What is located on the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. Description of the Sea of ​​Azov: area, depth and fauna

Complete information about the Sea of ​​Azov: its history and origin, where the sea got its name from, information about seasonal fluctuations in water, why the water in the Sea of ​​Azov is muddy and why there is a death of goby fish.

Sea of ​​Azov

The origin of the name of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov

Where did the familiar name for us - the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov come from? They say that in the first century AD they called it Blue, and after the formation of the Tmutarakan Principality, the sea received the name Russian. Then there were a number of new names: Samakush, Salakar and even Mayutis. And at the beginning of the thirteenth century, a new name was established - the Saksinsk Sea. The Tatar-Mongol conquerors replenished the collection of Azov's names with the following names: Balyk-dengiz, which means "fish sea" and Chabak-dengiz, which means "sea of ​​bream". Some see the root of the name "Azov" in the transformation of the name Chabak-dengiz. Another group believes that the name was the result of the transformation of the word "Azak", denoting the mouth of the river, into Azau, and then into the familiar Azov.

The uniqueness of the Sea of ​​Azov

The Sea of ​​Azov is part of the Atlantic basin. It is a continuation of a long chain of seas that begin with the Mediterranean, Marmara and Black Seas. The Sea of ​​Azov is connected directly to the basin of the ocean itself through a network of narrow straits, it is the smallest sea in the world, and at the same time the smallest and freshest, at the same time it is the only sea to which the Donetsk region has access. The Sea of ​​Azov is a real sea, unlike the Caspian and the Aral Sea, which, in fact, are lakes, because they have no connection with the oceans.

Origin of the Sea of ​​Azov

It was formed somewhere at the end of the Mesozoic - the beginning of the Cenozoic, (Cenozoic era) from some bay of the Black Sea during the rise of the Crimean Mountains. The Crimean mountains are part of the Alpine folding, they arose simultaneously with the Alps, Tatras, Carpathians and the Greater Caucasus. Mountains rose and separated the sea, forming the Kerch Strait, connecting the Black and Azov Seas. Part of the land rose - the bottom of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, so it turned out to be shallow. The average depth of the sea is about 8 meters, the deepest recorded point in the Sea of ​​​​Azov is 14 meters, a well-trained diver easily dives to the bottom anywhere in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. The area of ​​the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is about 38 thousand square meters. km. Two main rivers flow into the sea - the Don and the Kuban (water-bearing rivers), due to which the sea water is diluted with fresh water, and the sea becomes less salty. This ensured its uniqueness in terms of the various living organisms that live there. The biogeocenosis that has formed in the Sea of ​​Azov occupies a middle intermediate position between the sea and the lake. They go there to spawn fish that are considered freshwater - bream, pike perch. In addition, there are also fish that are considered marine - sturgeon, ram, etc., they coexist peacefully.

Due to the special composition of the water, there were few harmful blue-green algae in the sea, which often cause the water to bloom (the phenomenon when algae multiply is called water bloom). Algae pollute the water, badly affect the fish and the saturation of the water with oxygen, because they take it away. All this provided a unique sanatorium treatment for vertebrates and invertebrates that live there.

Water level fluctuations in the Sea of ​​Azov

Due to the fact that the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is connected with the World Ocean, tidal fluctuations are observed there, but they are insignificant. Probably, almost any resident of the Donetsk region at least once in his life visited the Sea of ​​Azov during the holiday season, and personally saw the daily fluctuations of water, somewhere within a few tens of centimeters. This is due to the narrowness of the straits that connect the Sea of ​​Azov with the world's oceans, where the influence of tidal phenomena is greatest. There is an effect of hydraulic resistance, while this ebb and flow reaches our Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, it loses its strength, loses energy in winding and narrow straits. Therefore, in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, daily fluctuations are not very noticeable, but seasonal fluctuations in sea level are very noticeable in it, the so-called wind surge phenomena - the movement of mass under the influence of constant winds. The official maximum recorded distance of the water's edge from the summer level is about 4.5 km. The bottom recedes, the bottom is exposed: this effect can be seen if you pour water into a flat plate and blow hard - the mass of water will move from one side of the plate to the other. Because of this phenomenon, small estuaries are filled, the so-called "rotten sea" of Sivash, which is already adjacent to the eastern part of the Crimea (exactly where the Red Army soldiers passed when the Crimea was stormed in the 20th year, when Wrangel was knocked out). In summer, on the contrary, the Sivash becomes shallower, the inlets, even salt comes out in some places, due to natural evaporation, pieces of salt come out and remain on the surface, these are the features and tricks of this sea.

Turbid water in the Sea of ​​Azov

The water in the Sea of ​​Azov is muddy, but this is not the fault of the sea itself, this is not because it is somehow dirty, rotten, etc. Two powerful rivers - the Kuban and the Don - flow through the plains, collect silt particles along their path, suspension, clay particles, and throw them into the sea. In the sea, mixing with the remains of microorganisms that are in the water, they form black mud, which accumulates on the bottom of the sea and has, to a certain extent, some medicinal properties balneological type (silty particles mixed with biogenic remains of life in the Sea of ​​Azov).

Recently, the Sea of ​​​​Azov is going through hard years, despite the fact that environmentalists say that it is polluted, nothing can be done about it yet, and here's why: the waters of the Don and Kuban rivers are very intensively sorted out for irrigation of fields. Because of this, the so-called "daily debit" of the river drops significantly, and the inflow of fresh water decreases. Consequently, the level of the sea itself is falling and water from the Black Sea (through the Kerch Strait) begins to leak into the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. There is a well-established stable Kerch Current, which carries the water of the Black Sea to the Sea of ​​Azov. Before the start of intensive agricultural activity in the Stavropol Territory, in the Don region, on the contrary, a reverse flow was observed, the water flowed from the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov into the Black Sea, where it mixed with the water of the Black Sea (having a very slight effect). Now, on the contrary, there is an influx of salt water and the salinity of the sea increases annually. Most of all, this affected marine life - fish that spawned for a very long time in less salty (almost fresh) water, and now the fish simply do not want to go to spawn in the Sea of ​​Azov.

Pestilence of a goby in the Sea of ​​Azov

As soon as the salinity of the water in the sea increased, less useful algae began to multiply in it, which were unusual for the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. IN last years the pestilence of goby fish in the Sea of ​​Azov has intensified, most often vacationers on the sea coast in the summer season face this problem, on the beaches of many resort towns gobies are washed ashore. And they are thrown ashore due to a lack of oxygen in the water. Receiving the oxygen dissolved in the water with their gills, they feel its lack, the cause of which is the lack of oxygen in the water. In the sea there are a large number of algae, which also need oxygen for their photosynthesis. Taking it out of the water, they deprive it of other marine life.

Silt in the Sea of ​​Azov

In addition, algae increase the siltiness of the sea. The age of life of algae is inexpensive, they die and their organic remains just increase it. Siltiness is influenced not only by currents, but also by the decomposition of the remains of small-celled animals and plants that lived in this water. Dying, their organic remains sink to the bottom, later turning into silt, and since the amount of algae in the sea only increases every year, the amount of silt will also increase proportionally.

The Sea of ​​Azov is one of those seas that completely freezes in winter. The Black Sea never freezes completely, but the Sea of ​​Azov freezes completely in frosty winters. The ice turns out to be mooring, it freezes to the shore and the entire water surface becomes covered with ice, if you wish, you can walk on such ice.

The Sea of ​​Azov on the map is a semi-enclosed area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. The object is located in the eastern part of Europe. Two countries have the Sea of ​​Azov on their territory - Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

general information

The Sea of ​​Azov is considered the smallest in the world. Its maximum depth is no more than thirteen and a half meters, and the average (according to various estimates) is within 6.8-8 m. In the area where the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is located, there are other objects connecting the water area with the Atlantic Ocean. Among them, the Straits of Kerch and Gibraltar, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles should be noted. In addition, the Mediterranean, Aegean and Black Seas are the connecting links.


Previously, in antiquity, where the Sea of ​​Azov is now, there was no water. The filling of the water area presumably began in 5600 BC. e. At that time, it flowed into the Black Sea directly in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe current Kerch Strait. In the area where the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is located, there are different settlements. The names of many of them came from the name of the reservoir. For example, the villages of Priazovskaya and Azovskaya, the city of Azov, which is located in the lower reaches of the river. Don, Novoazovsk and others.


In ancient times, different nationalities called the water area in their own way. It should be said that the sea was renamed quite a few times. Until today, the exact origin of the name has not been established. There are several hypotheses on the etymology of the original word "azov":

  • named after Prince Azum, who was killed in 1067;
  • by the name of the tribe "Assy", which, in turn, came presumably from Avestan and means "fast";
  • in Circassian "uzev", which means "neck";
  • according to the Turkic word "azan" - "lower".

Even in the distant I century. n. e. in his writings, Pliny, listing the Scythian tribes, speaks of the settlement of the "Asoki". The name is similar to the word "azov". It is believed that the modern name of the water area began to be used in Russian toponymy from the beginning of the 17th century, thanks to the chronicler Pimen. At the same time, it must be said that initially not the entire Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov received the name (on the map of Russia, not far from the one that received the name, the city of Taganrog is located today). And only by the 2nd half of the 18th century the name was assigned to the entire water area.


The history of the study of the area where the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is located is conventionally divided into several stages.

  1. Geographical (ancient), which lasted from the time of Herodotus until the beginning of the 19th century.
  2. Geological and geographical. It lasted from the 19th century until the 40s of the 20th century.
  3. Complex. This period began in the middle of the 20th century and continues to this day.

Claudius Ptolemy compiled the first map. Ukraine as such did not exist then, and the position of the reservoir itself relative to other objects was not entirely clear. Ptolemy established the first geographical coordinates for cities, bays and headlands. Subsequently, Gleb Svyatoslavovich, who ruled in 1068 in Tmutarakan, measured the distance from Kerch to Taman on ice. It was about 20 kilometers at that time. Already from the 12th-14th centuries, the Venetians and Genoese began to draw up maps and sailing directions of the Azov and Black Seas.

Geographical position

The area where the Sea of ​​Azov is located lies between 45°12′30″ and 47°17′30″ N. sh. and 33°38′ and 39°18′ E. e. The maximum length of the reservoir reaches 380 kilometers, and the width is 200 kilometers. The coastline has a length of 2686 km, the surface of the water area covers an area of ​​37,800 square meters. km (this figure does not include spits and islands, which are distributed over an area of ​​107.9 sq. km). In accordance with morphological features, the object is classified as a flat sea. The reservoir is considered shallow, with low slopes of the coast. The Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov (this is clearly visible on the map of Russia) is quite remote from the ocean. In this regard, the object belongs to the group of continental water bodies. In winter, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov can completely or partially freeze. At the same time, ice is carried out along the Kerch Strait. Usually, ice formation begins in January. In cold years, it can happen a month earlier.


The place where the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is located is distinguished by a relatively simple underwater relief. In the course of moving away from the coast, a smooth and slow increase in depth occurs. In the central part of the water area, they reach 13 meters. Here the depths are maximum. The location of the isobaths, close to symmetrical, violates their slight elongation towards the northeast towards the Taganrog Bay. Approximately two kilometers from the coast there is an isobath of 5 meters. It moves away from and near the mouth of the Don River. In this area, the depths increase towards the open part of the reservoir. At the border of the sea and the bay, they reach eight to nine meters. The bottom relief is distinguished by the presence of systems of underwater hills. They are stretched along the western (Arabatskaya and Morskaya banks) and eastern (Zhelezinskaya bank) coasts. The depths above them decrease from 8-9 to 3-5 meters. The coastal underwater slope on the northern coast is characterized by fairly wide shallow water. Here the depth is 6-7 m. The southern coast is characterized by a steep underwater slope. Depths in this area are 11-13 meters. Seashores are generally sandy and flat. In the southern section, however, one can meet hills of volcanic origin, and in places passing into the front steep mountains.

The catchment area in the basin is about 586,000 sq. km. km. Currents depend on blowing strong winds of the northeast and southwest directions. The main movement occurs along the coast. Its direction is counter-clockwise.

Temperature regime

Shallow water bodies are characterized by large seasonal temperature variability. In winter, the figures reach a minimum. In January-February, the values ​​are close to the freezing point. In the southern part of the reservoir, not far from the Kerch Strait, the thermometer rises above zero. The temperature amplitude per year is +27.5 ... +28.5 degrees. In summer, quite uniform indicators are observed over the entire surface of the sea - from +24 to +26 degrees. In July, in some areas (for example, such as the sea, it warms up to a maximum of +28 ... +28.5 degrees. The most heat was recorded in Primorsko-Akhtarsk. It was +32.5 degrees. As for the long-term average annual temperature, on the surface it is within 11 °C. Interannual fluctuations in this case are of the order of one degree.


The Sea of ​​Azov has hydrochemical features. They are formed mainly under the influence of abundant river inflow (about 12% of the total water volume). In addition, there is a somewhat difficult water exchange with the Black Sea. Before the regulation of the Don, the salinity of the reservoir under consideration was lower than that of the ocean. three times. The indicators varied from 1 ppm at the mouth of the river to 10.5 in the central part and up to 11.5 in the area of ​​the Kerch Strait. began to rise after the construction of the Tsimlyansk hydroelectric complex. By 1977, the averages had risen to 13.8 ppm, the figures were slightly lower - 11.2. During relatively high humidity, a rapid decrease in salinity was observed. It was 10.9 ‰ in that period. However, by 2000, the figures rose again, stabilizing at 11 ‰. It should be said that there is little salt in the northern part of the reservoir, in contrast to the area adjacent to Crimea. The Sea of ​​Azov (a map showing the location of the facility is presented below) in this area is rich in self-planting salt. It has been mined since antiquity. Until the end of the 19th century, salt from this area provided almost half of Russia's needs. Greatest value salinity of water reaches in solution - brine of Sivash and other lakes. This is due to intense evaporation from the water surface in summer. All of these hypersaline areas represent the large renewable mineral salt deposits for which the Sea of ​​Azov is known. Russia, having these objects, provides itself with a significant amount of this mineral. Due to their connection with the sea, the composition of their brine is similar to that of sea water. Mostly in the brine there are sulfates and chlorides of magnesium and sodium.


The Sea of ​​Azov is characterized by low transparency. It is different in every season and in different regions. Indicators vary in the range from 0.5 to 8 meters. The low transparency is mainly due to the influx of a large amount of muddy river waters, rather rapid resuspension of bottom silts during water disturbance, and the presence of plankton masses in the reservoir. The lowest rates are noted in the Taganrog Bay. There transparency is in the range of 0.5-0.9, in rare cases - 2 meters. The water in this area can change its color from greenish yellow to brownish yellow. In the central part of the reservoir, due to the great depths and under the influence of the Black Sea currents, transparency can range from one and a half to two and a half to eight meters. Here the water has a greenish-blue color. Almost everywhere in the summer there is an increase in transparency. And in some areas, due to the rather rapid development of the smallest animals and plant organisms in the upper layers, the indicators drop to zero. And the water becomes bright green. This phenomenon is called "sea bloom".

The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest in the world, its depth does not exceed 13.5 m. It is also the warmest, with a record number of sunny days a year and surprisingly gentle sandy shores. It is not difficult to understand that this huge open-air paddling pool is just the perfect place to relax with children. And, I must say, the resorts of the Sea of ​​​​Azov are actively developing their “family” status: they are opening new water parks and dolphinariums, improving infrastructure, and in every possible way luring tourists with kids to their boarding houses and hotels.

In addition, the Sea of ​​Azov can safely be called unique: the rivers that actively flow into it not only greatly desalinated the reservoir, but also helped to form a surprisingly diverse flora and fauna. Simply put: here is first-class fishing and amazingly picturesque landscapes.

People who know appreciate the Sea of ​​Azov for the right winds: you can’t pull kite and windsurfers by the ears from local stations in Dolzhanka or Golubitskaya.

How to get to the Sea of ​​Azov

There are several major Russian and Ukrainian airports a short distance from the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov. From our side, these are the air hubs of Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Anapa and Simferopol; from Ukrainian - the airport in Mariupol.

The most convenient and fastest way to get to the resorts of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is by air (about 2 hours from Moscow). In second place in popularity is the railway. There are large transport hubs in the same Rostov, Krasnodar, Simferopol, and also in Taganrog and Yeysk. In the summer season, trains, as a rule, run several times a day, but it is better to buy tickets in advance (compartment - from 3800 RUB). Finally, in the summer, direct buses run to many major resorts (from Yeysk to Kerch and beyond). A ticket from Moscow to Kerch costs from 2500 RUB, and to Rostov-on-Don - from 1000 RUB. But you will have to spend at least a day on the way. Prices on the page are for November 2018.

Cities and resorts of the Sea of ​​Azov

The most childish sea in the world boasts a large selection of beaches, resorts and simply cozy deserted corners, where autotourists with tents aspire. From the Russian side (from north to south), everything starts from the ancient and charming city of Ranevskaya and Chekhov - Taganrog. You can also swim here, but still, the main thing for which people come here is worthy museum collections and the atmosphere of a county town of the late 19th century that is still felt. Next comes Rostov-papa, wise, old, a little sassy, ​​but surprisingly pleasant southern city, the entrance gate to the land of the sun, warmth and the Sea of ​​Azov. Next - Azov with its thousand-year history, well, and behind it - kilometers and kilometers of sand. It is to the south of Azov that the main beach Mecca begins: Pavlo-Ochakovskaya Spit, Chumbur-Kosa, Glafirovka and handsome Yeysk - the largest resort in the region.

About 20 kilometers from it is the same Dolzhanka, from which water extreme sports of all stripes trudge. Tourists with children echo them - the local sand is too good. Even further south - Primorsko-Akhtarsk, another beach area for those who like to spend their holidays actively, with windsurfers at the ready. The village of Golubitskaya completes the resort area on the side of the Krasnodar Territory: the abode of sand, therapeutic mud and paragliders. To the west, across the narrow Kerch Strait - Crimea. Here tourists are waiting for the old Kerch, the main dance class of the country Kazantip, as well as a scattering of small and cozy resorts.

On the part of Ukraine, the main wealth of the Sea of ​​​​Azov is the popular Berdyansk medical resort and several braids that go far into the sea, natural reserves and simply very beautiful places.


The main transport in the resort is wheeled. Despite a well-developed network railways, it is intercity buses and minibuses that are more convenient and popular to get from one resort to another. As a rule, tourists, having reached Yeysk, Rostov-on-Don or Krasnodar, transfer to buses, which take them to places of rest. The average fare for short distances is 40-70 RUB, if you need to travel 100-150 km, then the ticket price increases to 400-500 RUB and more.

Resorts usually don't public transport, except for taxis (and, with rare exceptions, minibuses) - simply not. The minimum cost of a taxi ride is 50 RUB, on minibuses - from 25 RUB.

Sea of ​​Azov maps


The Sea of ​​Azov is the smallest in the world, and, therefore, the warmest. You can comfortably swim here already from mid-May, the season ends at the end of September, or even earlier - the sea cools down too quickly. Almost on the entire coast - fine shell sand, the entrance to the water is gentle, and the depth increases gradually (sometimes, even too gradually). Therefore, families with children love the beaches of the Sea of ​​Azov so much - a warm and shallow paddling pool saves parents from close attention to bathing kids. Another "trick" of the local coast is the abundance of secluded and wild areas, which is especially appreciated among fishermen or fans of spending holidays in peace and quiet. For such places, you should go to Achuevskaya, Kamyshevatskaya, or Long Spit. Well, for those who cannot imagine a vacation without beaches that are comfortable and equipped with all sorts of benefits of civilization, there is a direct path to Yeysk or Taman.

The Sea of ​​Azov has two more specializations that are worth mentioning. Firstly, all kinds of healing mud and estuaries, for example, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe village of Golubitskaya. And secondly, a developed infrastructure for water extreme sports - kite and windsurfers, especially in the area of ​​Dolzhanka and Primorsko-Akhtarsk.

The beaches are mostly municipal, that is, free, with the exception of very rare areas assigned to certain hotels. Renting a deck chair on average costs from 150 to 250 RUB per day, depending on the popularity of the village.


Due to the dry hot climate, extensive sandy beaches and the good warming of the Sea of ​​Azov, holidays here are ideal for children, so there are many sanatoriums and health camps on its coast.

Sanatorium institutions of Berdyansk, Yeysk, Kerch, Taganrog and other cities and villages offer medical and health programs based on the use of local healing mud. Salt Lake Sivash and smaller lakes of varying degrees of salinity and mineral composition of water can have a life-giving effect on a number of diseases. The natural mineral springs of the region are its recognized wealth and have long been known to specialists in balneology for their remarkable properties. It has been established that the water itself in the Sea of ​​Azov is healing. Due to its small depth, natural mixing of water occurs in its entire thickness, therefore, particles of silt, saturated with minerals important for human health, are constantly in the upper layers.

An important factor in the treatment of allergic diseases is dry air, saturated with phytoncides of steppe plants.


The Sea of ​​Azov is not the best spot for divers, despite its depth (very, very small) and good temperature (it is difficult to freeze here). But this reservoir has one terrible property for diving - disgusting visibility. Therefore, it is customary to dive into the sea early, early in the morning, when it was barely dawn and until the daytime breeze turned over all the turbidity at the bottom. Then there is a chance to see at a depth of 5-6 m a lot of the remains of ships from the Second World War. Alas, most of them are heavily covered with mud or have changed almost beyond recognition, which does not detract from the value and fantasticness of the seen picture - military vehicles sleepily immersed in the abyss of waters, which have found their eternal refuge at the bottom of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

Diving is offered far from everywhere, but only in more or less developed resort villages, where constant strong winds do not blow. For example, in Kuchugury or Yeysk.

Sea of ​​Azov Hotels

On the coast of the Sea of ​​​​Azov, there are many hotels, boarding houses, guest houses offering accommodation different type, for different money and with varying degrees of comfort. The only thing that is the same is that guests are always welcome here, if only because the resort business brings considerable income to local residents.

It can be seen with the naked eye that, in general, the prices for accommodation on the Sea of ​​Azov are lower than in the Crimea or in the Krasnodar Territory, and 30 percent lower. Another feature is the abundance of offers from the private sector. Of course, houses and apartments are rented all over the Black Sea coast, but, perhaps, there are a lot of such options in the area of ​​the Azov coast.

A room in a 2-3 * hotel in the season can be found from 1400 RUB, apartments will cost about the same amount, but it will not be one room with a bed, but a whole apartment, it happens that it is not a one-room apartment.

What to bring

The set of souvenirs is obscenely standard - shells and crafts made from them, all kinds of boats and figurines of a marine theme, postcards, magnets, plates, juniper products, products of local distilleries and wineries (of course, very good, especially in the Taman region). The local fish stands apart - smoked, dried and simply delicious.

The best photos of the Sea of ​​Azov

Entertainment and attractions

Exceptionally well located in the heart of the Byzantine and medieval life, The Sea of ​​Azov can boast of a mass of worthy sights. Just think about it: on the one hand, it washes the Crimean peninsula, about the palaces, monasteries and parks of which only the lazy have not heard. On the other hand, Taman is a marvelous land full of ancient ruins and mud volcanoes. Only an encyclopedia could fully describe the sights of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, therefore we will briefly go over only the main places.

The main museum collections of the region are kept by Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don and Azov. Perhaps only Krasnodar or Yalta can compete with these cities in terms of expositions, but that's a completely different story. Taganrog, first of all, attracts attention with its museum collections dedicated to Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Azov - military history, but the status obliges the museums of Rostov-on-Don to be one of the leading ones in the region.

Something "older" can be found in Taman, more precisely - in the ruins of Phanagoria, already several millennia old. Immediately, in the neighborhood, there are a lot of natural sights: the Tizdar mud volcano, and the no less mud lake in Golubitskaya, and the famous Lotus Valley, and the Taman Switzerland protected area.

Tired of the idyll of pastoral landscapes, you can have a good break in local water parks, dolphinariums or kite stations. The Sea of ​​Azov, despite its family status, is considered one of the most extreme. The right winds blow here, allowing you to quickly get on the surf and catch a good wave - moderately fast and moderately calm.

Sea of ​​Azov for children

Amazing beaches, well, very warm water and shallow depth - already enough reason to take the children to the Sea of ​​Azov. Well, if the guys get tired of the monotony of swimming in the sea (hard to believe), you can take them to the water park: "Nemo" in Yeysk, "Azure" in Taganrog, "Cape of Good Hope" near Berdyansk, "Treasure Island" in Kirillovka, "Amazons" in Golubitskaya. Will it be too little? In the same Yeisk, Berdyansk, Kirillovka and Golubitskaya there are also their own dolphinariums - with colorful performances with fur seals and dolphins.

In addition, it is worth taking the whole family on a river trip towards the Lotus Valley or visiting the village of Ataman, where the life of the Cossacks is recreated. And in the ethnographic complex "Circassian aul" whole theatrical shows with horses, dances and national dishes are held.

Weather on the Sea of ​​Azov

The climate in most of the cities of the Sea of ​​Azov is temperate continental, with mild winters and hot summers. Spring comes early, autumn lasts a long time, and winters tend to have little snow. Due to the shallow depth of the sea, almost its entire surface is covered with ice in winter, but, again, this is highly dependent on temperature. But in summer, it is the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov that is the warmest, in some years the water warmed up to fantastic +32 ° C, although the normal temperature of the reservoir near the coast at the height of the season is +24 ... +26 ° С.

The Sea of ​​Azov has the shape of a semi-enclosed water area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean and is located in the southern part of the Russian Plain. Its area is one of the smallest on the planet, only about 40 thousand km 2. It is connected to the Black Sea through the Kerch Strait and washes the shores of two countries: Russia and Ukraine. A distinctive feature is its shallow depth, on average 6-8 m, even the lowest point does not exceed -30 m. The legal status of the sea is determined by several approved documents recognizing it as the inland waters of Russia and Ukraine.

Part of the scientific community does not recognize Azov as a sea in the general sense of this definition. Some scientists call it a shallow bay of the Black Sea, because of the insignificant depth, small area and composition of the water (mixing of Black Sea and river flows).

The shores of the Sea of ​​Azov in the eastern and northern parts are subject to the destructive action of erosion, as they are composed of sandstones and clays. More durable parts of the coast belong to the Kerch and Taman peninsulas, limestone rocks are common there. The coast of Azov is composed of sandy beaches with an abundance of shells. There are a lot of estuaries here - this is how the near-sea oblong reservoirs are called in this area.

Shores of the Sea of ​​Azov in Russia

To the territory Russian Federation include the following geographical units washed by the Sea of ​​Azov:

  • In the north-east: Miusskiy estuary, Taganrog Bay, Yeyskiy estuary, Beglitskaya spit, rivers: Yeya, Kagalnik, Sambek, Wet Elanchik, Wet Chuburka, Don, Mius;
  • In the east: Glafirovskaya spit, Beisugsky estuary, Yasensky bay, Akhtarsky estuary, Cape Chumbursky, Yasenskaya spit (Beisugsky estuary), Long spit, Kamyshevatskaya spit, Achuevskaya spit (Akhtarsky estuary);
  • In the southeast: Cape Achuevsky, Temryuk Bay, Cape Kamenny, rivers: Kuban, Protoka;
  • On the territory of the Kerch Strait: Chushka Spit.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 2014, the Arabat Spit and the Sivash Bay (Rotten Sea) became the de facto administrative borders of the Republic of Crimea and the Kherson region. They partially belong to both countries, but the Ukrainian side considers this zone temporarily occupied by Russia.

The shores of the Sea of ​​Azov in Ukraine

The coastline of the Sea of ​​Azov on the territory of Ukraine is represented by saddling geographical objects:

  • In the northwest: Molochny Liman, Obitochny Bay, Berdyansk Bay, Utlyuk Liman, Biryuchy Ostrov Spit, Berdyansk Spit, Obitochnaya Spit, Fedotova Spit, many small rivers: Berda, Obitochnaya, Lozovatki and many others;
  • In the northeast: Krivaya Spit, Belosarayskaya Spit.

Cities on the Sea of ​​Azov in Russia

The list of Russian cities washed by the Sea of ​​Azov includes settlements Southern Federal District:

  • Republic of Crimea (Leninsky district, Kerch city district);
  • Rostov region (Neklinovsky district, Azovsky district);
  • Krasnodar Territory (Kanevskoy district (goes to the Beisugsky estuary), Slavyansky district, Yeisk district, Primorsko-Akhtarsky district, Temryuksky district, Shcherbinovsky district);
  • City district of Taganrog.

Cities on the Sea of ​​Azov in Ukraine

(Berdyansk, Zaporozhye part of Ukraine)

On the territory of Ukraine, the Sea of ​​Azov washes the borders of the following administrative units:

  • Kherson region (Genichesk district);
  • Zaporozhye region (Melitopol district (top of the Molochny estuary), Pryazovsky district, Akimovsky district, Primorsky district, Berdyansk district)
  • Donetsk region (Mangushsky district)
  • Mariupol city council (Volnovakhsky district, Levoberezhny district, Primorsky district, Novoazovsky district).

In autumn and winter, the weather of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is influenced by Siberian. As a result of its influence, winds of the northeast and east directions mainly blow. Their average speed is 4 - 7 m / s. During this period, powerful storms are observed, the speed of which reaches over 15 m / s. In this case, a sharp drop in temperature occurs. The average temperature in January is about – 2 – 5°С. During stormy periods it drops to -25 - 27°C.

In spring and summer, the climatic conditions of the Sea of ​​​​Azov are influenced by the Azores maximum. When exposed to it, winds of various directions are observed. Their speed is quite small - 3 - 5 m / s. In the warm season, complete calm is observed. In the summer on the Sea of ​​Azov it is quite high. In July, the air warms up to + 23 - 25°C on average. In spring, less often in summer, the sea is in power. At the same time, winds of the southwestern and western directions are observed. The speed of these winds is 4 - 6 m/s. During cyclones, short showers are also observed. In the spring-summer period, sunny weather prevails, with high temperatures.

Two large rivers carry their waters to the Sea of ​​Azov: the Kuban and about 20 small rivers. Small rivers mainly flow into the northern part of the sea. The river runoff of the Sea of ​​Azov is determined by the volume of water carried by the Kuban and Don rivers. The waters produced by small rivers are used for evaporation. On average, the sea receives about 36.7 km 3 per year.

The largest amount of water comes from the Don (more than 60%), which flows into the Taganrog Bay in the northeastern part of the sea. The Kuban brings its waters to the southeastern part of the sea. The waters of the Kuban make up 30% of the total flow. Most of river water enters the eastern part of the sea, and is absent in the rest of the mainland. The sea receives the largest amount of fresh water in the spring and summer. After the Kuban and Don rivers began to be regulated, the seasonal distribution of the mainland runoff changed. Prior to this, in the spring, the rivers brought about 60% of the total runoff, in the summer - 15%. After the creation of hydroelectric facilities on the rivers, it began to account for 40%, and the share of summer increased to 20%. There is an increase in winter and autumn runoff. A greater change was made to the Don than to the Kuban.

Water exchange between Azov and occurs through. During the year, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov gives off about 49 km2 of water, the Black Sea about 33.8 km3 of water. On average, the waters of the Black Sea annually increase their volume due to the Sea of ​​Azov by about 15.5 km 3. River runoff and marine water exchange are closely related. If there is a decrease in river runoff, then there is a decrease in the runoff of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and an increase in the inflow of the Black Sea water. The waters of the Sea of ​​Azov interact with the waters through the Thin Strait. During the year, the sea gives off about 1.5 km 3, and receives about 0.3 km 3 from the Sivash.

On average, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov loses and receives approximately the same amount of water per year. The waters of the sea are fed by river runoff (about 43%) and the waters of the Black Sea (40%). During the year, the Sea of ​​Azov loses its waters as a result of water exchange with the Black Sea (58%) and evaporation from the surface (40%).

In the water expanses of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, ice forms every year. Due to the fact that the winter here is short and the frosts are changeable, the formation of ice is irregular. During the winter, the ice undergoes various changes: it appears and disappears again, becomes drifting, and then freezes to a stationary state. At the end of November, the first ice begins to appear in the Taganrog Bay. In early December, ice covers the northeastern and northwestern parts of the sea. Only in mid-January, ice appears in the southwestern and southern regions. The timing of ice formation may vary from year to year. The maximum thickness that ice can reach is 80 - 90 cm. On average, the ice thickness can be about 20 cm, with a relatively mild winter.

Sea of ​​Azov (photo by Mikhail Manaev)

In mid-February, the ice gradually weakens. At the end of February, it begins to collapse near the coast in the southern part of the sea. By the beginning of March, the ice breaks up in the northern part, and in mid-March, in the Taganrog Bay. The sea is completely free of ice only by mid-March - April.

Widely developed in the Sea of ​​Azov economic activity person. Fishing is well developed here. A large number of valuable species of fish (especially sturgeons) and a large number of various marine products are mined here. Currently, the volume of fisheries is declining due to a decrease in the number and diversity of the marine fauna. There are reserves in the bowels of the Azov Sea. Various goods are produced on the waters of the sea. Also on the sea coast there are resort areas for recreation.