Functions of the language and expand their content. Essay on the Russian language on the topic: Language and its functions to read

The difference between speech and language

The difference between speech and language is that speech is an individual mental phenomenon, while language as a system - a social phenomenon. Speech- dynamic, mobile, situationally determined. Language- a balanced system of internal relations. It is constant and stable, invariant in its basic patterns. The elements of the language are organized into a system according to the formal-semantic principle, they function in speech on a communicative-semantic basis. In speech, general linguistic patterns are always manifested concretely, situationally and contextually. Knowledge about the language system, which is formulated in the form of rules, can be acquired theoretically, while mastering speech requires appropriate practice, as a result of which speech skills and abilities are created.

The original unit of the language is a word and original unit of speech- a sentence or a phrase. For the theoretical purposes of the language being studied, it is important to have complete knowledge of its system. For practical purposes in high school it is necessary to possess such a volume of language material that is sufficient for limited communicative purposes and is real for mastering it in given conditions.

Speech is the use of language in communication. The starting point of speech actions is a speech situation when a person has a need or need to perform one or another speech action. At the same time, verbal communication takes place in any specific conditions: in one place or another, with one or another participant in the communicative act. In each speech situation, one or another function of the language is realized in order to achieve the goal for which the communicative act is performed. So, speech can be characterized as follows: it is a concrete, private, random, individual, non-systemic, variable phenomenon.

Language is a specific sign system that a person uses to communicate with other people. Thanks to language, a person has a universal means of accumulating and transmitting information, and without this, the development of human society would not be possible. The system of phonetic, lexical, grammatical means, which are a tool for expressing thoughts, feelings, expressions of will, serving as the most important means of communication between people.

Different scientists distinguish a different number of language functions, since the language has many purposes in human society. The functions of the language are not equivalent. However, the main function is already reflected in the definition of the language. Language- the main means of communication (or communication). IN speech activity human language features combined in different combinations. In each specific speech message, one function out of several may predominate.

Language features represented by the following set: communicative(ensuring mutual understanding of people) - the function of being the basis of thought; expressive(to express attitude towards what is being said). The dominant position of the communicative function is determined by the frequency of language implementation precisely for the purpose of communication, which determines its main properties.

Availability ternary language function: expressions, appeals, representations. In earlier terminology: expression, motivation, representation. They actually represent the various purposes of speech utterances: representative- message, expressive- expression of emotions appellative- motivation to action. These functions are not only hierarchically correlated (the representative function has a dominant role), but it is also possible to have a language implementation with the complete predominance of one of them.

six functions are defined as orientations, attitudes towards the six elements of the situation. First three: referential(communicative) - orientation to the context (referent), expressive(emotive) - orientation to the addresser (an expression of the speaker's attitude to what he is talking about), conative(appellative) - orientation to the addressee. There are also additional ones derived from the given triad (and according to the model of the speech situation): phatic(focus on contact), metalinguistic(focus on code, language), poetic(directed to the message). The verbal structure of a message depends primarily on the predominant function.

Functions of language and speech:

1) in relation to humanity as a whole ( communicative function as a unity communication And generalizations);

2) in relation to historically specific societies, groups of communicating (functions as spheres use language and speech: functions of servicing everyday communication; communication in the field of primary, secondary, higher education, communication in the business sphere, in the field of science, in the field of production, in the field of socio-political and state activities, in the field of mass communication, in the field of religion, in the field of interethnic, regional and international communication);

3) in relation to the components of the current communication situation: representative, expressive (emotive), contact-setting (phatic), impact function, metalinguistic And poetic, or aesthetic;

4) in relation to the goals and results of statements in specific speech actions, or acts of communication (message, expression of an internal state, request for information, directive function; concretization of these functions in the theory of speech acts).

The most fundamental are communicative function and function of way of expressing thought (cognitive And cognitive function). In the communicative function, there are: 1) a function communication– as the main F. Ya., one of the sides of the communicative function, which consists in the mutual exchange statements members of the language community; 2) the function of the message - as one of the sides of the communicative function, which consists in the transfer of some logical content; 3) the function of influence, the implementation of which is: a) a voluntarily function - an expression of the will of the speaker; b) expressive function - a message to the statement of expressiveness; c) emotive function - the expression of feelings, emotions.

3. The concept of "culture of speech". The main features of cultural speech

A culture of speech- possession of the norms of oral and written literary language (rules of pronunciation, word usage, grammar and style). Used in modern science in two main meanings: 1) socio-historically conditioned modern speech culture of society; 2) a set of requirements for the quality of oral and written speech of native speakers of a literary language from the point of view of a socially perceived linguistic ideal, the taste of a certain era. In mastering the culture of speech, they usually distinguish two stages. The first is associated with the development of literary and linguistic norms by students. Possession of them ensures the correctness of speech, which forms the basis of individual K. r. The second stage involves the creative application of norms in different situations of communication, including speech skills, the ability to choose the most accurate, stylistically and situationally appropriate options.

Literacy - traditional sign"cultural" language. signs: correctness, purity, accuracy, expressiveness, consistency, relevance, richness.

4. Forms of existence of the national language .

Language is a complex phenomenon that exists in several forms. These include: dialects, vernacular, jargon and literary language.

Dialects are local dialects of Russia, limited territorially. They exist only in oral speech, they serve for everyday communication.

Vernacular is the speech of people that does not correspond to the literary norms of the Russian language (ridiculitis, kolidor, without a coat, a driver).

Jargon is the speech of social and professional groups of people united by a common occupation, interests, etc. Jargon is characterized by the presence of specific vocabulary and phraseology. Sometimes the word slang is used as a synonym for the word jargon. Argo is the speech of the lower classes of society, the criminal world, beggars, thieves and swindlers.

Literary language is the highest form of the national language, processed by masters of the word. It has two forms - oral and written. Oral speech is subject to orthoepic and intonational forms, it is influenced by the direct presence of the addressee, it is created spontaneously. Written speech is graphically fixed, subject to spelling and punctuation norms, the absence of an addressee has no effect, it allows processing, editing.

5. Literary language as the highest form of the national language .

The Russian literary language is the highest form of the national language and the basis of the culture of speech. It serves various areas human activity- politics, legislation, culture, verbal art, office work, etc. Many prominent scientists emphasize the importance of the literary language both for an individual and for the whole nation. It is noteworthy that not only Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov, but also Dmitry Nikolaevich Ushakov, Likhachev emphasized the importance of mastering the norms of the Russian literary language. Wealth, clarity of expression of thought, accuracy testify to the richness of the general culture of a person, to a high degree of his professional training.

In the scientific linguistic literature, the main features of the literary language are defined:

· processing,

· Sustainability,

· Obligation,

The presence of oral and written form,


The presence of functional styles.

The Russian language exists in two forms - oral and written. Oral speech is sound, obeys orthoepic and intonational forms, it is influenced by the direct presence of the addressee, it is created spontaneously. Written speech is graphically fixed, subject to spelling and punctuation norms, the absence of an addressee has no effect, it allows processing, editing.

6. Language norm, its role in the formation and functioning of the literary language .

The founder of the first Russian philological school is Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, who put forward the criterion of historical expediency in streamlining the norms of the literary language. He distinguished the styles of the literary language depending on the stylistic characteristics of the language units, for the first time defining the norms of the literary language.

Yakov Karlovich Grot was the first to systematize and theoretically comprehend the set of spelling laws of the literary language. A system of grammatical and stylistic marks was developed for his normative "dictionary of the Russian language".

A new stage in the codification of norms is associated with the names of Ushakov, Vinogradov, Vinokurov, Ozhegov, Shcherva. The norms were formed as a result of the selection of language means in the process of communication and become correct and obligatory. The norm is cultivated in print media, in the media, in the process of school and vocational training.

Codification of the norm - fixing it in dictionaries, grammars, textbooks. The norm is relatively stable and systemic, since it includes the rules for choosing elements of all levels of the language system. It is mobile and changeable, it can change over time under the influence of spoken language.

The norms of the modern Russian language are enshrined in the publications of the Russian Academy of Sciences: various grammars and dictionaries.

The terms of normalization and codification are different. Normalization is the process of formation, approval of the norm, its description and ordering by the linguist. Normalization activity finds its expression in the codification of the literary norm - its recognition and description in the form of rules.

The norms of the language are stable and systemic, but at the same time stable. Norms exist at different levels of the language - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. According to the degree of obligation, there are imperative (strictly mandatory norms) and dispositive (assuming variants of pronunciation of grammatical and syntactic units). Objective fluctuations in the literary norm are associated with the development of the language, when variants are transitional steps from the outdated to the new. The norm is one of the most important conditions for stability, unity and originality of the national language. The norm is dynamic, because it is the result of human activity, enshrined in tradition. Fluctuations in the norm are the result of the interaction of functional styles. Such phenomena of social life as anti-normalization and purism are closely related to the development of norms.

Anti-normalization is the denial of the scientific normalization and codification of the language, based on the assertion of the spontaneity of the development of the language.

Purism is the rejection of innovations or their outright prohibition. Purism plays the role of a regulator that protects against borrowing, excessive innovation

7. Norms of orthoepy. Pronunciation of vowels and consonants .

Orthoepic norms are pronunciation norms of oral speech. They are studied by a special section of linguistics - orthoepy. Maintaining uniformity in pronunciation is essential. Orthoepic errors interfere with perceiving the content of speech, and pronunciation that corresponds to orthoepic standards facilitates and speeds up the process of communication.

The basic laws of pronunciation of consonants are stunning and assimilation. In Russian speech, voiced consonants are obligatory stunned at the end of a word. We pronounce bread[p] - bread, sa[t] - garden. The consonant g at the end of a word always turns into a deaf sound paired with it k. An exception is the word god.

In a combination of voiced and deaf consonants, the first of them is likened to the second. If the first of them is voiced, and the second is deaf, the first sound is deafened: lo [sh] ka - a spoon, pro [n] ka - a cork. If the first is deaf, and the second is voiced, the first sound is voiced: [h] doba - muffin, [h] ruin - ruin.

Before the consonants [l], [m], [n], [r], which do not have paired deaf, and before the assimilation does not occur and the words are pronounced as they are written: light [tl] o, [shw] ryat.

The combinations of szh and zzh are pronounced as a double hard [zh]: ra[zh]at - unclench, [zh] life - with life, fry - [zh] to fry.

The combination sch is pronounced as a long soft sound [sh '], just like the sound transmitted in writing by the letter u: [sh '] astier - happiness, [sh '] no - account.

The combination zch is pronounced as a long soft sound [sh ']: prik [sh '] ik - clerk, obra [sh '] ik - sample.

The combinations of tch and dch are pronounced as a long sound [h ']: report [h '] ik - speaker, le [h '] ik - pilot.

The combinations of ts and dts are pronounced as a long sound q: two [ts] at - twenty, gold [ts] e - gold.

In combinations of stn, zdn, stl, consonant sounds [t] and [d] drop out: prettier [sn] y, po [kn] o, che [sn], uch [sl] ive.

The combination ch is usually pronounced like this [ch] (al[ch] th, careless [ch] th). The pronunciation [shn] instead of [ch] is required in female patronymics on -ichna: Ilini[shn]a, Nikiti[shn]a. Some words are pronounced in two ways: bulo [shn] aya and bulo [ch] aya, Molo[shn] y and young [ch] y. In some cases, different pronunciation serves to semantic differentiation of words: heart [ch] beat - heart [shn] friend.

8. Norms of stress. Features of Russian stress .

Incorrect stress in words reduces the culture of oral speech. Errors in stress can lead to a distortion of the meaning of the statement. Features and functions of stress are studied by the department of linguistics accentology. Stress in Russian, unlike other languages, is free, that is, it can fall on any syllable. In addition, stress can be mobile (if in different forms of the word it falls on the same part) and fixed (if the stress changes place in different forms of the same word).

In some words, difficulties in stress exist due to the fact that many do not know their belonging to a part of speech. For example, the adjective developed. This word is used in the sense of "highly developed". But in Russian there is a participle developed, or developed, formed from the verb to develop. In this case, the stress depends on whether it is an adjective or a participle.

In the Russian alphabet there is a letter ё, which is considered optional, optional. The printing of the letter e instead of e in literature and official papers led to the fact that in many words they began to pronounce on the spot about e: not bile - [zho] lch, but bile - [zhe] lch, not an obstetrician - aku [shor], but obstetrician - aku [Sher]. In some words, the emphasis was shifted: bewitched, underestimated instead of the correct bewitched, underestimated.

9. Pronunciation of loanwords .

Borrowed words usually obey the orthoepic norms of the modern Russian language and only in some cases differ in pronunciation features.

In an unstressed position, the sound [o] is preserved in words such as m[o] turf, m[o] del, [o] asis. But most borrowed vocabulary obeys general rules pronunciations [o] and [a] in unstressed syllables: b[a] cal, k[a] styum, r[a] yal.

In most borrowed words, before [e], the consonants are softened: ka [t ']et, pa [t '] efon, [s '] eriya, ga [z '] eta. But in a number of words of foreign origin, the hardness of consonants before [e] is preserved: sh[te]psel, s[te]nd, e[ne]rgia. More often, hardness before [e] is retained by dental consonants: [t], [d], [s], [s], [n], [p].

10. Functional-semantic types of speech:

description, narration, reasoning. Description can be used in any style of speech, but in the scientific characterization of the subject should be as complete as possible, and in the artistic, the emphasis is only on the brightest details. Therefore, linguistic means in the scientific and artistic style are more diverse than in the scientific one: there are not only adjectives and nouns, but also verbs, adverbs, comparisons, various figurative uses of words are very common.

Examples of descriptions in scientific and artistic style. 1. Apple tree - ranet purple - frost-resistant variety. The fruits are rounded, 2.5-3 cm in diameter. Fruit weight 17-23 g. Medium juiciness, with a characteristic sweet, slightly astringent taste. 2. Linden apples were large and transparent yellow. If you look through an apple in the sun, it shone through like a glass of fresh linden honey. There were grains in the middle. You used to shake a ripe apple near your ear, you could hear the seeds rattling.

Narration- this is a story, a message about an event in its temporal sequence. The peculiarity of the narrative is that it talks about actions following one after another. For all narrative texts, the beginning of the event (outset), the development of the event, the end of the event (denouement) are common. The story can be told in a third person. This is the author's story. It can also come from the first person: the narrator is named or indicated by the personal pronoun I. In such texts, verbs in the form of the past tense of the perfect form are often used. But, in order to give the text expressiveness, others are used simultaneously with them: the verb in the form of the past tense of the imperfect form makes it possible to single out one of the actions, denoting its duration; present tense verbs make it possible to present actions as if taking place before the eyes of the reader or listener; forms of the future tense with a particle like (how to jump), as well as forms like clap, jump help to convey the swiftness, surprise of this or that action. Narration as a type of speech is very common in such genres as memoirs, letters.

Narrative example: I began to stroke Yashkin's paw and I think: just like a baby's. And tickled his hand. And the baby somehow pulls his paw - and me on the cheek. I did not even have time to blink, but he slapped me in the face and jumped under the table. Sat down and grins.

reasoning- this is a verbal presentation, explanation, confirmation of any thought. The composition of the reasoning is as follows: the first part is a thesis, that is, a thought that must be logically proved, substantiated or refuted; the second part is the rationale for the expressed thought, evidence, arguments, supported by examples; the third part is the conclusion, the conclusion. The thesis must be clearly provable, clearly articulated, the arguments are convincing and in sufficient quantity to confirm the thesis put forward. Between the thesis and arguments (as well as between individual arguments) should
be a logical and grammatical connection. For the grammatical connection between the thesis and arguments are often used introductory words: firstly, secondly, finally, so, therefore, thus. In the reasoning text, sentences with conjunctions are widely used, however, although, despite the fact that, since.

An example of reasoning: The development of the meanings of a word usually goes from the particular (concrete) to the general (abstract). Let's think about the literal meaning of such, for example, words as education, disgust, previous. Education literally means "feeding", disgust - "turning away" (from an unpleasant person or object), the previous one - "going ahead".

The words-terms denoting abstract mathematical concepts: “segment”, “tangent”, “point”, originated from very specific action verbs: cut, touch, stick (poke).

In all these cases, the original concrete meaning acquires a more abstract meaning in the language.

11. Functional styles of the modern Russian language, their interaction .

Functional styles are created as a result of the selection of language tools depending on the goals and objectives that are set and solved in the process of communication.

Usually, the following functional styles are distinguished: 1) scientific, 2) official business, 3) journalistic, 4) colloquial and everyday.

The attachment of words to a certain style is explained by the fact that words that have the same meaning can differ in emotional and stylistic coloring, therefore they are used in different styles(lack - deficit, liar - liar, squander - squander, cry - complain). In everyday everyday dialogue, characteristic of oral speech, mostly colloquial vocabulary is used. She doesn't break the rules. literary speech, but its use is unacceptable in official communication.

The scientific style is characterized by scientific terminology: pedagogy, society, state, theory, process, structure. Words are used in a direct, nominative sense, there is no emotionality. Sentences are narrative in nature, mostly in direct word order.

A feature of the official business style is a concise, compact presentation, economical use of language tools. Characteristic set expressions(with gratitude we confirm; we inform that; in case of appearance, etc.). this style is characterized by the "dryness" of presentation, the lack of expressive means, the use of words in their direct meaning.

Characteristic features journalistic style are the relevance of the content, the sharpness and brightness of the presentation, the author's passion. The purpose of the text is to influence the mind and feelings of the reader, listener. A variety of vocabulary is used: terms of literature and art, general literary words, means of speech expressiveness. The text is dominated by detailed stylistic constructions, interrogative and exclamatory sentences are used.

The everyday colloquial style is characterized by the use of various types of sentences, free word order, extremely short sentences, words with evaluative suffixes (week, darling), and figurative means of the language.

12. Scientific style, its features, scope of implementation .

Scientific style is a speech system specially adapted for optimal communication of people in the scientific field of activity.

The scientific style has a number of common features that are characteristic of all sciences, which makes it possible to talk about the specifics of the style as a whole. But texts on physics, chemistry, mathematics cannot but differ from texts on history, philosophy, cultural studies. In accordance with this, the scientific style has sub-styles: scientific - popular, scientific - business, scientific - technical, scientific - journalistic, production - technical, educational - scientific.

The scientific style is characterized by a logical sequence of presentation, an ordered system of links between parts of statements, the desire of authors for accuracy, conciseness, unambiguity of expression while maintaining saturation of content. The scientific style is characterized by a number of general conditions of functioning and language features: 1) preliminary consideration of statements, 2) monologue character, 3) strict selection of language means, 4) attraction to normalized speech.

The original form of the existence of scientific speech is written. Written form fixes information for a long time, and science requires just that.

In writing, it is much easier to operate with complex structures that are used in scientific thinking. The written form is more convenient in detecting the slightest inaccuracies, which in scientific communication can lead to the most serious distortions of the truth. The written form makes it possible to refer to information repeatedly. The oral form also has advantages (simultaneity of mass communication, efficiency of orientation to a specific type of addressee, etc.), but it is temporary, while the written one is permanent. The oral form in scientific communication is secondary - a scientific work is first written and then reproduced.

Scientific speech is fundamentally without subtext, subtext contradicts its essence. It is dominated by a monologue. Even scientific dialogue is a series of alternating monologues. A scientific monologue takes the form of a work with a thoughtful selection of content, clarity of construction, optimal speech design.

Scientific speech operates with concepts of a complex nature. A concept is a form in which the essential features of an object are thought. In the terminology of each science, several layers can be distinguished: 1) general categorical concepts that reflect the most general objects of reality: objects, signs, connections (system, function, element). These concepts constitute the general conceptual fund of science; 2) concepts common to a number of related sciences that have common objects of study (abscissa, protein, vacuum, vector). Such concepts serve as a link between the sciences of the same profile (humanitarian, natural, technical, etc.) and they can be defined as profile-special. 3) highly specialized concepts that are characteristic of one science and reflect the specificity of the research aspect (in biology - biogenic, bothria, etc.).

Along with the selection of types according to the degree of generality, it is also advisable to distinguish types according to the degree of volume, the breadth of the concept. The broadest concepts of this science, in which the most general and essential features and properties are displayed, are called categories. Categories constitute the conceptual core of science. From them comes a network of concepts of ever narrower scope. In general, they constitute the system of special terminology of this science.

13. Formal business style. Genre diversity, scope .

Officially - business style serves the sphere of administrative - legal activity. It satisfies the requirements of society in documenting various acts of state, social, political, economic life, business relations between the state and organizations, as well as between members of society in the official sphere of their communication.

Official - business style is implemented in texts of various genres: charter, law, order, complaint, prescription, statement. The genres of this style perform informational, prescriptive and ascertaining functions in various fields of activity. In this regard, the main form of implementation is written.

Common stylistic features of the official ice speech are:

· Accuracy of presentation, not allowing the possibility of interpretation, detail of presentation;

stereotyping, standard presentation;

· Must, prescriptive nature of the presentation.

In addition, they note such features of the official business style as: formality, strictness of expression of thought, objectivity and logic inherent in scientific speech.

The system of official business style is made up of 3 types of language tools:

A) Having an appropriate functional and stylistic coloring (plaintiff, defendant, protocol, identity card, job description.

B) Neutral, interstyle, as well as general book language means.

C) Language means that are neutral in stylistic coloring, but have become a sign of official business style (raise a question, express disagreement).

Many verbs are used in the infinitive form, which is associated with the prescriptive function of style. When naming a person, nouns are more often used, rather than pronouns, the designation of a person on the basis of an action (applicant, defendant, tenant). Nouns denoting positions and titles are used in the masculine form, even when they refer to females (respondent Proshina). The use of verbal nouns and participles is typical: the arrival of transport, servicing the population, replenishing the budget.

In official business style texts, antonyms are often used, synonyms are rarely used. Typical are compound words formed from two or more stems: tenant, employer, the above. Accuracy, unambiguity and standardization of the means used are the main features of official business speech.

14. Journalistic style, its features, genres, scope of implementation.

The journalistic style of speech is a functional variety of the literary language and is widely used in various areas of public life: newspapers, magazines, on television, in public political speeches, in the activities of parties and public associations.

The linguistic features of this style are affected by the breadth of topics: there is a need to include special vocabulary that requires explanation. On the other hand, a number of topics are in the center of public attention, and the vocabulary related to these topics acquires a journalistic coloring. Among such topics, politics, economics, education, healthcare, criminalistics, and military topics should be singled out.

Vocabulary, characteristic of the journalistic style, can be used in other styles: in official business, scientific. But in a journalistic style, it acquires a special function - to create a picture of events and convey to the addressee the journalist's impressions of these events.

The journalistic style is characterized by the use of evaluative vocabulary, which has a strong emotional connotation (an energetic start, a firm position, a severe crisis).

Journalistic style performs the function of influence and message. The interaction of these functions determines the use of words in journalism. The message function, by the nature of the use of language means, brings the text closer to the scientific and business style, which has features of factuality. The text, which performs the function of influence, has an openly evaluative character, aimed at campaigning influence in certain parameters, approaching fiction.

In addition to the informational and influencing functions, the texts of the journalistic style also perform other functions inherent in the language: communicative, aesthetic, expressive.

15. Book and colloquial speech. Their features .

The attachment of words to a certain style is explained by the fact that words that have the same meaning can differ in emotional and stylistic coloring, therefore they are used in different styles (shortage - deficit, liar - liar, squander - squander, cry - complain). In everyday everyday dialogue, characteristic of oral speech, mostly colloquial vocabulary is used. It does not violate the norms of literary speech, but its use is unacceptable in official communication (the words blotter, dryer are acceptable in colloquial speech, but are inappropriate in official communication).

Colloquial words are opposed to book vocabulary, which includes words of scientific, technical, journalistic and official business styles. The lexical meaning of book words, their grammatical arrangement and pronunciation are subject to the norms of the literary language, deviation from which is unacceptable.

Concreteness of meaning is characteristic of colloquial vocabulary, book vocabulary is predominantly abstract. The terms book and colloquial vocabulary are conditional, book words typical of written speech can also be used orally, and colloquial words can be used in writing.

In the Russian language there is a large group of words used in all styles and characteristic of both oral and written speech. They are called stylistically neutral.

16. Conversational style

Speaking is the oral form of the existence of a language. Distinctive features of oral speech can be entirely attributed to the colloquial style. However, the concept of "colloquial speech" is broader than the concept of "conversational style". They cannot be mixed. Although the conversational style is mainly realized in the oral form of communication, some genres of other styles are also carried out in oral speech, for example: a report, lecture, report, etc. Conversational speech functions only in the private sphere of communication, in everyday life, friendly, family and etc. In the field of mass communication, colloquial speech is not applicable. However, this does not mean that the colloquial style is limited to everyday topics. Colloquial speech can also touch on other topics: for example, a conversation in the family circle or a conversation of people in informal relationships about art, science, politics, sports, etc., a conversation of friends at work related to the profession of speakers, conversations in public institutions, such as clinics, schools, etc.

In the sphere of everyday communication, there is colloquial style. The main features of everyday conversational style:

1. Casual and informal nature of communication;

2. Reliance on an extralinguistic situation, i.e. the immediate environment of speech in which communication takes place. For example: Woman (before leaving home): What am I to wear?(about the coat) This is it, isn't it? Or that?(about the jacket) Will I freeze?

Listening to these statements, and not knowing the specific situation, it is impossible to guess what in question. Thus, in colloquial speech, the extralinguistic situation becomes an integral part of communication.

1) Lexical variety: and common book vocabulary, and terms, and foreign borrowings, and words of high stylistic coloring, and even some facts of vernacular, dialects and jargons. This is explained, firstly, by the thematic diversity of colloquial speech, which is not limited to everyday topics, everyday remarks, and secondly, by the implementation of colloquial speech in two keys - serious and comic, and in the latter case, it is possible to use various elements.

2) Spoken language is characteristic emotionally expressive assessments subjective nature, since the speaker acts as a private person and expresses his personal opinion and attitude. Very often this or that situation is evaluated hyperbolically: "Wow price! Go crazy!", "Flowers in the garden - the sea!", "I want to drink! I'll die!" Typical use of words in a figurative sense, for example: "You've got porridge in your head!" Colloquial vocabulary is heterogeneous:

Vernacular, which is on the verge of literary use, is not rude in its essence, somewhat familiar; for example: potatoes instead of potato, savvy instead of cleverness, become instead of happen;

Non-literary vernacular, rude, for example: drive up instead of achieve, plop down instead of fell;

3. Colloquial vocabulary includes:

Colloquial professionalisms, slang words ( plaisir- pleasure, fun; plein air- nature),

Argotisms ( split- betray; lettuce, lettuce- young, inexperienced)

Slang vocabulary can be associated with the age commonality of generations (for example, in the language of youth: spurs(crib), pair(two).

All these categories of words have a narrow sphere of distribution; in the expressive sense, they are characterized by extreme reduction.

4. Syntactic constructions also have their own characteristics. For colloquial speech, constructions with particles, interjections, constructions of a phraseological nature are typical: "They tell you, they say - and it's all to no avail!", "But where are you? There's dirt!" and so on.

Typical for colloquial speech is silence, incompleteness of statements, an abundance of ellipses and incomplete sentences, numerous repetitions, plug-in constructions, the predominance of composing sentences over subordinating ones, and the dialogical nature of the statement.

Conversational style:

Frozen constructions that are not amenable to distinct articulation ( what is true is true; what is bad is bad);

structures with uncontrolled forms ( order with homework);

- "dismemberment" and connecting structures ( I respect her - for honesty and adherence to principles; I'll go home. To the granddaughter);

Sentences with a "shifted" construction ( I don't know where to get water anyway.) and etc.

"Being the most important means of communication, language unites people, regulates their interpersonal and social interaction, coordinates their practical activities, participates in the formation of worldview systems and national images of the world, ensures the accumulation and storage of information, including information related to the history and historical experience of the people and personal experience individual, dismembers, classifies and consolidates concepts, forms the consciousness and self-consciousness of a person, serves as a material and form of artistic creativity "(N.D. Arutyunova. Functions of language. // Russian language. Encyclopedia. - M .: 1997. P. 609).

The main functions of the language are:

Communicative(function of communication); - the communicative function lies in the ability of language to serve as a means of communication between people. The language has the units necessary for constructing messages, the rules for their organization, and ensures the emergence of similar images in the minds of the participants in communication.

From the point of view of the culture of speech, the communicative function involves the installation of participants in speech communication on the fruitfulness and mutual usefulness of communication, as well as a general focus on the adequacy of speech understanding.

cognitive function-Communication of people implies certain knowledge of the surrounding reality, and one of the universal and effective means of knowing the world around us is language. Thus, the language also performs a cognitive or cognitive function. With the help of language, to a large extent, knowledge, the study of the surrounding world takes place. The Russian language ensures the continuity of the cultural traditions of the people, the possibility of the emergence and development of a powerful stream of national literature.

Cumulative function-Collection and informativeness are those essential properties of a linguistic sign that underlie its most important function along with the communicative one: the cumulative function.

Language in this function acts as a link between generations, serves as a "repository" and a means of transferring non-linguistic collective experience.

Thought-forming (function of embodiment and expression of thought);-The thought-forming function lies in the fact that the language serves as a means of designing and expressing thoughts. The structure of the language is organically connected with the categories of thinking.

Expressive (function of expressing the internal state of the speaker); - The expressive function allows the language to serve as a means of expressing the internal state of the speaker, not only to communicate some information, but also to express the speaker's attitude to the content of the message, to the interlocutor, to the situation of communication. Language expresses not only thoughts, but also emotions of a person.

Aesthetic (the function of creating beauty by means of language). - The aesthetic function is to ensure that the message in its form, in unity with the content, satisfies the aesthetic sense of the addressee. The aesthetic function is characteristic primarily for poetic speech (folklore, fiction), but not only for her - both journalistic and scientific speech, and everyday colloquial speech can be aesthetically perfect.

The aesthetic function implies the richness and expressiveness of speech, its correspondence to the aesthetic tastes of the educated part of society.

Language is not just a sign system that symbolically denotes objects and phenomena. Language is also a tool in which it performs a number of functions. The main functions of the language include communicative, cognitive, nominative and accumulative. There are also secondary functions (for example, the aesthetic function of language). In this article, we will consider the main functions that the language performs and their essence.

Basic functions of language: communicative function

This function is related to the fact that language is a means that allows one person to express his thoughts and convey them to another, and to another, in turn, to understand and respond to them. In fact, the language arose specifically for communication, that is, communication, the exchange of information. The communicative function is carried out due to the sign language.

Within the communicative function, one can single out an emotional function, explaining it by the fact that with the help of language one can convey feelings, desires, states. Animals that cannot utter words communicate precisely to convey emotions. The emotional function of our speech is naturally more complex than that of animals.

Thus, it implies the implementation of communication through communication, communication, exposure and expression of emotions, states and feelings.

The main functions of the language: cognitive function

The cognitive function is connected with the fact that human consciousness is present in linguistic signs. Language is a tool of consciousness, reflecting the result of human cognitive activity. The debate among linguists about which comes first, language or thought, never seems to stop. The only opinion that is infallible: language is inextricably linked with thinking, because we not only express our thoughts in words, but the thoughts themselves are presented in the form of words; man thinks in words.

Allows you to record the results of thinking and use them in communication. This function helps to cognize the world and verbalize it.

The main functions of the language: the nominative function

It is closely related to the cognitive, since everything known must have its own name. It is also connected with the ability of a linguistic sign to designate things. It was this ability that helped man to create a symbolic world. Nevertheless, there are many things in our world that do not have names. How, interestingly, to name a pin on In fact, despite the lack of a name, the nominative function is realized through a description.

Basic language functions: accumulative function

The accumulative function is associated with the collection and It is no secret that the language lives much longer than people, people. A striking example is dead languages ​​that have outlived their speakers. Whatever the language, alive or dead, it keeps the memory of entire generations, centuries of history humanity. Even if the oral tradition is lost, one can study the ancient writings and draw certain conclusions about the past of the nation.

Recently, the process of accumulating information has been accelerating, and the volume of information that a person produces today is increasing by 30% per year.

Many linguists distinguish other functions of the language. Among them, for example, contact-setting, aesthetic and others. If you look closely at the additional functions, we can conclude that they are all related in one way or another to the above. The study of the secondary functions of the language does not stop and provides very interesting data for further scientific research. It is safe to say that the language and its functions will always be relevant for a person.



1. Language features

2. Communicative function

3. Cognitive function

4. Cumulative function




The Russian language in the broadest sense of the word is the totality of all words, grammatical forms, pronunciation features of all Russian people, i.e. all who speak Russian as their native language.

Among the varieties of the Russian language, the Russian literary language clearly stands out. It is rightly considered the highest form of the national language.

From written monuments we can trace the development of our language over a thousand years. But instead of everything that had stood and strengthened, we received a new system of language, a system in which our modern thinking was gradually laid aside. A simple example in the language of an ancient person is three genders (masculine, neuter and feminine), three numbers (singular, plural and dual), nine cases, three simple tenses. The modern language, on the other hand, chooses a more rigorous and convenient binary opposition. The system of cases and tenses is also simplified. Each time, the language turns its edges in the way that this particular era requires. From the endless practice of speech, a renewed language is born.

The Russian language ensures the continuity of the cultural traditions of the people, the possibility of the emergence and development of a powerful stream of national literature. On the other hand, major social upheavals affecting the foundations of the social order always leave a very noticeable mark on the language.

Language is a multifunctional system that deals with information - with its creation, storage and transmission. The functions of the language are related to its essence, nature, purpose in society and at the same time are interconnected.

The purpose of the abstract is to characterize the main functions of the Russian language.

1. Language features

The term "function" in linguistics is used in several meanings:

1) the purpose, the role of language in human society, 2) the purpose of the role of language units. In the first case, they talk about the functions of the language, in the second - about the functions of language units (phonemes, morphemes, words, sentences).

The functions of a language are a manifestation of its essence. Language researchers do not agree on the number and nature of functions. The language performs many functions (scientists identify up to 25 functions of the language and its units), but the main function of the language, its main purpose is to be a means of communication between people.

The main functions of the language include communicative, cognitive, cumulative.

2. Communicative function

The main function of language is communicative. Language is primarily a means of human communication. We live in a society and communicate in a certain society in a certain space at a certain time. Thus, language is the main means of communication.

It is known that one can know well the norms of pronunciation, words and the rules for their use, grammatical forms and constructions, be able to use various ways expressions of the same thought (to own synonymy), in other words, to be linguistically and linguistically competent, but not to be able to use this knowledge and skills adequately in a real speech situation, or, as scientists say, a communicative situation. In other words, for language proficiency, the skills and abilities of using certain words, grammatical structures in specific conditions of communication, or communication (communication - from Latin communico - I connect, communicate) are important. That is why in teaching languages ​​a type of communicative competence is distinguished. In a meaning close to this term, the term is sometimes used in the literature speech competence.

Communicative competence is the ability to understand others and generate their own programs of speech behavior, adequate to the goals, areas, situations of communication. It includes knowledge of the basic concepts linguistic speech(in the methodology they are usually called speech studies) - styles, types of speech, the structure of the description, narration, reasoning, ways of connecting sentences in the text, etc .; reading skills and abilities . However, the described knowledge and skills do not yet provide communication adequate to the communicative situation.

A very important place in the communicative function is occupied by the actual communicative skills and abilities - to choose the desired language form, the way of expression depending on the conditions of the communicative act, i.e. skills of verbal communication in accordance with the communicative situation.

At present, the components of the situation, or speech conditions, which dictate speaker choice words and grammar. This is, firstly, the relationship between the interlocutors (official/informal) and their social roles. . There is no doubt that the nature of verbal communication will be different, depending on who we are communicating with, what social status speakers: student, teacher, student, what is their age, gender, interests, etc. Secondly, the place of communication (for example, communication between a teacher and a student in a lesson, during a break, in a friendly conversation). The third, very important component of the speech situation is the goal and intentions of the speaker. So, an order, request or demand, of course, will differ from a message, information or their emotional assessment, an expression of gratitude, joy, resentment, etc.

Thus, the actual communicative skills and abilities are the skills and abilities of verbal communication, taking into account who we are talking to, where we are talking, etc. Finally, for what purpose? There is no doubt that their formation is possible only on the basis of linguistic and linguistic competence.

It should be noted the special importance of the formation of the communicative function in the school today. In the "Concept of modernization Russian education for the period up to 2010" of the Government Russian Federation as one of the factors that are of particular importance, communicativeness, the ability to cooperate are named. The school is designed to develop the student's ability to realize himself in dynamic socio-economic conditions, to be able to adapt to various life circumstances. There is no doubt that one of the characteristics of his personality is sociability, knowledge of the culture of the word, oral and writing in various public spheres of application of the language.

So, it is worth agreeing with the idea: communication, communication through language is one of the most important factors that “created” humanity.

3. Cognitive function

Communication between people presupposes certain knowledge of the surrounding reality, and one of the universal and effective means of knowing the world around us is language. Thus, the language also performs cognitive or cognitive, function.

With the help of language, to a large extent, knowledge, the study of the surrounding world takes place. The Russian language ensures the continuity of the cultural traditions of the people, the possibility of the emergence and development of a powerful stream of national literature.

Linguistic competence provides the cognitive culture of the student's personality, development logical thinking, memory, imagination of students, mastering the skills of introspection, self-assessment, as well as the formation of linguistic reflection as a process of student awareness of his speech activity.

It should be noted that the distinction between linguistic and linguistic competencies is, to a certain extent, conditional. The selection of linguistic competence as an independent competence is important for understanding the cognitive (cognitive) function of the subject of the native language. This is its essential difference from the teaching of non-native languages.

Language acquisition involves not only the assimilation of knowledge about the language and the mastery of the linguistic material itself.

Scholars acknowledge the complex relationship between language and thought. IN general view The relationship between language and thinking is manifested in the following. The possibility of correlating linguistic units with the phenomena of reality is based on thinking, on the ability of the human brain to reflect reality. Without such correlation, communication between people would be impossible. Indeed, in one of the definitions of language, language is called practical, real consciousness (K. Marx, F. Engels).

Consciousness, thinking as a property of the brain is ideal, it does not have the properties of matter - smell, taste, temperature, etc. Language, or rather its units, has a sound, i.e. material side. Thinking materializes in language, in sounds, through them it is transmitted to other people.

The results of knowledge of the world are fixed in words, since lexical meaning words are based on concepts. Thus, it becomes possible to transfer previous life experience to subsequent generations through the word (in this case, we are talking about the function of the language, which was called the function of storing information). On the basis of the existing results of cognition, fixed in words, further knowledge of the world is carried out, therefore the language is characterized as a tool, an instrument of thinking.

The relationship between thinking and language is also revealed in the question of the origin of the concept and the word. There is a widespread opinion about the impossibility of the appearance of a concept without a word, i.e. according to this concept, the concept arises together with the word, or on the basis of the word. In this case, the word is a means of creating a concept. According to other ideas, the content of the concept is formed before the appearance of the word, however, only by connecting with the sound, the content of the concept acquires clarity and formality. However, taking into account the opinions listed above, it must be borne in mind that the appearance of a concept and a word is based on different reasons. The concept is formed as a result cognitive activity, the life practice of a person, and the appearance of the word is associated with the need for communication.

1. Language as a means of communication

  • - a socially processed, historically changeable sign system that serves as the main means of communication.

Language is defined as a means of human communication. This one of the possible definitions of language is the main one, because it characterizes the language not from the point of view of its organization, structure, etc., but from the point of view of what it is intended for.

Thus, language is the most important means of communication. What qualities must he possess to become just that?

1. First of all, the language must be known to all who speak it. There is, as it were, some general agreement that the table will be called the word table, and running is a word run. It is impossible to decide now how it happened, because the paths are very different. For example, here is the word satellite in our time has acquired a new meaning - "a device launched with the help of rocket devices." The date of birth of this value can be indicated absolutely exactly - October 4, 1957, when the radio announced the launch in our country of the first artificial satellite of the Earth. "This word immediately became known in this sense and entered into the everyday life of all the peoples of the world.

Here is the "agreement" for you. Everything is simple here, although such a meaning itself was already prepared by the Russian language: in the XI-XIII centuries it had the meaning of “comrade on the road” and “accompanying in life”, then - “satellite of the planets”. And from here it is not far to a new meaning - "a device accompanying the Earth."

2. The second quality on which depends communication, language should cover everything that surrounds a person, including his inner world. This, however, does not mean at all that the language should exactly repeat the structure of the world. We really have "words for every essence," as A. Tvardovsky said. But even that which does not have a one-word name can be successfully expressed by combinations of words.

It is much more important that the same concept in the language can have, and very often has, several names. Moreover, it is believed that the richer such rows of words - synonyms, the richer the language is recognized. This shows an important point; language reflects the external world, but is not absolutely adequate to it.

Language plays an essential role in public life, is the basis of mutual understanding, social peace and development. It has an organizing function in relation to society.

The presence of a language is a necessary condition for the existence of society throughout the history of mankind. Any social phenomenon in its existence is limited in chronological terms: it is not originally in human society and is not eternal. So, according to most experts, the family did not always exist; there was not always private property, the state, money; different forms of social consciousness - science, law, art, morality, religion - are also not original. Unlike non-original and / or transient phenomena of social life, language is primordial and will exist as long as society exists.

The presence of a language is a necessary condition for material and spiritual existence in all spheres of social space. Any social phenomenon in its distribution is limited by its “place”, space. Of course, everything in society is interconnected, however, let's say that science or production does not include (as a component, conditions, prerequisites, means, etc.) art, and art does not include science or production. Another thing is language. It is global, ubiquitous. Spheres of language use cover everything imaginable social space. Being the most important and basic means of communication, language is inseparable from all and any manifestations of human social existence.

2. (Basic language functions)

"Being the most important means of communication, language unites people, regulates their interpersonal and social interaction, coordinates their practical activities, participates in the formation of worldview systems and national images of the world, ensures the accumulation and storage of information, including information related to the history and historical experience of the people and personal to the experience of the individual, dismembers, classifies and consolidates concepts, forms the consciousness and self-consciousness of a person, serves as a material and form of artistic creativity "(N.D. Arutyunova. Functions of language. // Russian language. Encyclopedia. - M .: 1997. P. 609) .

Language functions.

  1. Communicative function

The communicative function of language is related to the fact that language is primarily a means of communication between people. It allows one individual - the speaker - to express his thoughts, and the other - the perceiver - to understand them, that is, to somehow react, take note, change his behavior or his mental attitudes accordingly.

  1. Cognitive (cognitive) function

The cognitive, or cognitive, function of language (from the Latin cognition - knowledge, cognition) is connected with the fact that human consciousness is realized or fixed in the signs of the language. Language is a tool of consciousness, reflects the results of human mental activity.

  1. nominative

The nominative function of language follows directly from the cognitive one. Known must be called, given a name. The nominative function is associated with the ability of language signs to symbolically designate things.

  1. accumulative

The accumulative function of the language is associated with the most important purpose of the language - to collect and store information, evidence of human cultural activity. Language lives much longer than a man and sometimes even longer than entire nations. The so-called dead languages ​​are known, which survived the peoples who spoke these languages. Nobody speaks these languages, except for specialists who study them. Living or dead languages ​​keep the memory of many generations of people, the evidence of centuries. Even when oral tradition is forgotten, archaeologists can discover ancient writings and use them to reconstruct the events of bygone days. Over the centuries and millennia of mankind, a huge amount of information has been accumulated, produced and recorded by man in different languages ​​of the world.

Stages of formation and development of the Russian language.

Russian language is the language of the Russian nation, in which it creates its culture in the broadest sense of the word.

The Proto-Slavic (general Slavic) language goes back to the Indo-European parent language - the first language of all Slavs, which existed for three millennia and collapsed in the 6th - 7th centuries.

Everything East Slavs until the 4th century used the Old Russian language. Before the spread of writing, the Old Russian language already had rich traditions of use: folklore texts, embassy speeches, appeals of princes and governors to the people, speeches at the veche, as well as in the formulas of customary law.

The first Slavic alphabet was created in 863 by Constantine the Philosopher to translate Greek church literature. This is how it started Old Slavonic language(basically the language of the southern Slavs). This language gradually narrowed its scope only from the second half of the 16th century, but it is still used as a language of worship.

X century - Kievan Rus . Distribution of texts in Old Church Slavonic. Not a single manuscript of the 9th century has survived, the texts are known only in later copies (from the 11th century).

Gradually, a common language, the so-called koina, is being developed in Kyiv. It was based on the speech of the southern Slavs. During the period of feudal fragmentation, the influence of the southern principalities weakens and the difference between southern Russian and northern Russian dialects increases. At the same time, it breaks Old Russian language, and Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages ​​stand out from it.

State of Moscow Russia. Moscow was located not only in the center, but also at the junction of different dialect groups. The ethnic diversity of its population led to the fact that different sections of society spoke differently. In general, it is generally accepted that the southern and northern features of the dialect are combined in the Russian orthoepic norm. Consonantism is North Russian, vocalism is South Russian.

In order for the Muscovite state to become stronger, it was necessary to spread the language of administration as actively as possible in the new territories. The Moscow command language became such a language.

In the 17th century the Great Russian nationality is transformed into the Russian nation and the era of the formation of the national Russian language begins, which will end at the beginning of the 19th century in the work of Pushkin.

Thus, the competition of the Moscow command language with Church Slavonic is already revealed, but there could not yet be any equality between them, because. until the middle of the 17th century, fiction was not created in the command language.

In Peter's time. Despite the revolution of language transformations, stylistically the language was not organized. Thus the question arose of a national standard of literary usage, of certain general modes of expression.

The time is coming for an outstanding personality in the field of linguistic concepts, whose activities complemented each other, and so the oppositions of Tredikovskiy, Lomonosov, Karamzin, Shishkov, significant for the history of the national Russian language, arose.

The line of Karamzin and Shishkov, as opposing each other in terms of innovation and archaism, new and old style, was united in his work by Pushkin. His fruitful activity, both in prose and in poetry, in historiography, significantly developed the genre differentiation of Russian texts. It was with his work that the division of genres into high and low ceased. Words ceased to be perceived in themselves as deliberately rude or deliberately refined. Pushkin did not distinguish between stylistically reduced and stylistically high vocabulary in his work. it was used depending on the characteristics of the context and the characteristics of the characters. It is from Pushkin that ideas about the necessity of existence are completely determined. speech characteristics character. He introduced a colossal number of prosaisms (everyday vocabulary) into the literary language. In his work, a literary language took shape, from that time it began to be recognized as a stably existing system.

(Russian as a state language, as a language of interethnic development and as a world language. Russian language among other languages ​​of the world.)

Modern Russian is the national language of the Russian people. It is called Russian because its creator and main bearer is the Russian people. RY is a historically established linguistic community, genetically belongs to the group of East Slavic languages, which go back to one source - the common Slavic language, common and uniform for all Slavic tribes. RJ performs the following functions:

1) the state language of the Russian Federation, i.e. languages ​​of official documents, laws, office work legitimized in this status by the Constitution.

2) the language of interethnic communication, i.e. language chosen in a multinational state voluntarily as the language of communication. People communicate on it of different nationalities in everyday life, science, culture, art, economics, etc.

3) world language - it is one of the six world languages, it is globally distributed, it has been chosen as the working language of the UN and a number of international organizations.

The Russian language is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. On the globe, it is spoken by about 250 million people. In terms of prevalence, the Russian language ranks fifth in the world, second only to Chinese (it is spoken by over 1 billion people), English (420 million), Hindi and Urdu (320 million) and Spanish (300 million).

The concept of a world language was formed in the modern era, the era of the scientific and technological revolution and the further development of a mature socialist society in the USSR. Strengthening the ties between peoples in the development of scientific and technological progress, in the struggle for the preservation of peace, led by Soviet Union, determined the need for the promotion of intermediary languages ​​that contribute to the rapprochement of peoples, the development of their mutual understanding. Naturally, one of these languages ​​turned out to be Russian. Its status as a world language is determined by its wide distribution outside our country, active study in many countries, the great prestige of Russian science and culture, the progressive role of our country in the process of international, universal development in the 20th century, its historical richness, expressiveness, which was noted by many, writing about the Russian language. Even F. Engels pointed out that the Russian language "in every possible way deserves to be studied in itself, as one of the most powerful and richest of living languages, and for the sake of the literature it reveals" *.

The world significance of the Russian language is manifested not only in the wide distribution of its study in modern world, but also in the influence, primarily of its lexical composition, on other languages. The growth of the prestige of the Soviet state in world public, scientific and cultural life leads to an ever wider penetration of words from the Russian language into other languages. Everyone knows and understands Russian word companion, already included in the dictionaries of many languages. Following the word satellite, other words and expressions related to space exploration began to be used in the languages ​​of other countries: lunar, soft landing, lunar rover, astronaut, spaceport. The Russian language also introduced the word orbit (from Latin orbis - circle, wheel, wheel track) into international wide use in expressions to go into orbit, put into orbit and under. New words associated with the space age have become so firmly established in the speech of a number of countries that they began to be used both as proper names and as common nouns.

Intercultural communication

Intercultural communication - interaction of communication partners belonging to different ethnic cultures and linguistic communities. It is impossible without the support of principle of tolerance .

In 1995, the UN adopted a declaration of principles of tolerance, in which tolerance defined as "Respect, acceptance and proper understanding of the diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of self-expression and ways of expressing human individuality.

IV. Intercultural communication and the principle of tolerance.

In our world, the processes of globalization are actively going on, as a result of which the borders between states are being erased, representatives of different cultures are increasingly close to each other and come into contact.

Communication - an act of communication, a connection between two or more individuals based on mutual understanding; communication of information by one person to another or a number of persons.

Intercultural communication - adequate mutual understanding of two participants in a communicative act belonging to different national cultures . Intercultural communication involves communication, during which at least one of the participants can speak a non-native language.

Successful communication with foreigners, i.e. intercultural communication is possible only if there is respect for the cultures of all participants in communication, as well as sufficient knowledge about a particular culture.

The main goals of intercultural communication:

  • exchange and transfer of information;
  • formation of skills and abilities for successful socio-cultural activity;
  • formation of attitude towards oneself, towards other people, towards society as a whole;
  • exchange of activities, innovative methods, means, technologies; 4, change the motivation behavior;
  • exchange of emotions.

The communication process includes verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as encoding and decoding information when it is transmitted from the source to the receiving side.

All intercultural communication is based on the principle of tolerance, which is the key to peaceful and effective communication, so the success of human interaction is determined precisely by the level of tolerance.

Tolerance - a sociological term denoting tolerance for someone else's way of life, behavior, customs, feelings, opinions, ideas, beliefs. Tolerance is necessary in relation to the characteristics of different peoples, nations and religions, and also implies the equality of the parties in expressing their views.

Tolerance as a complex structure of the socio-cultural life of an individual is an indispensable component of the process of social and intercultural communication, the key to and mechanism for achieving success in communication. Intercultural communication, in turn, plays important role a link between different peoples, ensures the unity of cultures that are different at first glance.

It can be concluded that intercultural interaction is ensured by mutual tolerance, mutual responsibility, the priority of mutually acceptable ways of resolving conflicts, including interethnic ones.