What can improve the situation in the housing and communal services sector? A set of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of housing and communal services management in the context of its reform

New approaches to housing stock management

The housing and communal services sector is perhaps the only sector of the Russian economy that is outside of market relations. Over the past 10 years at various levels government controlled They talked about housing and communal services reform, but the practical movement towards the housing and communal services sector market was carried out at an extremely slow pace. And only recently have there been serious changes in this area, due to the adoption and implementation of Federal Law 185. According to it, as is known, the Housing and Communal Services Reform Assistance Fund was created, accumulating funds sent to the regions for overhaul houses and resettlement of dilapidated and emergency housing. In order to receive these funds, regions must fulfill the legal requirement that at least 50% of the houses are managed by private management companies, while the municipality's share in their share capital would be no more than 25%.
OJSC “Managing Organization of Apartment Buildings of the Frunzensky District” became the first in the housing and communal services sector of Yaroslavl, whose securities were put up for auction. A controlling stake in the former DEZ - 56.8% - was acquired by the Novgorodenergoservice company, which has solid experience in the utility business of Veliky Novgorod, Arkhangelsk, and Tver. After the change of owner, changes began in the current work of the Frunzensky Upravdom. One of the main activities was participation in the work to attract funds from the Federal Fund and identify those houses that are in dire need of major repairs. It must be said that the work, especially in such a short time, was not easy - the House Manager serves 796 apartment buildings with a total area of ​​1,917,154.5 sq.m. A detailed analysis of their technical condition was carried out, design estimates for specific repair work. As a result, already this year, major repairs will be carried out in 75 houses in the district, funds for which will come from the Federal Fund.
However, the management of the House Manager, solving tactical problems, is developing a development strategy for several years ahead, which would allow not only to effectively manage the funds raised, whatever their source, but also to seriously gain a foothold in the market, improving the quality of service, reducing costs and working on economically justified and transparent tariffs. The ultimate goals of the House Manager, in addition to making a profit, are to expand and diversify the business, acquire long-term competitive advantages, increase the volume of housing stock under management, and maintain leadership in the industry. This can only be achieved through a long overdue change in the housing stock management model. Our priority is the use of new principles in the management of residential buildings. And here we can identify at least three such principles:

Client-oriented approach.
The housing and communal services sector must turn, so to speak, towards the residents. The service offered today by housing and communal organizations of the city to homeowners remains archaic and extremely undeveloped. Here you can give a lot of examples: from rude communication between utility workers and residents to the absolute opacity of prices for additional commercial services. Therefore, one of the many management tools here can and should be clear feedback from service consumers, working with their complaints and appeals. And the final result of the quality of the work we do should be the assessment by the residents themselves, our clients, of the quality of this work. And as a result of a good assessment, trust is expressed in the extension of the home maintenance contract.

Involving residents in management.
It is impossible to do without proper control over the progress and quality of services provided. In addition, according to Federal Law 185, homeowners must pay 5% of the cost of major repairs. From here it is quite logical, including in the development of the first principle, the involvement of the most active citizens, house elders, heads of various associations local government in the process of managing houses. This joint work with the House Manager is expressed in determining the list of necessary work, drawing up and discussing estimates, planning, monitoring and accepting the work done.
In turn, the House Manager can achieve cost reductions through holding competitions among contractors and clear contractual relations with them. Thus, the House Manager’s agreement has strict economic sanctions in case of a decrease in the quality of service to the housing stock. Contractual relations can be terminated by the management company unilaterally in the event of a significant decline in quality, deterioration of the condition of the housing stock, or emergency situations.

The management company is the “owner” of the territory. This principle is due to the fact that many problems of the house and surrounding area can and should be solved in a complex manner. Very often there is no other way, and people simply do not know who to turn to for a solution to this or that issue. In addition, the management company, in our opinion, should help residents in everything related to improving the quality of their living. This is confirmed by a change in requests from residents: from purely technical requirements to socially significant, social issues. If at the very beginning of our activities during the surveys, the population demanded to put the entrances, basements, and plumbing in order, now we're talking about already about more global problems: landscaping the area, public safety in the neighborhood, providing leisure time for youth, etc.

The above principles, without a doubt, must be supported by extremely clear legal relations between the management company and residents, and new standards. Moreover, the individual characteristics of each home must be taken into account. Therefore, the House Manager has developed and proposed a new residential building management agreement that complies with current legislation and protects, first of all, the interests of the residents themselves. In particular, it stipulates such positions as:

  • formation of a tariff for maintenance and service in accordance with the technical condition of the house and approval of this tariff policy by residents;
  • approval by residents of the schedule of ongoing and ongoing repairs;
  • approval by residents of schedules for spending money collected around the house Money;
  • monthly reports management company about work performed and funds spent.

    Our management company has been operating for just over 3 months after the change of ownership. However, during this time we have developed and are already beginning to implement a number of special programs aimed at improving the quality of service and accommodation. These include:

  • individual comprehensive energy saving programs depending on the condition of the house (for example, heat meters in houses should be installed only if there is no loss of resources in the houses - water leaks, heat losses, etc., installed after insulation of the house);
  • organization of a single service and emergency center (prompt departure of the emergency service, provision of paid services at any time convenient for residents and their payment not directly to service workers, but according to monthly payment receipts utilities in the line “additional paid services”);
  • separate programs for microdistricts based on generalization of population complaints (example: repair of entrance canopies, pest control, etc.)
  • social programs for socially vulnerable citizens (example: installation of additional railings, ramps for wheelchairs).

    In conclusion, it is necessary to say once again about the housing management model. Under the existing model, remuneration for municipal workers does not depend on the volume and quality of work performed. The salary of an efficient worker may be equal to the salary of an inefficient worker. Utility workers receive a salary and bonus for regularly coming to work. Meanwhile, the income level of the majority of housing and communal services workers is so low that qualified personnel do not go to work in housing and communal services organizations. Among public utility workers, extortions from residents and “outlaw” earnings in work time, theft of materials. Due to lack of interest in financial results enterprises, there is great corruption among managers of utility companies in the distribution of third-party contracts and procurement of materials. Contracts are awarded to companies other than those that offer best conditions, but those who are more successful in lobbying their interests.
    The activities of the entire vertical of housing management in private business depend on the results of work. Therefore, management personnel are interested in increasing income, that is, management remuneration. House managers are interested in improving the quality of maintenance and repair of housing stock, energy saving, and the absence of complaints and appeals from the population, because their income directly depends on it. And the direct performers of the work are motivated by the quality and volume of work performed.
    For example, the salary of a plumber on the staff of the House Manager may depend on the number of apartments he services, the absence of complaints and appeals from residents, as well as on the quality of basement maintenance. After all, if the basement is dry and clean, this directly reflects the satisfactory operation of the plumbing systems.
    Therefore, competitive relations are built in such a way that if one of the components of housing stock management does not withstand competition, it is replaced by a more competitive one. The poor performance of the House Manager will result in its replacement by another House Manager. A bad mechanic will be replaced by a more efficient worker.
    Is it any wonder today that people have a negative attitude towards the housing and communal services system, and complaints about the constant increase in tariffs, not supported by a corresponding increase in the quality of services? It is private management companies that have the necessary experience and resources, in our opinion, that are ready to change the trend and pull the industry out of a deep crisis.

    Relevance. The topic of the work is determined by the need to study and implement a set of necessary measures, improve organizational and economic mechanisms for providing Russians with high-quality and affordable housing and communal services.

    The main reasons for the current situation are: low quality and inaccessibility (both in kind and in price terms) of the provided housing and communal services; poorly maintained housing stock; extremely high level of wear and tear of fixed assets, underdeveloped technologies, low energy efficiency; accidents and man-made disasters; shortage of funds and qualified personnel, massive bankruptcy of enterprises producing services, inflated and unaffordable tariffs, ineffective management of the industry.

    The need to identify the listed problems, as well as the tide of revolution in the economy, in the social field, in the housing and communal services of the Russian Federation, assigned a topic, main directions, scientific innovation, practical significance and goals of the work.

    Purpose is to justify the adoption of a set of necessary measures to provide Russians with high-quality and affordable housing and communal services, and to formulate proposals for the development of organizational and economic mechanisms for the implementation of these measures.

    Discussions of the modern conceptual apparatus, scientific definitions of leading terms, have important methodological significance. To date, the concepts of housing and communal services are mentioned in 3.5 thousand regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, of which 150 - federal laws, about 400 - regulatory legal acts affecting the quality and availability of these services. Based on a study of consumer demand and the effectiveness of organizational and economic activities of service providers, as well as comparative analysis Russian and foreign acts.

    According to the author's definition, the quality of housing and communal services is a set of characteristics, including usefulness, reliability, safety and stability, that determine the ability of these services to satisfy the established (regulatory) or personal needs of users. The novelty is the addition of the generally accepted concept to the subjective demand of buyers for the established characteristics of services, as well as the criteria of their usefulness, reliability, safety and stability.

    The acceptability of housing and communal services is revealed as the real or potential prospect of consumers to use housing and communal services of an established “standard quality” or based on their individual demand, taking into account the established parameters and characteristics of a radical service.

    Also, the definition of the quality of housing services has its own peculiarity: the quality of housing services is the generalization of the properties and characteristics of the activities for servicing residential buildings and territories of households. IN general view quality of service - a set of process characteristics and reasons for service that ensure the satisfaction of established or expected user needs.

    The concept of accessibility of housing and communal services is supplemented by the possibility for citizens to purchase comfortable housing, and for low-mobility groups of the population (MPG) the opportunity to use necessary services, regulatory requirements for ensuring the accessibility and safety of which must be formalized by law.

    In the process of research, definitions of other fundamental concepts were formulated Russian system housing and communal services, which have already entered scientific circulation. Scientific definitions are given to the basic concepts: “housing and communal services”, “quality”, “availability”, “quality of service”, “quality of housing services”, “quality of service”, “availability of services”, “housing affordability coefficient”, “livability of housing”, “life support”, “emergency fund”, “accident classifier”, etc.

    In order to streamline the conceptual apparatus in the work, a corresponding list of advanced legislative and regulatory legal acts has been compiled, and the main methodological interpretations of the list of main economic characteristics Russian housing and communal services system.

    The study shows that in society, in management devices, on the one hand, there is a misunderstanding of a number of established normative legal acts, on the other hand, contradictions have emerged in the definition of primary concepts in the sphere of housing and communal services. Such uncertainty prevents the effective implementation of constructive activities in the provision of housing and communal services. Therefore, the agency exercising control in a certain area (the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) is recommended to intensively enter the Government of the Russian Federation with a proposal to prepare a suitable bill.

    Based on the study, it was concluded that it is necessary to adopt and implement a set of necessary measures to increase the accessibility and quality of provided housing and communal services:

    1.Improving industry regulation.

    2. Development of competition, market relations and management apparatuses.

    3. Increasing the effectiveness of government participation in the implementation of measures to develop the housing and communal services sector, providing the population with affordable and comfortable housing, especially in small towns.

    4. Creation of a modern system of training and retraining of employees in the field of housing and communal services, improving their skills. Development of professional standards.

    5.Improving the quality of citizens’ living conditions.

    6.Improving energy efficiency and resource conservation when
    production, provision and consumption of housing and communal services.

    7. Modernization of tariff policy.

    8. Formation of “social factors”.

    9. Improving the regulatory legal framework for the functioning of the housing and communal services complex.

    10. Carrying out a complete inventory of all objects of the housing and communal services complex and indicating their market value.

    Based on the mentioned urgent measures and priority directions, organizational and economic guidelines and tools for accelerating the practical implementation of measures to reform and modernize the housing and communal services sector have been identified. Among these objectives: the development, with the participation of representatives of civil society, of a new Comprehensive Industry Development Project; adoption of the “road map of housing and communal services”: step-by-step plans and network schedules for the implementation of the mentioned Comprehensive Project, Decree, State Program and Federal Target Program, defining the management and financing system in the new conditions, volumes and sources of financing, incl. “preferential loans” and aspects of the effectiveness of measures; preparation of regional complexes of urgent enterprises to provide the population of Russia with accessible and first-class services, affordable social, rental, non-commercial housing; identification and establishment of the most important sources of financing programs and measures to improve the quality of regional housing and communal services systems, including from the state budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, extra-budgetary funds, business funds, as well as funds from the population; implementation of market mechanisms of management and competition in the industry, support for the development of social partnership, “social factors”; for the development of market relations and competition, it is extremely important to create equal conditions for all market representatives; implementation of energy and resource saving measures, installation of house and intra-apartment service meters, new approaches to improving tariff policy; updating the legislative and regulatory framework governing relations on the production, equipment and consumption of housing and communal services in modern conditions, bringing it into line with the goals of transformation and improving the quality of the housing and communal services sector, etc.

    The implementation of the above combination of urgent measures and priority organizational and economic mechanisms can lead to achieving the goal: providing Russians with high-quality and affordable housing and communal services in the medium term (Fig. 1).

    The need has been established as a matter of priority to obtain a new system of training and retraining of engineering, technical and working personnel with the development of new high-quality standards, and the organization of social partnership in the industry. One of the most important conditions for improving the quality and availability of services is staffing the functioning and development of housing and communal services, ensuring the competitiveness of labor in this area. The study shows that the shortage of professional personnel was 22% in 1986, and 60% in 2012; their level of professional training was 5.9% and 7%, respectively. Average monthly wages of workers in last years, as a rule, is two times less than the average for Russia, which makes it impossible to attract qualified personnel, increases the number of accidents in the life support systems of the population, and gives rise to social protest among workers.

    Rice. 1. Model for improving the quality of housing and communal services.

    The basic rate for a first-class worker is 60-70% of the regional subsistence minimum. In order to solve the problems of professional support for the industry, the work considers measures to create a personnel training system, improve social and labor relations in the industry, as the most important social factor in the reform of the housing and communal services sector.

    CONCLUSION: Housing and communal services provided to the population in the Russian Federation, their quality and accessibility are considered. The concepts of quality and accessibility of housing and communal services have been updated and expanded. The main reasons for the unsatisfactory provision of housing and communal services to the population are identified: ineffective management and insufficient government support for the industry, ill-conceived privatization and decentralization of the housing and communal services sector, lack of competition, limited volumes of construction of social housing, dilapidated and poorly maintained housing stock, extreme deterioration of fixed assets, shortage of qualified personnel and financial resources, expensive technologies and inflated tariffs, low quality of services provided.

    3.1.Development of a development strategy for municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services

    In the previous section, the main problems of the municipal unitary enterprise of housing and communal services of Nevyansk were considered. Now let’s look at the general strategy and tools for solving the identified problems.

    To develop a strategy, it is necessary to assess the current situation, identify problems and formulate the main ways to solve them. A useful tool for this is SWOT analysis.

    The SWOT analysis of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Housing and Communal Services of Nevyansk” is presented in Table 3.1.

    Table 3.1

    SWOT- analysis of municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services

    Internal environment

    External environment



    1Connections, experience in the market

    2. Availability of a base for activities (premises, staff, tools)

    Special knowledge

    4. Access to information of various kinds (structure and composition of the population, legislation, database of residents - passport office)

    5. Availability of licenses to carry out work on the operation and maintenance of housing stock

    1. Insufficient qualifications of the staff (especially AUP)

    2.Presence of losses

    3. Low quality of services provided

    4. Lack of necessary working capital

    5. Lack of a marketing service, and, as a consequence, a marketing program for the services provided

    6. Worn equipment

    7. Presence of excess receivables and payables

    1. Change of organizational and legal form

    2. Diversification and differentiation of activities

    3.Staff training

    4.Expansion of the range of services provided

    5.Use of modern equipment and technologies (automation of accounting, mechanization of labor, etc.)

    6.Increasing payments for housing and communal services by the population

    7. Reducing the cost of passing the financial flow of housing and utility payments

    8.Use of preferential taxation for organizations allocating funds for the development of housing and communal services

    1.Increasing competition

    2.Weakening of budget funding

    3. All other things being equal, increasing tariffs will not lead to improvement financial condition enterprises (increase in lost income, accounts receivable, grants and subsidies.

    4.Conducting competitions for services

    The unstable financial position of the enterprise, lack of working capital, depreciation of fixed assets, significant accounts receivable and payable indicate that this enterprise belongs to the category of weak organizations in a state of crisis.

    The implementation of a global economy strategy makes it possible to change the subsidized, high-cost nature of the housing and communal services industry in the current conditions. Global economy is a strategy not of the housing and communal services enterprises themselves, but of the authorities in relation to them, which is legitimate due to their financial and administrative dependence on the city administration. Global economy does not provide for a short-term direct reduction in allocated budget funds or an increase in tariffs, all other things being equal.

    Huge current expenses for housing and communal services and the need for capital investments aim at the formation of a system of multi-variant sources of their financing.

    To form a system of multivariate development of urban infrastructure, a set of measures must be developed in the local government to facilitate the influx of financial resources. This complex is based on marketing tools. The funds received are used for the introduction of resource-saving technologies, automation, mechanization, insurance and other measures that will reduce current costs in the housing and communal services sector in the future.

    The main direction of the global savings strategy in relation to housing organizations is the related diversification of the activities of housing and communal enterprises. A wide but harmonious range of services provided will lead to the emergence of new sources of financing for housing and communal services enterprises while maintaining the profile of their activities and better meeting the needs of the population.

    The strategy of the global economy is the strategy of the authorities in relation to municipal unitary enterprises of housing and communal services, which involves comprehensive cost reduction through the implementation of a strategy of diversification within the enterprise, organizational and financial reengineering and mechanization. For utility companies, the strategy of the global economy is expressed in the introduction of energy-saving technologies.

    3.2. Implementation of the energy saving program

    The basis for reforming the housing and communal services sector is a set of measures aimed at reducing costs in the production of services. The economic basis for this process is energy and resource conservation.

    The ultimate goals of energy saving policy in housing and communal services are to reduce the costs of maintaining and operating housing, and, accordingly, ensuring the economic interests of the population during the transition of the housing and communal services industry to a break-even operating mode.

    To achieve these goals, it is necessary to ensure:

      widespread introduction of instrument metering and regulation of heat and water consumption, organization of mutual settlements for resource consumption based on instrument readings;

      implementation of a set of energy saving measures that ensure reliable heat and water supply to housing and communal services and public sector facilities with virtually no expansion of existing energy sources;

      creation of an economic mechanism that stimulates the process of energy saving;

      improving the system of tariffs, standardization, certification and metrology aimed at energy saving.

    The main task of participants in the process of energy saving and energy consumption is not only to comprehensively use all levers for managing the demand for resources and stimulating energy saving, but also to create conditions that encourage the population to take an interested part in managing the reduction in demand for energy.

    3.2.1. Application of technologies for stabilization treatment of make-up water on heat supply systems

    MUP Housing and Communal Services has at its disposal two “Energia-3” boilers with low efficiency, outdated in design. Boiler houses with such boilers do not have a water treatment system. The specific labor costs for producing a unit of fuel are very high, due to the almost complete absence of systems and means of automation of boiler and other equipment.

    In our region there is experience in the effective use of anti-scale agent SK-110 for the treatment of make-up water for hot water boilers. This reagent inhibits the crystallization of salts from heated water. The reagent allows scale-free operation of hot water boilers at heating temperatures up to 120-130 C, depending on the salt composition of the source water. If the required ratio between the salt content of water and its heating temperature is observed, anti-scaling agent SK-110 ensures reliable operation of any heat supply system.

    In addition, unlike other reagents, SK-110 has a hygienic certificate allowing its use in drinking and hot water supply systems, and is used in significantly lower than permissible doses.

    Using the reagent allows you to:

      ensure compliance of water quality in hot water supply systems with current sanitary standards;

      reduce fuel consumption;

      almost completely abandon ion exchange in the technological scheme of water treatment for hot water boilers, i.e. almost halve the discharge of chemically contaminated wastewater into natural bodies of water;

      simplify operation, increase equipment service life, etc.

    An assessment of the economic efficiency of using the technology for stabilization treatment of make-up water using anti-scale agent SK-110 is given in Table 3.2.

    Table 3.2

    Assessment of the economic efficiency of using technology for stabilization treatment of make-up water using anti-scale agent SK-110



    Numeric values

    Heating system

    Heat consumption

    Cost of equipment and services


    Annual reagent costs (depending on the quality of the source water)

    Thermal energy price


    Total effect 10%

    Total economic effect

    Payback period

    The quality of housing and communal services is one of the most pressing problems in the housing and communal services sector. Despite the regular rise in prices, it leaves much to be desired, remaining at the same, rather low, level. Today, many methods have been developed to assess the quality of the services provided to us. We will talk about some of them in this article.

    Types and quality of housing and communal services

    Owners of housing in an apartment building in most cases are supported by housing and communal services. Although today, owners are increasingly turning to management companies or contractors and organizing an HOA to manage the building.

    Housing services- activities related to the operation of the house, aimed at maintaining a condition that is safe for living and increasing the comfort of residents. Housing and communal services payments are calculated based on the square footage of each owner’s apartment.

    Owners are often confident that prices for the provision of housing and communal services are tariff-based and subject to regulation. But that's not true. The cost of the service is set and approved at the general meeting of apartment building residents. Quite often, homeowners associations or management companies try to convince owners that the proposed tariffs are reasonable.

    In houses where the form of management has not been chosen, prices for housing and communal services have not been approved, or those belonging to the social category, the cost of maintenance and repairs is set by local authorities.

    Public utilities - This is a type of service that cannot be complete unless monopolistic enterprises supplying natural and energy resources (water, electricity, gas) participate in it. Tariffs for their payment are set by authorities and can be calculated according to the number of residents or according to meter readings. Responsibility for the supply and quality of housing and communal services falls on management companies or HOAs. According to modern Russian legislation, implementing organizations are required to maintain the engineering systems of the house, which are the common property of the residents. If this does not happen or the security is provided at a low level, then the company or partnership must recalculate payments.

    Neither management organizations nor associations of homeowners have the right to set markups on supplied resources, since the responsibilities of supplying companies include their delivery. This is done through work related to the maintenance and repair of the house.

    The boundary of responsibility is the point that separates the engineering of the house being serviced and the enterprise supplying the resources (usually the wall of the apartment building).

    • Public utilities
    1. Cold water supply (CWS) - The water supplied to apartments must be safe for consumption, that is, the presence in it of microorganisms that threaten human health, causing hepatitis, cholera or dysentery, is unacceptable; the water cannot contain harmful chemical elements, such as heavy metals or arsenic. Cold water supply must be carried out uninterruptedly. However, the rules provide for stopping the water supply for up to 24 hours in the event of an accident on the main line or a one-time break in the cold water supply for no more than 4 hours (up to eight hours per month) in the case of preventive or repair work.
    2. Sewerage (water disposal) - reception service Wastewater must be uninterrupted. Provided by the same organization that provides cold water.
    3. Hot water supply (DHW) - submission rules hot water similar to the HVS standards. In the conditions of hot water supply, there are some clarifications that were made at the state level and relate to the temperature regime. The water should not be colder than 40 °C (in this case it is paid as cold) and hotter than 75 °C.
    4. Heat supply - the quality of housing and communal services is considered good if the air in residential premises is heated to more than +18 °C, and in corner rooms above +20 °C, the temperature in the entrances should not fall below +15 °C.

    Heat supply rules allow for its temporary shutdown:

    • up to 16 hours, if the air in the living room is warmed up by 12–18 °C;
    • up to 8 hours if the air temperature is within 10–12 C°;
    • up to 4 hours if the air temperature ranges from 8 to 10 °C.
    1. Gas supply may be interrupted for no more than 4 hours monthly.
    2. Electricity supply. The quality of housing and communal services can be considered good if there are no voltage drops when supplying electricity. Stopping the electricity supply is permitted and can be up to two hours per month (if two power sources are installed) and no more than 24 hours per month (one source).
    • Housing services
    1. Housing maintenance and repair- the most popular housing service, included in the list of utilities and aimed at ensuring the condition apartment building, suitable for safe use.
    2. Garbage removal (solid household waste) - a service that must be included in the list of housing and communal services, just like elevator maintenance. The law stipulates that charges for payment for this work are carried out taking into account the size of the apartment. This approach to resolving the issue causes a lot of outrage, because the amount of garbage is affected not by the size of the room, but by the number of people living in it. Therefore, many agree that payment for waste removal should be calculated on the same principle as for utilities, that is, according to consumption standards.
    3. Major repairs - one of the most expensive services that can be provided at the discretion of apartment building residents. Naturally, there are standards that establish the frequency of such work (as a rule, this period is about 25 years). But today the quality of housing and communal services is at such a level that many houses have not undergone major repairs for 50 years or more.
    4. Maintenance - a service aimed at eliminating minor faults, but does not involve major work. Current repairs do not include: eliminating the consequences of housing and communal services accidents (as well as the accidents themselves) and preparing apartment buildings for the heating season.

    Current repairs are carried out based on the decision of the general meeting of residents of the high-rise building. The frequency of implementation is regulated by law and depends on the type of house. On average, such a service should be provided every 3–5 years. As a rule, during the work, entrances are repaired, including replacing doors, courtyards of buildings are landscaped, intercoms are installed, etc.

    1. Other housing services. This type of housing and communal services includes: cleaning and renovation of apartments, organizing security of the entrance or the house as a whole, delivery of purchases, etc. In Russia, such a service is practiced in business-class houses and in some elite new buildings. Judging by foreign experience, this type of service is in greatest demand in so-called apartment buildings, where residential premises are intended exclusively for rent. More recently, a similar type of activity began to be introduced in Russia.
    • Maintenance and repair of apartment buildings: work procedure, control, responsibility
    • Standards for the consumption of utilities in the Moscow region

    This includes the concept of quality of housing and communal services

    To correctly understand any term, it is necessary to solve the problem of its unambiguous interpretation. International documents (ISO and IEC) and state levels(Rosstandart) define the key concepts used in world practice, on the basis of which one can draw a conclusion about the level of a service or product. Let's get acquainted with the basic terms and provisions related to managing the quality characteristics of products sold (services/works).

    Quality is a category that determines the social and economic basis for the development of society and a person as a member of this society. Experts and specialists interpret this definition differently because this concept is multifaceted. Some characterize quality as a property that fully meets the needs of the client, while others understand it as consistency with the requirements of customers.

    Different understandings of this term are explained by the fact that it can be attributed to products that differ in their content, content and role in the life of the consumer. However, in each specific case, the requirements for the totality of product properties must meet a certain standard and be precisely formulated.

    The quality of housing and communal services is a set of distinctive features of activities aimed at maintaining apartment buildings and areas adjacent to them, which satisfy the needs of residents.

    This means that determining the level of services provided by management companies and other service organizations is based on the principle of taking into account the needs expressed by homeowners in apartment buildings. In addition, an indicator of the level of housing and communal services is the features of servicing tenants, managing the housing stock, the design and layout of courtyards and the houses themselves. Before finally assessing the quality of housing and communal services, it is necessary to take into account the following indicators:

    • multidimensional quality;
    • features of activity (for example, territorial);
    • material base;
    • social affiliation of consumers, etc.

    What problems are associated with managing the quality of housing and communal services?

    Usually, main characteristic The material and technical base of the housing and communal services is battered equipment, old buildings, houses and other structures and structures, worn-out communication networks. In addition, in the housing and communal services system there are not many specialists and managers who are highly professional. This results in a rather low level of service provided, which distinguishes the housing and communal services sector from other areas of life support. All this suggests that improving the quality of housing and communal services is simply necessary.

    Housing and communal services is a state-regulated economic sector, maximally oriented towards society. Failure to comply with the proper level of service entails social tension and a decrease in trust in the state, its laws and executive institutions. Taking into account the above, we can conclude that the quality of housing and communal services is the main requirement for the work of all structures that provide life support to the population, and these are: state and local self-government bodies, regulatory and supervisory services.

    In order to effectively solve the problem of the appropriate level of housing and communal services, government officials must first of all not ignore the organization of risk control, and in the field of housing and communal services they are as follows:

    • operational management risks, which accompany the work of private operators every day;
    • technical and technological threats that arise due to malfunction or use of outdated and worn-out equipment, due to the unprofessional organization of the enterprise’s activities;
    • economic risks that adversely affect the financial performance of private companies;
    • social risks, that arise as a result of the performance of functions of public importance: solving the problem of life support for citizens by providing the necessary resources and services;
    • political threats arising due to the peculiarities of the construction of the state and municipal government system, which limit the activities of entrepreneurs by attracting executive bodies and legislative power;
    • legal risks, emerging as a result of the imperfection of the legislative framework, which in some cases is fragmented and unprofessional.

    For the consumer, it does not matter at all how the threats are overcome; he is only interested in the quality of housing and communal services that meets his needs. The level of service should not reflect the political and economic situations in the country or region, weather and climate conditions and other external factors. Services must be delivered on time and without interruption.

    All together - a poorly thought out regulatory framework, unprofessionalism of workers and managers in the housing and communal services sector, bureaucracy and corruption, combined with a lack of economic interest in innovation and improvement of ongoing activities and management of residential premises - leads to the formation of unreasonably high prices and gives rise to low quality housing and communal services. services.

    Today in Russia there is a situation where it is simply necessary to review the work of the entire housing and communal services system and reconstruct it. To solve this problem, certain financial investments are required both from the authorities and from representatives of business structures, and this, as a rule, simply does not exist, or the support provided is so meager that it is not able to change the situation. And, as a result, prices rise, and the quality of housing and communal services decreases; serious energy losses occur during the transportation of heat and hot water, which becomes the main indicator of the performance of the entire industry.

    We can talk about the effectiveness of managing the appropriate level of provision of housing and communal services if the state and municipal authorities take responsibility for the social well-being of citizens. Whereas the formalism and unprofessionalism of the modern regulatory framework do not contribute to the worthy implementation of housing and communal services reform.

    Today control and supervision over the housing and communal services sector is carried out by:

    • state authorities supervising residential premises;
    • Rospotrebnadzor ( federal Service on consumer rights protection);
    • Rostekhnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Ecology and Atom);
    • FAS (Federal Antimonopoly Service);
    • Ministry of Emergency Situations (fire inspection inspection under the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations);
    • local government bodies;
    • various public organizations.

    Agree that there are more than enough control and supervisory structures, but in all this diversity the social component is absolutely invisible, and the importance of local government bodies is reduced to a minimum. Despite the fact that there are no changes in the regulatory framework for risk management, specific tasks aimed at increasing the efficiency of the housing and communal services sector and the provision of high-quality housing and communal services are not being solved, the degree of control and supervision by the administration is constantly increasing.

    Grade– one of the key elements of the quality management system for housing and communal services. It is determined by conducting socio-economic monitoring. In the assessment, the leading role is given to the client, so with its help you can find out not only the state of affairs in the area of ​​servicing residents, but also prepare a good basis for further analysis. And this, in turn, will provide an opportunity, in addition to making effective management decisions, to be a link between the government structure and the consumer. Feedback- this is the element that can contribute to the formation and development of any system social security and service.

    The analysis allows us to conclude that in the methods that local authorities use to certify the quality of housing and communal services, the indicators are divorced from the transparency of connections organized between suppliers and consumers of services by management companies.

    One of the important conditions systems for assessing the performance of management organizations is the result of their work. This is what owners and tenants of residential premises deal with when concluding a service agreement. Moreover, its parties evaluate performance indicators differently: the business organization looks at the quantity of services provided, and residents look at the quality.

    The agreement between local authorities and management companies plays a big role in the formation of a system for assessing the performance of organizations providing services. An indicator that allows us to determine the quality of housing and communal services can be called the following:

    • timely information about the state of affairs at the facility to the owners of residential premises serviced under the contract;
    • monitoring the quality of services provided;
    • tracking important events that are an indicator of the activities of the management company;
    • supervision of the work of the management company by adjusting indicators;
    • monitoring compliance with the terms of the contract for the provision of resources, services and management of a residential property.

    Today, the Rules for the provision of housing and communal services provide that their quality, when received by the customer, will comply with all existing standards and sanitary and hygienic norms, which must be specified. Moreover, it is not necessary to conclude written contract between the parties. The fact that an organization receives regular payment for the consumption of housing and communal services already indicates that contractual relations have been established and are in effect.

    Considering that municipal authorities are the key shared owners of residential premises of apartment buildings (high-rise buildings are located on the territory entrusted to them), certain relationships are established between the city administration and service organizations. Therefore, the agreement between these structures can be equated to collective agreement management of housing facilities.

    There is a certain quality standard for housing and utilities, which should be the basis of the municipal Rules for the provision of housing and communal services. Besides general norms The regulations must provide mechanisms to help protect the interests of consumers. This information should become an annex to the contract for the provision of housing and communal services.

    The Government of the Russian Federation submitted to the State Duma a draft Law “On Amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation”; in addition, normative acts were proposed for consideration by deputies on recognizing certain provisions as irrelevant and no longer in force (“On state regulation of activities related to the management of apartment buildings”). However, the project does not provide for licensing of management work, but only the right to manage apartment building. Which, naturally, does not cause much delight among residents and tenants of residential premises.

    The draft Law does not take into account the social foundations that can ensure a decent quality of housing and communal services. Local governments play a very minor role in organizing the leadership process, as do residents of apartment buildings. The adoption of the bill is not able to relieve the housing and communal services sector from risks and problems; it is possible that dissatisfaction with the discrepancy between the price and level of service will grow and lead to another surge of indignation. We can only hope that improving the quality of housing and communal services is not a problem that the Government of our country is unable to solve.

    How can you assess the quality of housing and communal services?

    After analyzing approaches to determining the quality indicator for the provision of housing and communal services, the shortcomings of the existing system were identified. This served as the basis for the creation of a new, more effective methodology assessments.

    The quality of housing and communal services is the starting point of this method. It was already said above that in this case, quality means the degree of consumer satisfaction, and this is what needs to be characterized. Using sociological methods, such as surveys and questionnaires. But, unfortunately, housing and communal services are not an area that would attract the attention of sociologists; there is no close relationship between supplier and consumer. The only source that can provide any information about the level of services provided are, in most cases, complaints from residents, the number of which can be used to judge the activities of a particular company. The better an organization works, the fewer complaints it has.

    Initially, one may get the impression that this approach cannot give an objective assessment due to the existing differentiation of consumers, which has a different impact on quality claims: one should not expect a similar attitude towards the same services provided by representatives of different social groups. In other words, the management company may receive complaints due to the fact that the enterprise did not meet the aspirations of the residents. But if you more carefully analyze the expectations of consumers, the ratio of satisfied and dissatisfied will approach indicators close to the normal distribution (with a large number of customers).

    Ensuring the comparability of different housing and communal services in terms of the scale of provision of housing and communal services - This is the next stage of work provided for by this methodology, because producers of housing and communal services differ in the number of clients covered. In this case, the level of service is determined not by the number of complaints (absolute value), but by indicators (relative value): the number of complaints and the number of consumers are compared. Officially received statements from residents to emergency services, the media (newspapers, radio, TV), management companies and other similar organizations should be considered as complaints. The reason for applying may be various types of malfunctions, frequent interruptions in the supply of electricity, water, gas, poor quality provision of housing and communal services by service companies, etc. It is not difficult to determine the number of applications. To do this, it is enough to contact the dispatch service, which operates around the clock, or the management company (complaints and appeals from consumers are recorded in a log).

    This indicator is usually called the complaint rate, and it is calculated using the formula:

    Here: ZH O – complaint rate, K POTR – number of service consumers, K ZHA – number of complaints for a certain period (month, quarter, year).

    The result shows how many consumers there are per complaint received. It is desirable that the indicator be maximized, in other words, that the denominator (K JA) be as small as possible (this will indicate the good performance of the service enterprise). It is customary to consider the number of complaints per year so that the value of housing and communal services that provide services can be used different types. For example, the number of complaints about the operation of a heating plant and water disposal will vary greatly. In addition, this approach will help determine the seasonality of requests, since the time of year has great importance for the number of complaints about various services (in the summer they will not complain about poor heat supply).

    The quality of housing and communal services very much depends on the housing and communal services fund and consumers, and they can differ significantly. For example, one company provides service in new buildings (new stock), and another - in old houses (dilapidated stock). Naturally, in the second case, the number of accidents will be greater, consumers of these buildings will make claims more often, and the company’s profit will be less. Therefore, it is advisable to supplement the complaint response indicator with KV (leveling coefficient), which will take into account the degree of wear and tear of service facilities.

    Today, sources of information about the technical condition of equipment and deterioration of housing facilities are technical inventory documents, which are carried out in relation to each building (an inventory card is filled out, which indicates the percentage of depreciation). Considering that housing and communal enterprises serve consumers living in buildings with varying degrees of wear and tear, to determine the quality of housing and communal services it is necessary to take average data on the size of houses and their level of depreciation:

    Here: I ZhF – depreciation of the housing stock, I i – depreciation of a specific object, d i – share of the housing fund object.

    The so-called increasing scale is used as an equalization coefficient:

    As a result: the quality of housing and communal services can be determined using the adjusted complaint response rate:

    Unfortunately, even this value is not able to provide comprehensive information, but it has the great advantage that it is applicable to all types of housing and communal services and the size of service enterprises and, most importantly, it always works.

    Mutual agreement on the quality of provided housing and communal services and their prices - the next stage of the technique. Naturally, the minimum possible prices are implied: a smaller amount suits the consumer better. But low tariffs can negatively affect the quality of housing and communal services. To avoid such influence, when determining the complaint response rate, you need to use an integrated approach (i.e., together with the cost of the service).

    For analysis, all types of services can be divided into 3 categories:

    1. depend on the size of the facility (maintenance and repair of residential premises);
    2. depend on air temperature (heat supply);
    3. depend on the number of residents (the rest are servants).

    The consumer needs to compare the tariffs that exist for the same type of service and give preference to the supplier who offers the lowest under the same conditions for supplying the resource or service. Usually the cost is reflected in these conditions, and most often the high price is justified by decent quality. Therefore, the consumer needs to consider the relationship between the tariff and the level of service. It is beneficial for the client if the numerator is minimal and the denominator is maximum:

    Considering that the analysis of the quality of housing and communal services is carried out according to the methodology described above (formula 3), the price-quality ratio can be obtained using formula 5:

    The “price” indicator is calculated differently in accordance with the categories of housing and communal services, which were named a little higher:

    1) average cost per 1 m2, if it depends on the size of the object;

    2) average cost per 1 Gcal, if it depends on air temperature;

    3) average cost per person, if it depends on the number of residents.

    The “price” used in this formula is the average tariff indicator for a specific service, which means we have a final version of calculating the “price-quality” indicator:

    To fully understand the last formula, it is worth commenting on some of its meanings: the larger the final value, the higher the quality of housing and communal services. The calculation results can provide interested parties with comprehensive information about the level of work of management companies and other enterprises in this field.

    Improving the quality of housing and communal services using Japanese methods

    The management company faces two main tasks.

    1. Determine customer requirements.
    2. Meet expectations by organizing work correctly.

    QFD (Quality Function Deployment) is one of the ways to materialize consumer requirements and expectations. QFD is a Japanese method whose purpose is to provide quality assurance at all stages of product or service development (starting from the creation stage).

    The method is based on the construction of a matrix called the “House of Quality”. Within the “House”, data regarding the quality of the service and decisions to improve it are recorded.

    The matrix is ​​divided into parts:

    • on the left are consumer expectations;
    • on the right is data in comparison with ideal quality indicators;
    • in the center there is a table indicating the technical characteristics of services (columns) and consumer requirements (rows);
    • the upper part (roof of the house) contains information about the ratio technical characteristics;
    • the lower part (basement) is intended to analyze the technical characteristics of competing companies and evaluate them.

    The use of QFD methodology opens up the following opportunities that affect the quality of housing and communal services:

    • establishing a connection between consumer expectations and the technical potential necessary to achieve the required quality level;
    • defining relationships within a service (i.e. between parameters and components);
    • transformation of the properties of the provision process into characteristics of equipment and methods of control.

    The purpose of the QFD methodology: to determine the potential that can be used to improve the quality of housing and communal services.

    The QFD methodology involves six stages of work. To make it clearer, we will turn to the experience of the activities of UZhF Vostochnaya LLC (a management company registered in Orenburg).

    Stage 1. Determining consumer expectations.

    The first stage is intended to find out consumer expectations regarding the quality of housing and communal services, for which a survey method is used. The questionnaire is called “Quality of housing and communal services” and its main question is formulated as follows: “What assessment do you give...”:

    1. condition of the house area (cleanliness);
    2. condition of entrances (cleanliness);
    3. the condition of objects located in the yard (benches, children's playgrounds, trash cans, etc.);
    4. carrying out current repairs common property (roofing, basements, communication systems, etc.);
    5. quality of cold water supply;
    6. quality of heat supply;
    7. the state of lighting of the local area;
    8. state of entrance lighting;
    9. prompt response to applications and requests from apartment owners;
    10. prompt elimination of accidents and their consequences;
    11. the culture of behavior and communication between housing and communal services employees and residents of a high-rise building;
    12. solid waste (garbage) removal service;
    13. tariffs (in accordance with the quality of the service provided);
    14. activities of the management company.

    345 respondents took part in the survey, which made it possible to establish the types of services that are of the greatest importance to consumers:

    • clean courtyards and entrances (sanitary and hygienic condition);
    • playgrounds and sports grounds (clean and well-maintained);
    • high-quality housing and communal services;
    • high-quality ongoing repairs of common property in the required time frame;
    • timely removal of waste and cleanliness of the area designated for its collection;
    • prompt response of emergency services.

    These services are included in the “House of Quality” matrix (left side).

    Stage 2. Determining the comparative value of services

    The second stage is intended to compare the quality of housing and communal services of your company with the level of competitors (one or more). This will give you the opportunity to evaluate your work and understand whether your service is better or worse than its analogues. To do this, you can use the “Expert Assessment” method. Analyze your service and compare it with its ideal option (it is better to use a 5-point rating scale).

    For LLC UZhF "Vostochnaya", you can take the activities of LLC UKZhF "Central" as an example to follow. This organization became the winner of the “Best Management Company” competition, which was held in Orenburg in 2012. The calculations were entered, again, into the “House of Quality” matrix (right side).

    The results of the work carried out showed that the condition and improvement of children's and sports grounds, solid waste removal and routine repairs do not correspond to the ideal. This, in turn, identified potential opportunities for improving the quality of housing and communal services.

    Stage 3. Setting target values

    In the third stage, project goals are established. To do this, determine the values ​​(in digital equivalent) of consumer requirements for each service. If its characteristics correspond to the expected ones, target values ​​are set equal to the current state of affairs (with available digital expressions). In relation to the example under consideration, the following justified expectations can be noted:

    • quality of public services;
    • emergency service activities;
    • removal of solid waste.

    These expectations were rated 5, 5, and 4 (respectively). They will remain unchanged.

    Services such as sanitary and hygienic conditions, improvement of children's and sports grounds, had, respectively, ratings: 4, 4 and 3. Which turned out to be lower than that of the company taken as an example. Therefore, improving the quality of housing and communal services should be carried out in such a way as to increase the scores to 5 (in all areas). Having certain target values, you can calculate the relative values ​​of the degree of increase in the quality indicator using the formula:

    degree of improvement = target value/service rating.

    Stage 4. Description of technical characteristics of services

    At this stage, we developed a solution: by changing certain characteristics of services, we can satisfy some of the expectations of clients (consumers). We have established: “HOW to do it” and “WHAT to do.” In other words, we were able to answer the question: how do technical characteristics relate to consumer expectations? Based on the example under consideration, we established 18 technical parameters that determine the quality of housing and communal services. We placed them in the center of the “House of Quality” matrix in the form of a table.

    Choosing the right table values ​​determines the success of the entire project. Many technical characteristics are regulated by the state. For example, the following documents.

    • Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Services No. 170 dated September 27, 2003 “On approval of the Rules and Standards for the operation of the housing stock.” The Rules indicate how often the local area and areas should be cleaned general use(for example, entrances), the start time of janitors, the time frame for eliminating the accident and its consequences, the annual number of inspections of the housing stock and territory, the schedule for repairs and inspections of small architectural forms (benches, platforms, trash cans, etc.).
    • The Housing Code of the Russian Federation determines the frequency of holding general meetings of apartment building residents.
    • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 “On the provision of services to owners and tenants of premises in apartment buildings” establishes standards for pressure and temperature conditions of water, as well as the standard air temperature in the apartment.

    At a general meeting of residents of an apartment building, a decision can be made on the frequency of renovation and installation of small architectural forms.

    Stage 5. Determining the relationships between the technical characteristics of services

    The relationship matrix helped establish the relationship between consumer expectations and technical characteristics. The strength of this correlation is reflected in the roof of the House of Quality (top of the matrix).

    The “House” base (bottom of the matrix) contains the following information:

    1st line: units of measurement of technical characteristics;

    2nd line: the digital value of our technical characteristics of the service;

    3rd line: digital value of the technical characteristics of the standard service.

    Having received some data, we move on to determining the target values ​​​​of technical characteristics. The calculation is carried out taking into account the priority of types of service. The results obtained are used to improve the quality of housing and communal services, which the company’s managers are working on.

    So, the use of the QFD technique helped determine the priority of the company’s following works:

    • frequency of routine repairs of public facilities;
    • sanitary and hygienic condition of the local area;
    • frequency of solid waste removal.

    Thanks to the research, we were able to improve the quality of housing and communal services, guided by the recommendations developed.

    1. Considering that the sanitary and hygienic condition of the local area does not meet the expectations of consumers and does not meet the standard, it is necessary to concentrate attention on this area of ​​activity. To do this, you need to organize the cleaning of courtyards and entrances every day, set a different work schedule for the janitors (start the shift 2 hours earlier), and sign an Acceptance Certificate for the completed work from the person in charge of the house. These events will contribute to the formation of a loyal attitude towards the company’s activities and, most importantly, will improve the quality of housing and communal services.
    2. We decided to begin the work on improving children's and sports grounds by adjusting the repair schedule for small architectural objects, because this is one of the most important indicators of the safety of their operation. To do this, we decided to conduct weekly inspections of the sites and, if necessary, make changes to their restoration plan.
    3. It was decided to begin the service of carrying out high-quality routine repairs by revising the schedule for its implementation. As a result, we drew up a plan for 5 years (instead of one year, as was originally the case). Control of the work was entrusted to the chief engineer of the management company and the residents of the house. Naturally, this plan must be agreed upon with consumers and reviewed at annual meetings in order to adjust and check the implementation of activities. The provision of this service is associated with certain material investments, which often leads to a discrepancy between the needs of residents and the plans of the management company. Satisfying this desire is possible if you change the number of PPRs (carry out one instead of two). This will save money, which will then be used to provide this service.
    4. Timely removal of solid waste can be organized by changing the frequency. In this case, the following indicators must be taken into account: the number of storeys of the building, the number of entrances and the number of residents, the presence of retail outlets on the territory of the building (or nearby). Garbage containers must be emptied at least 2 times a day (14 operations per week). To resolve this issue, an appropriate agreement is drawn up with the contractor involved in the removal of bulky waste and household waste. It must indicate the frequency of this work. In this case, the quality of housing and communal services can be positively influenced by a system of fines for violating the removal schedule.

    So, the use of QFD methodology can improve the level of housing and utility services by focusing on the characteristics of work that are a priority for both the consumer and the management company.

    Problems of housing and communal services have been and continue to be the undisputed “leaders” of concern for citizens. Therefore, the President of the Russian Federation instructed the ONF to analyze the state of public control in the housing and communal services sector and, if necessary, develop a set of measures to increase its effectiveness.

    In pursuance of this instruction, the working group of the Central Staff of the ONF “Quality Everyday life"and the Center for Independent Monitoring of the Execution of Presidential Decrees "People's Expertise" have conducted a number of studies in this area.

    Since 2012, the President of the Russian Federation, leader of the ONF, Vladimir Putin, through a series of his decrees (including the “May Decrees”) and resolutions, systematically created opportunities for citizens to obtain objective information about the activities of government bodies, as well as control over their activities in vital areas . A total of 34 instructions were given during this time.

    According to the Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, to date 16 orders have been removed from control. The situation with the implementation of instructions in the sphere of public control, relating exclusively to the housing and communal services sector, is worse - 100% of the president’s instructions (11) still remain unfulfilled.

    Nevertheless, the monitoring carried out by ONF activists on the implementation of these instructions from the President of the Russian Federation showed that over the past three years, serious preconditions have been created in the country for the emergence of effective system public control in all areas, not just in housing and communal services.

    The conventionally established system of public control can be divided into four blocks - this is an assessment of the activities of enterprise managers and the quality of services provided to the population; control of rule-making activities of government bodies; taking into account population initiatives; participation of citizens in decision-making through public councils and other forms.

    As part of the implementation of the president’s instructions, mechanisms such as the websites regulation.gov.ru and roi.ru have been created to take into account the opinions of citizens when making various decisions by federal authorities; increased information openness of SROs; an institute has been created for regulatory impact assessment (RIA) of all regulations from the federal to the municipal level; opportunities have been provided for citizens to assess the effectiveness of the actions of managers and civil servants, as well as to participate in the formation of quality standards for public services, public councils have been formed under government bodies at various levels of government, and much more.

    Today this system is already working and providing positive influence on the development of the country as a whole and solving the most pressing problems of society in particular.

    A universal problem in all areas of public control that hinders its effective implementation is, first of all, the insufficient level of information openness, as well as the insufficient level of awareness of the population about existing opportunities for participation in public control.

    This and other problems of the public control system were discussed by members of the “Quality of Everyday Life” working group with experts, representatives of federal and regional authorities, and heads of public organizations working in the field of public control. As a result, 20 recommendations were developed to improve the system of public control (including for the implementation of the ONF), which will then form the basis of the ONF report on the implementation of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and, after discussion at the Central Headquarters of the ONF, will be sent to the Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation:

    1. Finalize guidelines, developed by the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF (in terms of organizing the assessment and compilation of ratings of social sector organizations, informing the population about the results of assessment of organizations, establishing requirements for posting information on the websites of relevant departments) in order to establish uniform rules and increase the accessibility of such assessments for citizens.

    2. Recommend that the government of the Russian Federation introduce a new criterion of “information openness” into the system for assessing the activities of heads of local governments, unitary enterprises and institutions operating at the regional and municipal levels, as well as joint-stock companies, the controlling stake of which is owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or in the municipal property that provides services necessary to ensure the livelihoods of the population of municipalities.

    3. Invite the Public Councils for Housing and Communal Services under the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to analyze data from citizens’ assessments of the activities of enterprise managers in the housing and communal services sector at the end of the year and annually send a report with their conclusions to the head of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for him to make personnel and other decisions aimed at improving the work of the housing and communal services complex .

    4. Include the conclusion of the regulatory impact assessment (RIA) of bills in the list of mandatory documents provided when introducing bills to the State Duma.

    5. ONF - continue monitoring information openness self-regulatory organizations in the housing and communal services sector to ensure that they comply with legal requirements regarding the completeness of the information provided on the websites. The results of the monitoring should be sent to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation to take measures to eliminate the identified violations.

    6. It is proposed to expand the powers of public councils under federal executive authorities, giving them the right to approve annual plans of the department, review reports on their work, control the procurement activities of the department, monitor the quality of services provided to the population, or participate in the work of personnel commissions of departments whose activities are aimed at combating with corruption or against the emergence of a conflict of interests within the structure itself.

    7. It is proposed to complete the formation of public councils in the housing and communal services sector under the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    8. Recommend that public councils under the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of housing and communal services, during council meetings, consider appeals from citizens addressed to the head of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and also receive citizens at the reception of the head of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on housing and communal services issues.

    9. Recommend increasing the transparency of the activities of public councils under the heads of constituent entities by obliging them to publish regulations on their activities, composition and minutes of meetings on the official websites of the Head of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    10. It is proposed to recommend including in the regulations on the public council under the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation and public councils under the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation the obligation to monitor the implementation of the program for relocation from dilapidated housing.

    11. ONF - continue monitoring the introduction in the regions social norm in terms of fulfilling the President’s order on the mandatory conduct of information work with the population when making such a decision. Provide information to the government of the Russian Federation, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

    12. Oblige the regional capital repair operator to include residents of the houses being repaired (or their representatives) in the commission for determining the contractor and accepting the work.

    13. It is necessary to oblige the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to publish annual reports on the activities of the regional operator.

    14. Provide for the possibility of including citizens resettled from dilapidated housing (or their representatives) on the acceptance committee of houses built under the program for resettlement from dilapidated housing.

    15. Strengthen the personal responsibility of those responsible for the implementation of the program for resettlement from emergency housing at the regional and municipal level.

    16. It is necessary to oblige the State Housing Inspectorate (SHI) to publish on its website information about violations committed by the Criminal Code in the course of its activities.

    17. Recommend that the government of the Russian Federation carry out work to popularize the site roi.ru among the population. It is necessary to increase the awareness of the site and be attentive to popular initiatives of the portal that do not receive 100 thousand votes.

    18. ONF to analyze the initiatives presented on the website of the “Russian Public Initiative” (roi.ru) in the housing and communal services sector in order to implement them.

    19. Support and work on the civil initiative presented on the website roi.ru to establish a mandatory warranty period for new houses built under programs for the resettlement of emergency housing, and to establish mandatory warranty periods for work carried out under capital repair programs.

    20. Expand, within the framework of the state grant support system, support for SO NPOs that work to inform and educate citizens about their rights in the housing and communal services sector.