Scenario of a military sports game in winter for schoolchildren. Scenario of the military-sports game "Zarnitsa"



Scenario of the military sports game "Zarnitsa"

20.06. 2018

senior preschool age.

Musical director E.A. Tereshchenko

Target: The development of physical fitness and patriotic education of children,
the formation of interest in a healthy lifestyle,

Tasks: To introduce children to the patriotic game "Zarnitsa".

Develop psychophysical qualities (endurance, speed, strength, dexterity, speed, coordination of movements).

To educate moral qualities: patriotism, initiative, independence, conscious discipline, mutual assistance, friendship.

Marching music sounds, children under the guidance of a physical instructor gather on the site, line up around the perimeter of the site.

Instructor-Commander- Hello, friends! We are glad to welcome you to the military-patriotic game Zarnitsa. All of you are the future defenders of our Motherland. And the defenders must be strong, smart, brave and hardy. Brave - so as not to be afraid of the enemy, and smart - to properly handle weapons and be able to get out of the most difficult situations.

Soldiers of the Russian army stand guard over peace, happiness and freedom!
Who knows how to compete, who does not sit idle,
Who wants to compete with strength - for those our holiday is open!

So, we are starting the Zarnitsa sports festival, dedicated to those who serve and will serve in the ranks armed forces Russian Federation.
Parade quietly! Alignment with the flag! (the Russian anthem plays, the flag is raised)

The captains are reporting.

The commander of one of the units approaches the instructor:

Comrade commander. The detachment _____________ is ready to carry out a combat mission. Commander __________.

Instructor: Team "Infantry" is your motto.
Children- We are brave, friendly, skillful infantrymen.
We will serve in the Army, we will protect the Motherland!

Instructor- Team "Paratroopers" is your motto.

Children- We are brave paratroopers, brave and strong

We want to serve in the army, because she needs us so much!

Instructor- The command "Sailors" is your motto.
Children- We will go to serve in the fleet - our motherland's stronghold!

There is nothing worse for the enemies of the character of Russian sailors!

Instructor- Guys, this morning I received a letter from the General of the Army, let's read what it says: "On the territory kindergarten The fairy tale secret documents were left in the agreed place. The task for the guys is to find a briefcase with documents, a map is attached to help, by which you can find out the location of the documents.

Hope you can do it! Wish you luck!"

Ready to find secret documents?
Children- Ready!

Instructor- You will need speed, dexterity, courage, determination to achieve the goal. Let's start the task.

1. Task "Combat training" + review of the drill song
Each team performs rebuilding at the command of the instructor (to the right, to the left, in a circle, on the spot, march forward, march forward, at attention).

We go to the barrier)

2. Task "Barrier" Instructor- Look closely, where is the barrier?
Children approach the barrier (tape), it is closed.

Instructor- To raise the barrier you need to answer the following questions:
What country do we live in? (Russia)
Who is protecting our country? (army, soldiers)
Tell me, what military professions do you know? (sailors, gunners, pilots, signalmen, tankers, border guards, infantrymen)

3. Quest "Go through the swamp" get over the “swamp2 (hoops). Rules of the game: when crossing the “swamp”, you cannot step on the hoops - these are peat hummocks that can flare up at any moment. A child who stepped into a red hoop is considered wounded, the orderlies bandage him and take him on a stretcher to the medical battalion.

4. Mission "Minefield" Children, with the help of gymnastic sticks, must find multi-colored plastic balls buried in the sand (on the playgrounds) (not deep), collect them in baskets. A separate search area has been created for each team.

5. Mission "Sharpshooter" It is necessary to hit the object (or target) with a bag (distance 1.5 -2 meters). The team with the most hits wins.

6. Task "Lunch": In each team, a “Cook” is selected, which stands last in the column. Each team member in turn runs up to the table, takes the offered products lying on the tray (these are plastic vegetables and fruits), the task is to choose vegetables for borscht, fruits for compote, and put one by one into the pan. The last player - "kok" runs last, takes the pot in his hands, checks the ingredients for borscht and shouts "lunch". The team that chooses the right products and finishes the relay quickly wins.

7. Task "Open the briefcase"
Instructor- Guys, on the map I see that documents are hidden under this tree. Let's find them.

Children find a briefcase.
Instructor- We found the briefcase, but it won't open. Need a password. Let's think with you, the word should be military.
- Name the military equipment?
That's right, ARMORED TRANSPORTER! The briefcase has been opened, here are the secret documents, we will hand them over to the army general! You did an excellent job with all the tasks.

Building on the parade ground:

Instructor: I want to express my gratitude to you for the speed, agility and friendship shown in the game!
"Sailors, artillerymen, border guards, signalmen -
To everyone who protects our world and guards the borders, For great deeds ....

children read together: Glory, glory and praise!

Children release balloons with white doves

Squad leaders receive awards for children.

Scenario of the military-sports game "Zarnitsa"


formation of the desire for victory, harmony of perfection, physical and spiritual principles;
the formation of skills in children of quick reaction skills in non-standard situations;
development and promotion healthy lifestyle life.
development and strengthening of physical training of students;
team building;
educating the younger generation of the spirit of patriotism;

Event progress.
Building teams.
Explanation of the conditions of the game and distribution of route sheets.
The movement of teams along the routes.
Summing up. Rewarding.

Conditions and requirements for participants:
The military sports game is held on the territory of the school during one school day.
To participate in the game, 4 teams are formed (at least 8 people) - students in grades 1-4.
Each team has a name, an emblem and a commander.
Dress code: closed shoes, jacket, hat, gloves.
Each team is given a route sheet in the general formation before the start of the game.
All participants are familiarized with the stages of the game and the scheme of movement in advance.

1 "Drill training".
1-4 classes take part in 8 participants. The team demonstrates drill, carries out the commands of his commander.

2 "Web".
1-4 classes take part in 8 participants.
Each participant takes turns crawling along the section of 6 meters in a plastunsky way under stretched

3 "Encryption".
The whole team is involved. Students are given an encrypted message in the form of a set of numbers.
Using the alphabet, decipher the encryption in a certain time.

4. "Sanitary point".
The whole team is involved. The team provides first aid to the injured (one of the team members). The nature of the injury is a fracture of the lower leg and carrying the victim. The sequence of implementation of measures to provide assistance, the correct application of a bandage, transportation, as well as a humane attitude towards the victim are evaluated.

5. "Military polymath" .
The whole team is involved. The participant must answer questions related to military service.

6. "Crossing".
Take part in 8 participants from each team (4 boys + 4 girls, in pairs). For a while, you need to transport the girls from one side to the other on a sleigh.

7. "Tug of War". The whole team is involved. The task of the team is to pull the opponents over the stop line

8. "Minefield"

The participants face a serious problem. They have to neutralize live shells buried in a snowy area. Plastic bottles with caps are used as mines. The task of the players is to find all the "ammunition" and clear them (unscrew the covers).

9 "Tir". Each team member alternately throws 2 balls, trying to knock down the skittles (5 pieces). The referee returns the ball to the participants and counts the number of points. (How many pins are knocked down, so many points, the maximum is 10). The distance to the skittle is 6 meters.

Each stage is evaluated on a 10-point system, except for the stages: “Web”, “Encryption”, “Crossing”, “Tug of war”
For violation of the rules, teams are given penalty points.

The winning teams will be awarded with diplomas. Teams that did not win prizes, diplomas for participation. The best commanders are awarded with diplomas.

Zarnitsa. Scenario for elementary school

Shtruba Olga Mikhailovna, methodologist of the MUDO "House of childhood and youth in the city of Cheremkhovo"
This event will be useful for educators, organizers, teachers physical culture, teachers primary school, teachers of additional education. The military-sports game is intended for elementary school children, 5-6th grades, can be used for senior and preparatory group kindergarten.
This event is the most successful in holding the Defender of the Fatherland Day. The scenario includes stages of a sports, military-patriotic, physical culture character. It contributes to team building, education of the spirit of patriotism among the younger generation; building a will to win.

Game Zarnitsa

Military sports game for primary school students.
The target audience: older children preschool age, initial link.
Goals and objectives:
- promotion of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports, development and strengthening of physical training of students;
- rallying the team, educating the younger generation of the spirit of patriotism;
- formation of the desire for victory, harmony of perfection, physical and spiritual principles;
- the formation of children's skills of quick reaction in non-standard situations;
Conduct form- a relay race consisting of several stages. Teams start at the same time. The time of passing the stages is fixed by the last participant who arrived at the finish line. In the route sheets, only the number of points scored is noted.
Site design: multi-colored flags, banners with inscriptions: "Zarnichka", "Start", "Finish".

Props: 8 tablets, backboard with basketball hoop, 2 bags, 15 flags (3 large + 12 small), 2 pairs of sleds, 1 darts backboard, 2 pairs of loose skis, paper backboard 2 markers, 4 route sheets for 4 -x teams, a rope with flags for fencing + pegs, 7 stage indicators (a peg with a shield, for example: "Erudite", stage 1); basket, 6 medium balls, 1 soccer ball, 1 volleyball, 10 pencils, 2 bottles of coloring water, calculator, 6 skittles, darts, 2 darts.

Stage judges:"Start"; Stage 1 "Tir"; Stage 2 "Sniper"; Stage 3 - "Erudite"; Stage 4 "Running in a bag"; Stage 5 "Darts"; Stage 6 "biathlon"; 7 "Football"; finish.

Members: 4 teams of 6 people.

Course of the sports festival:

Secretary: Nations live as one family,
Russia is strong like granite.
On guard of peace, happiness and freedom
A soldier of the Russian army is standing!
Who can compete
Who does not sit idle
Who wants to compete with strength -
For those our holiday is open!

So, we are starting the Zarnichka sports competition, dedicated to those who served and will serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who guard and who will have to guard the peace of citizens and the peaceful sky above their heads!

I ask for teams to build!

Presentation of the panel of judges.
- Teams for participation in competitions to hand over a report!
- The word for acquaintance with the course of the competition is given to the chief judge _______.

The chief referee tells the teams about the course of the competition.
Target: score the maximum number of points.
- I ask the team to the starting line! Start: the secretary registers the teams and distributes the route sheets, the judge enters the name of the team, gives a start.

Stage 1 "Tir". Each team member alternately throws 2 balls, trying to knock down the skittles (6 pieces). The referee returns the ball to the participants and counts the number of points. (How many pins are knocked down, so many points, the maximum is 12).

Stage 2 "Sniper". Participants are divided into 3 pairs. The first pair starts: one sits on a sled, the second is driven to the basketball hoop. Having reached the line, the carrier stops and throws the ball into the ring; the seated person gets up, takes the ball and throws it into the ring, then harnesses himself to the sled, carries his partner to the team. The 2nd and 3rd pair follow the same path. The judge counts the points and writes them on the route sheet. The maximum number of points is -6, according to the number of throws. How many hits, so many points.

Stage 3 "Erudite". Participants answer the judge's questions.

2. How should I dress when skating, skiing? (In a warm tracksuit and a light jacket, warm socks, a knitted hat, have mittens)
3. Are winter games always beneficial for children? (Sometimes, if the game is misbehaved, it can be not beneficial, but harmful. This can happen if, for example, the student stays in the cold for too long, for many hours without a break. You can catch a cold and get sick.
If you ride in a heavy coat, you will quickly get tired. In the same way, you will harm your health if, getting excited, you sit on ice, snow, or open your coat in the cold, or eat snow or ice.)

- dress lightly but warmly;
- check if the skates and skis are correctly applied;
- ride no more than an hour or an hour and a half;
- if you slip, try to fall on your side, not on your back, - then you will hurt yourself less;
- you can’t rest in the cold, you can’t sit on the ice and snow, you can’t drink very cold water;
- rest only in a warm room, unbuttoning outer clothing;
- do not open your coat in the cold;
- do not ride in severe frost or wind, do not ride in a thaw.)
5. Why is it useful for children to skate and ski? (It is very useful to be outdoors in winter because the air in winter is much cleaner than in summer, there is almost no dust in it. From playing in the air in winter, children become healthier, stronger. Walking, playing in the air in winter, they get used to the cold, easily tolerate cold, rarely catch colds, rarely get sick.In winter, the air hardens children very well.Outdoor games and outdoor sports in winter are very good for health)
6. Name winter sports. (Cross-country skiing, biathlon, ski jumping, alpine skiing, freestyle, snowboarding, speed riding, snowkiting, bobsleigh, skeleton, figure skating, speed skating, short track, ice hockey, bandy, curling, winter windsurfing, winter kite-selling.

The judge notes in the route sheet the number of points scored (maximum 6).

Stage 4 "Running in a bag." Participants alternately jump in the bag to the flag, go around it, jump to the beginning of the stage, pass it to the next one.
Target: go the distance without falling. For each fallen participant, the judge removes one point. The maximum number of points is 6.

Stage 5 "Darts". Participants alternately throw darts at the target (darts), using 2 attempts. Each hit is a point. The maximum is 12 points. The judge notes in the route sheet the number of points scored.

Stage 6 "Biathlon". Participants alternately pass a certain section of the stage on skis, then throw balls into the basket (3 attempts), return to the starting position on skis. The judge notes in the route list the number of points scored (maximum - 18 points).

Stage 7 "Football". Participants alternately score the ball into the "gate". The judge notes in the route sheet the number of points scored (maximum 6 points).

After passing through all stages, the team captains hand over the route sheets to the panel of judges, which sums up the results.

The teams line up on the site, the chief judge of the competition announces the winner (1 team receives a prize), the rest of the certificates for participation and sweet prizes.

If the teams scored the same number of points, the final stage is held to determine the winner - a tug of war.

Summing up and rewarding participants!

(Each team has its own route list, so that the children do not collide at the stages and pass the routes at the same time).

Route sheet number 1.

1 1 stage "Tir".
2 Stage 2 "Sniper".
3 Stage 3 "Erudite".
4 Stage 4 "Running in a bag."
5 Stage 5 "Darts".
6 Stage 6 "Biathlon".
7 Stage 7 "Football".

Route sheet number 2.


Educational institution_______________________________________________________

Number of participants_____________________________________________________

No. Name of the stage Number of points scored Full name of the judge Painting of the judge at the stage
1 7th stage "Football".
2 1 stage "Tir".
3 Stage 2 "Sniper".
4 Stage 3 "Erudite".
5 Stage 4 "Running in a bag."
6 Stage 5 "Darts".
7 Stage 6 "Biathlon".

Route sheet number 3.


Educational institution_______________________________________________________

Number of participants_____________________________________________________

No. Name of the stage Number of points scored Full name of the judge Painting of the judge at the stage
1 6 stage "Biathlon".
2 7th stage "Football".
3 Stage 1 "Tir".
4 Stage 2 "Sniper".
5 Stage 3 "Erudite".
6 Stage 4 "Running in a bag."
7 Stage 5 "Darts".

Route sheet number 4.


Educational institution_______________________________________________________

Number of participants_____________________________________________________

No. Name of the stage Number of points scored Full name of the judge Painting of the judge at the stage
1 5th stage "Darts".
2 Stage 6 "Biathlon".
3 7th stage "Football".
4 Stage 1 "Tir".
5 Stage 2 "Sniper".
6 Stage 3 "Erudite".
7 Stage 4 "Running in a bag."

Final Scorecard.

№ p / p Team name Representation of the team Stage 1 "Tiring". Stage 2 "Sniper". Stage 3 "Erudite". Stage 4 "Running in a bag." Stage 5 "Darts". Stage 6 "Biathlon". Stage 7 "Football". Total score

Stage 3 "Erudite". Participants answer the judge's questions.
1. What time of the year is the least dust on the street? (winter)
2. How should I dress when skating, skiing?
3. Are winter games always beneficial for children?
4. What rules should be observed during various games in the cold in order to protect yourself from colds and injuries?
5. Why is it useful for children to skate and ski?
6. Name winter sports.

Target: Create a cheerful, cheerful mood in children; to feel the joy of movement. Develop motor skills - strength, speed, endurance, coordination. Cultivate friendliness, the desire for mutual assistance.




Target : Create a cheerful, cheerful mood in children; to feel the joy of movement. Develop motor skills - strength, speed, endurance, coordination. Cultivate friendliness, the desire for mutual assistance.


  • Strengthen children's health, promote their physical development
  • Education of a sports lifestyle that provides for a healthy lifestyle.Consolidation of the skills and abilities acquired in the classroom
  • The development of observation, the ability to perceive the beauty of the surrounding world and respect for it.
  • Raising patriotism in the younger generation, a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, courage.
  • Instilling a sense of respect for the Russian army, love for the Motherland

The game is played by two teams red and green ) and can more quantity commands

  • Battalion commander
  • Deputy Battalion Commander
  • reconnaissance platoon
  • Squad of shooters (snipers)
  • Sanitary

The order of the celebration. "ZARNITSA"

  • Team building
  • Solemn construction
  • Route sheet
  • Mobile game "Banner"
  • Summarizing

Forms of the game"ZARNITSY" - relay race, which consists of several stages. The types of play differ at different stages. The time of passing each stage (stage score) is recorded separately. The Chief Judge distributes vouchers to all captains, which indicates the route and map, start and finish times. For all teams, a ticket is issued with the same route, but in a different direction. Each station has a sign with its name. At each station, the commander gives the judge a ticket, after which the team performs the task. Judges at each stage of the competition evaluate the team's performance with points, and return the ticket to the commander. Having reached the finish line, the team lines up in front of the chief judge, who marks the time of the team's arrival on the ticket.

Condition and assessment of the performance of tasks at stages

"ORDERS" - Tell what first aid should be given to the victim: 1. Broken nose; 2. Abrasion on the knee; 3. Bruises or "bumps" on the forehead; 4. Light fainting; 5. Transfer of the victim; etc.

grade: The highest score for a team is 8 points. For each incorrect answer, one point is deducted.


Task number 1

Each team is given an envelope in which proverbs on a military theme are cut into separate words. From these words, in one minute you need to collect the entire proverb. (“The battle is red with courage, and a comrade with friendship”, “The courageous one blames himself, and the cowardly blames his comrade”, etc.)

Task number 2

Encryption: Each team is given a card with encryption and a key. Read the text in one minute. (25 19 1 2 3 16 6 18 20, 18 12 6 3 1 15 19 4 15 17. 15 22 17 1 14 31 30 19 5 3 6 16 20 25 1 19, 15 5 9 14 19 1 14 11.)

grade: for each correct answer in two tasks - 5 points

"SNIPERS" - the task is performed by the arrows of the team, one at a time. Starting on the knee, hit the target with three balls, arranged in a row after 20 cm, at a distance of 5 m.

grade : the number of points is equal to the total number of hits.

"OVERCOMING THE OBSTACLES"- a labyrinth, crossing a log, a tunnel, throwing a grenade at a target, bumps, along an inclined longing.

grade : the number of points is equal to the total passage of the distance.

"ORIENTATION"- answer questions and show in practice your ability to navigate the terrain.

  1. Where do birds fly in autumn?
  2. Where does the sun "rise" and where does it "set"?
  3. How can you tell cardinal points from trees?
  4. Where is the sun at noon?
  5. On which side does moss grow on a tree?
  6. What other signs can be used to determine the cardinal points?
  7. Name all the methods of orientation known to you?

grade: 1 point is given for each correct answer, and 0.5 points are deducted for each incorrect answer. For practical skill - 5 points in each answer.

"PARACHUTS" - jump off one by one, sweat alone, from a bench (porch or from another height of 60 cm) into one of three circles with a diameter of 30 cm. (at the direction of the referee). The circles are arranged in a fan at a distance of 1 m from the jumping point. Land exactly within the circle, and stand with balance.

grade: 2 points are awarded for each correct landing.

"CLIMBERS" - go one at a time, one at a time, along the "winding mountain path", stepping on 10 bricks arranged in the form of a closed figure eight. The distance between the bricks is 60,30,10 cm (and beyond the same sequence).

grade : the highest score for the team is 8 points, for each foot touching the ground when moving along the “path”, 0.5 points are reduced.

As soon as the last team completes the entire route. mobile game"BANNER"

Two teams are playing. Each team has its own banner.

Game rule:

1.Each team needs to master the banner of the enemy.


I stage. Ceremonial formation with a banner. Dress uniform. (squad emblems). The head of the game conducts a review of the system and the song Become! Take it easy, calm down! Squad leaders to step out of line. Report to squad leaders.

(Sample report: - squad "Group Name"

Consisting of ____ people

Ready to participate in the military sports game.

Our motto____. Our song______.

Squad leader First name Last name

II stage. The chief referee distributes the route sheets. Teams leave from the start on time according to the stages that are written in the route sheet


As soon as the teams go through the entire route and lose the mobile game. The jury calculates the scores of all teams. The overall score of each of the teams consists of the sum of points received for passing the entire route and completing tasks at the stages. Best time is evaluated by a number of points equal to the number of participating teams. The rest of the teams receive, in accordance with their time, low points. According to the sum of points received by the teams during the passage of the route and for achievements at the stages, the places and occupation in the competition are determined.

Rule: 1. The order in which the team members perform tasks at the stages is established by the battalion commander. 2. Players who make mistakes do not restart the attempt, but continue to complete the task further. 3. Completion of the task, the team is obliged to put in place all the items used.


That's it, our competition is over.

We will complete it now.

The result of all our competitions,

Let the judges bring us

The judges sum up the competition and announce the winners of the competition

Thank you, and goodbye!

See you soon in the gym

Elena Reznik
Scenario of the military sports game "Zarnitsa"

" Zarnitsa"

Sounds like military march.

Each child has an attribute military uniform(shoulder straps, caps, caps)

Leading military sports game " Zarnitsa

The anthem of Russia sounds

military sports game


Commander games" Zarnitsa

Military incident

Children: Ready!



1 station

"Shoot down the enemy tank"

2 station

"March Through the Swamp"


3 station

"Crawl in the Maze"

4 station

"Wounded Fighter"

5 station

"clear the field"

(gymnastic stick)

6 station


7 station


"fighter" "map" "map"


Scenario of a military sports game" Zarnitsa"

Sounds like military march.

The squads go to the sports ground.

Each child's clothing has an attribute military uniform(shoulder straps, caps, caps)

Leading: Hello, friends! We are pleased to welcome you to military sports game" Zarnitsa"dedicated to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day! Defenders of the Fatherland Day is a holiday for those who love, be proud and ready to defend their Motherland - Russia! To the anthem of Russia - at attention!

The anthem of Russia sounds

On February 23, our country celebrates the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day". This is the holiday of our dads, grandfathers and boys. After all, they are the main defenders of our Motherland. And the defenders must be brave, strong, smart. Courageous - so as not to be afraid of the enemy, and smart - to properly handle weapons and be able to get out of the most difficult situations. The units that have gathered today to take part in military sports game undoubtedly possess all these qualities.

Military: I wish you good health, comrade fighters! Squad leaders, get ready to submit reports!

(group commanders approach the officer and submit a report)

Commander: Squad! Equal! Attention! Comrade commander, the detachment to carry out games" Zarnitsa"Ready! The report was handed over by the commander of the detachment.

Military: Comrade fighters, an emergency has occurred incident: the banners of the detachments were stolen from the headquarters. Your task is to find them and bring them back to headquarters! The task is very difficult and important, you will need to overcome many obstacles. To do this, you will need courage, courage, courage, determination. Comrade soldiers, are you ready for a combat mission?

Children: Ready!

Military: You need to go through the stations where you are waiting for the test. After passing each stage, you will be given parts of the plan, adding up which you will know where to look for the banners. After finding the squad flag, you need to return here and report on the completion of the task. Is the assignment clear? Squad leaders get a route map!

Military: Squads get to work!

Detachments find a starting point on the route map and begin their journey. At each station, the detachment is given a part of the split picture-plan.

1 station

"Shoot down the enemy tank"

Children take turns throwing a "grenade" (snowballs, trying to hit the tank model.

2 station

"March Through the Swamp"

Children move through the swamp along the "bumps" (hoops)

3 station

"Crawl in the Maze"

The snow labyrinth is covered with a mesh from above, you have to crawl through and not touch the mesh.

4 station

"Wounded Fighter"

Nurse girls provide first aid to the wounded, 4 fighters carry the wounded on a raincoat tent to the first-aid post.

5 station

"clear the field"

Plastic bottles are buried in the snow, which must be found with a mine detector. (gymnastic stick)

6 station


On command, the units perform combat exercises.

7 station


Climbing the gymnastic wall, "fighter" examines the ladder laid out on the other side "map" and remembers the location of geometric shapes on it. When all the children have completed the task, the squad jointly lays out "map" on a sheet of paper, reproducing the proposed arrangement of geometric shapes.

Having passed all the stations, the children assemble the plan from the assembled parts, read it, determining the place where the flag is hidden. The squads look for the flag and return to the sports ground. The first team to attach the flag to the flagpole wins.

Military: Squads! Equal! Attention! Comrade fighters! You did an excellent job with the task, all the banners were delivered to the headquarters. You passed all the tests without loss. You are true patriots. A patriot is one who loves his Fatherland and is ready to defend it! Once again, I congratulate everyone on the holiday of February 23. And now the detachments disperse to their sites, where delicious, real field porridge awaits you!