Male unusual crown tattoo sketch. The meaning of the crown tattoo: on the neck, on the girl, on the wrist, on the arm, on the back

We all know that the crown is a symbolic object of monarchy. This headdress, already at a subconscious level, evokes associations with sole and unlimited power. Therefore, today many seek to make themselves a crown tattoo, the meaning of which in most cases remains traditional and symbolizes superiority.

"Crown" on the body

The "royal" tattoo has no gender and can be stuffed both on the female and on the male body. However, the meaning changes slightly. The girl who made herself a “crown” tattoo puts the following meaning: she seeks to rise above her friends around her, informing the outside world about her “privileged” princess status, which she appropriated to herself. This is probably the way every little girl expresses her desire to become a princess, and then a queen, at a conscious age. the meaning of which we are considering, made by a woman, in most cases is a way of self-expression, which is designed to communicate her superiority, originality and selectivity. Girls also make crown tattoos in order to demonstrate to men their superior position and rivalry with them in all areas of life.

Tattoo "crown": meaning

All tattoos have some specific meaning, meaning. Many of them came from the prison subculture, they serve as a kind of "tags" and can often tell much more about their master than he does. The “crown” located on the shoulder or on the chest, which crowns the head of a snake, betrays the thief in law, who keeps aloof among ordinary criminals and leads them. Another tattoo "crown" has the following meaning in the criminal world: a prisoner with this symbol has committed a serious crime or demonstrates his disobedience to the correctional system. For other cultures, the crown, made in the form of an illuminated symbol, has a divine meaning and personifies higher powers. Also, the crown as a tattoo is accepted in criminal circles, in particular among street thieves and hooligans. She is depicted with a tiger holding her in its paw. Such a composition produces an aggressive impression and is designed to inform others about the presence of a propensity and readiness for violence in its owner. The “crown” in the form of red is inherent in homosexuals, but what they want to express with such a symbol is not exactly known to a wide circle. There is evidence that such a tattoo on people with such an orientation can be performed in a violent way.

Image of a crown

Today, a tattoo with this royal crown is done on various parts of the body: behind the ear, on the ankle, wrist, neck, shoulder, back, and so on - as fantasy and a sense of proportion allow. Girls prefer small, neat and sophisticated images, guys, of course, are more ambitious and rough. By the way, the price of a tattoo also depends on this. Someone makes a tattoo in secluded places, not wanting to advertise their love for underwear painting (so, for themselves), and someone, on the contrary, in prominent areas to demonstrate their originality. Often the crown is depicted in combination with other objects. This is done to emphasize their importance. For example, in Korea, the crown is depicted with a turtle, thereby emphasizing its characteristic qualities - wisdom and longevity. The crown, depicted on the left side of the chest, is considered, and on the back, a symbol of the humiliation experienced. Basically, the crown is stuffed exclusively as a fashionable and iconic attribute of modern tattoo art.

The crown is the headdress for the monarch and various deities. This object traditionally represents such qualities of its owner as glory, power, legitimacy, honor, righteousness and even immortality. The widespread use of the symbol was influenced by its Long story. Its prototype appeared in the Neolithic period in the form of a diadem. And in its modern form, this object is mentioned only from the 11th century.

In many cultures, the crown tattoo is a symbol different gods, as well as the divine principle. She is found in mythology Ancient Greece, Christianity, Catholicism. That is why her image often becomes the choice for a tattoo, and is suitable for both guys and girls.

Meaning for a man

The crown tattoo for men, first of all, emphasizes the wearer's desire for power, indicates his leadership qualities. A tattoo for guys means power and superiority over others. Also, the symbol has the following meanings:

  • Influence
  • Greatness
  • Respect
  • Prestige

The image in the form of a crown is also common in places of deprivation of liberty. In prison, the location of the tattoo is of great importance. For example, a crown tattoo on the back of a prisoner indicates his low status in the thieves' world. If the picture is located on other parts of the body, for example, on the shoulder, or on the chest, it denotes authority and high "achievements" in the underworld.

Significance for women

Now we have to deal with the question - what does a crown tattoo mean for a girl? There are no special differences between the meaning of this tattoo in girls and boys. One has only to add that the crown for girls in most cases indicates its superiority and dominance over other representatives of the weaker sex. Variations where a small crown tattoo is used indicates the girl's desire to be like a princess.

Speaking about the meaning of a crown tattoo, one cannot fail to mention paired tattoos. Couples wearing such tattoos on their bodies show their ambition and determination to the whole world. With this symbol, the couple emphasizes that they will achieve everything together at any cost.

Images on the hand of a guy and a girl, accompanied by the inscriptions "queen" and "king"

Most often, paired crown tattoos are found on the arm. A crown with a letter on the wrist is also widespread. The letter depicted on the tattoo in most cases is the first letter of the name of the beloved (th)

In what style is it better to make a crown tattoo?

The monarchical symbol is the image that will look great on the body of its wearer in different styles. When choosing a style, first of all, you need to consider the size of the tattoo. A small crown looks good in minimalism. Such images are quite popular on the wrist for girls. Larger images of the crown can be done in realism, new and old school.

Color tattoo in realism

Work in the old school style

It is worth paying attention to the features of color and black and white versions of this tattoo. For tattooing in black and white, such styles as graphics, realism are more suitable. The color image of the crown looks beautiful in a traditional style.

If you want to make a crown tattoo in a composition with a different design, this should also be taken into account to avoid style conflicts.

What part of the body to fill?

What does a crown tattoo mean on a particular part of the body? This question is asked by many who want to leave a similar pattern on their skin. And not in vain, because the place where the tattoo is applied depends on its meaning. A simple example there may be an image of the crown on the back. As you could read above, such a tattoo does not have the most positive meaning for prisoners. What does the crown on the girl's back mean? The answer is simple - the meaning is similar to those indicated in the section "The meaning of a crown tattoo for women": ambition, power, strength, determination, superiority over others, etc.

Black crown on the back

As with choosing a style, the optimal placement depends on the size. A crown on a leg will look better in a medium/large size, because the design will lose its aesthetic appeal due to the small size. In turn, the crown on the neck looks better in a small size.

What is the meaning and meaning of a crown tattoo

The crown tattoo is not so common, but crown tattoo meaning, deserves special attention. For many peoples, the crown is a symbol of power, power and prestige, indicating belonging to a high family. Therefore, the main meaning of the crown tattoo is a high social position in society or the desire for power. Most often, such a tattoo is chosen by self-confident and purposeful people. In addition, it must be remembered that a crown tattoo is often used in prison tattoos and indicates that its owner has great authority in the criminal world.

Tattoo crown and diamond on the back of a girl

The history of the crown tattoo

In many cultures and religions, there is a symbol of the crown. In ancient cultures, the crown testified to the divine principle and was a symbol of various gods. In ancient Greek mythology, the crown was the laurel crown of the god Apollo. In Christianity, halos of angels and saints were compared with the crown, and the crown is also associated with the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ. In Catholicism, the Virgin Mary is called the queen of heaven and is depicted with a halo resembling a crown. We know that in many countries the crown is a symbol of the monarchy, power and is present in the heraldry and attributes of countries where the monarchy existed or still exists. For example, the coat of arms of Spain depicts a lion with a crown on its head. Many monarchs wore and still wear a crown as a symbol of their power. In the Middle Ages, the image of the crown was often found on the coats of arms and armor of noble knights.

Capital letter and crown tattoo

What does a crown tattoo mean?

A tattoo in the form of a crown symbolizes the thirst for power, the desire for it, superiority over others, the desire to lead them. In addition, the crown is often depicted in combination with other items. Therefore, its meaning also depends on the composition, where the crown has superiority over other symbols depicted nearby.

  • The crown, depicted along with the heart, is often applied by lovers and means fidelity, passionate love, constancy, devotion.
  • The crown depicted above the heart symbolizes good luck, luck.
  • The crown on the turtle's head is a Korean symbol. quiet life and longevity.
  • The Celtic bracelet, which consists of two hands holding a crown with a heart, has its own meaning. Hands - friendship, crown - fidelity, constancy, heart - passionate love.
  • The image of a small crown in a unique original style of a girl indicates her desire to stand out, to give herself an elite status.
  • Girls who want to look like princesses choose a small crown tattoo.

Crown tattoos are quite widespread in the criminal world and have a special meaning. Most often, the presence of a crown in a prisoner's tattoo indicates his high authority in prison, as well as a particularly serious crime or unwillingness to obey the laws. The crown depicted above the snake is a symbol of a thief in law or a beholder. It is usually depicted on the chest or on the shoulder. The tiger holding a crown in its paws symbolizes the desire for violence. If the crown is depicted on the back, then this means humiliation. The crown, depicted with red suit cards, indicates that its owner is a passive homosexual (mostly applied by force, for humiliation).

Whatever appearance the crown has, in any case, it is associated with power, freedom, the desire to control one's own destiny. For some people, the crown is a symbol of perseverance, determination, self-control, victory.

skull tattoo

Tattoo "crown": the meaning of the symbol

We all know that the crown is a symbolic object of monarchy. This headdress, already at a subconscious level, evokes associations with sole and unlimited power. Therefore, today many seek to make themselves a crown tattoo, the meaning of which in most cases remains traditional and symbolizes superiority.

"Crown" on the body

The "royal" tattoo has no gender and can be stuffed both on the female and on the male body. However, the meaning changes slightly. The girl who made herself a “crown” tattoo puts the following meaning: she seeks to rise above her friends around her, informing the outside world about her “privileged” princess status, which she appropriated to herself. This is probably the way every little girl expresses her desire to become a princess, and then a queen, at a conscious age. The "crown" tattoo, the meaning of which we are considering, made by a woman, in most cases is a way of self-expression, which is designed to communicate her superiority, originality and selectivity. Girls also make crown tattoos in order to demonstrate to men their superior position and rivalry with them in all areas of life.

Tattoo "crown": meaning

All tattoos have some specific meaning, meaning. Many of them came from the prison subculture, in which tattoos serve as a kind of "marks" and can often tell much more about their owner than he does. Located on the shoulder or on the chest, the "crown", which crowns the head of a snake, betrays the thief in law, who keeps aloof among ordinary criminals and leads them. Another tattoo "crown" has the following meaning in the criminal world: a prisoner with this symbol has committed a serious crime or demonstrates his disobedience to the correctional system. For other cultures, the crown, made in the form of an illuminated symbol, has a divine meaning and personifies higher powers. Also, the crown as a tattoo is accepted in criminal circles, in particular among street thieves and hooligans. She is depicted with a tiger holding her in its paw. Such a composition produces an aggressive impression and is designed to inform others about the presence of a propensity and readiness for violence in its owner. The "crown" in the form of red card suits is inherent in homosexuals, but what they want to express with such a symbol is not exactly known to a wide circle. There is evidence that such a tattoo on people with such an orientation can be performed in a violent way.

Image of a crown

Today, a tattoo with this royal crown is done on various parts of the body: behind the ear, on the ankle, wrist, neck, shoulder, back, and so on - as fantasy and a sense of proportion allow. Girls prefer small, neat and sophisticated images, guys, of course, are more ambitious and rough. By the way, the price of a tattoo also depends on this. Someone makes a tattoo in secluded places, not wanting to advertise their love for body painting (so, for themselves), and someone, on the contrary, in prominent areas to demonstrate their originality. Often the crown is depicted in combination with other objects. This is done to emphasize their importance. For example, in Korea, the crown is depicted with a turtle, thereby emphasizing its characteristic qualities - wisdom and longevity. The crown, depicted on the left side of the chest, is considered a talisman for good luck, and on the back - a symbol of humiliation experienced. Basically, the crown is stuffed exclusively as a fashionable and iconic attribute of modern tattoo art.

crown tattoo on neck

During the time of the kings, the crown on the neck had only one meaning - belonging to the ruling dynasty, and only members of the royal family were allowed to make it. Now anyone can get such a tattoo, although it has not lost its meaning (power, leadership). In addition, the image can be supplemented with other elements that emphasize individuality and personal qualities the owner of the tattoo.

What does a crown tattoo on the neck mean?

The classic interpretation of the picture in question:

  • leadership skills;
  • desire for power;
  • superiority over others;
  • outstanding merit;
  • achieving success in all endeavors;
  • prestigious position in society;
  • wealth, material wealth, luxurious life;
  • strong, stable character;
  • courage, bravery;
  • immortality, longevity;
  • noble origin.

Also, a tattoo on the neck of a girl with the image of a crown may have other meanings, less deep. For example, many women fill themselves with the described pattern to emphasize their peculiarity, exclusivity compared to other ladies. Younger persons put a different meaning into the tattoo, for them it symbolizes the purity and innocence of the princess, the expectation of a miracle, naivety.

What are the meanings of a tattoo in the form of a crown on the neck in the composition?

Increasingly, the described symbol is stuffed in combination with other patterns.

Heart with crown

In this case, the emphasis is on the priority of romance, love in a person's life. As a rule, such a tattoo means that a woman has a chosen one. It is also fashionable to fill paired tattoos with a topped heart.

Bird with a crown

Much, of course, depends on the type of bird chosen for tattooing, but the usually considered composition testifies to the internal freedom of the owner of the tattoo, combined with strength, power over one's own life.

Inscriptions or letters with a crown

These drawings are designed to emphasize the importance of the word, name, initials. Also for the inscriptions are used aphorisms, popular expressions, quotes that are of great importance or serve as a life motto.

Skull with crown

This composition came from Mexico, where there is a more loyal and calm attitude towards death, and they also believe in the reincarnation of the soul. A crowned skull means that the owner of the tattoo will have more luck in the next life.

Cross with crown

The presented combination symbolizes belonging to Christianity. Also, this combination can speak of the religiosity of the owner of the tattoo, a deep faith in God.

Crown - tattoo for the elite

IN modern man everything should be perfect: both the inner world and the outside. There are many ways to improve and change your appearance, one of them is tattoos. The art of drawing images on the skin was popular even in ancient world, however, the worldwide fashion for tattoos began quite recently. Today, such "decorations" can be seen in men and women of all ages and social status. However, it is difficult to admire the drawings and inscriptions on someone else's body without thinking about what prompted the person to fill this particular thing. Let's try to find out what the crown means - a tattoo is quite popular these days.

General meaning of the symbol

The crown is a symbol of power and superiority over others. It is not for nothing that this sign has been used since ancient times on the coats of arms of kings and noble people around the world, as well as the emblems of entire states. It is curious that in the cultures of many ancient civilizations, the crown symbolizes precisely the divine principle and power given from above. However, the supreme rulers were often considered the descendants of the gods. It turns out that the meaning of the symbol is extremely positive and sublime, and it is not surprising that the crown (tattoo) is so popular in our time. This image has its own interpretation in the Christian religion, it is associated with the crown of thorns of Jesus.

Crown tattoo: meaning in the criminal world

Tattoos made in "places not so remote" can be distinguished from ordinary ones by a specific blue color ink. Usually one color is used, and the drawings are simple and primitivism. Although among the prison masters there are real artists who make large and beautiful tattoos. The crown in the criminal world symbolizes high authority, a particularly serious crime or unwillingness to submit to the prison regime and the laws in force in the country as a whole. If in the tattoo, in addition to the royal symbol, there is a snake, you have a thief in law or a beholder. But the crown depicted in the paws of a tiger is a symbol of the desire for violence. When considering prison tattoos, special attention should be paid to their location. In its "positive" sense, the crown (tattoo) is applied to the chest or arms. On the back, this symbol is usually applied as a sign of humiliation, often against the will of the person. The pattern “crown and cards of red suits” is popular, the owners of such a pattern are passive homosexuals.

Combination with other characters

Very often in tattoos, the crown is depicted along with the heart. It is a symbol of good luck and luck, as well as a sign of lovers, popular for couples tattoos. A common symbol from Korea - the crowned tortoise - can be used in wearable images as a sign of longevity and peaceful life. A small graceful crown is a tattoo popular among young girls. It is very simple to interpret it - this is the desire to be a princess and stand out among others. Often they combine the image of the crown with letters, numbers or whole words. The meaning in the inscription is usually put purely personal, and it can be difficult for an outsider to decipher it.

Where to get a crown tattoo

Great importance the choice of a place for tattooing is only in the criminal world. On the whole modern society supports individuality and the desire for self-expression and accepts tattoos on any part of the body. Most often, the crown tattoo is located on the arm, chest, and back. You can often see her on her feet, and some masters claim that this is a popular drawing for intimate tattoos. If you decide to apply such a tattoo on your own body, choose the place and the final pattern to your taste. Do not forget that, first of all, it is you who walk with this image and you will see it most often, and what other people will say and think is not so important ...

What does the crown on the left hand on the wrist mean

A crown tattoo is quite rare. And different people accept the meaning of a crown tattoo in different ways.
If the crown is depicted above the heart, it symbolizes good luck.
When the crown is depicted along with other symbols, it indicates the high authority and importance of this symbol, its superiority over other symbols.
The crown is a widely used symbol in criminal tattoos. In the criminal world, the meaning of the crown tattoo is special.
If a crown is found in a prisoner's tattoo, this undoubtedly indicates that this person has a high authority in the area.
It may indicate a particularly serious crime of the convict, or an unwillingness to succumb to correction, this is a sign of hatred for the administration and order.
The crown on the back is a sign of humiliation.
But no matter how this symbol is used in the underworld, for an ordinary person, a crown in a tattoo symbolizes power, leadership and self-control.

It meant a direct relation to the ruling family. Most often, she was depicted on knightly flags and coats of arms. A tattoo with an image can be considered as a type of elite tattoo, which is designed to emphasize the position of a person in society.

A more subtle interpretation of this symbol depends on the location of the tattoo on the body and related images. For example, if the drawing is applied above the heart, such a tattoo symbolizes good luck.

Celtic bracelet - a characteristic image containing a heart, a crown and two hands that support them - means a combination of love (heart), fidelity (crown) and friendship (hands). This symbol is becoming an increasingly popular tattoo motif.
Girls often choose an unconventional image of the crown to emphasize their superiority over others or just stand out. Such a tattoo usually does not carry any special meaning.

If the crown accompanies some other symbol, this usually indicates its importance. In many religions and cultures, the crown is considered a symbol of divinity. So, in Christianity, the crown of Mary Magdalene is widely known, in Greek, pagan mythology there is the laurel crown of Apollo, which is also essentially, and in the Korean tradition, the crowned tortoise symbolizes longevity and tranquility.

In a general sense, a crown tattoo indicates that a person strives for power, wants to emphasize his importance, to make himself more significant than he is. Paradoxically, such a tattoo can speak of the romance of its owner, the desire to return to the good old days. It all depends on the style of the image of this symbol and the place of its application.

Crown in criminal tattoo

It should be borne in mind that the image of the crown is often used in criminal tattoos, it is given special importance in the underworld.

The crown in the criminal speaks of the high authority of its bearer in the zone. She often points to the especially serious crimes of the convicts, to the unwillingness to correct themselves. We can say that the crown in a criminal tattoo is a symbol of hatred for order.

The crown, placed above a coiled snake, is an attribute of a thief in law. A crowned tiger with a skull in its paws distinguishes gopniks and symbolizes a tendency to violence. A crown placed on a prisoner's back is a sign of humiliation.

More recently, a tattoo was something unusual, out of the ordinary, however, today the bodies of so many people are decorated with tattoos. Ideas for a tattoo are chosen in a variety of ways, each symbol and pattern has its own specific meaning. What is the meaning of a crown tattoo? The next article will tell you about it.

You will not find a tattoo depicting a crown very often, but special attention should be paid to its characteristics.

For most of the peoples of the world, the crown represents power, power, prestige, and also acts as an indicator of attitude to a high family.

For this reason, the main designation of a crown tattoo can be called a person's high position in society or his desire to achieve power. As a rule, such a tattoo is chosen by self-confident and purposeful individuals. In addition, do not forget that crown tattoos are still used in the version of prison tattoos, in which case they will tell about a significant criminal authority.

Historical background on the crown tattoo

The main part of the cultures of the world and religious movements have the symbol of the crown. Since ancient times, the crown had to tell about the divine principle and was personified with various divine beings.

In the myths of the ancient Greeks, the divine crown of laurel belonging to Apollo was used as a crown.

In Christian teaching, the crown was associated with angelic halos, and also personified the crown of thorns of the Savior.

Catholics revered the Virgin Mary as the heavenly queen and painted her with a halo, similar in appearance to a crown.

In the Middle Ages, the design of the crown could often be found on knightly coats of arms with armor.

Today, the crown in a number of states symbolizes the power of the monarch. So the symbol of the crown has been preserved in those states where the monarchical system still operates. For example, the coat of arms of Spain depicts a lion, whose head is decorated with a crown. The crown was used and is still used by many monarchs, personifying their power with might.

Different versions of the interpretation of the crown tattoo

What a crown tattoo means depends primarily on the characteristics of the pattern, as well as on the location of the tattoo.

  • From the position of religion, the crown symbolizes divinity, proximity to God and true faith.
  • When performing such a tattoo, a special female, especially if she wears it in a conspicuous place, in this way she tries to stand out from the gray mass, distinguishing herself from others and focusing on her uniqueness. And for other girls, the crown can represent respect, since this item has been worn by rulers since ancient times, who aroused universal reverence.
  • In the variant of the image of the crown, together with the symbol of the heart, for example, on top of it, we can say that it personifies good luck and happiness.
  • When depicting tattoos in the form of a heart with a crown in two hands, in this case, the crown will act as a symbol of fidelity, and the heart - love. Hands symbolize true friendship.
  • Also, the crown in tattoos can represent power, power and leadership. If a person decides to perform such a tattoo, then he seeks to demonstrate to others that he is a real leader who seeks to subordinate others to his will.
  • In the variant of the image of the crown on the shoulder area, a person with the help of a tattoo demonstrates to other people that power is always in his hands.
  • In addition, the crown will tell you about power over yourself, control of your emotional and sensory sphere. It will tell about the sobriety of the mind, composure, self-control, the ability to deliberately find solutions and carefully compare everything.
  • Finding a crown tattoo together with other tattoos will tell you about the importance of the second tattoo.
  • In a criminal society, the crown is a symbol of authority. For example, tattoos of this kind are made by prisoners who have committed especially serious types of crimes. And the crown tattoo depicted above the snake is a distinctive mark of the beholder (thief in law).
  • The tattoo of a turtle with a crown in Korea and a number of other countries symbolizes peace, longevity and wisdom.
  • The image of a tiger with a crown holding a skull with its paws is a symbol of outcasts who seek violence and do not observe moral principles, the rules established by society are not important for them.
  • A crown tattoo, if it is depicted with red suit cards, can characterize the owner of such a pattern as a passive homosexual. Tattoos of this kind are often made by force, symbolizing humiliation (today they are not very common).
  • The crown, which has sharp corners, is the personification of sunlight. She will tell about the fact that the person has exclusively positive intentions and the mark of the sun is on it.
  • The triple crown (similar to that worn by the Pope) - associates the highest power or tells about the desire for power.
  • A headdress from which rays diverge in different directions and a golden sheen testifies to the chosenness of the owner of such a tattoo, his enlightenment. Also, such a drawing will tell about the special characteristics of the carrier - for example, some talents, a special mindset, and the like.
  • The image of a skull with a crown is a symbol of strength, success, superiority. The origin of this pattern is Mexico. There, the drawing says that a person will definitely encounter luck, but only after his rebirth (in the process of reincarnation).
  • A beautiful version of the crown, complemented with a cross, as a rule, speaks of faith in the divine, as well as the observance of all religious dogmas. In addition, this drawing will tell about faith in one's personal strengths and the path of life chosen by oneself. For Europeans, such a crown symbolizes victory.
  • If the crown is similar to a crown, it will protect its owner from evil forces and the evil eye.
  • The crown and money are a symbol of financial well-being.
  • You can also meet variants of crowns with an inscription. They prove how important and significant for a person what is written.
  • Any king or queen must be not only powerful, but also fair, so the crown can also become the personification of justice, correct thinking.
  • The crown, which has three pointed prongs, will tell about the importance of faith, hope and love for a person.
  • The crown, decorated with precious minerals, symbolizes the new meaning of life.
  • If a name is written on top of the crown, then this person is of particular importance for a person.

Meaning for girls

The designation of the crown tattoo on the body of the fair sex varies based on the area where the tattoo is depicted, and also depending on its type.

For example, drawing a bright cartoon crown will tell about a girl's desire to be a princess.

The crown, which has three clear and even teeth, speaks of a great role for a person of Faith, Hope and Love.

A small version of the tattoo, located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist, is the desire to focus on one's individuality.

And a crown + cross tattoo, regardless of the location of beautiful persons, will tell about the strong religiosity of such a girl.

Meaning for guys

Not only girls, but also quite a few men put the image of a crown on their bodies. In this case, the meaning of the tattoo in this case will change.

In most cases, men like to fill this image on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arms - in particular, the hands and wrists.

And speaking about the meaning of a tattoo with a crown for representatives strong half wherever they put it, it should be noted that in this way they want to demonstrate to others their power, strength and rather difficult character.

This is the symbolic meaning inherent in the crown in the art of tattooing. Finish reading by watching an interesting thematic video: