A person does not sleep for several days what to do. Is it possible not to sleep for a day and what are the consequences

Since childhood, we all know that a person needs to sleep. For kids in kindergartens, sleep is provided during the day. Everyone who has grown out of this age decides for themselves whether they need a day's rest or not. The ancient Greeks say that God created night for sleep and day for work, but in this country, as well as in Spain, in Italy and in some other countries, several hours of daily siesta are obligatory. Interestingly, have you ever thought about what will happen if you do not sleep around the clock? Maybe nothing bad will happen? On the contrary, prolonged wakefulness will make it possible to complete more important things, to be in time everywhere, to carry out everything that is planned. If so, how many days can a person go without sleep? How will this affect the functioning of all body systems? This is our article.

Sleep as a panacea for all diseases

With the modern rhythm of life, many of us had moments when the day flew by without a break for a pit stop. Exams, blockages at work, urgently completed projects and term papers force you to take desperate measures - to forget about nightly "halts". How long can this last? Day? Two? Three? Fortunately, a cup of strong coffee acts as an assistant in prolonged wakefulness. Few people think about the dangers of such a "diet" if a new position, a scholarship or a lucrative contract is at stake. After all, the body needs sleep. It gives rest to every organ, every cell. Even the robot needs to be disconnected from the network for a while, allowing its mechanism to cool down.

Reading Russian fairy tales in childhood, we heard the phrase “the morning is wiser than the evening” more than once. Perhaps then it was not clear to everyone. For adults, its meaning is clear - with a fresh mind, all problems are seen from a different angle, and more reasonable solutions come to mind.

But the benefits of sleep are not only that it helps improve brain function. Every doctor can say that sound restful sleep in its own way helps to cope with diseases. During wakefulness, the body has to expend more effort, since a person cannot separate himself from the life around him. During sleep, many systems are turned off, which makes it possible to direct their forces to restore diseased organs.

Consequences of being awake

Perhaps some will be surprised to learn that without sleep a person dies. Randy Gardner from the US state of California, by his own example, found that a person can be awake for no more than 264 hours. Having received from this dubious experiment a whole complex side effects, he preferred the rest of his life to adhere to the correct daily routine.

His experience led the US Senate to the idea that a person who has not slept for a long time cannot be taken to testify, because he has hallucinations that he perceives as reality. In World War II, as well as during some other military conflicts, cases of the use of lack of sleep as an instrument of torture were documented. Consider what can happen to the human body during such exposure.

The first day

What happens if you don't sleep for a day?

Nothing serious will happen to your health. Now many people have a work schedule in which they do not sleep for 24 hours, for example, "a day in three." On the first day of the weekend, they are sure to sleep off.

A person with a regular schedule will have a harder time getting through the day after being awake at night. However, drowsiness, lack of attention and concentration will bring maximum discomfort. A mug of coffee and an ice shower will be a "lifeline" in such a situation. It should be noted that one night without sleep does not affect everyone in the same way. There are many such people who experience not drowsiness, but a surge of energy, due to which they develop violent activity. There is also a third category of people who, after spending a day without sleep, become highly aggressive, begin to quarrel over trifles, and provoke conflict situations. But this behavior manifests itself in them only if you do not let them sleep. In other cases, they can be the sweetest people.

Such changes happen to people because even after the first 24 hours without sleep, brain activity is disturbed, some people may experience signs of mild schizophrenia. Their speech becomes fuzzy, colors are perceived differently, emotions are suppressed, and when pressure is applied to a person from the outside, they splash out in the form of hysteria.

A day without sleep can cause headache, apathy, lack of appetite, high blood pressure, mild arrhythmia. The face of such a person perfectly demonstrates fatigue: the skin becomes dull, bags and dark circles can be seen under the eyes, all wrinkles (if any) are drawn more clearly.

Second day

Two days without sleep has a devastating effect on the body. Brain cells begin to die, which leads to a deterioration not only in attention, but also in coordination in space, to focusing of thinking on the task at hand, to impaired clarity of vision (many people see “flies”, converging and diverging circles before their eyes). Many people begin to eat heavily, leaning on fatty and salty foods. So the body tries to maintain the production of hormones necessary for metabolic reactions. Diarrhea coupled with heartburn are also common symptoms of a two-day lack of sleep. Sometimes a very tired and sleepy person cannot fall asleep. This is because his body began to produce hormones responsible for insomnia.

Day Three

What happens if you don't sleep for 3 days? A scarf and a blanket will become essentials, because a person will experience severe chills, regardless of the weather. The brutal appetite on the second day is replaced by its complete loss on the third. The stomach seeks to return all its contents to its owner, refusing to work in such conditions.

A person loses interest in everything, can look at one point for a long time and not move. His brain ceases to control the situation, turning off consciousness for a few moments. This is not a superficial sleep, it is a "microsleep", lasting from 1 second to 1 minute.

Day four

What happens if you don't sleep for four days? The brain becomes completely beyond the control of a person, it literally turns off. If after the first day without sleep the ability to process information decreases by about a third, two days “eat up” already 60%, and on the fourth day you can forget about thinking. Neuronal activity is close to zero, the main parts of the brain go offline. Consciousness is constantly confused and confused, speech becomes primitive, monosyllabic. Tremor of the limbs, chills, "cotton" hands and feet - all these are the consequences of a long wakefulness.

A person visually and internally ages by 10-20 years in 4 days. Hallucinations confuse his consciousness, the line between reality and visions is erased. From this mood and emotions resemble a dormant volcano. Complete indifference to everything is replaced by causeless and uncontrolled irritation, sometimes bordering on aggression.

Day five

What will happen to the body if you do not sleep for five days? In this case, hallucinations are joined by paranoia, which causes panic attacks. During these attacks, a person's heart rate increases, cold sweat flows down his back, a person forgets who he is. His hallucinations blur the lines more and more and break through into the real world, becoming bright, clear, hard to distinguish from reality.

There is individuals, able to resist sleep longer, so all the symptoms of the fourth day will apply to them by the fifth day.

6th and 7th day

What happens if you don't sleep for a long time? To become like a drug addict, you just need to give up sleep for 6 days or more. The immunity of such a person refuses to resist and stops responding to harmful microorganisms. Defenselessness against viruses and bacteria in those who were deprived of sleep for 6-7 days has been experimentally proven.

Recovery and aftermath

If the experiment of spending a long time without sleep was a one-time event, the recovery of the body will be complete and quick. Just 8 hours of proper rest will allow a person to return to their previous state. If you subject your body to such tests constantly, then health problems will acquire a colossal scale. The liver will rebel, the hormonal system will begin to "naughty" regularly. The most serious deviations will be observed from the side of cardio-vascular system and psyche.

Exceptions to the rules

There are phenomena on planet Earth that can go years without sleep. They do not feel fatigue and all of the above negative effects from constant wakefulness.

People suffering from Morvan's disease, the main symptoms of which are insomnia and hallucinations, are sometimes able to stay awake for several months. They do not have any deviations in brain activity, disturbances in perception and memory do not concern them. Fatal familial insomnia is one such disorder.

However, history knows people who do not sleep at all because of illness. Yakov Tsiperovich began to be constantly in a state of wakefulness after he experienced clinical death. At first, insomnia gave him unimaginable torment, but soon the body adapted to such a rhythm of life. The only deviation that he observes is a low temperature. Jacob is saved by daily meditation.

Vietnamese Ngoc Thai has not slept for 44 years. His health is wonderful.

These two people are the exception to the rule. Everyone else needs to give it a break for the normal functioning of the body. Sleep is necessary first of all for a reboot, so that you can realize yourself as much as possible, work, relax and enjoy life without side effects.

If a person is deprived of sleep for 7 days, then starting from the 5th day high risk die from lack of sleep - for example, from a heart attack due to hallucinations. This is how a person works - we need to recuperate after a day's work. During sleep, the subconscious is actively involved in the work, the information accumulated during the day is processed. The muscles of the body rest, the internal organs are calmly busy with their functioning, the consciousness is turned off. Why is it so important to go to bed at the right time, get enough sleep, and never deprive yourself of sleep for a long time? This is easy to understand if you follow what happens to a person suffering from insomnia for various reasons. The consequences are dire...

1st day
1 day without sleep is not much. Surely you will remember a situation when you did not have to go to bed for a whole day. Fatigue, poor memory and concentration, wandering attention, headache, indigestion - this is what is usually observed after a sleepless night. Memory and attention cannot function normally due to the fact that neocortex did not recover overnight. All systems in the body are connected, and therefore other organs react to lack of sleep. For health, 1 day cannot cause significant damage, but well-being is unpleasant.

2nd–3rd day
Violated not only attention, but also coordination of movements. frontal lobes of the brain cannot work normally without proper rest, because creative thinking you can forget. A person left without sleep for 3 days is in a state of nervous exhaustion. There may be a nervous tic, panic attacks. Appetite will increase, because in stress, the body will release a large amount of the hormone cortisol, which contributes to the unrestrained eating of food. I want fried, salty, spicy, and this despite the fact that digestive system works poorly and unsystematically. Falling asleep, oddly enough, is very difficult - again due to overwork of the nervous system.

4th–5th day
Hallucinations are bound to come. A person will speak incoherently, poorly understand what is happening to him, solving the simplest problems will become unbearable for him. At the same time, irritability and anger will increase in proportion to the time spent without sleep. Parietal and prefrontal cortex will refuse to work, that's why all this is happening.

6th–7th day
American student Randy Gardner did not sleep for 11 days. Already on the 7th day, he behaved extremely strangely, experiencing the strongest hallucinations and showing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. The tremor of the limbs, the inability to think sensibly and the strongest paranoia are what he had to endure for the sake of a scientific experiment.

Among the causes of insomnia are nervous and muscular strain, pain syndrome and indigestion. Stuffiness, bright light, uncomfortable bed - that's what makes it difficult to fall asleep. Insomnia itself is considered the cause of many diseases, doctors say: if you want to recover, first get rid of insomnia. But it happens that a person does not sleep for several days on his own initiative - this may be due to work. In doing so, you must be aware of the consequences of failure in the normal mode of life. It is recommended to sleep at night, and not during the day, because in complete darkness the human body produces hormone melatonin. Melatonin prolongs youth, improves brain function, and protects a person from cancer. Sleep is a medicine that everyone needs.

Anyone can remember an episode in their life when they had to stay awake for at least one night. For some, this is due to long parties, New Year's holidays, others tried to prepare for the session, complete some task, others were obliged to stay awake by work. But what happens if you don't sleep for a long time? How will this affect the state of the body? After all, there may be situations when there is a need to stay awake for longer than one night.

Sleep is very important for the body, because at this time the restoration of all systems and rest is carried out. The brain processes the information received during the day, is restored the immune system. Therefore, regular and long sleep is extremely important. It allows you to maintain the functions of the body in a stable state. So, consider what happens if you do not sleep for a day or even several nights in a row.

What happens after a day of lack of sleep

If you do not sleep for 1 day, there will be no special problems in the body. If you get out of a stable regime once for a long time, there will be no serious disturbances in the body. Of course, after that, you need to refrain from driving a car and performing other responsible work that requires concentration. But in general, such a person will not lose his ability to work and will feel fine. Moreover, if you work according to a special schedule, the body will soon get used to the fact that from time to time you have to not sleep at night.

Of course, the next day after being awake, a person will periodically feel a terrible desire to sleep. To eliminate it, you can drink coffee or another invigorating drink. There may also be a decrease in concentration, a deterioration in the ability to remember, some weakness and even chills. If a sleepy person travels to public transport or sits waiting in line, he may fall asleep abruptly.

The next night, many have problems with sleep, which is associated with an excess intake of dopamine in the blood.

So, is it possible not to sleep the night before an important event? If you are preparing for an exam, wedding or other events, do not stay awake at night. The body will only be more tired, and the brain will not recover from the load of the day. As a result, mental functions will be oppressed, intellectual abilities will decrease for a while. There will be signs of inattention, absent-mindedness, indicating lack of sleep. The lack of sleep is also reflected in the appearance - the skin becomes more faded, bags appear under the eyes, cheeks are slightly swollen.

It is very important not to stray from the sleep-wake rhythm, because if the body does not sleep for 24 hours in a row, the brain suffers significantly from this. The following symptoms are observed:

  • loss of orientation in time;
  • excessive sensitivity to light;
  • incoherent speech;
  • violation of color perception;
  • change in the emotional background;
  • the appearance of unreasonable and uncontrolled vivid emotions (crying, laughter, anger, rage, etc.).

Consequences of two sleepless nights

There are situations when it becomes necessary to stay awake for more than one day. And in this case, the question arises: if you do not sleep for 2 days, what will happen? This is a more serious situation that the body is more difficult to tolerate. Not only symptoms of drowsiness can be observed, but also obvious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, in particular, the gastrointestinal tract. Patients complain of diarrhea, heartburn and other dyspeptic manifestations. In addition, the appetite becomes stronger, a person wants to eat fatty and salty foods. Experiencing stress, the body begins to overproduce hormones that are responsible for the wakefulness cycle. Interestingly, if a person does not sleep for more than a day, then it will be problematic for him to fall asleep later.

After 2 sleepless nights, metabolic disorders in the body are observed, in particular, glucose metabolism. It also worsens the state of immunity, therefore viral diseases after such insomnia occur more and more often.

The result of two nights of insomnia are the following consequences:

  • inattention;
  • distraction;
  • deterioration of speech;
  • a sharp decrease in concentration;
  • coordination of movements worsens;
  • a sharp decrease in cognitive abilities.

Consequence of three days of insomnia

If you do not sleep all night for 3 days in a row, the consequences will be even more serious than in the previous two cases. The symptoms are the same, but more pronounced. Movements become even more uncoordinated, there are severe problems with speech, sometimes a nervous tic appears. Appetite is also lost, regular nausea appears. Patients note other symptoms - cold in the hands, chills in general. Often, those who do not get enough sleep focus their eyes on a specific subject and cannot take it away from this point.

If you do not sleep for 3 days or more, a person may experience dips. That is, at some time his brain can turn off and fall asleep for a short period. This is due to the shutdown of a number of control areas of the brain, that is, this is not a full sleep. So, a person can switch off and not notice how he drove 5 stations in the subway. Sometimes the purpose of the trip is forgotten, you can not notice how a certain section was passed.

If you don't sleep for 4 days

Not everyone knows what will happen to the brain if you don’t sleep for 4 days. And this is understandable, because such a test is very difficult for the body and not everyone passed it. It is enough not to sleep for a day so that cognitive abilities are temporarily reduced by 30%, in two days the reduction will be already 60%. Considering such dynamics, it becomes clear that after 4 days of wakefulness, the consciousness will be rather confused, and the body will be exhausted. The person will be very irritable, his appearance tremor of the extremities. Outwardly, such a patient will look much older than his years.

Consequences of 5 days of lack of sleep

If you do not sleep for 5 days, the patient will begin to suffer from paranoia and hallucinations. Panic attacks are often noted for any reason. In this case, the patient has a cold sweat, the heartbeat increases.

Due to 5 days of wakefulness, the neural activity of the brain slows down significantly, which affects the work of the whole organism.

Particularly affected by such experiments are areas of the parietal zone that are responsible for logic and computational abilities. After a period of lack of sleep, a person cannot even perform elementary mathematical operations. He also has significantly impaired speech, which is associated with disorders in the temporal lobe. As for hallucinations, they can be auditory, visual, or dream-like.

What happens if you don't sleep for a week

Many are interested in what will happen if you do not sleep for 6 or 7 days. Will the body be able to withstand this load? Indeed, this is a very difficult task that not everyone can withstand. A person outwardly resembles a drug addict, his speech is very difficult, some symptoms of Alzheimer's disease appear.

Few people are interested in this generally accepted daily routine - the lack of sleep is no longer wildness. You yourself have noticed how easily and not forcibly the nights fly by in the online worlds, and the hours flicker like the titles of the series you have watched. How long can a normal person stay awake? Can't make it through the day? - Yes, it's funny!

All this is simple and fun, until you have something more serious. If you worked a shift at a factory, or a day in a field, you would sleep like a dead sleep. The home environment is not so exhausting, and you can spend quite a long time awake in front of a PC screen, hugging a pack of crackers. And, probably, you are interested in the question: what will happen if you do not sleep for a long time?

Randy Gardner ventured to check this, who stayed “online” without sleep breaks for 11 days. At that time, the young man was only 17 years old. Such a sadistic experiment was carried out by the guy's friends. The highlight is that the experiment, the purpose of which was to find out what would happen if you did not sleep for a long time, was not at all malicious intent, but was carried out in the name of science. All the fuss was going on for the Great Science Fair at a high school in San Diego. It is difficult to imagine what could become the motivation for committing such an act (after all, not sleeping for 10 days is more than normal).

Games with your mental health quite dangerous and can cause serious damage to consciousness. Schoolchildren perfectly understood this and did not fully know how such a risky experiment could end. Therefore, Mr. Dement (a doctor from the University of Stanford) and Lieutenant Colonel John Ross were appointed to monitor what was happening. We can say that it was only thanks to these individuals that the public learned about the experiment, and it was officially registered. Who would take the word of ordinary schoolchildren?

No concessions for the victim of a brutal experience who answered the question " What happens if you don't sleep for a long time?", did not have. No energy drinks, including strong tea or coffee, were given to the subject. In order for Randine to fall asleep, his friends constantly bothered him: they drove him to the shops in search of food, played various sport games, tortured with very loud music, and rolled in a car. Although what kind of skated there? They drove at breakneck speeds on the opposite lane and on bumpy roads. What will you not sacrifice for the sake of mother science.

Undoubtedly, you are corroded by curiosity - how did it all end?

What happens if you don't sleep for 11 days? But do not worry, everything is not as sad as it might seem at first glance. Gardner is alive and well, did not become an indifferent invalid and did not lose his mind. And yet, what happened to the young man during the experiment?

Lack of sleep, after a few days, began to manifest itself in mild lethargy. The objects of the surrounding world lost their volume and became poorly perceived by consciousness. Speech was no longer so easy (the tongue twister became an unbearable task). Randy's integral companions were aggressiveness and nervousness. Everyone who has not slept for more than a day at least once is well aware of the consequences of such self-flagellation. But the young man did not stop at this stage and continued the experiment.

The fourth day of what will happen if you don’t sleep for a long time met Randy with “sand in his eyes”. Her eyes were watery, reddened and very painful, which was definitely the cause of overwork. The same feeling will be experienced by a person who will work with electric welding without a special mask, and believe me, there is little good in this. Due to the lack of sleep, the guy began to hallucinate and began to cloud his mind. Lost sense of time and reality of what is happening. The only thing left to dream about was the completion of the experiment.

Luckily, the experience ended well. After 14 hours of sleep, Randy returned to his normal life again with absolutely no consequences. Many people cite this experiment as evidence that prolonged lack of sleep does not harm a person.

But don't forget, while poor Randy found out What happens if you don't sleep for a few days, his behavior could hardly be called normal. The cruel world of hallucinations completely absorbed him, mixing reality with a dream in which inanimate objects came to life, or Ranidy himself lost his identity and became a different person. It is difficult to imagine what is happening in the head of such a "temporarily ill person", but the fantastic reality did not leave him until the very end of the experiment.

In the experiment, the guy was provided with the lack of sleep by his friends. It is unlikely that you will be able to pull off such an experiment at home. After about 48 hours, you will overtake the phase of REM sleep and in the end you will most likely just fall asleep.

Do you have a desire to know what will happen if you do not sleep for a long time? Do you have the courage to risk your health and plunge into the hallucinogenic delirium of your own consciousness? Go to bed better, the Very Interesting team wishes you sweet dreams.

Sleep is a biorhythm given to us by nature, which we cannot do without. But there are people who do not fully realize the value of a night's rest for the body. They are trying to cut it down to buy more time for active wakefulness. How wrong they are!

Lack of sleep for one day will not lead to any serious health consequences. However, prolonged lack of sleep leads to a failure in the circadian cycle - it disrupts the finely tuned human biological clock. If you do not sleep for a whole day, then severe fatigue will roll in first. Then there may be disorders of attention and memory. This is how a violation in the work of the neocortex manifests itself - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cerebral cortex, which is responsible for learning and memory.

How to get through the night without sleep

It is known that even a slight lack of sleep has negative impact on the body. But sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that it is impossible to sleep in any way. Then you need to prepare as carefully as possible for the night vigil in order to minimize the adverse effects.

Here are some tips on how not to fall asleep at the most crucial moment and recover quickly:

  1. Get a good night's sleep ahead of time. You already know that you will have a sleepless night. So, you need to unload the body as much as possible. It is recommended to sleep at least 3-4 days before this as long as possible. Then you can avoid serious health problems.
  2. Take a nap for a while. Some 20-25 minutes - and you have regained some strength. When there is an opportunity for a short rest, it is better to prefer a short sleep. If suddenly 1-1.5 hours are released, feel free to go to bed. In this case, awakening will occur immediately after the end of REM sleep. This will give a feeling of more or less complete relaxation.
  3. Let there be light! In the dark, the sleep hormone melatonin begins to be produced. You can get rid of the obsessive desire to fall asleep by turning on the lights. For example, a light source placed right near the eyes ( computer monitor or table lamp) activates the brain.
  4. Open window. When the room is cool (about 18-19 ° C), it is much easier to fall asleep. To maintain cheerfulness in the room, the air temperature should be maintained at a level of 23-24 ° C.
  5. Take a cool shower. Sometimes the mere thought of having to douse yourself with cold water immediately invigorates. Those who are contraindicated in such procedures (for example, with a cold) can simply wash themselves. This method does not last long - the resulting charge is enough for about 30 minutes - a maximum of an hour. Then you will need to repeat everything.
  6. Avoid confectionery. It is recommended to prefer high-energy and high-protein light foods. They will give strength for a long period. In no case do not eat a lot and at once. It is best to snack a little before morning. This way you will be able to maintain your energy supply.
  7. Drink coffee slowly, in small sips. If you feel that fatigue is rolling in, you should gradually drink one or two cups. It's good to have something healthy to chew on as well. It is permissible to go for the supplement no earlier than after 4 hours.
  8. Get up and walk. You need to arrange small breaks for yourself approximately every 45 minutes. Use at least 10-15 minutes to get out and walk.

Causes and effects of a sleepless night

If you stay awake all night before any important event (exams at a higher educational institution, the defense of a PhD thesis, a wedding), this will negatively affect the functioning of the body as a whole. The next day, the person will suffer from drowsiness and generally feel unwell.

Lack of night rest is fraught with the following consequences:

Some schoolchildren and students who were too lazy to study diligently all year rush to gnaw at the granite of science on the last night before a test or exam. Working people are more familiar with the concept of a deadline (the deadline by which a task must be completed). Accustomed to postponing all important matters for later, a person sooner or later (in this case, late) realizes that finished project or the task will still have to be handed over to the management. And then the labor night vigils begin. It's good to be able to sleep the next day. But on weekdays, a working person does not have such luxury.

Without a wink of sleep at night, a schoolboy, student or office worker will literally fall asleep on the go all day. Of course, in such a state, there can be no talk of any concentration. And this is fraught with problems in school and at work, conflicts with teachers and superiors.

When preparing for exams or a busy working day, in principle, you can devote all the dark time of the day to this lesson. The main thing is that this should be an isolated case and not develop into a vicious pattern. It will be possible to keep a more or less fresh head if one valuable piece of advice is not neglected. It consists in taking a little nap.

Even a 15-minute half-nap helps to improve well-being and slightly clear the brain. And here large quantities drinking coffee, or worse, energy drinks will bring nothing but harm.

What threatens sleep deprivation and how to improve your sleep

The generally accepted norm of sleep for a person is at least 8 hours a day. If the night's rest is incomplete, superficial, intermittent or completely absent, this is very unfavorably reflected not only on the mood, but also on the state of the internal organs.

When lack of sleep occurs more than 2 times a week, throughout the day a person suffers from feeling unwell and headaches.

Chronic lack of sleep eventually leads to serious health problems and even dangerous diseases:

  • premature appearance of wrinkles;
  • impotence;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • joint destruction;
  • high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncology.

When problems with a night's rest occur more than 3 times a week, this indicates the presence of insomnia. To get rid of it, you should consult with a therapist or neurologist. The doctor will determine the real cause of sleep disturbance and give appropriate recommendations.

In no case should you prescribe sleeping pills for yourself. They are addictive. The dosage will have to be gradually increased over time, and this already poses a danger to life.

Healthy sleep should be sound. How to make sure you sleep really well:

post hoc

If you already know that you will have to go one or more nights without sleep, do not forget that this is a blow to the body. Therefore, make yourself a good habit to take care of your health - eat right, drink enough fluids and periodically arrange five minutes for rest at work.

One sleepless night, of course, does not threaten serious problems. Unless within 1-2 days after it, the mood will be depressed, and irritability may also increase. But chronic sleep deprivation poses a significant threat to health.