Strong magical defenses. Protective magic: how magical protection works

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, in this conversation will tell you what the magical protection of a person from the effects of witchcraft rituals is. It is necessary not only for professional conjurers, but also for those people who independently engage in practical magic, develop abilities and take responsibility for their lives and their own actions. In addition, an ordinary person who turns to the master for will certainly receive protection from the effects of dangerous rituals. An experienced sorcerer will set up magical defenses with skill.

How to fully protect the customer during rituals

Putting magical protections on people from the influence of magic are special witchcraft rites that are not included in the complex of the main work, but are of a recommendatory nature. The customer of magical rituals decides for himself whether he needs this service or not. But, I am a magician Sergey Artgrom, as a practicing magician, I say: when influencing the situation with the help of magical rituals and spells, you always need to be prepared for the fact that your action - a love spell, damage, removal of damage or the evil eye, rituals for good luck and attracting money will return you a rollback, or a return.

No one is immune from this, even real magicians with extensive experience, who, it would seem, calculate everything to the smallest detail. Therefore, witchcraft protection during rituals is necessary. And we will start with how you can magically protect yourself when working in a cemetery. And it will be about the professional protective rituals of black magic.

Strong protection when working in a graveyard - necrobinding and generic protection

Practicing warlocks know how powerful magical shields can be if a dead blood relative comes to the defense. That is why the real magicians of the dead ask to become their patrons. Relatives, when you really need to protect yourself when inducing damage, or other witchcraft rites of a destructive nature, performed on cemetery land. In this regard, the dead will be of the greatest benefit.

Strong magical protection of a person is called necro-binding, and it is able to interfere with the work of an unfriendly magician, any actions that are aimed at causing harm of any nature. Cemetery protections are removed from a person with runes, again, with cemetery witchcraft. After the cleansing, the guardian will leave for a while, but again gets up firmly, does not completely leave. This is an example of a very powerful professional protection against the effects of magic and witchcraft, which is very difficult to remove.

And the magical rituals of removing the barrier are special here. Witchcraft protection from a person are removed exactly as shields, but not as a sharing. The deceased can himself, relatively speaking, on his own initiative, stand as a barrier to the bloodline, if he deems it necessary.

Generic protection on a person is generally a special topic worthy of a separate article. To break through this, you need to be strong, and have protection yourself. Moreover, the shields for the magician are necessary strong, so as not to experience the wrath of the kind of your victim. With the help of diagnostics, the magician can find out who exactly is on the defense - a deceased relative or someone else. A person can have more than one dead person behind his back, the whole family can stand guard.

Magic protection for the magician is required not only while working in the cemetery, it is needed when summoning devils,. The Dark Forces are not friendly to man, and will never be benevolent. But, this is a colossal force, and it is impossible not to use it.

Let's return to the topic of necro-binding and protecting a person from witchcraft.

In addition to the form that I, the magician Sergey Artgrom told about - necrobinding as a protection against evil magic, there is an uncontrolled, spontaneous form of binding the dead. And this is no longer a defense, but one of the forms of vampirism, when a dead settler devours a living one. This binding needs to be broken, and annealing techniques are well suited for this. And now it's time to talk about how to make magic protection on yourself. There are many paths and witchcraft rituals. Some are very simple, some are quite complex. Different protections against the action of magic have different strengths and durations of exposure.

How to make magical protection for yourself and your family - a free water conspiracy

Real amulets for a person can be material, or they can be verbal. With a strong witch spell, a practicing magician creates a shield, invisible, but effective, saving in various difficult and dangerous situations. Such a conspiracy shield can be made for yourself, or you can also put real protection on your relatives from magic and witchcraft.

Here is an example of magical protection for charmed water.

Talk and drink water in front of a mirror. You can do it daily, develop and strengthen the defense. This is a protective conspiracy from dashing people - enemies, envious people, gossips and slanderers. This simple protection of a person and practicing sorcerers, putting it on their relatives, and also on themselves.

“I am walking across an open field, seven spirits with half-spirits meet me, all black, all evil, all unsociable. Go you, spirits with half-spirits, to dashing people, keep them on a leash. So that I (name) from them be safe and sound on the way and the road, in the house and the forest, in strangers and relatives, at dinner and at a feast, at a wedding and in trouble. My plot is long, my words are strong. Whoever refutes my word, otherwise be nain in everything, for worse, for evil, as it was said beforehand. Amen".

How to defend yourself with white magic for free - a talisman for salt from enemies

There are a number of very strong defenses against the manifestations of sorcery, which can be used by both the warlock and the white magician, without harm, but only with benefit.

Here is an example of how to defend yourself when using white magic.

To work you need to have:

  • a pack of coarse salt
  • wax church candle

Buy a pack of coarse salt, and immediately after sunset open it. Take a pinch from the pack with your left hand and pour it into the palm of your right. Repeat this 3 times. Then squeeze your right hand into a fist, drive clockwise over a church wax candle and read witchcraft words to protect against corruption. This version of the salt amulet allows you to protect yourself when removing damage, love spells, and other negativity sent by ill-wishers.

“To the dog for food, to the enemy in trouble. Whoever crosses my path (name) will suffer punishment. Whatever he wishes for me, he returns to himself. Whatever he sends to me, he will return to himself. Truly said. Amen".

Then the white magician pours salt into running water, saying 3 times: "May it be so". A warlock completes a real protective rite differently. Still clenching salt in his fist, he goes to any nearest intersection, throws salt in front of him, and says three times: “ May it be so".

How to protect a person from negativity during magical rituals

In their practice, experienced magicians, before they became such, repeatedly encountered the phenomenon of a rollback or reverse magical strike. And they learned.

This is what separates the beginner from the pro.

  • be able to anticipate the development of events,
  • be able to defend against possible magical negativity,
  • and protect the client from rollback,
  • kickback,
  • as well as protect against unwanted side effects.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Here are some simple backflow protections that will protect the magician if he performs witchcraft rituals for himself and, while doing the ceremony, made a mistake in something. And also these simple techniques will become the first step of protection during rituals for the customer.

  • Prick your finger and put one drop of blood on the ground. At the same time, read the words of the protective conspiracy:

    “I cover myself with the earth, I was created from it, and I will go into it. And may mother earth forgive my mistake, and take my sin upon herself. Glory be to her."

  • At sunset, and if the ceremony was done at night, 30 minutes after work, go to the aspen, grab the thickest branch, and read the text of the conspiracy three times to protect against the power of magic: “What grows in the ground, let it take all the evil upon itself, chur, not me and not my family, but this aspen. Amen". Stand a little next to the tree and leave according to the rules.
  • Drive 3 nails into the tree in the shape of a triangle, tie them with red thread soaked in your blood. If a rollback occurs, the energy of the rollback will go to the tree. This allows you to reliably, according to the principle of exchange, protect the customer from negativity during rituals. More often, it is when inducing damage, but in some cases in love magic, similar rituals of shield protection are used. In case a mistake is made in the work, as a result of which the love spell will lie crooked and give a rollback, or if the effect of love magic is removed, then the return line will go not to the customer, but to the tree.
  • This is an example of how to protect yourself from a rollback if white magic rites are being performed. Read the words of the protective conspiracy on the egg: “Accept in yourself returnable forces, beyond the control of the mind, disgusting passions, inaccessible to the heart, like a temple accepts sinners”. During the ceremony, the charmed egg should lie nearby. After completing the work, take the egg away from home, throw it into a container or bury it. Wash your hands up to the elbows.

The shifting of negativity during witchcraft work is very good, useful rites that really deflect magical blows. However, the bad thing is that practicing magicians, especially beginners, think that the tap will save and protect from any trouble. But, it is absolutely necessary that the translation is the very first level of magical protection of a person, which is suitable mainly for beginners in conducting simple witchcraft rituals.

When inducing very strong love spells and severe damage, a simple rite of spellcasting will not help. At higher levels of skill, other techniques and methods of protection against the power of magic are used. A practicing warlock or white magician never (!) works without powerful defenses against magical attacks. Moreover, witchcraft protections are installed of different strengths and different plans.

An experienced magician does not have questions about how to protect himself when removing damage, a love spell, during witchcraft attacks, when working in the field of money magic (all sorts of thieves of good luck and prosperity, blocking cash flows, etc.), when treating diseases using black magic methods, etc. to. his shield, energy and mental defenses provide him with magical defense at all levels.

Ritual of self-protection during a love spell, spoilage, removal of spoilage, evil eye

To complete the topic of transferring negativity and removing rollbacks, I will give a simple magical ritual of transferring to a tree. As I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, already said, effective witchcraft rites work on the principle of energy exchange.

So, a simple option on how to defend yourself when working in the tradition of practical black magic.

For an independent protective rite, you will need the following materials:

  • red wool thread
  • ritual knife
  • dark natural fabric

The day of the exchange is the date of your birth, but you can do it not strictly on the day and month of your birth, but in any month of the year. 3 days before the exchange, tie a red woolen thread around the wrist of the working hand. Wear the thread without removing it for a moment, for three days. Do not wet. On the day of the exchange, incise thumb left hand, remove the thread from the wrist, moisten it with blood, and go to the planned tree ahead of time. Tie the thread to any of the branches, tightening 3 knots, for each knot reading the words of a white conspiracy to protect against the effects of magic:

"Here's mine, and I want yours. I change with you, I close myself with you.

Silently break off (just break off, not cut off) any other branch, put it in your bosom, silently leave. Wrap the branch in a dark cloth and keep it away from prying eyes. When tying a thread, keep in mind that it can be removed. Therefore, tie the thread in an inconspicuous place.

When in the future you will independently perform protective rites, put the branch that you brought with you next to it. The energy of the tree will help you defend yourself, deflect the blow if it comes. Long-term translation. Forged every six months. If your tree gets sick, dries up, if it is cut down, or, for example, lightning strikes it, the magical protection is redone immediately.

How to make magic protection on yourself for free

Each practicing magician has his own results of work. Everyone works the way they are used to, in the format and style that gives the best results. Each real sorcerer chooses for himself the nuances that complement. This applies to any ritual, from the simplest to complex ways to tell fortunes in a cemetery. At the same time, practicing in black magic, a strong magician first of all thinks how to protect himself at work.

Peculiarities of cemetery work may concern both contact with the Host and the Hostess, and the search for the right grave, etc. In addition, one must take into account one's strength. This remark applies to literally any action in the black book and other magical practices, including such a serious and important matter as witchcraft methods of defense against witchcraft negativity., to save yourself from backtracking, you need to go to the cemetery, walk among the graves there, but to yourself Read a spell 7 times, which in the future will help protect yourself when inducing damage, as well as when removing damage, love spells and other negativity:

“I ask for the churchyard army, I ask the owner of the churchyard for tacos. The coffin will open with a creak, and the path will spread out before me, then it is walked with steps, but no one has seen it, only the dead know. Taco there is a black hut, a military commander, an accomplice of a dead blacksmith. Then their swords are forged there, and the blades are hardened there, damask steel is damask steel, and steel is tacked there, arrows are sharpened there, and chain mail is knitted there, and a shield made by that blacksmith, and from the sins themselves, that shield is black forged, hardened by prayers, but it is a churchyard shield named Now not with a bow, but with a word, yes with a firm tale, yes this shield is requested, yes I have requested, then I will hide with it, I will hide from the dash, from the strangler, but the night destroyer, from the poison of the brew, from the course of the church, from the word of the witcher, from everything dirty, but nasty, what is done to me, then I will hide from everything, but hide it with a shield, it’s hard not to see, it’s bad not to foresee, to get along well, but to measure good fate. Amen".

Then, on any abandoned grave (it is not necessary to look for a nameless one, just an old unkempt grave will do), put a candle, light it and at the same time read the words of the spell:

“Forged, made, but made for me with a shield. Amen".

Leave without looking back, yes alone moon month do not go to that cemetery, so as not to bring down your protective ritual.

So you will make for yourself a strong defense when working in a cemetery.

Grave shield - long-term protection.

Usually, such magical protections are tried to be done by professional conjurers. In general, graveyard defenses are durable, and more stable than impish or neutral shields. Well, of course, the strength and duration of a particular method of defense usually depends on many factors, and everything is individual, but, nevertheless, it usually is.

If, after setting up the cemetery protection on a person, a necro-binding occurs, it means that gross violations were committed. Correctly placed protection against the action of black magic during diagnostics will be viewed as a shield, and not as a ghoul absorbing the victim. I recommend doing diagnostics before any work in order to see what the ceremony will bring you in the end.

Does protection help with Orthodox prayers and how to do it

There are many magical schools and currents. Each practicing sorcerer has personal skills, achievements and unique experience. The warlock has his own rules for working with the Forces, the white magician has his own. Yes, and the Forces with which one and the other works are different. And the ways to protect against witchcraft and magic are different.

Does self-protection help with prayers? Undoubtedly. After all, what is prayer? This is the appeal of a person directly to that Force, which, and which he himself serves. The white magician in prayer addresses the Christian egregore. The warlock casts black spells, praising the Dark Power, and receiving a response from it. How to make prayer protection from sorcerers and magicians yourself? Practice, invoke and praise the Forces.

The magic of protection will cleanse from the negativity induced by ill-wishers. In capable hands, protective magic will protect you from influences of any kind, as well as from the effects of Black Magic, if you practice it on a regular basis or have been influenced by it. In addition, you will get rid of ill-wishers and any influences on your consciousness. Create the strongest barrier for you and your loved ones.

Magic protection and spells will vary depending on what kind of threat is hanging in front of you. For example, if the main threat is the evil eye, then there are several dozen amulets and spells to ward off this negative influence. On the other hand, in situations where the main hostile form is induced damage (read -), then the type of barrier I use will be aimed precisely at immunizing or shielding (reflecting) the negative from the client to his enemy, rival or just an ill-wisher.

In other words, in order to understand what kind of protective magic is suitable for your situation, it is initially necessary to diagnose and see the situation as a whole. However, in any case, everyone needs magical protection and we must not forget about it.

Types of protection from magical influences

realizing wide range possible negative influences on your life, for example, through induced, or other similar influences, the magic of protection, in turn, is also full of variety. It includes not only rites and rituals that protect you, but also talismans, runes and amulets. Here are other common types of protection against negativity:

Shielding through spiritual invisibility

Attracting good spirits that protect you

Attracting good spirits to fight on your behalf

Creating Cross Barriers

Return of evil to a specific sender

Reflection and destruction of evil and negativity already present on you

Do you suspect black magic attacks? Do you feel like someone has put a curse on you? Do you feel depressed, exhausted, unbalanced - and do not know why? Has your doctor discovered a disease that appeared without any reason, and despite the medicine your health is not improving? Do you feel that you need an exorcism? Write to me and consult to identify the true cause! Put your problems in the hands of a specialist, right now.

If you need a stable and strong film adaptation, find out how protection against negativity is created on my website, or, in my power to offer you my help in the form of amulets, I make them with my own hands and call for help.

Thanks to this, the result exceeds expectations, amulets with magical powers charged energy will protect you from any misfortune and keep the demons away. I will select an amulet from a wide range, depending on the circumstances and your wishes.

Magic Defense

You can also convert some suitable jewelry you already have into this amulet. This kind of amulets can be charged not only with the powers of a magician, but also put positive creatures in it, a good soul or an angel, which will give you tremendous power, amazing protection from evil spirits and all evil spirits. You will get more power, trust and success with such an amulet. I can offer you two types of protective amulets:

1. For people who feel a lack of energy and are preparing for some kind of difficult situation, the amulet will be charged with power and success. Its production time is 7 days.

2. For people who are under the influence of Black Magic or other strong negative, I offer an extra strong amulet of protection magic, charged individually, in accordance with special needs client and his desires. Its production time is 18 days. The duration of his magical barrier is indefinite.

Most of my work is a neutral instrument. But in the hands of people, the Higher powers are used both for good and good, and for negativity or evil. Protection magic is like atomic energy, it gives us light, but if misused, it will be destructive. It is in my power to protect you from possible negativity, evil spirits, demons, corruption and curses.

With the help of magical protection, you can put a barrier around you, such a talisman will help you live stable, confident and healthy life. The action lasts for many years and the client will not be interfered with by negativity for many years. Protective magic also strengthens your aura and makes it many times stronger than that of any of the normal, healthy people around you.

In general, everyone who has an aura around his body has a peculiar magnetic field. Diseases, stress, medicines or negative emotions cause damage to the aura and then, through the "holes" in it, evil spirits easily penetrate inside. Therefore, protection from magical influences is very important for any person, so that the demon does not harm and envious people do not affect you.


Not everyone knows what can be done not only by a priest, but also by a strong specialist. After all, getting into contact with demons is a fairly simple task for a magician or clairvoyant, only magical protection is needed, so that after the evil spirit leaves the demoniac, it does not move into the specialist conducting the ceremony.

Exorcism means not only the expulsion of evil spirits and demons from the possessed, but also from the premises and animals. Although his favorite place is of course the human body, the demon can dwell deep in the energy centers and it is very difficult to recognize him immediately. Later, he will manifest himself in other voices, aggression, pain or illness. When this happens, it is necessary to carry out the rite of exorcism as soon as possible in order to rid the sufferer of this negativity and send evil spirits to the underworld.

In addition, this rite is vital for building a magical protective barrier so that the demon does not come back. Exorcism is a very demanding energy work. Often, during the ceremony, some sacrifices are necessary in order to attract the attention of a demon. While the demon takes possession of the victim (for example, it can be a pet), you need to build a strong energy wall around the client so that the demon would no longer be able to return back to the possessed.

After that, the client must independently maintain their strong energy field. This is achieved through meditation and energy transfer. I recommend not drinking alcohol for several months and not doing any extreme things that can weaken the energy field or the immune system.

If you feel this kind of negativity in yourself or want to help your loved one, remember that the demon will not leave his victim voluntarily. That's why it's important to make contact with him during the exorcism, we have to get him to leave! And right after that, draw protection magic to help. It is also desirable to carry out and reveal what kind of entity has infused a person.

People who have been attacked by magic, have been drinking heavily or taking drugs should be most careful and need a barrier first. Because it is the easiest for a demon to move into their body and consciousness, and after the expulsion it will be difficult to prevent him from returning, because the body and energy are initially very weakened. For such people, I recommend going to church more often and reading more spiritual books. Of course, initially only protection magic will help, but if you still didn’t save yourself or your loved one suffered, just write to me, share this situation and together we will find a way out.

For every person who has been exposed to otherworldly forces, there are at least a hundred other people who only think that they have been exposed to such an effect. Therefore, do not go crazy ahead of time! Below are some tips on how to fully protect yourself from the effects of black magic and witchcraft. No attack on you using otherworldly energy is possible if you are surrounded by a strong impenetrable aura. Strengthening the aura is an exclusively spiritual process. Here's how. Imagine that you are completely surrounded by pure, transparent, blindingly bright white light. It comes from below and completely envelops you - legs, body, head, covering you like a shield. Call the "White Light", mentally ordering him to protect you from all possible attacks with the help of otherworldly forces. ("White light" is the armor of the soul.) Practice this daily, and soon you will be able to feel a protective aura begin to appear and strengthen around you. It will actually work. Then you will be protected from any evil that otherworldly forces can bring. NOTE 1.

Even if the image of the "White Light" does not remain in your mind, you can be sure that its protective properties will still act, protecting you with an invisible shield.


"White light" - this is the same "shield of faith" that is mentioned in the Epistle to the Ephesians (Chapter 6, verse 16). Holy symbols have tremendous influence, they are a powerful defense against dark forces.

The two most powerful symbols are the magical figure (five-pointed star) and the beautiful, soul-strengthening Solomon seal (six-pointed star): its two intersecting triangles symbolize the eternal life lesson - Good always defeats Evil. Another powerful protective symbol is the cross. Wear one of these holy talismans that means more to you personally than others. The holy plant is rosemary dear to the heart. If you use rosemary oil as a perfume, it will give you mental strength and help build a protective force field around you that will repel all impulses of evil energy and bad influence. Geranium is another plant that is similar in effectiveness to rosemary. By mixing equal parts rosemary, geranium and cypress oil, you can make an oil that has long-lasting and strong protective properties. Many do not even suspect that onion and its "brother" garlic have the ability to absorb negative, harmful otherworldly energy and, in general, everything bad. If you are affected by otherworldly forces, you can resort to the following proven method of protection for the night. Take two onions, cut them in half and place them in half in each corner of your room.

They will absorb any negative or harmful otherworldly energy that enters the room. In the morning, collect the halves of the onions - but just do not touch them with your hands. Take them out of the room and burn or bury them. In order to cleanse the atmosphere in a house or room from the harmful or evil action of otherworldly forces, scatter garlic on the floor. In the morning, collect it and burn it - but, again, do not touch it with your hands. If you can’t get out of your head someone you don’t like or for whom you have strong feelings, if you dream of the same person for several nights in a row, if, being in company with this person, you begin to explicitly or implicitly feel that -something suspicious if you feel like there is someone in the room late at night, if you suddenly find yourself agreeing with someone or something that you clearly disagreed with before, if you have a feeling that you are subject to some kind of influence, then it may well turn out that a certain person resorts to the help of black magic in order to influence you during sleep.

This may especially apply to someone who is known to be interested in the occult and other sciences of the supernatural. Few people remember that chicken eggs have the ability to absorb negative energy and the evil influence of otherworldly forces (which is why they are often used in witchcraft and black magic sessions). However, there is one technique using eggs that is completely safe from all points of view - including moral and ethical. Take a fresh egg and wash it in cold running water. Then dry it off with a clean towel. Next, take a soft graphite pencil and write your name on the egg. Go into the bedroom and place the egg by the bed. It should lie at the same level as your head during sleep, so put it on a table or chair. Leave the egg here for a week. When the week has passed, take the egg to the toilet, break it in the toilet bowl and flush it. (If the egg cracks or bursts before the end of the week, don't panic: most likely it just went bad. Throw it in the toilet, flush it with water and start the whole operation again with another, fresh egg.) Repeat the operation as much as you see fit. (The egg will intercept, absorb and store negative energy directed against you and the evil influence of otherworldly forces. It’s good if you have a lot of plants and cut flowers in your house, because they radiate positive beneficial energy and, in addition, absorb and neutralize negative energy Carnations and roses, especially white ones, are great for absorbing everything negative.

It is believed that no evil influence "will pass" where cyclamen grows. It is also believed that if you keep cyclamen in the bedroom, it will reflect negative energy and protect you from bad influences during sleep. For centuries, the fern has developed a reputation as a plant that can protect against negative influences and the action of otherworldly forces. Ivy has the same abilities. And palm trees are renowned for their ability to radiate uplifting energy. Fill the tub halfway and drop seven white carnation flowers into the water. Sit in the bath and rub yourself with flowers from head to toe. The combination of water and flowers will properly "cleanse" your aura, washing away everything negative. (Just remember to pick up and discard the petals afterward so the drain doesn't clog.) At or around dawn, go out into the garden and walk barefoot on the dew-drenched grass. You will absorb the magnetism of the earth, which radiates across the surface from the rising sun. This is a very powerful technique if you want to restore and strengthen both your nerves and the defenses of your body. A person with low thoughts cannot harm a person with high thoughts. (As Gautama Buddha said, “A fool who does evil to a good, pure and sinless person will return to him the evil he does, like dust thrown against the wind.”) Therefore, strive to become pious.

Strive to become a person with pure thoughts. Be kind. Be kind. Live immersed in the Light. Regardless of whether you are under the influence of evil otherworldly forces or not, focus your thoughts on God. It is immeasurably more difficult for a sorcerer or magician to capture a truly religious person under his influence - it does not matter whether this person resorts to spiritual self-defense or not. A person with truly lofty thoughts (one in whom the power of spiritual love and piety is very great) is not subject to the attack of otherworldly forces: his aura is filled with Light of such great power that no harmful energy can penetrate through it. About prayer. Sincere prayer is a powerful force. (For Christians, the Lord's Prayer, the Twenty-Third Psalm, and especially the Ninety-first Psalm are powerful remedies against evil and misfortune.) If you are attacked using otherworldly forces, never "knock out a wedge with a wedge" - otherwise you will cause a truly hellish fire on your head. Bless your enemy, send thoughts of brotherly love, compassion and forgiveness.

We discuss PROTECTION AGAINST BLACK MAGIC AND WITCH. +12 20:18 Treatment of HPV (human papillomavirus) at home: +103 Apr 22, 18:53 Secrets of a woman in charge +60 07:47 What are the consequences after taking medication +29 Apr 22, 19:01 Jacaranda. +22 Apr 22, 11:26 am Pray for the return of his soul to Good and Light. If, against your will, you suffer from interference in your life by a sorcerer or magician who uses otherworldly forces for their own purposes, you can resort to a quick remedy: cross running water (for example, across a river over a bridge, across a shallow stream, etc.). Running water has special electrical qualities that break the attacker's connection to the victim's soul. There is another simple and effective defense: to reject the power of the attacker over you. Say energetically and with conviction (mentally or directly to the face of the enemy, if he is in front of you): "You have no power over me!" If you feel that someone is trying to influence you against your will (whether you know for sure or not), refuse to accept any of his suggestions and declare that he will not succeed in achieving his evil goals. This will turn the action of pernicious forces back on the head of the attacker himself.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and the occult, authors of 15 books.

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Protection from magic

Sooner or later, everyone is faced with magical attack in one form or another. And the question arises: how to protect yourself, your family, your business from ill-wishers?

Then wash your hands thoroughly with running water, take a shower or pour a bucket of cold water over yourself.

And wait for the result, which is sure to be.

Rolling out the egg

If you feel that you have become a victim of a magical attack ( with signs of magical attacks you have already read our books), take an ordinary chicken egg and roll yourself out in front of a mirror.

If magic attack really took place, you will immediately feel relief. Throw away the egg after the session.

If your husband left and you think that he was the victim of a love spell

Learn to work with photography.

Take a photo, preferably in full growth. If the photo was taken recently, then the effect of your work will be higher, because you are not a professional and do not know how to work in time.

Light a candle and at a distance of 2-3 cm drive it along the photo.

In the places where negative programs are located, the candle will crackle.

10-15 minutes of work is enough.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Protection from magic.


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Note! We are not engaged in healing and magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. In all our lives, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to engage in slandering decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies are not yet able to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheat for profit" insanity.

So please be careful!

Sincerely, Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Love spell and its consequences -

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Since ancient times, people have been participating in a huge universal confrontation between good and evil. No matter how anyone would like to abstract, it is beyond the power of man, one of the parties will have to be accepted, because it is known that darkness is the absence of light. Therefore, everyone needs to know how to protect themselves from Black Magic themselves, how to protect their family, loved ones, friends and their own abode. White magic, a constructive energy aimed at the creation, well-being and harmony of a person with the outside world, becomes a defense against evil witchcraft influence.

Everyone needs to know how to protect themselves from Black Magic themselves

A form of protection against black magic

Since we will talk mainly about protection from Black magic, you should figure out what types of protections there are in magic in general. There are the following ways to protect against evil energy:

  • active methods of protection;
  • passive methods of protection;
  • preventive methods of protection.

All of them have different degrees and strengths, but in some cases a powerful shield may not be needed.

Active methods mean a type of interaction with spirits and other magical creatures that protect a person from malicious rites and negative magical effects.

Passive protection methods are rituals and magic items that directly protect the human bioenergy field.

Preventive methods of protection are such methods that generally have as their goal to prevent specific situations in which the life, health and well-being of a person may be endangered.

Appeal to the brownie with a request for protection

If a person does not show proper respect for the brownie during the resettlement, a person may find himself in an unimportant situation, because we must not forget that it is this spirit that is the owner of the monastery. But, if you make friends with a brownie, you can enlist his help in protecting against unclean forces and negative energy, so it can be considered the best rite for people who are wondering how to protect their home and how to protect themselves.

What is needed for the ritual

The brownie can be somewhat whimsical, therefore, in order to further protect the house from magic of all kinds directed against the family, the conspirator will need:

First day:

  • plate with fresh milk;
  • a plate with cottage cheese;
  • bread;
  • bullseye.

On the second day:

  • a glass of Cahors;

On the third day:

  • a shot of vodka;
  • refined sugar;
  • bread;
  • a piece of boiled meat;
  • slice of fried fish.

How to conduct a ritual

Despite the fact that the ritual is costly, it is simple to perform, and what is given to the house spirit will definitely return to the person over time and will pay off many times over.

The ritual is carried out for three days. To execute it, you need this order:

Evening one

On the first chosen evening, before going to bed, a slice of bread, an apple and bowls of fresh milk and cottage cheese are left in a cozy place in the kitchen, saying:

“Grandfather-domovulochka, Come into my house, Eat bread, Listen to the new mistress. Eat, help yourself, do not be offended by me, Save happiness, guard the house, drive out strangers.

After the conspiracy, the left delicacies are illuminated with the sign of the cross and the Lord's Prayer is read three times, going to bed.

If you make friends with a brownie, you can enlist his help in protecting against evil spirits.

Second evening

On the second evening, as on the first, delicacies are left for the brownie: a glass of cahors and honey. After they read the plot:

"The hostess-father, the baked little brother, Perhaps in my new house, You will not be cramped in it, Treat yourself to sweets, Be with me lining. Do not be offended by me, guard the house, drive out strangers.

The conspiracy ends with the sign of the cross and the reading of a prayer before going to bed.

Evening three

On the third and last evening, the brownie is treated to a slice of fried fish, a piece of boiled meat, bread and a glass of vodka, saying:

“Domovoy-father, Gray-haired matchmaker! Eat well, listen to me. Help in the house so that they live richly and well. So that you fatten every day, but do not fast. So that you are full and drunk, but fun. Invite happiness and good luck, welcome money, don’t let strangers in, save our happiness.

As before, the delicacies are illuminated with the sign of the cross and, going to bed, they read “Our Father” three times.

Five-year conspiracy protection in salt water

Salt is a very important element in protecting against evil people and their witchcraft. This rite will help defend against any magical attack for five years. To do this, you need to put protection on yourself with the help of a bottle into which all negative energy will go.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the magician will need:

  • Glass bottle;
  • 0.1 kilogram of salt;
  • water;
  • 0.5 kilograms of various small metal products (you can buy nails or bolts for this business at any hardware store);
  • any vessel for water;
  • a candle or small pieces of wax;
  • tin;
  • pot.

How to prepare for the ritual

To make the protection against magic stronger, the bottle must be sealed with wax prepared in advance. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The first step is to grind the wax candle. You can cut pieces of wax with a knife.
  2. Chopped wax is placed in tin can, and put the jar in a saucepan.
  3. Water is poured into the bowl. The water level in the pot should be half the height of the can.

The wax is heated in this way on a small fire.

How to conduct a ritual

In order for the defense to be successful, the magician needs to follow the algorithm:

  1. Pour pre-prepared hardware into a glass bottle.
  2. Pour water into another vessel, pour 0.1 kilogram of salt into it, mix and let it stand for 5–10 minutes.
  3. When the salt water is infused, it is poured into a bottle with hardware, speaking:

    “Across the open field I keep my way. If demons come across to me, let them go to those who do evil on earth, and I keep my path alone (alone).

  4. After reading the plot, the bottle is tightly closed and the neck is lowered into a tin with melted wax.

Seeing that the wax has hardened, the bottle must be buried in the soil.

Protection from damage and the evil eye with a charmed pin

Putting protection on yourself, you still need to not forget about loved ones. Therefore, the question remains relevant: how to put a shield protecting a person from attack? In this difficult matter, a charmed pin can help, which will absorb all the negativity.

A conspiracy over a pin will help protect yourself from the evil eye

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the magician will need:

  • candle;
  • pin.

How to conduct a ritual

To protect a loved one or yourself, you need to do the following:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Warming the tip of the pin with flames, read the plot:

    “I dissuade (name) from a sorcerer, a sorceress, from black, from black, from white and fair-haired, from a cigarette-rolling girl, from a simple-haired woman. And just as no one can bite off his nose and eyes, they also could not mutilate and spoil (name), and his wind-borne ulcer could not infect. Be, my words, strong and sculpted, and be, my words, unanimously not in an agreement and in a negotiation, those my words are lips and teeth-lock, my tongue is the key. And I will throw the key into the sea; stay, lock, in your mouth. I threw the key into the blue sea, and the beluga pike came up, picked up the key, went into the depths of the sea and carried away the key.

  3. The candle is extinguished with fingers.

The charmed pin must be worn with the latch down on the inside of the garment. As soon as it is attached, the protection of the person is activated. You can repeat the ritual after six months or earlier if the pin is unfastened or lost - a sign that the protection has worked.

Slavic doll charmed

There is a good family amulet that protects against various negative effects of enemies. Ideal for people wondering how to make a beautiful and strong shield.

What is needed to create

To create a doll you will need:

  • fabric from natural materials: linen, hemp, cotton or wool;
  • thick scarlet thread;
  • medicinal herbs, especially St. John's wort.

How to create a charmed doll

For strong protection against magic to work, you must do the following:

  1. A piece of fabric is laid out, the upper part (the future head) is stuffed with healing herbs.
  2. The fabric is folded and tied tightly with a thick scarlet thread.

The doll is hung at the entrance, at the windows or in the children's room, if they want the child to be protected.

Protective ring

A protective ring can wonderfully protect against Black magic. This ritual does not require almost any effort from the magician, but lasts for three months, so you will have to acquire considerable patience and try to avoid negative emotions.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, you only need a ring. You can buy a new one or perform a ceremony with an old one that has been worn for a long time or inherited.

How to prepare for the ritual

If a person chooses an old ring, it is necessary to carry out a cleaning in order to leave all negative energy influences in the past and not carry them with him. Cleaning is carried out as follows:

  1. In a bowl or some other vessel you need to collect water. Water is salted and infused for up to 10 minutes.
  2. Read the plot three times:

    "Go away trouble from here, come here happiness."

The ring is left overnight in water.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual order is very simple, despite the fact that it takes a lot of time:

  1. The prepared ring is put on the right hand and worn for two months.
  2. On the third month, you need to go to church and turn to the priest. The blessing of the clergy plays a big role in creating protection against Black magic, so it is required that the ring be blessed by a priest.

In order to increase the strength of the new talisman and acquire stronger protection, the ring is bound with natural leather braid.

Wood enchanted amulet

This amulet, like many others, is created quite simply and does not require much physical effort or expense.

A tree amulet, like many others, is created quite simply

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

  • candle;
  • matches;
  • any element taken from the tree.

How to conduct a ritual

To protect yourself from witchcraft, you need to do the following:

  1. Choose a sunny day during the waxing phase of the moon.
  2. In the morning, go to the old temple and find a tree near it.
  3. If this tree bears fruit, you can pluck the fruit, but in the same way you can get by with a leaf or twig. In the case of a knot, ash would be a good option.
  4. Arriving home with a blank for the amulet, you need to light a candle.
  5. As the candle flares up, wax is dripped onto the brought element and it is completely covered.
  6. When the element is completely covered with wax, it is allowed to cool and get stronger, and then the plot is read:

    "The light energy and the power of my amulet will help me protect myself from evil, damage, black love spells."

The charmed amulet is always kept with them and is not given to anyone.

Prayer from Black Witchcraft to the Holy Martyr Cyprian of Carthage

According to ancient legends, Saint Cyprian was born in Antioch among pagans and for a long time carefully studied their rites and rituals. He was revered in the circle of sorcerers as a great magician, but he could not bewitch Justina, a Christian nun who defended herself with prayers. Then Cyprian admitted that Black Magic is inferior to faith.

Some time later, when the persecution of Christians began, both Cyprian and Justina were killed for their faith. Since then, the Hieromartyr has been revered as a protector from witchcraft, and prayers to him are the most powerful means of protection.

How to read a prayer

Prayer from Black Magic is carried out in stages:

Stage One: Preparation

Three days before prayer, you need to start fasting. On the chosen day, after fasting, they go to church. They buy a candle in the temple, ask the priest to light it with the sign of the cross and bless it. Then, holding the candle with both hands, read:

"Lord God the Strong and Holy, King of Kings, now hear the prayer of Your servant, Cyprian."

Stage two: Forgiving your enemies

They make the sign of the cross and, asking to forgive the sins of their enemies, read:

“A thousand thousand and darkness of darkness Angel and Archangel are coming to you, You weigh the secret, the heart of Your servant (name), appear to him, Lord, as if in the bonds of Paul and in the fire of Thekla. Taco, know me, You, for I am the first to create all my iniquities. You, holding the clouds, and the sky does not rain the garden tree, and then the fruit is uncreated. Wait for non-idle wives, and others will not conceive. I only look at the fence of the helicopter, and I do not create. The rod does not bloom and the class does not vegetate; Grapes are not born, and animals are not born. The fish of the sea do not swim and the birds of the sky fly are forbidden. Taco, You showed Your power in the presence of the prophet Elijah.

Stage three: Prayer for the forgiveness of your sins

They make the sign of the cross three times and kiss the church candle, asking for forgiveness for their guilt before people:

“I pray Thee, Lord my God; all sorcery, and all the evil demons to the sin of man, and the sin of creation, You, by Your power, forbid! Now, Lord my God, Strong and Great, favored from the unworthy, worthy of me to be, and partaker of Your Holy flock, I pray to Thee, Lord my God, whoever has this prayer in the house or with him, make him ask for it. By His Most Holy Majesty, merciful on me and do not desire to destroy me with my iniquities; so do not destroy everyone who prays to You with this prayer. Fragile in faith, confirm! Strengthen the weak in spirit! Admonish the desperate, and do not turn away anyone who resorts to Your Holy Name.

Stage Four: Body Cleansing

When reading this part of the prayer, dizziness, pain, or other unpleasant symptoms may begin. This is absolutely normal. You have to endure with all your might. They make the sign of the cross again and kneel, continuing to read:

“I, falling down to You, Lord, I pray and ask Your holy name: in every house and in every place, especially on an Orthodox Christian, there is some sorcery from crafty people or from demons, may this prayer be read over the head of a person or in a house and be resolved from being bound by evil spirits in envy, flattery, jealousy, hatred, malice, fearfulness, effective poisoning, from pagan eating and from every spell and oath.

Any prayer has great power

Stage Five: Purification of the Soul

Candle fire may begin to behave strangely - this is a wonderful sign: negative impact gradually leaves the person. The prayer is continued to be read with the words: “Whoever, having acquired this prayer in his own house, may he be kept from all tricks of the devil, intrigue, poison by evil and crafty people, from spells and all sorcery and sorcery, and let the demons flee from him and let the evil spirits retreat. Lord my God, have power in heaven and on earth, for the sake of Your Holy Name and for the sake of the unspeakable goodness of Your Son, our God Jesus Christ, hear at this hour Your unworthy servant (name), even if he honors this prayer and let all the devil's intrigues".

Stage five: Creation of the main protection

If it gets really bad, it is allowed to take three sips of holy water, make the sign of the cross and continue the prayer:

“As wax melts from the face of fire, so let all the sorcery and spells of the crafty perish from the face of a person who reveres this prayer. Like the name of the Life-Giving Trinity, enlightenment is the essence of us, and do we not know thee, another god. We believe in You, we worship You and we pray to You; protect, intercede and save us, O God, from every crafty action and sorcery of evil people.

Stage five: Prayer for a future protective amulet

To protect yourself from the dark forces in the future, read one of the most important parts:

“Four rivers: Pison, Geon, Euphrates and Tigris: an Edenic person cannot hold back, so no sorcerer of staging deeds or demonic dreams can manifest before reading this prayer, I conjure by the Living God! May the demon be crushed and all the nasty and evil power sent from evil people to the servant of God (name) be driven away.

They rise, marking themselves three times with the cross, and continue to read:

“Lord, save Your servant (name), let no evil slyness touch him or his house, neither in the evening hour, nor in the morning, nor in the days, nor in the night. Save him, Lord, from air, tartar, water, forest, yard and all kinds of other demons and spirits of malice. I pray, Thee, Lord, even this prayer of the holy Hieromartyr Cyprian was written, approved and marked by the Holy Trinity for the destruction of driving away all evil, the enemy and adversary of demonic networks, catching a person everywhere with the sorcery of the sorcery of Zadok and Naphael, called Efil, the daughters of Samuel, skilled in sorcery. Amen!".

Protective plot for the family

All family members are closely connected, so protective magic should be directed not only to individuals, but also to immediate family members. Installation of protection is carried out using wax candles.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform such a rite, the magician needs to prepare:

  • seven wax candles front door and seven for each window of the house;
  • matches.

How to conduct a ritual

This magical ritual will be like a strong and especially strong shield for the monastery, but it requires strong visualization. To protect his family and the magical protection worked, the magician must do the following in order:

  1. Place a row of seven candles in front of the door and light them.
  2. When the fire of candles flares up brightly and hotly, a conspiracy is read three times:

“Now I create for my family a faithful and reliable stronghold,

That is not a house, not a wall, but protective words.

Who will go against the servants of God (names) with evil and envy,

He will find his last shelter in the graveyard from the protective shield.

Like this candle from a holy day is now in my hand,

It is so true that all our enemies are deprived of power by God.

Whoever touches us with evil and envy, it will return a hundredfold.

Now and forever, so that there is no person who would go against us,

Otherwise, to find a grave for yourself.

For now and forever these words are a faithful shield and a wall.

I speak, I pronounce, I affirm with a word, I speak.

The word is strong, the deed is true. Amen".

When reading a conspiracy prayer for protection, the conspirator must struggle to imagine how a strong shield is placed on the doors so that the magical protection against witchcraft works most effectively.

Repeat the same actions with all windows through which negative energy flows can enter the house.

The remains of the candles are not thrown away, but carried out at a crossroads, only you need not just to throw it away, but hide the cinders in the roadside grass.

All these options are effective and efficient, but still the most effective method protection from the Black Magician and his deeds is a righteous life. The Bible says not only that you cannot steal and kill, but also holy scripture It tells you to love your neighbor as yourself. There is no need to do evil to people, do not make enemies and do not anger God with your deeds. And if you go against His word, do not seek protection in Him. Protection with the help of magic, prayer is the strongest and most effective in the fight against evil and bad deeds.