The development trend of the Russian education system. Report on the topic: “Modern education in the Russian Federation: problems, development trends and reforms

We understand perfectly well that our children will live in a different world, in many ways different from today’s. And the modern school poorly meets the requirements of the time and the tasks that the new generation will have to solve in the future.

“Letidor”, together with the All-Russian online Olympiad for younger schoolchildren “Umnasia”, tells what trends in education cannot be ignored if you want your child to succeed in adulthood.

Total informatization

The future is the digital age. We can no longer imagine ourselves without tablets, the Internet and mobile phones. Education, of course, is also going digital.

Students spend more and more time in front of electronic media. The experiment on the use of electronic textbooks in Moscow began in 2013. And today, experts from the Prosveshchenie publishing house predict that 100% of Russian schools will switch to an electronic format by 2025.

The availability of digital technologies in education provides schoolchildren with different opportunities.

Firstly, digital technologies allow to a large extent ensure access to uniform quality of education, regardless of what region the children live and study in.

Secondly, informatization makes possible frequent and detailed assessment of students’ knowledge. Online tests, Internet Olympiads, computer simulators - all these tools not only allow you to track a student’s progress, but also compare his results with peers across the country.

Thirdly, computer technologies allow teachers to create so-called modular educational blocks, taking into account the speed of mastering new knowledge, the depth of study of the subject and the quality of assimilation of the material covered.

Humanization of education

Many teachers and parents who have experienced the traditions of Western (European and American) education note that the key difference between “them” and “us” is the shift in focus to the so-called soft skills* . This term means * skills and abilities not directly related to the subject being studied- for example, the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, negotiation skills, persuasion tools.

Russian education has long been aimed at in-depth study of educational subjects, but without the humanization of education (shifting the focus to mastering soft skills), the future success of today's schoolchildren is impossible. That is why Russian schoolchildren invariably became winners of international olympiads in mathematics, physics and chemistry, but were significantly inferior to Western graduates in such disciplines as management, marketing or sales.

In accordance with the trend of humanization of education, project activities are being actively introduced in our schools, when schoolchildren learn to set goals, plan time, work in a team, find and analyze information and present their solutions.

In the context of project work, teachers cease to be the only source of information and new knowledge.

The teacher's role becomes more mentoring - to give advice, provide constructive criticism, open discussion or motivate the student.

Children get the opportunity to see role models and learn something important not only at school, but also in other areas of life, including the Internet. Logic, analytical thinking, the ability to selectively concentrate attention and express one’s opinion - more and more resources are now appearing that allow a child to develop skills that are necessary and important for future success.

Continuity of the educational process

Have you noticed that studying has become fashionable and interesting today? Not only children, but also adults learn. Some people choose personal effectiveness courses, others improve their English or learn a new specialty. The Internet and modern technologies offer many forms and opportunities to improve their educational level.

Now we can listen to lectures by professors from Harvard, Oxford or our native Moscow State University without leaving our own room.

Every day a person receives and processes huge amounts of information. This continuity of the educational process inevitably leads to the integration of all subjects studied into a single educational environment.

Accepting and adapting to the trend of continuity of the educational process, today's students study subjects not separately, but in inextricable connection with each other.

For example, while working on a project to study the history of their native land, schoolchildren gain skills in writing essays (language arts), building models of homes (technology), drawing graphs of population growth (mathematics) and collecting recipes local dishes(the world). Thus, by presenting the results of their project to each other, students not only consolidate the learned material and soft skills, but also expand their knowledge through the experience and knowledge of other students.

The textbook and the teacher cease to be the only sources of knowledge.

The quality and completeness of education requires the involvement of additional resources, access to which is provided by the Internet and digital technologies.

Let's briefly describe modern trends in education development :

    Humanization of education– consideration of the student’s personality as the highest value of society, emphasis on the formation of a citizen with high intellectual, moral and physical qualities. And although the principle of humanization is one of the traditional general didactic principles, modern stage development of education, its implementation is ensured by other conditions, primarily, the complexity of traditional and new trends in the functioning of the educational system.

    Personalization as an effort of another traditional didactic principle of the need for an individual approach.

The implementation of this principle is manifested, first of all, in the organization of a personal-activity approach in education. The emergence of such an integrated, systematic approach to the upbringing and education of children is due not only to the natural development of pedagogical science, which, like any area of ​​human activity, is characterized by a constant desire for progress, but also to the urgent crisis of the existing education system. A feature of this approach is the consideration of the learning process as a specific form of subject-subject relations between teacher and student. The very name of this approach emphasizes the relationship between its two main components: personal and activity.

The personal (or personality-oriented) approach assumes that the student with his individual psychological, age, gender and national characteristics is at the center of learning. Within this approach, training should be built taking into account the individual characteristics and “zone of proximal development” of the student. This consideration is manifested in the content of educational programs, forms of organization of the educational process and the nature of communication.

The essence of the activity component is that education contributes to the development of the individual only if it encourages him to take action. The significance of the activity and its result influences the effectiveness of a person’s mastery of universal human culture. When planning educational activities, it is necessary to take into account not only General characteristics activity (subjectivity, subjectivity, motivation, purposefulness, awareness), but also its structure (actions, operations) and components (subject, means, methods, product, result).

The identification of each of the considered components of the personal-activity approach (personal and activity-based) is conditional, since they are inextricably linked due to the fact that the personality always acts as a subject of activity, and activity determines its development as a subject.

    Democratization– creating prerequisites for the development of activity, initiative and creativity of participants in the educational process (students and teachers), broad involvement of the public in education management.

One of the distinctive features of the modern education system is the transition from state to state-public education management, the main idea of ​​which is to combine the efforts of the state and society in solving educational problems, to provide teachers, students, and parents with more rights and freedoms in choosing content, forms and methods of organizing the educational process, various types of educational institutions. The choice of rights and freedoms makes a person not only an object of education, but also its active subject, independently determining his choice from a wide range of educational programs, educational institutions, and types of relationships.

The current state of the education management system is most characterized by the process of decentralization, i.e. transfer of a number of functions and powers from higher government bodies to lower ones, in which federal bodies develop the most general strategic directions, and regional and local bodies concentrate their efforts on solving specific financial, personnel, material, and organizational problems.

    Variability, or diversification (translated from Latin - diversity, diversified development) of educational institutions involves the simultaneous development of various types of educational institutions: gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, schools with in-depth study of individual subjects, both state and non-state.

It manifests itself in structural changes in the educational system. The realization that high-quality training and education is possible only in conditions of real continuity of all links of the educational system leads to the emergence of complex educational institutions (kindergarten - school, school - university, etc.). The trend towards integration is still noticeable today in the content of education: interdisciplinary connections are being strengthened, integrative courses are being created and implemented in different types educational institutions, etc.

    Integrity manifests itself in structural changes in the educational system. The realization that high-quality education and upbringing is possible only in conditions of real continuity of all links of the educational system leads to the emergence of complex educational institutions (kindergarten-school, school-university, etc.) The trend towards integration is still noticeable today in the content of education: there is an increase interdisciplinary connections, integrative courses are created and implemented in different types of educational institutions, etc.

    Psychologization of the modern educational process of integration, nevertheless, it is legitimate to distinguish it as an independent direction. This not only reflects increased social interest in psychology (which is typical during periods of social crises and, as a consequence, frustration and neuroticism of society), but also suggests that today the very formulation of pedagogical tasks is changing.

In addition to the task of developing knowledge, skills and abilities (KAS) in students, the teacher is faced with the task of developing thinking abilities that will allow the child to receive them. If the formation of the ZUN field is a pedagogical task, then the formation of mental properties is a psychological and pedagogical task. However, the level of psychological training of our teachers does not allow us to successfully solve this problem today.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to conduct special research, the results of which would help to better implement the current trend toward the practical integration of pedagogy and psychology.

    Transition from informative to active teaching methods includes elements of problematic scientific research, the widespread use of reserves for independent work of students, it implies the abandonment of strictly regulated controlling, algorithmic ways of organizing the educational process in favor of developmental ones that stimulate the creativity of the individual.

Today, the need for specialists with high potential and the ability to systematically set and solve various problems is quite clearly expressed. Creativity as the most important adaptation mechanism in a broader sense can be considered not only as a professional characteristic, but also as a necessary personal quality that allows a person to adapt to rapidly changing conditions. social conditions and navigate the ever-expanding information field. The formation of such quality requires a systematic approach and can be successfully implemented at all levels of education, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the individual.

    Standardization content of education is characteristic of modern international educational practice and is caused by the need to create a unified level of general education, regardless of the type of educational institution. It is understood as a system of basic parameters adopted as a state standard of education, reflecting a social ideal and taking into account the individual’s ability to achieve this ideal.

    Industrialization training, i.e. its computerization and accompanying technologization, which makes it possible to create and use new models of training and testing the effectiveness of mastering its content (for example, programmed training).

In addition, computerization of the educational process greatly expands the possibilities of distance learning, especially for people who, due to health reasons, are not able to attend educational institutions. Functional

The purpose of a computer in teaching is different for students and teachers. For a teacher, computer technology is a tool of his work, for students it is a means of their development. On the one hand, computers facilitate the learning process in the sense of increasing the efficiency of transferring educational information, monitoring its assimilation, and correcting various types of deviations in learning. On the other hand, excessive passion for computers and their inept use can become a source of loss of cognitive interests, laziness of thinking and other undesirable consequences for students.

Currently, our country is undergoing serious changes in various social spheres. A reassessment of values ​​is taking place, and public consciousness is being modernized.

The main trends in the development of education are closely related to similar phenomena and processes.

Since almost a third of Russians study, systematically improve their skills, or teach someone, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of education reform.

Main development trends modern education suggest:

  • creating the required conditions for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality;
  • launching mechanisms that contribute to the self-development of the younger generation;
  • continuity in education;
  • giving educational activities social significance.

basis modern politics changes in the educational structure is the construction of educational activities on a personality-oriented method.

Basic principles of changing the content of education

Let's consider the main trends in the development of education in Russia. They are based on several principles.

Thus, the democratization of the domestic educational system presupposes the active participation of local and state authorities in the management of educational institutions. Teachers received the right to creativity and demonstration of their own teaching experience.

Thanks to alternativeness and variability national education you can move away from the classical educational system to a variety of innovative methods that provide alternative ways getting an education.

There are also trends in the development of the education system that contribute to its openness and accessibility. It is thanks to openness that emancipation is currently observed, the liberation of education from internal dogmas, its harmonious unification with culture, politics, and society.

Humanization of education

It consists in overcoming the main vice of the classical school - impersonality. Modern trends in the development of education are aimed at respecting the child’s individuality, interacting with him on trusting terms, taking into account his interests and requests.

Humanization presupposes a serious revision by pedagogy and society of the attitude towards the younger generation who have certain deviations in physical and mental development.

The main trends in the development of education are aimed at the early identification of gifted and talented children, building individual educational development trajectories for them. The teacher serves as a mentor, helps students overcome emerging difficulties, correct the path of self-development and self-improvement.

Differentiation of the educational process

Modern trends in the development of education suggest the identification of two fundamental tasks:

  • ensuring children's rights to choose basic or specialized education;
  • individualization of the educational process based on conformity with nature and a person-oriented approach.

Among those features that need to be noted in Russian education, we highlight its continuity.

Such trends in the development of education contribute to a multidimensional movement individual in educational activities.

Ways and directions of development of education in the Russian Federation

In the domestic education system, contradictory and complex processes. With deep reform and development of content, there is a significant lag in financial, economic, material, technical, and personnel support.

Among the most important areas are:

  1. Preservation and strengthening of the harmoniousness of the educational system, taking into account the regional, economic, national interests of peoples and regions.
  2. Reforming domestic education.
  3. Retraining of qualified personnel.
  4. Legal and regulatory support for the development and functioning of the educational system.


To update national education, it is necessary to implement a unified target system for planning educational programs, development and functioning of methodological centers. Regional plans are created on the basis of the basic federal plan.

Also among the trends of our time, it is necessary to note the structural restructuring of the content of education along a complete vertical, starting with preschool institutions and ending with postgraduate education.

Special attention is paid to special education. Due to the increase in the number of sick children, work is being carried out with children who have serious limitations in physical health.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed a national project, according to which distance learning is carried out for schoolchildren with disabilities due to physical health. Within the framework of this project, the child and the teacher are provided with a computerized workplace, training is carried out via Skype.

graduate School

Main development trends higher education are associated with the development of scientific potential, strengthening the importance of university science, and solving the problems of training qualified personnel to carry out innovative work.

Higher professional education is carried out on the basis of vocational secondary or complete (secondary) education under special programs. In the Russian Federation there is the following structure of higher education:

  • educational state standards;
  • programs;
  • design, scientific, cultural and educational organizations;
  • scientific centers that ensure the existence and improvement of higher education;
  • university, institutes, academies.

According to the Federal Law, the following types of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation are established: academy, university, institute.

After our country joined the Bologna Declaration in higher school significant reforms are being observed. In addition to changing the paradigm of the educational system, management of the quality and effectiveness of education has been intensified, and the idea of ​​lifelong education is being implemented in practice.

Let's sum it up

The main directions of change in the domestic educational system are noted in the Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”. Federal educational standards of the new generation have made a significant contribution to the modernization of the content of education.

They not only characterize the basic level of content Russian education, but also form the basis for assessing the level of preparedness of the younger generation.

In the transition from subject centrism to individual educational areas, a person-oriented approach to the training and education of the younger generation is fully implemented.

In the near future, for example, significant changes in the main priorities are envisaged in primary education.

The central place is occupied by developmental education, project and research activities of younger schoolchildren.

At the educational institution, at the initial stage, a course appeared “ The world", which promotes the socialization of schoolchildren, is aimed at developing a positive attitude towards the living world and environment. A six-year primary school program is currently being developed.

In the natural sciences there is a move away from abstractions and a transition to an applied focus.

The education system of the 21st century is changing frequently, influenced by the following factors:

  • Increasing the available information field.
  • Progress.
  • Economic development that requires qualified personnel.

The following trends in the development of modern education are identified:

  • Humanization.
  • Humanitarianization.
  • Nationalization.
  • Openness.
  • The right approach.
  • Analysis and comprehension.
  • Transition to self-realization and self-education.
  • Cooperation.
  • Creative sphere.
  • Application of motivation and techniques for development.
  • The result and its evaluation.
  • Continuity.
  • Interaction between education and upbringing.

The figure shows the directions of modern trends in education.

Main trends in modern education

Definition 1

Humanization of education- This is the recognition of a person as the main social value. Modern training takes into account the priorities of learning, which focuses on the individual abilities of the student in education, aimed at gaining knowledge in individual disciplines. Through this type of training, it is easy to understand the student's abilities, meet his educational needs and develop self-esteem.

Humanitarianization helps a person understand spirituality, expand thinking, form a holistic picture of the world around him and a value system. On the basis of universal human culture, different human sides will be able to develop, taking into account the subjective needs and objective conditions of the individual, which directly depend on the level of material and personnel potential of training.

A trend in education such as nationalization determines the national orientation of education. Education requires constant development, but is based on historical features And folk traditions. Education contributes to the preservation and replenishment of national values.

The modern educational system must be open. Educational goals should be determined not only by the state, but also take into account the opinions of students, parents and teachers. Openness is another educational trend that is driving curriculum. Educational programs need a base of knowledge and must be easily supplemented. This takes into account cultural, regional, ethnic and other characteristics.

Note 1

Modern education needs to shift the teacher's attention from academic work for productive educational, cognitive, labor, artistic and other activities of the student. Culture should encourage a person to work productively; only in this case will it fulfill the function of personal development. It is possible to better master a culture by doing a variety of work that is meaningful to a person. The activity approach to learning will help to endow theoretical pedagogical tasks with a personal meaning of human work.

Previously, informative forms of education were often used, which are no longer relevant today. Modern education requires the use of elements of defining and expanding problems, scientific research, individual activity, and student interaction. It is important to realize the transition from reproduction to understanding and comprehension, applying the acquired knowledge in practice.

Note 2

Today it is important to give students the opportunity for self-affirmation and self-realization, which helps to establish self-organization. The teacher and student are employees. The transformation of forms of interaction depends on changing the roles and functions of all participants in the learning process.

According to modern trends in the development of education, a teacher must be able to activate, motivate, form motives, encourage self-development, take into account the activity of students, and create conditions for individual movement forward. There is a certain sequence: from the teacher’s help in solving educational problems and tasks at the initial level of education, to maximum independent regulation in learning and the emergence of a relationship between the student and the teacher. During the transition from mentoring to collaboration, it is important to maintain respect for the teacher on the part of the student.

Creative orientation is easy to trace in modern education. Showing the creative side of education and using the creative process will help the student easily go through the stage of individual growth and development, satisfaction with the result. Creativity contributes to obtaining positive emotions from the educational process.

Strict regulation of the learning process is already a thing of the past. Today, the teacher is free from rules and regulations. This will help achieve effective results and make learning individually targeted.

The result of any work requires evaluation. This will help you understand the level of effectiveness of training. The assessment is made according to certain requirements and standards, unified regardless of the form and specifics of education.

Continuity of education is an important trend in the development of education. It promotes deepening of knowledge and helps to achieve integrity in education and upbringing. Continuity of education will help transform acquired knowledge throughout human life.

The interaction between education and training is important. In many educational institutions there is no educational function. Only through the interaction of training and education is the formation of personality possible.

Technological progress is moving forward, which also affects the educational process. Modern technologies should be present in new techniques. It is important to use the information received correctly and be able to apply it in real life.

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Today, society is going through a stage of deep fundamental transformations, which lead to the fact that education, knowledge, and intelligence become the determining resource for the development of both the new economy and society as a whole. Thus, the idea of ​​transforming Russian education into the most important factor in ensuring Russia’s growing competitiveness in the context of the civilizational challenges of the 21st century is currently being put forward as the determining direction of the country’s education system. The draft State Program “Development of Education (2013-2020) and the new the federal law"On education in Russian Federation"(signed by the President of the Russian Federation on December 30, 2012, approved by the Federation Council on December 26, 2012 and adopted State Duma December 21, 2012), determine priority areas for improving modern Russian education.

Among the main priorities public policy The idea of ​​lifelong education was put forward, the meaning of which is to provide each person with constant creative development throughout his life, updating knowledge and improving skills. The main thing is to give everyone, without exception, the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities, talents and creative potential, to realize personal plans, teach to be flexible, adaptive to changes in professional activity, continuously develop.

The need for modernization is due to the priority of the tasks of spiritual and moral development of the individual, strengthening the educational potential of general secondary education, designed to ensure the readiness of students for self-determination in life, their social adaptation.

The goals and objectives of the education and socialization of Russian schoolchildren are formulated, achieved and solved today in the context of the national educational ideal. It represents the highest goal of education, a highly moral (ideal) idea of ​​a person, on whose upbringing, training and development the efforts of the main subjects of national life are directed: the state, family, school, political parties, religious and public organizations.

The main pedagogical goal is to educate a moral, responsible, proactive and competent citizen of Russia.

The organization of education and socialization of school students is carried out in the following areas:

Education of citizenship, patriotism, respect for human rights, freedoms and responsibilities.

Values: love for Russia, for your people, for your small homeland; service to the Fatherland; constitutional state; civil society; duty to the Fatherland, older generations, family; law and order; interethnic peace; freedom and responsibility; trust in people.

Education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness.

Values: moral choice; meaning of life; justice; mercy; honor; dignity; Love; honoring parents; caring for elders and younger; freedom of conscience and religion.

Ideas about faith, spirituality, the religious life of man and society, and the religious picture of the world are formed.

Fostering diligence, a creative attitude to learning, work, and life.

Values: hard work; creation; cognition; true; creation; determination; persistence in achieving goals; thrift.

Formation of a value attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle.

Values: physical health, social health (health of family members and school staff), active, healthy lifestyle.

Fostering a value attitude towards nature, environment(environmental education).

Values: life; motherland; reserved nature; planet Earth.

Cultivating a value attitude towards beauty, forming ideas about aesthetic ideals and values ​​(aesthetic education).

Values: beauty; harmony; the spiritual world of man; aesthetic development; artistic creativity.

In accordance with the indicated main directions and their value bases, tasks, types and forms of activity are specified for work in an educational institution, which can give priority to one or another direction of education and socialization, highlighting it as the leading one. It is important to remember that the Standard and Concept, according to the Law “On Education”, establish as the most important goalseducation, spiritual and moral development of the individual in the context of the formation of his citizenship. Therefore, all areas of education and socialization are important, complement each other and ensure the development of the individual on the basis of domestic spiritual, moral and cultural traditions.

When organizing any type of activity for schoolchildren for the purpose of their education and socialization, it is necessary to remember the educational results.

The educational result is those spiritual and moral acquisitions that the student received as a result of participation in a particular activity.

The educational results of any type of schoolchildren’s activities are distributed across three levels.

The first level is the student’s acquisition of social knowledge (about social norms, the structure of society, socially approved and disapproved forms of behavior in society, etc.), a primary understanding of social reality and Everyday life.

To achieve this level of results, the interaction of the student with his teachers as significant carriers of positive social knowledge and everyday experience is of particular importance.

The second level is for the student to gain experience and a positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of society (man, family, Fatherland, nature, peace, knowledge, work, culture), and a value-based attitude towards social reality as a whole. To achieve this level of results, the interaction of schoolchildren with each other at the class and school level, i.e. in a protected, friendly prosocial environment, is of particular importance. It is in such a close social environment that the child receives the first practical confirmation of acquired social knowledge, begins to appreciate it, or rejects it.

The third level is for the student to gain experience of independent social action. Only in independent social action does a young person truly become, and not just learn, how to become a social activist, a citizen, a free person. To achieve this level of results, the student’s interaction with social actors outside the school, in an open social environment, is of particular importance.

The most significant function of an educational institution today is to identify and support children who are capable of creative activity. The presenter is educational activities, which becomes multidimensional:

Education in additional educational subjects;

Propaedeutics of vocational education;

Professional self-determination;

Education that satisfies the child’s cognitive interest;


In relation to the Russian phenomenon of additional education for children, non-formal education, defined as educational activity organized in a certain logic in purposefully created learning situations outside the framework of formal education, is of substantive interest, since the basis for additional education for children is the characteristics non-formal education, but at the same time its core is the state-regulated process of creating opportunities for children to master additional educational programs in educational institutions of all types and types.

Russia is one of the few countries where state funding is provided for additional education organizations for children. Additional education services are currently used by 10.9 million children, or 49.1% of children aged 5 to 18 years. The opportunity for children to receive additional education is provided by organizations subordinate to governing bodies in the field of education, culture, sports and tourism. In the approved Federal State Educational Standards of primary general and basic general education additional education is present as a mandatory component of training.

Another one important feature additional education for children - a variety of activities that satisfy the most diverse interests and inclinations of students, providing the opportunity to receive pre-professional and initial vocational education.

Additional education is a continuous process: it has no fixed completion dates and consistently moves from one stage to another. First, a soil favorable for creativity is created, then cooperation is ensured with those who already have certain skills. Co-creative activity is followed by independent creativity, which accompanies a person throughout his life, forming the need for a creative perception of the world and understanding of oneself in this world.

Characteristic feature pedagogical influence is its dynamism, stimulating the child’s creative activity. Abilities for independent decision emerging problems and constant self-education, assessment of certain actions, events, situations. A new perception of scientific knowledge with its pronounced tendency towards diversity is being formed, and in small research groups the specialized languages ​​of science are being mastered. The sphere of additional education can be considered as innovative, revealing the immediate prospects of variable education, as well as social educational institutions, including preschool, general education and professional ones.

The basic link in the modernization of education is the secondary school. School modernization involves solving a number of systemic problems - normative, legal, economic and substantive. The primary one is the task of achieving a new modern quality of education. From a national perspective, the new quality of education is its compliance with the modern vital needs of the country's development. In pedagogical terms, this is the orientation of education not only towards students’ assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also towards the development of their personality, cognitive and creative abilities. Comprehensive school should form a new system of universal knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students, that is, modern key competencies, which determines the modern quality of education.

The education system must adequately respond to the challenges of the social environment, seek and find constructive managerial, technological and pedagogical solutions to emerging problems. It should be taken into account that the educational system and educational institution are subject to external influences (a rapidly developing economy, high technology, the Internet, the dynamism and inconsistency of social processes, the blurring of the values ​​of modern Russian society and much more). These factors determine the need for serious changes in education.

Modernization of education is focused on meeting the needs of the individual, society, state in the field of culture, creativity, innovation activity. But at the center of all pedagogical aspirations is the student’s personality, which in the learning process must acquire such vital qualities as flexibility, criticality, large-scale thinking; independence in decision making; sense of civic responsibility; self-education as an element of lifestyle; the presence of a system of life-affirming meanings and values healthy image life; ability to adapt to changing life situations; socio-psychological competence (communication and communication skills, ability to predict and resolve difficult situations of interpersonal communication, organizational skills, ability to work in a team).

Thus, the introduction of new approaches helps to identify and activate the internal potential of students.

We are modern teachers. It largely depends on us how our students will enter independent life.

As teachers, our challenge is to engage students and allow them to actively participate in everything that happens in the classroom. Create conditions for the development of internal motivation and self-regulation in students. The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the learning process, and the mental development achieved should help not only students in their adaptation to rapidly changing conditions modern life, but also for teachers to critically evaluate their own work and ideas. Only a critically thinking teacher can develop a competitive personality.