete, then we must take into account that the tests carried out at the institute are carried out on concrete, the quality of which is different from the concrete presented in our region). The conclusion is obvious: trust, but verify. The truth is that it must be checked in compliance with test conditions and technical regulations.
d) Lack of a clear state policy regarding the introduction of new technologies.
Unfortunately, today there is, in our opinion, the most the main problem on the issue of introducing modern technologies and materials into the construction sector: this is the lack of a clear state policy in this issue. Delay in changing GOSTs, SNiPs, indifference to the training of young specialists in educational institutions, etc. problems have a detrimental effect on the development of the industry as a whole. We are falling behind European countries, USA, and even China in the construction industry for decades. Let me give you a simple example, albeit from the fuel and energy sector: our thermal power engineers still use mineral wool when carrying out thermal insulation work (a low-efficiency material) and are eyeing foam glass with suspicion and interest (by the way, gas and oil workers in the country have begun to actively use foam glass in the last 10 years years), and in our country foam glass is considered an innovation. In the USA, foam glass is already being replaced with aerogels. And the use of mineral wool in heating systems is not even discussed. I sincerely hope that changes in these problems will not take long.

Review of some modern technologies and materials that help solve the problem of optimization of construction.
a) Penetrating waterproofing technology (using the example of the use of Penetron series materials).
And now I would like to move on to the consideration of specific materials and technologies, the implementation of which has already begun in our country and has yielded positive results. And I will start with the “penetrating waterproofing” technology, as the most well-known to those present here. Let's consider the line of materials of the Penetron series, because... This family of materials is the founder of the entire industry and is considered the “standard” of quality. I will not go deeply into the technical basis of the Penetron material; I will only briefly describe the principle of operation of this waterproofing product. “Penetron” is a dry construction mixture consisting of special cement, quartz sand of a certain granulometry, and patented active chemical additives. It is used for waterproofing the surfaces of prefabricated and monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Increases the water resistance, strength, and frost resistance of concrete. Protects the structure from exposure to aggressive environments: acids, alkalis, sewage and groundwater, sea water. Used for waterproofing surfaces with pores and cracks with an opening width of no more than 0.4 mm. Chemically active substances contained in Penetron, diluted with water, when applied to a concrete surface, provoke the growth of inorganic water-insoluble crystals that fill micropores and concrete cracks penetrate up to 80 cm into the “concrete body”, and thereby make it waterproof, but at the same time - breathable, creating volumetric waterproofing and protecting the reinforcement and concrete itself from corrosion. A feature of the use of the Penetron material is the ability to treat the surface of concrete both from the inside of the building and from the outside. And the use of the “Penetron Admix” material in the production of concrete and reinforced concrete products allows you to initially create products with increased waterproofing properties. The line of materials of the “Penetron” series includes the “Penecrete” material - it is used for waterproofing interblock joints, junctions, inputs, cracks. The material is characterized by high strength, no shrinkage, has good adhesion to concrete, metal, brick and natural stone. The action of the Penekrit material is based on the principles of non-shrinkage, plasticity, water resistance and high adhesion to concrete, stone, brick and metal surfaces. The Waterplug and Peneplug materials are created to eliminate pressure leaks in concrete. Where the Penecrit material is washed out with water, it is necessary to use these materials, because they have faster setting. Another important material in the Penetron line is the Penebar material. "Penebar" is a rope of rectangular cross-section, which includes special composite materials. It is used for sealing horizontal and vertical working and structural joints in underground concrete structures during construction, as well as the passage of utility lines in concrete structures under construction and in operation. The cord has the ability to increase in volume in the presence of water. It has low water permeability and high resistance to hydrostatic pressure, the properties of the hydraulic seal do not change over time and its service life is not limited, “Penebar” is quickly and easily installed, without requiring special devices, work is carried out in almost any weather, all-season. It has good adhesion to plastic products. It is not surprising that today, thanks to such properties as: - manufacturability and ease of use; - reliability and durability; - cost-effectiveness; - possibility of contact with drinking water; - high resistance to aggressive environments; - self-healing ability cracks, etc. penetrating waterproofing "Penetron" is gaining popularity in a wide range of consumers, from private owners to serious facilities such as: nuclear power plants, thermal power plants, underground parking lots, basements, etc. "Penetron" materials have been used for several decades in more than 60 countries around the world. In Russia they have been used since the early 90s of the last century and are fully certified.

b) The use of materials made from foamed synthetic rubber at construction sites as a way to increase energy efficiency (using the example of the use of the Armaflex material).
Replacing outdated thermal insulation materials with modern ones is a necessity, not a whim. The state forces us to increase the energy efficiency of buildings and communications under construction. Within the framework of Federal Law 261 “On Energy Saving” and other by-laws, requirements for thermal insulation of buildings and communications are specified. Regarding the issue of thermal insulation of communications, we will consider materials made from foamed synthetic rubber produced by the Armacell company. The Armacell company is the founder of flexible technical thermal insulation made of foamed synthetic rubber; Armacell has been producing thermal insulation materials from synthetic rubber of the Armaflex brand for more than 50 years. In addition, protective metal and PVC shells and casings "Oka-materials" and protective coatings "Arma-Chek" are produced, and a wide range of accessories for the installation of heat-insulating materials is also produced. Thermal insulation produced by Armacell is intended for any type of engineering communications in order to: prevent the formation of condensation or frostbite (air conditioning systems, refrigeration equipment, ventilation); efficient energy saving (water supply and heating); sound absorption (air ducts, rooms requiring sound insulation); protecting communications from corrosion, etc. The faster construction picks up, trying to finally catch up with the real needs of people, the more the need for good thermal insulation increases. In each specific case, the requirements for insulation are different. But professionals try to use only the best technical solutions, observing an immutable law: a properly installed thermal insulation system lasts longer. Today, thermal insulation for pipes made of foamed synthetic rubber is actively used both in industry, in construction, and even in everyday life. Reliable results can be achieved by using flexible, high-quality thermal insulation materials with a closed pore structure and high resistance to water vapor diffusion. Thermal insulation of the Armaflex brand has high thermal insulation properties and is designed in such a way that it effectively prevents the formation of condensation even at critical temperatures. Correct selection of insulation and wall thickness of the heat-insulating layer, as well as compliance with the requirements for installation - all this will help to reliably protect the insulated object, reduce the risk of condensation and rust, minimize energy losses, and significantly extend the service life of the object. Thermal insulation "Armaflex" is made on the basis of foamed synthetic rubber with a closed cell structure. “Armaflex” is an extremely flexible material, produced in the form of tubes of various diameters, sheets, plates and self-adhesive tape. Under the “Armaflex” brand, the “Armacell” company produces several types of insulating materials from foam rubber (Armaflex ACe, AF/Armaflex, HT/ Armaflex, NH/Armaflex, Armaflex Solar, Armaflex-Split). Armaflex insulation, which has no analogues in its reliability, is unique in its wide range and range of applications (from -200 to +170oC). Many objects insulated with this thermal insulation material have been successfully operating for 25 years or more. But the main difference between this insulation is the technically justified thickness of the tube wall, which allows, regardless of the diameter of the system pipes, to achieve the same temperature on their surface, and, therefore, optimize energy saving. Difference from other thermal insulation materials: We can say that materials based on foamed synthetic rubber have: - increased vapor and water resistance; - elasticity over a wide temperature range; - low thermal conductivity; - ability to self-extinguish in case of fire; - high resistance to microorganisms, mold, and atmospheric conditions. Depending on the target area of ​​application, foam rubbers have certain properties improved.
Main average characteristics of foamed synthetic rubber:
- Density: kg/m3 40-65 sheets, 55-80 tubes

- Flammability: G1 (most common)
- Behavior in fire: Low flammable, self-extinguishing (most common)
- Smell: neutral
- Thermal conductivity coefficient: W/m2*K<0,033, при t=10˚С; <0,038, при t=0˚С
- Moisture penetration resistance coefficient: 7960
Armaflex thermal insulation materials have been leaders in the field of flexible technical insulation for half a century. That is why Armacell customers can rest assured that the Armaflex material will protect their equipment for decades. After all, only the Armacell company can say with confidence that the service life of Armaflex thermal insulation is 25-30 years, and this is by no means an estimated indicator.

c) The use of composite materials based on carbon compounds (using the example of materials from the Composite Holding Company - tapes and fabrics, fiber, carbon reinforcement).
And now I want to move on, in my opinion, to the most interesting area of ​​activity of our company: composite materials based on carbon compounds. LLC "Your City" is a representative of the Holding Company "Composite". The products of the company "Composite" are used in the following industries: aircraft industry, wind energy, sporting goods production, construction, automotive industry, shipbuilding, nuclear industry, rocketry, railways, metallurgy.
Main materials used in construction:
- Carbon unidirectional FibARM Tape;

- Carbon tape FibARM Tape Twill;
- Fiber;
- Carbon reinforcement.
Unidirectional and bidirectional carbon fiber tapes. The unique properties of carbon fiber - high strength characteristics and absolute resistance to all aggressive environments - made it possible to create an innovative system of external reinforcement based on carbon fiber. External reinforcement systems based on carbon fabric make it possible to restore and increase the load-bearing capacity of a structure in a short time and with less labor input compared to traditional methods, and also significantly increases the service life of the structure.
Application benefits:
- wide range of applications, universal in use, including corner joints, as well as rounded surfaces;
- lightness, the reinforcement system does not create additional load on the structure;
- exceptional resistance to corrosion; thin layer, even if the fabric is applied in several layers;
- minimal labor and time costs for carrying out work, the ability to perform repair work without stopping the operation of the building or structure being strengthened, no additional costs for subsequent operation.
Unidirectional and bidirectional tapes differ from each other in the ability to apply loads in different directions: unidirectional - the load acts on the structure in only one direction, bidirectional - the load acts on the structure in two directions.

Carbon fiber.
Fiber - represents fibers added to concrete, gas and foam concrete, polystyrene concrete, mortar, dry building mixtures, etc. Fibers are made from the following materials: polyacrylonitrile (PAN), oxidized PAN or carbonized PAN (carbon fiber). Dispersed reinforcement increases the physical and mechanical properties of materials throughout the entire volume, has high adhesion to cement and is firmly embedded in the concrete matrix. Fiber fiber is an effective reinforcing additive, used in all types of concrete when it is necessary to prevent the formation of deformation cracks resulting from mechanical stress or shrinkage (for example, when pouring floors). The use of fiber fibers allows one to avoid labor-intensive reinforcement operations.
Scope of application:
- road and airfield slabs

- self-leveling floors
- hydraulic structures, including reservoirs and canals
- shotcrete - mortars - plasters - repair mortars
Benefits of fiber:
- High adhesion to the cement matrix.

- Polymer fibers are not subject to corrosion.
- Resistance to acids, alkalis, salts.
- The fibers have high thermal insulation characteristics.
- High strength and durability of concrete.
- High temperature resistance, non-flammable (for carbon fiber).
- Safe for people and the environment.

Carbon reinforcement.
Carbon reinforcement is a material that consists of a base in the form of carbon fiber and a binder: thermosetting synthetic resin. Carbon reinforcement is produced by pultrusion - drawing reinforcing fibers impregnated with a binder through a heated forming die. It is possible to produce carbon reinforcement with a diameter of 2 to 32 mm. Carbon reinforcement is produced with a finishing coating (sand) and without (winding).

Maximum length - up to 12 m.
Used in the following industries:
- Housing, civil and industrial construction

- Road construction
- Bridge construction
- Reinforced concrete tanks and storage facilities for wastewater treatment plants and chemical plants
- Housing and communal services facilities - Sewerage, land reclamation and drainage
- Strengthening the coastline
- Foundations below ground level
Advantages of use:
- Tensile strength is up to 5 times higher than the strength characteristics of steel reinforcement class AIII. The tensile strength index of metal reinforcement is 390 MPa, composite reinforcement is at least 2000 MPa.
- Carbon reinforcement is not subject to corrosion
- Resistant to acids and sea water.
- Carbon reinforcement practically does not conduct heat.
- Does not lose its strength properties when exposed to ultra-low temperatures.
- 10 times lighter than metal reinforcement
- Durability in concrete environment
- Durability forecast for > 75 years.
From the point of view of economic efficiency, the use of carbon reinforcement is currently not capable of bringing significant savings; rather, on the contrary, it will lead to an increase in cost. And in this case, the use of fiberglass composite reinforcement is much more cost-effective. But when creating exclusive technical solutions that require structures to have maximum strength, lightness of structure, and high resistance to alkalis and acids, the use of carbon reinforcement is effective.

In my speech today, I briefly tried to voice the advantages of introducing modern technologies and materials into the construction industry, highlight the problems of their implementation, and also briefly highlighted some modern materials and technologies, the introduction of which we consider promising and economically profitable. Unfortunately, the format of the speech does not allow fully cover the entire scope of innovations that our company is implementing, as well as voice the entire range of issues. If you have any questions about the use of the materials that I talked about today, you can contact us individually. We are always happy to cooperate and, for our part, are ready to carry out personalized work with each client.