Stones by date of birth of a man. Gems for men and women Taurus. Male calf stone

Hi all! If you or your loved one is a Taurus, which stone suits him according to the horoscope? Now we will find out. But first, about the Taurus themselves.

Features of the Taurus sign

People of the earth sign of the zodiac Taurus have determination, practicality and conservatism. True. materialists, they attach much importance to this side of life. They value the financial freedom and independence that money can give.

The signs of the zodiac also have a certain influence at the moment of choosing a gemstone or another that serves as a talisman to attract positive energies. Each horoscope has assigned certain stones that help strengthen their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses, thanks to the attraction that unites them.

Amethyst is a purple color, a variety of quartz, which is conceived as one of the the best talismans that a person born under the sign of Scorpio can possess. In particular, this semi-precious stone promotes energy clearing both physically, mentally and spiritually, and it is very beneficial for Scorpio to help you turn negative thoughts into positive ones, clear your mind and not sadden those mental blocks that you have. Often, when things don't go as expected at first.

Satisfying their needs, spare no effort and energy. Taurus are generous, but not wasteful.

The main values ​​​​of this sign are a strong family, good job and valuable property. Charm stones for Taurus are designed to direct their powerful energy into a constructive channel, active and strong stones, in principle, are not needed for this sign.

Taurus competently plan their affairs for a long time ahead, and this helps them achieve the desired results. They do not accept obstacles on the way, skillfully eliminate them.

Amethyst is very powerful, especially when worn over the heart or hanging around the neck. Opal is a stone highly valued for its ability to promote calmness and emotional balance, which is very well suited to the impulsive and sometimes rather arrogant nature of Scorpio.

In addition, this stone will help Scorpio recover when they go through situations in which feelings such as melancholy, apathy, indifference, skepticism or discouragement. In addition, it promotes values ​​such as loyalty, solidarity, respect and loyalty, so Scorpio will help you improve your personal relationships with others in Everyday life.

Emotional and material stability are important Taurus needs. They calculate the benefit in advance, taking it into account in relations with people. They do not tolerate third-party interference in their affairs.

Taurus are sensitive and sentimental, based more on intuitive decisions than on logical conclusions.

Peace-loving and patient natures, these people do not like conflicts and high-pitched conversations.

Malachite is another of the best gemstones for Scorpio and one of the most effective anti-evil eye charms this zodiac sign can have. On the one hand, malachite harmonizes emotional imbalances, improves mood and eliminates feelings of envy, which at some point can disturb and affect internally those who belong to the sign of Scorpio.

One of the most important characteristics of a Scorpio on a sentimental level is a constant feeling of jealousy, as well as an inevitable controlling personality. Well, malachite can also help with this because it is the perfect stone to dispel jealousy, increase trust between a couple, and act as a real balm in the face of difficult situations of love disappointment.

They get lost in unexpected situations, are very cautious and sometimes even indecisive. “Measure seven times” is a proverb suitable for Taurus. They have an excellent memory, are responsible, people of their word. So, what gems are suitable for calves?

Taurus Stones

First of all, these are chalcedony and noble white and blue stones.

Agate - semi-precious stone pink, gray, brown shades varying degrees of transparency. In practical magic, it is used as a talisman against evil spirits, sorcerers and vampires. Talisman of health and longevity, prosperity and insight.

Finally, Scorpio also enjoys the Sardinian jasper stone, a gemstone that provides great positive energy and provides, above all, protection, healing and beauty. Jasper Sardo helps, among other things, to face depression, solve love problems and increase self-confidence, which is very good for Scorpios in the work world, because sometimes they tend to be too receptive to criticism and somewhat insecure if they do not achieve success and problems that they offered.

Male calf stone

If you want to read more articles similar to, we encourage you to enter our category. As in other signs of the zodiac, some are attributed to people from. These stones have virtues or properties that can bring good luck, happiness, success and encourage well-being.

It is easy for the owners of this stone to communicate and get to know people, it contributes to making the right decisions, enhances the skill of eloquence.

white agate

Agate white and yellow flowers give confidence, enhance kindness and soften harshness.

Gray agates help to reveal deceptions and intrigues. It is a stone of friendliness, settling quarrels and conflicts.

Intelligent, but also idealistic, Versailles have a Sodalite protection stone. De Sodalite instills a desire for truth and encourages idealism, allowing them to remain true to themselves and their beliefs. Free from all intellectual prejudice, independent and stubborn in their ideas, they have trouble maintaining any hierarchy. An excellent worker Aquarius enjoys the team. Sodalite is a good group that creates harmony and solidarity. However, other stones can also be useful for this sign.

Awaken your personality with protective stones

A loving communicator, Aquarius has a taste for brotherhood that allows him to become the leader of men. B, endowed with refined intuition, he can often be suspicious and reserved at the beginning of a case. Aquarians may have circulatory problems. Citrine will be a good protective stone to stimulate blood circulation. The natives of this sign also experience weakness in the urine. Rose quart and treat the kidneys, adrenal glands and regulate body fluids. Having occasional difficulty in breathing, a protection stone will be helpful for them.

Blue agate enhances creativity, activity and innovation.

Black agate helps to increase material well-being and generally strengthens the life position of Taurus.

Healing properties agate spread to diseases of the heart vascular system, oral cavity, upper respiratory tract. It reduces the activity of poisons.

Aquarians are also prone to hormonal disorders. Some minerals for this disorder. Protective stone Labradorite eliminates hormones and relieves menstrual tension; Amethyst activates. However, it should be remembered that stones can complement or prevent stones, but in no case should they replace treatment.

The forest has a beneficial effect on us, it gives us energy, improves our condition and calms the mind. Different types of trees have different uses for people due to the construction and characteristics of the wood, many of them are medicinal and, in experience, individual trees and trees differ from each other on people. It fills a person with energy, optimism, provides faith and good mood, relieves stress, protects psychic forces.

Aventurine - a shimmering stone of white, blue, pink, green, orange, brown shades. Translated from Italian - a stone of happiness and adventure. Creates a joyful mood, gives optimism, mental vigor, clarity of mind. Guardian of love and harmony.

It adds vitality, purifies the body and mind, enhances memory, heals the respiratory tract, calms the nerves, induces mental and emotional balance, calms anger and stress, suitable for stomach ulcers. Excessive and long-term effects lead to extreme caution. A symbol of strength, health, wisdom and longevity.

Stones that are contraindicated for Taurus

It helps to develop male energy, including potency, strengthens the heart, has a beneficial effect on intestinal activity and cleanses the body of poisons. Sacred Tree, Tree of Love, Fertility, Wisdom, Knowledge of Good and Evil. It connects man with nature, life and the supernatural world. Stimulates harmony, enhances feminine energy. Helps sufferers, feelings of shame, fear of death, cleanses, strengthens inner youth, longevity, nervous system and heart.

Blue aventurine

White aventurine

Brown aventurine

Aventurine will give confidence to doubting and indecisive Taurus. It is believed that aventurine treats allergies, bronchitis, lowers blood pressure, and helps to heal external wounds.

Individual stones talismans for Taurus

It heals the mind, enhances the power of the subconscious, deepens objective perception and connects with the higher self, facilitates meditation. Helps to fully exercise patience in new things, adds strength to new beginnings and changes in life, promotes independence. Energy harmonization helps women get pregnant, also with hypersensitivity and transitional changes.

It helps heal partnerships, improves communication, protects the heart, and strengthens the body's shield. Overall, it enhances sweet energy and drives away evil spirits. It is an unusually powerful stone with great protective power, it has high spiritual vibrations. It has a strong healing and cleansing ability, calms, relieves stress, fears, guilt, insomnia and nightmares, creates a quiet sleep. This is a stone of true, real, emotional love that increases loyalty. It helps to focus, helps to accept new ideas, gives determination, develops intuition, supports the transformation of intentions into reality.

Sapphire - one of the most powerful amulets for active materialists Taurus. An excellent assistant in business, gives confidence, helps to make the right choice when making difficult decisions.

Adds somewhat indifferent to other people's troubles Taurus responsiveness and sensitivity. The healing properties of sapphire extend to immunity and vision.

Gemstones for a woman's calf

Helps in the treatment of alcoholism and other addictions. Horoscope sign: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Capricorn. Garnet red evokes passion and desire. It gives vitality, success, willpower and self-confidence. This opens a view to the mystery, sometimes to clairvoyance. It encourages sexuality and helps turn it into a great force. Helps in disease of the genitals by removing psychic blockages, insufficient circulation and chicken, which can prevent relaxation in intercourse or conception.

With his energy, he helps to overcome laziness or apathy, which in severe cases can lead to burnout syndrome and depression as a result of a stereotypical life. Garnet awakens temperament and enthusiasm in all living things. Harmonizes fluctuations in blood pressure when we carry a garnet necklace or pendant as close to the heart as possible. Horoscope sign: Aries, Capricorn, Leo, Scorpio.

Turquoise lucky mascot for love and family relations that Taurus appreciates so much. Also, this stone contributes to business success and brings victory.

A stone of cold colors - from green to blue and blue hues, with a rare waxy sheen. An amazing property of a stone is aging. It changes color over the years and fades. If the owner of the stone noticed this, it is believed that one should pay attention to one's health or marital relationship.

Woman's calf stone

White-blue chalcedony has a positive effect on the thyroid gland. Calms and balances the mind, acts against irritability and hypersensitivity. Its calming influence opens the way to inner inspiration and promotes the ability to express oneself. Signs: Gemini, Cancers, Arrows.

Blue is the turquoise stone of love, peace and harmony. Smoother emotions, it provides strength of conscience, increases wisdom, attracts love and strengthens relationships, heals pain in the heart, enhances the ability to love, dispels all negative energies and emotions. It suppresses menstrual cramps and removes toxic substances from the lungs, liver, intestines and kidneys. Improves communication. Sign: Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Turquoise is fragile - it can crack when struck or dropped, crack or change color from overheating. Talisman for good luck and financial success. Gives its owners determination, will and fearlessness. Turquoise is used as a talisman only of natural origin.

Red jasper charges the body with energy, strong animal energy. Red jasper stimulates energy, as well as sexual instinct and proper blood circulation in the organs. It helps, in particular, with the blood circulation and metabolism of the body, reduces fever, cleanses the liver, blood vessels, removes blockage. Horoscope sign: ram, virgin, scorpio, capricorn.

A blue stone for anyone who is uncomfortable or insecure about what they are doing. Supports brain activity, speech and speech. It opens intuition and inner vision. Lapis lazuli relieves headaches and pressure on the heart, lungs or bronchi. It mediates a sense of security in the infinite cosmos, enhances its power and gives deep joy to the wonder of life and the universe. Horoscope sign: Virgo and Sagittarius.

Emerald - precious dark green stone. In jewelry art, it is recognized as a stone of the highest class, even more than diamonds are valued. A symbol of wisdom, hope and composure. It is believed that the owner of an emerald becomes happy, a pure, even poorly educated person.

highly educated people with big amount information, logicians - the emerald is not an assistant. But for intuitives, as well as mediums, psychics and spiritualists, the emerald provides powerful energy support.

Malachite harmonizes the body with nature, promotes patience, intuition and creativity. It supports the correct heartbeat, the heart is more resistant to stress and emotional fluctuations. At the same time, it harmonizes blood pressure, reduces menstrual pain and rheumatism. Horoscope sign: Taurus.

Pink stone of love and feelings adds that energy has very calming powers, soothes the body and emotions, transforms love burning to a deep emotion like maternal love. It brings love and compassion, relieves stress, depresses depression. Generate quick senses such as taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight. It promotes the function of the liver and genital organs, especially in women who are deprived of reproductive instincts and maternal feelings. Treats the effects of sexual abuse.

The emerald cleanses the human biofield, dissipates the accumulated negative energy. Amulet of family harmony, protects against vicious inclinations.

Sailors, travelers, and nursing mothers consider the emerald to be their talisman. In creativity - a talisman of inspiration, in business - success.

The healing properties of emerald are applicable in diseases of the stomach, with headaches and joint pains, and arterial pressure. Has antibacterial properties.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eye helps economic Taurus in everyday matters, is able to extinguish anger and heal jealous impulses.

Kind and sincere people with the help of this talisman try their luck in achieving their goals.

Jasper - a motley stone of various color combinations and colors - from inclusions to stripes and spots.

Balances interpersonal and social relationships, so good for wearing to work. A stone that completely rids the body of accumulated negative energy.

Talisman of wealth and health. It treats gastrointestinal diseases, blood pressure, pain with bruises, improves memory.

Gemstones for a woman's calf

Women of this sign love luxury and comfort. The patron planet Venus endowed the representatives of this sign with ardor and good luck in love. A stone talisman for women's bodies should be the basis for an expensive and exquisite jewelry.

rose quartz

In addition to the stones listed above, malachite And rose quartz - good choice.

Pregnant women are recommended to wear as a talisman against the evil eye. turquoise , and then neither she nor the child is in danger.

A solid and reliable Taurus looks like an unshakable rock against the background of other signs of the horoscope. No wonder Taurus was originally depicted as half-grown into the ground. This largely determines the essence of a person born under this sign - steadfastness and dislike for frequent changes of scenery. However, only those who are completely devoid of the ability to understand people will consider Taurus to be inactive or slow-moving bumpkin. Calm and peaceful, Taurus cannot stand pressure and coercion. Endowed with inflexible stubbornness, they defend their positions to the end. The property "to rest your horn on the ground" is inherent in all owners of this sign.

Charming horned strong man is considered the most mercantile among the neighbors in the horoscope. He, like no one else, knows how to benefit from everything that he undertakes. The expression "Golden Calf" rightly indicates the main quality of this sign - the ability to make money. But in order to feel happy, Taurus must regularly satisfy their considerable needs, which are love for everything beautiful and refined. Any thing that a gourmet loves must be beautiful and practical.

Even in their negative qualities, such as stinginess and selfishness, Taurus is completely unique. He is not greedy for money, but rather a collector of good and expensive items. Taurus can lend a large sum of money to a friend without much persuasion, but he will never agree to part with his beloved old box, and the longer he is persuaded, the more stubbornly he refuses. No one will be able to invade the possessions of a hoarder bull and get hold of it by saying compliments. The vigilant Taurus vigilantly monitors his good and will not part with it voluntarily.

Taurus stones by date of birth (decade)

Taurus born from 21.04 to 01.05 is patronized by Mercury, the god of money and prosperity. Good luck for the golden bulls born in this decade will be brought by stones: agate, aventutine, amazonite, amethyst, tiger's eye and carnelian. Crafts from these stones will become an effective amulet.

The strongest (exalting) Moon in the sign, exerting its influence on Taurus from 02.05 to 11.05, advises them to prefer turquoise, rock crystal, opal, chrysoprase, chalcedony and corals. A pyramid of the listed minerals will enhance the calming effect of the Moon, and a ring will bring family harmony to the house of Taurus.

Expensive and precious stones will adorn and protect those born under the auspices of Saturn, from 12.05-20.05. The jewels recommended to Taurus by this gloomy god of destruction will comfort them in moments of depression and protect them from adversity. The list is impressive: diamonds and emeralds, garnets, sapphires, aquamarines! Even a simple contemplation of beautiful gems will dispel the pessimist's blues.

However, Taurus can safely "borrow" precious amulets those with whom they were born under the same sign. Of course, this is not about the stones themselves, but only about the recommendations.

Individual stones talismans for Taurus

The best guardian is Emerald. Stores in the house marital fidelity, promotes fertility, gives calmness, optimism, hope. If a person is wearing a ring with an emerald, evil spirits will not be able to encroach on him. Dressed at night, will keep good dreams.

Sapphire beneficial effect on the soul. This stone of heavenly blueness will not help an evil and dishonorable owner, but it will not harm either, remaining a passive decoration. A worthy owner helps to make the right decisions and protects from slander.

Neutralizes some of the negative energy jasper. A necessary gem for people who take someone else's misfortune to heart and are ready to meekly listen to other people's complaints. Repels energy vampires, protecting the health of the owner.

Everyday protector agate. Layered chalcedony with a variety of colors. Set in the metal of Taurus - copper, agate will give its owner confidence and tranquility. If you wear it for a long time, intuition develops, making it possible to unravel dishonesty. Develops eloquence, gives the gift of persuasion.

Enhance business success aventurine. It gives the owner a lot of ideas and plans. Successfully implemented, many Taurus projects sometimes reached state scale.

Woman's calf stone

Turquoise, which has long been considered a “girlish” stone, is loved by many girls. A sky-blue mineral will help unmarried girls to attract a loved one. Hidden in the folds of the dress, a piece of turquoise will protect the girl from frivolous acts and help protect herself from lies.

Green turquoise helps married women keep peace and prosperity in the house. A gem of a green hue is a symbol of health and fertility, so it is necessary in a family where they dream of a child.

Cacholong - translated as "Milk of the Sacred Cow", an attractive and mysterious pearl agate, astrologers recommend to women who are expecting a baby. Helps a good pregnancy, easy childbirth and the health of the mother and newborn. As if supporting folk saying: "God gave a child, God will give for a child", helps to ensure that a family with small children has money.

Male calf stone

Black agate - contributes to the concentration of abilities, helps to discover hidden potential. Lucky amulet for a business person.

Amazonite - will also bring its owner material well-being, confidence in making decisions, helps to cope with indecision.

Sardonyx is a variety of orange or brown onyx. Develops the gift of persuasion, helps in communicating with the weaker sex. For a lonely Taurus, this stone is a real find. The gem hates disorder and always finds a mate alone.

Zircon - despite being popular with the fairer sex, is a very "masculine" stone. Gives determination in the search for truth, exposing deceptions and intrigues. Rectilinear people are protected from slander and disputes. It interferes with liars in the implementation of insidious plans, and this also protects them, not allowing them to wallow in lies.

Stones that are contraindicated for Taurus

The only stone that Taurus should strongly avoid and not have with him in any form is amber. The consequences of the acquisition, and even more so the gift of this frozen piece of resin, the owner begins to notice very soon. It is not known why amber disliked Taurus, but troubles and misfortunes rain down on the owner of the yellow stone from all sides. Moreover, the negative power of amber does not weaken, and the stone arranges small dirty tricks for the unloved owner with relentless zeal.

If you want to get rid of amber, never throw it in the trash. With a thing that was considered an amulet, part with dignity. For example, the Romanians leave the amulet in a conspicuous place with the words: “You and I could not be friends. I wish soul to soul to live with the new owner. You can perform this simple rite of deliverance, or you can give it to someone who likes the stone.

There are a few more stones that are undesirable for Taurus to wear. These include topaz, amethyst, pyrite, heliotrope, ruby.

When choosing jewelry with a stone, listen to your inner voice. If, when looking at a gem, a feeling of warmth appears in the soul, then you have found your stone!