Sketch plan of the house. We study projects of houses. we select beautiful houses, put ideas on the plan of the house

The beginning of any construction is preceded by the implementation of a whole range of various calculations: the creation of a house plan, all the necessary drawings, instructions and explanations for them, and budgeting. What is it? Let's try to figure it out.

An example of a house plan created by yourself

- enough difficult process. It must take into account all the nuances in order to avoid errors at the construction stage. Professional architects can draw up a plan. Although there is nothing difficult in drawing a house plan on your own.

What is a house project

A person who has never taken part in the process of building a house, at the sight of a stack of pieces of paper with intricate drawings, is likely to be confused. Because he doesn't know anything about it! Of course, it is not easy for a beginner to understand the project documentation. But, you see, when starting the construction of your own house or cottage, it will not be superfluous to have at least general idea about what information is hidden in the thick folder of the designer.

The working documentation should be presented, as well as a set of drawings that will help in the construction of the building. This sketch is agreed with the future owner of the house.

After agreement with the customer, the specialist begins work on the main part. The plan of the house, developed in accordance with all norms and rules, contains three main sections: architectural, design and engineering.

The first section displays the design of facades, roofs, the location of window and door openings, rooms, their area. The design section contains information about the foundation for this building, fastenings of beams, ceilings, the presence of stairs, a porch, etc. All calculations regarding possible loads on structural elements are also included in this part.

It looks like a house plan with a facade

In addition, the plan of the house should contain an engineering section, which provides data on the location of the ventilation, heating, electrical, sewer systems, as well as the water supply system.

What is a house plan

The basis of any project is drawing up a house plan, which is depicted on the documents. They must then be registered with the relevant authorities.

Important. This must be done before construction begins. This will help to avoid a variety of penalties due to the illegality of the construction.

It displays everything in full:

  • the location of the main structures of the house;
  • various partitions;
  • placement of rooms and their number;
  • windows and doors.

In addition, it is stated:

Building layout may vary. It all depends on its shape and size.

House planning options

First, draw a floor plan country house you can do it yourself. For this, you do not need to have special knowledge in the field of design.

The most important thing is to determine the size of the future building, the number of rooms in it (layout) and their functionality.

Secondly, you can order it from architects who are developing an individual project for any building. The cost of their services is quite high. They have ready-made house plans in the catalog that they can provide to their clients for further development of the project.

Self compilation

To date, there is a special program that is used to draw up a house plan for free.

Program for planning an apartment

You don't need to install it on your computer. All work is done online.

There are certain fields:

  • building width;
  • building length;
  • overall height;
  • the height of the walls and roof;
  • house shape;
  • number of floors;
  • the number of windows and doorways;
  • the presence of a garage;
  • balcony.

These are the main parameters that must be entered in order to develop a plan for a country house.
After all this, you can visually evaluate the appearance of the box of the future structure along with the roof on the computer. At this stage, the shape and size are adjusted.

Appeal to professionals

This method is effective if there is no desire and opportunity to draw a plan of a country house with your own hands.

Detailed drawing of the house, made by hand

Architects, based on the wishes of the client, will find out what optimal dimensions must have a structure, be able to properly plan and even calculate the required amount of materials for building a house.

Then the finished house plans are approved by the relevant authorities, and construction can begin.

To correctly draw a building plan, you need to adhere to a few tips and consider:

It is necessary to draw a floor plan of the building. This will help determine the usable area, which is divided into residential and utility.

A country house should have an optimal number of storeys. These parameters are based on the size of the free area of ​​the lot. The number of floors can be:

It is important to consider that the second and third floors of the house can be used as a mansard roof.

The layout of such a room is slightly different from the standard one, due to the non-rectilinear roof structure.

Also must be taken into account Construction Materials, which will directly affect the layout. Of these, load-bearing walls and interior partitions are being erected.

Types of layout of private houses

Modern architects try to develop house plans based on the financial capabilities and wishes of the client. For this reason, there are two ways to design. The first is characterized by drawing up a drawing of the total volume of the building, which is then filled with all the necessary correctly located rooms. The cardinal points are taken into account here, so that in rooms in the summer and winter time it was comfortable to stay. The second is floor.

In it you need to draw a project:

They differ significantly. Basement planning should take into account the future size and weight of the building. A typical project is characterized by the location of the living area and the number of load-bearing walls, as well as interior partitions. If a private house has an attic, then there is no need for planning load-bearing structures. It is completely frame based.

It is worth noting that the usable area on such a residential roof will be much smaller in size, the ceiling height of the room will be significantly reduced.

Creating an individual project takes a lot of time. Specialists must take into account all the nuances associated with the technological process of building a house, the materials used, the terrain, the soil and the season when it is planned to build a house. If you decide to use finished project, then keep in mind that he will first have to undergo adaptation.

This means that the designer, having studied all your requirements for the building, as well as the possibilities of a particular site, will have to make appropriate adjustments to the house plan you have chosen.

Purchase ready-made drawings or order an individual project - it's up to you. The main thing is that a professional should be engaged in their development or adaptation.

The most common parameters of residential buildings

On the this moment The plans of the houses are quite varied. There are the most common building parameters:

To make a plan, you need to take into account the number of storeys of the house. For example, the first version of the building, which has the parameters of 6x6 m, cannot be only one floor. On such an area it will be impossible to optimally arrange all the necessary premises.

And they include:

  • vestibule or corridor;
  • living room;
  • two bedrooms;
  • kitchen area;
  • sanitary rooms;
  • boiler room and other utility rooms.

Some house plans are characterized by the presence of a study and a children's playroom. Thus, with a building size of 6x6 m, the ground floor houses:

  • vestibule;
  • sanitary rooms;
  • boiler room;
  • kitchen area;
  • living room.

On the second floor:

  • two bedrooms;
  • bathroom and bathroom if necessary.

The layout of houses 6x8 m. and 7x7 m. is not too different from the previous one. Just increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room or kitchen area. Another option has a building plan with dimensions of 8x10 m, 10x10 m and 10x12 m.

Detailed house plan 10x12 meters

So, in such houses there is a large and spacious corridor, a living room, a kitchen, and sanitary areas. All this is only on the first floor. In some cases, at the expense of the living room, a study is also equipped.

The second floor is completely designed for recreation. It has two bedrooms, another living room or a room for family gatherings, a bathroom and a bathroom, as well as a large corridor that can be made functional if desired.

If a building plan is drawn up, which will have dimensions of 12x12 m or more, then, in principle, there is no special need for the construction of the second floor. On such an area can fit all the rooms necessary for a comfortable stay. The country house will be quite large.

You need to build it only on the site that has large parameters.

Ready-made plan of a very large country house

Moving around the house should be comfortable. No need to clutter up the space with additional interior partitions or other decorative items. The doors are located in the place that is considered the least functional in the room. As for windows, the direction of the world they will face plays a big role.

Some experts, drawing up numerous house plans, rely on the recommendations of the Feng Shui style.

It is better to make a bedroom in the eastern part of the house or the western one. It is advisable to place it on the second floor in order to more secure the residents of the house from extraneous noise from the street.

As for the living room, it can be located anywhere. Quite often it is located on the south side. Only here it is necessary to immediately think about the normal ventilation of the room. The sun's rays, penetrating through the windows, are able to warm the room well. There is also a kitchen or vestibule.

House redevelopment

As a rule, some building plans may change over time. It all depends on how much you need to increase the amount of usable area. The roof structure most often falls under the change, especially if the country house has a high and wide roof. Due to it, there will be an increase in the living area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building.

It is also necessary to make a floor project in which all the necessary rooms are expanded, and the bedrooms or study are transferred to the attic. In this case, materials for the construction of load-bearing walls are not taken into account. Funds are taken into account only to improve the area and strengthen the structure.

If the mansard roof was not taken into account when planning the building, then it is necessary to strengthen the base and supporting structures: walls, ceilings, window and door openings.

It is not always possible to do this on your own. It is better to seek help from specialists, since all documents are approved by the relevant authorities. Otherwise, you can get a fine for illegal redevelopment of the building.

They rarely think about how important it is to correctly draw up a draft design of a planned object. But any construction should begin from this stage. Moreover, by the time the first brick or log is brought to the construction site, the sketch must already be agreed, developed and approved.

After all, without it, the customer (that is, you) will not be able to form a correct idea of ​​​​how the constructed building will look like. But this should be represented not only by you, but also by the builders who will carry out the entire workflow. Therefore, it is worth taking this issue seriously, understanding it to the smallest detail.

What is a blueprint

To begin with, a draft design of a house is a set of primary documents that is necessary in order to correctly compile all the documentation used directly in this case. Having a sketch of the house in hand, you can easily formulate your requirements when communicating with the designers who will develop.

How it is compiled

You are contacting a company that provides services for . First of all, after the conclusion of the contract, you talk with the architect.

An experienced specialist in a simple and accessible form will ask you about exactly how the house that you would like to receive should look like. Perhaps you will bring photographs of buildings that would suit you to the fullest. But it is possible that you will have certain wishes: change the shape and location of the windows, use a tiled roof instead of a slate roof, and a number of other minor changes.

All these wishes will be taken into account by the architect, who, after talking with you, will start work.

For an experienced specialist, the development of a draft design will take no more than a few days.

After that, you will be presented with a set of diagrams and color illustrations, allowing you to fully appreciate the external and interior view future home. Yes, it might surprise some people why you need to design a project from scratch if you already know what your house will look like.

Sample House Plan

After all, it will take a lot of money and time. And yet, drawing up a sketch is not at all a trick of specialists who want to take your time and extract extra money from you. After all, any changes in appearance buildings, even the most insignificant, can seriously affect its entire structure.

The simplest example: you decide to enlarge the window? This means that the load on the entire window opening will increase significantly. And it will definitely need to be strengthened so that he can withstand it without harm to himself. Do you want to use ceramic tiles instead of metal tiles? This means that the rafters will have to be strengthened so that they can withstand a significantly increased load.

Of course, it is simply impossible to carry out all these calculations by eye, without drawing up a special sketch or project. In addition, the finished sketch allows you to quite accurately determine the complexity of the work and the amount of required materials. And, therefore, you will be called the price of the house.

An example of a cost estimate for materials

Moreover, specialists will be able to calculate for you separately the cost of construction and finishing materials and the cost of the work being done. And this is very important. Perhaps not a single reasonable person would agree, not knowing exactly how much it would cost him.

The sketch necessarily contains a number of illustrations by which you can evaluate your future home from the inside and outside.

The use of modern architectural programs allows you to make the sketch as clear as possible.

It remains for you to decide whether all your requirements have been taken into account during the construction, or if you would like to make additional changes, having achieved maximum compliance with the plans that you are hatching.

What you need to conclude a contract for drawing up a sketch

Designing a sketch is a very difficult and responsible job. Of course, it is carried out only after the conclusion of an agreement with the company. And for this you will need to collect the following documents:

  • Terms of reference for design. Here it is necessary to submit in writing your requirements, which the future object must meet;
  • Town-planning plan of the land plot;
  • Geodetic survey of a land plot (scale 1:500);
  • Certification that the available footage is usable.

When these documents are collected, you can safely go to sign a contract for the provision of services. Immediately after that, you will be directed to the architect-designer to coordinate all the work. Having received all the necessary information from you (in addition to the terms of reference), he proceeds to develop a sketch.

House sketch example

It is worth saying that the creation of a sketch is a very difficult and responsible stage. From the outside it may seem that everything is quite easy and simple here: every person can do what he would like to live in. However, drawing up and drawing a sketch with your own hands very often leads to sad consequences. Still, the finished illustrations that are shown to you along with the sketch are just the tip of the iceberg. And the gigantic amount of work done remains in the drawings, which will say little to a person who has nothing to do with construction.

After all, in order to draw up a sketch, a specialist conducts a series of calculations, which are later used to develop a project for which construction will be carried out. And a non-professional is unlikely to be able to do all the work with the same quality, guaranteeing the integrity and durability of the structure, as a specialist who has got his hand on this for many years of work.

house design example

To more clearly explain how many factors have to be taken into account when developing a draft design of a building, it is worth listing the main ones.

Location on the plot

When placing housing on a land plot, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements for sanitary and fire safety, as well as building standards. The distance from the house to the border of the neighboring plot must be at least the established minimum. It is also necessary to correctly orient the house relative to the cardinal points. Technical rooms are best placed on the north side, while residential rooms should be placed on the south.

Of course, the house should gracefully fit into the surrounding landscape, and not stand out from it.
When drawing up the general plan of the site, an experienced architect will successfully place on it not only the house itself, but also all the buildings that the owner of the site considers necessary. It may be) so that connecting the house to them is accompanied by a minimum of hassle.

Floor plan

The development of a sketch of the building itself begins almost from scratch. First of all, the architect builds axes. Relative to them, building elements are built: foundation, roof, walls, door and window openings, and partitions.

You need to know a surprising amount in order to competently draw up a sketch-technical design of a building.

It only takes a few minor mistakes to make being in a building uncomfortable, not to mention permanent life in him.

The calculation of the optimal distance between the supporting structures allows not only to guarantee strength, but also to reduce the cost of pouring the foundation and building floors.

Example of calculated dimensions between supporting structures

Facade style

Of course, the main requirement for the facade is its beauty. The house should be attractive, elegant, original and discreet at the same time. But experts pay attention not only to beauty, but also to functionality.

  • How and where is it better to arrange doors, windows, a terrace and a balcony?
  • What configuration should the pediments have?
  • Where should it be?
  • The optimal height of the floors, the slope of the roof - all this must be taken into account.

And if all these requirements are met, an experienced architect manages to make the building more attractive. This is a real art, which an amateur who has taken up such work for the first time will obviously not be able to achieve.

What is included in the blueprint

Separately, it is worth talking about the composition of the draft design. What do you get by paying a decent amount to specialists?

As you can see, the sketch of the building is a very complex set of information, without which it is simply impossible to start building the house of your dreams.

Many people dream of their own country house where you can come for the weekend and relax from the bustle of the city. And perhaps one of the most important issues, which you will have to face during the construction of the cottage - the choice or creation of a suitable project that will fully meet all the requirements of the owner. Self-design is not an easy task, requiring certain skills and abilities. How to make a project at home yourself?

If you look on the Internet, look through various magazines and specialized publications, you can find a huge number of all kinds of house projects: standard and individual. When making a choice in favor of one or another option, one should not rush. First think - do you really need it?

Unusual individual project of a private house

Such options, as a rule, are chosen when, due to some features of the land plot, building a house according to a standard project is difficult or even impossible. In addition, construction on individual projects is preferred by people who are not constrained in the budget - they can get their own home in full accordance with their desires, capabilities, location features, and so on.

The best option, both in terms of time and money, would be to purchase a standard project with further linking to a specific site with the help of an architect.

Simple and inexpensive standard projects houses

If you are designing a house with your own hands, be prepared to face a lot of technical details. In some cases, it is better to seek the help of specialists. To save money, you can turn to design students who are familiar with the basics of the profession.

Before drafting your country house on your own, stock up on theoretical knowledge on this topic. On the Internet you will find a huge amount of information on various issues.

This video talks about the common mistakes of independent design of country houses by beginners.

You can use the services of designers who will draw you a sketch and layout, without technical details. With such a sketch, you can safely begin construction (though, if we are talking exclusively about country house simple layout).

It is advisable to entrust the construction of a house to a professional foreman, who at first glance is able to determine what exactly is required for the implementation of a particular moment. Be sure to draw up a service agreement, according to which the employee will take responsibility for ensuring that the project meets the plan, as well as safety standards.

How to make a project at home - the main points

What should the customer provide the architect before work begins? First of all - the plan of the land plot, geological and, as well as a clear description of the surrounding area (roads, forest, rivers - all these details can significantly affect the creation of a suitable project with the correct architecture and location of the house).

You also need to provide a document about the restrictions imposed by law (for example, construction is prohibited in the water protection zone) or the house management company (requirements for finishing the facade or the height of the structure), if such restrictions exist.

As a rule, developers of settlements without a contract are able to provide all the necessary project documentation in the village, as well as partially technical conditions. Some management companies can provide entry points for electricity without shifting all current worries to the owners. It is very good if the architect knows about all possible entry points for communications, but they are, in most cases, unknown, so the site owners need to design and connect them themselves. Gas supply, for example, should be connected separately and only by specialized organizations.

As for the work on the house itself, a professional architect will first offer you to fill out a special questionnaire, which will take into account all the basic requirements for a future project. Ideally, such moments should be clearly recorded on paper by both sides. It is quite possible that the architect will immediately offer to make some changes and adjustments to the original plan.

The most common example is that the bedroom for the elderly should be located on the first floor, and not on the second, as it will not be too convenient for them to constantly go up and down the stairs.

At the same time, you need to remember that it can take, on average, about three months to design your own or individual cottage.

Often there are situations when the future owner of the house makes one decision, and when he sees the finished design results, he wants to make new additions or changes. Which, accordingly, increases the time of project creation.

One of the main mistakes of customers is neglect of documentation. Remember that a clear and detailed filling of the questionnaire, a detailed and complete terms of reference can significantly reduce the design time.

How to make a project at home on your own - instructions

1. The design of the future home must begin with the exploration of the land. Thanks to this procedure, you can find out accurate information about the properties of soils, as well as the height ground water- which will definitely be required in the process of planning the foundation and basement. These works are recommended to be carried out either in early spring or late autumn, when the groundwater level is at its highest.

Geodetic survey of the site

2. After the conclusion of engineering and geological studies has been received, the basement planning can begin. If the groundwater level is too high, then building a basement can affect the value of a house by about 30%. If the area of ​​​​the land plot allows, then it would be more expedient to build not a basement, but a simple additional room.
3. Once all issues with the height and type of foundation have been resolved, you should decide on the type of material that will be used in the construction of the cottage. Then you can proceed directly to the design of the building itself and the drawings. In order to be more efficient and economical, it is better to give preference to simple projects, since the presence of all kinds of corners and bends significantly affects the cost of the finished work.

A simple cottage project of a standard rectangular shape

4. The same rule is true when designing a roof - the more joints and bends, the more expensive the project. In addition, a complex-shaped roof is less reliable, since leaks can form in these places over time.
5. In order to more efficient energy saving non-residential premises(utility premises, bathrooms, kitchens) are recommended to be placed on the north side of the building, and residential, in turn, on the south. Please note that the energy consumption of your future home depends on the use of thermal insulation materials, as well as the size and location of windows.

Remember that thanks to a well-executed project, you can build a beautiful, reliable and comfortable home, able to serve faithfully for more than one generation of your family.